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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Silva Ricardo Louro (2011) Rock-Eval Pyrolysis of the Água de Madeiros Formation (Lower Jurassic) from the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal
Duarte LV, Mendonça Filho JG, Silva RL & Oliveira LC
(2011) Spectral Gamma-Ray Applications to Marine Organic-Rich Sediments of the Lower Jurassic of Portugal
Correia GG, Duarte LV, Pereira AC, Silva RL & Mendonça Filho JG
(2011) Recognition of Mucilage and Microbial Events on the Early–Late Pliensbachian (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal)
Silva RL, Duarte LV, Mendonça Filho JG, da Silva FS, Silva TF & Comas-Rengifo MJ
(2010) Organic-Rich Facies of the Top Ibex–Margaritatus Zones (Pliensbachian) of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): TOC and Biomarkers Variation
Silva RL, Mendonça Filho JG, Duarte LV, Comas-Rengifo MJ, Azerêdo AC & Ferreira R
(2009) Belemnite δ18O and δ13C Record of the Lusitanian Basin Pliensbachian Carbonate Series (Portugal)
Oliveira LC, Duarte LV, Silva RL & Rodrigues R

Silva Rodrigo A. (2014) Reference Material BRP-1 (Basalt Ribeirão Preto): can it be Used as an Isotope Standard?
Babinski M, Petronilho LA, Magdaleno GB, Silva RA, Ruiz IR & Enzweiler J

Silva Sam (2023) Global Distribution of Nickel Sources and Sinks as Seen from a Diagnostic Model
John SG, Liang H, Pasquier B, Holzer M & Silva S

Silva Steve (2014) Source Identification of Natural Dissolved Organic Matter by Multi-Isotope Analysis
Keesari T, Young M, Kendall C, Silva S, Peek S & Choy D

Silva Taís F. (2011) Recognition of Mucilage and Microbial Events on the Early–Late Pliensbachian (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal)
Silva RL, Duarte LV, Mendonça Filho JG, da Silva FS, Silva TF & Comas-Rengifo MJ

Silva Talita

Silva Teresa (2009) Response of Pre-Edge Details from Fe K-Edge XANES Spectra to the Large Cation in Jarosites
Silva T & Figueiredo M-O

Silva Thiago (2017) Hydrothermal Dolomite in Southern Brazil: Implication for Porosity Development
Pinto-Coelho C, Silva T, Silva LG, Botelho A, Fregatto M, Lopes A & Bahniuk A

Silva Thyego (2018) Construction of an Orogenic Composite Batholith: The Santana do Mundaú Batholith, Northeastern Brazil
Ferreira V, Tchouankoue JP, Sial A, Lima M, Silva T & Pimentel M

Silva Thyego R (2021) A Neoproterozoic Flare-Up Magmatic Event in Northeastern Brazil
Ferreira VP, Neves CH, Silva TR, Lima MC, Sial AN & Silva Filho AF

Silva Busso A. (2019) Iron Transport by Subglacial Meltwater Indicated by δ56Fe in Coastal Sediments of King George Island, Antarctica
Henkel S, Kasten S, Hartmann J, Silva Busso A & Staubwasser M

Silva Caceres M. (2022) Expanding our Knowledge Base to Support Sustainable Mine Waste Management
Vriens B, Guatame-Garcia A, Saberi N, Ali JD & Silva Caceres M

Silva Filho Adejardo (2014) U-Pb Zircon SHRIMP and Geochemical Data of Granitoids Characterizing the Evolution of Shear Zones in the Borborema Province NE Brazil
Guimaraes I, Silva Filho A & Armstrong R
(2011) U-Pb SHRIMP and Geochemical Data of Granitoids Characterizing the Evolution of Shear Zones in NE Brazil
Guimarães I, Silva Filho A, Silva F & Armstrong R

Silva Filho Adejardo F (2021) A Neoproterozoic Flare-Up Magmatic Event in Northeastern Brazil
Ferreira VP, Neves CH, Silva TR, Lima MC, Sial AN & Silva Filho AF

Silva Jacinto R. (2017) Glacial Erosion Dynamics in a Small Mountainous Watershed (Southern French Alps): A Source-To-Sink Approach
Bonneau L, Toucanne S, Bayon G, Jorry S, Emmanuel L & Silva Jacinto R

Silva Jr. N. (2009) C, O and Sr-Isotope Stratigraphy of Neoproterozoic Amphibolite-Facies Cap Carbonates, NE Brazil
Sial A, Nascimento R, Gaucher C, Ferreira V, Pimentel M & Silva Jr. N

Silva Neto I. (2009) Grazing and Digestion of Magnetotactic Bacteria by Ciliates
Silveira T, Martins J, Abreu F, Silva K, Aronova M, Silva Neto I, Kachar B & Lins U

Silva Tamayo J.C. (2019) The Permian‒Triassic Boundary: Insights from Hg Isotopes
Sial A, Chen J, Lacerda LD, Korte C, Spangenberg J, Silva-Tamayo JC, Ferreira V, Barbosa JA & Pereira N
(2019) Sedimentologic and Geochemical Expression of the OAE2 in Northern South America
Silva Tamayo JC
(2017) The Influence of Diagenesis and Mineralogy on Ca Isotopes in Lower-Upper Triassic Carbonate Rocks
Lau K, Maher K, Brown S, Silva Tamayo JC, Jost A, Altiner D, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Yu M & Payne J

Silva-Tamayo Juab Carlos (2015) Ca Isotope Constraints on Early Triassic Marine Carbonate Chemistry
Lau K, Maher K, Altiner D, Brown S, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Jost A, Kelley B, Kump L, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Silva Tamayo JC, Yu M & Payne J
(2015) Ca-Isotope Evidence of Ocean Acidification along The K-T Transition
Silva-Tamayo JC

Silva-Tamayo Juan Carlos (2023) Enhanced Weathering in the Tropics. A Southern World Solution for the Global Climatic Cathastrophe
Silva-Tamayo JC & Duque D
(2020) Globally Enhanced Hg Deposition and Hg Isotopes in the K/Pg and PT Boundaries: Link to Volcanism
Sial A, Chen J, de Lacerda LD, Korte C, Spnagenberg J, Silva-Tamayo JC, Gaucher C, Ferreira V, Barbosa JA, Pereira N & Riedel PR
(2018) The Permian‒Triassic and Cretaceous–Paleogene Boundaries: Insights from Hg Chemostratigraphy and Hg Isotopes
Sial A, Jiubin C, Lacerda LD, Korte C, Spangenberg J, Silva-Tamayo JC, Ferreira V, Pereira N & Santos N
(2016) Early Miocene Accretion of Panamá to Northern South America. Sedimentologic and Geochronologic Evidence from an Intramontane Siliciclastic Succession in the Northwestern Andes
Lara M, Silva-Tamayo JC & Ana Milena S
(2016) Quantifying Marine Oxygen Levels during the OAE2 from Coupled Mo and U Isotopes: A Tethyan/Subtropical Perspective
Silva-Tamayo JC, Scopelliti G & Coccioni R
(2011) The Interaction between Central and South America from Sr-Isotope Chemostratigrpahy of Cenozoic Coral Reef Sucessions
Silva Tamayo JC, Montes C, Cardona A, Jaramillo C, Bayona G, Ramirez V, Nino H, Ducea M, Sial A & Zapata V
(2009) Global Shallow Marine Euxinia Triggering the Latest Permian Mass Extinction: Evidence from Mo-Isotopes
Silva-Tamayo JC, Nagler T, Newton R, Wignall P, Grice K & Böttcher M
(2007) Global Ca-Isotope Signatures in post-Snowball Earth Cap-Carbonates
Silva-Tamayo JC, Nagler T, Villa IM, Kyser K, Sial A, Narbonne G, James N & da Silva Filho M

Silveira F. (2011) U-Pb Perovskite Ages of Kimberlites from the RosáRio do Sul Cluster: Southern Brazil
Conceição R, Lenz C, Provenzano C, Sander A & Silveira F

Silveira M. (2011) Combined WAXS/XAFS Measurements for Studying the Reaction of S(-II) with Lepidocrocite
Behrends T, Hellige K, Silveira M & Peiffer S

Silveira T. (2009) Grazing and Digestion of Magnetotactic Bacteria by Ciliates
Silveira T, Martins J, Abreu F, Silva K, Aronova M, Silva Neto I, Kachar B & Lins U

Silveira Braga F.C. (2020) Magmatic-Hydrothermal BIF-Hosted Iron Ore in the SE São Francisco Craton, Brazil
Silveira Braga FC, Rosière CA, Santos JOS, Pack A & Hagemann SG

Silveira Luiz Machado J.P. (2019) Southernmost Brazil and Uruguay Basements Thermal Evolution Investigated with Low Temperature Thermochronometry
Silveira Luiz Machado JP, Ritter Jelinek A, Müller Bicca M & Stephenson R

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