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Sieh K. (2016) 16 Million Years of Volcanism on Bolaven Plateau, Laos
Herrin JS, Sieh K, Wiwegwin W, Chualaowanich T, Charusiri P, Singer BS, Jicha B & Sihavong V
(2008) The Indian Ocean Dipole and Great Earthquake Cycle: Long-Term Perspectives for Improved Prediction
Gagan M, Abram N, Hantoro W, Natawidjaja D & Sieh K

Sieland R. (2013) CO2 Fluxes in the Submarine Hydrothermal System of Panarea
Schipek M, Sieland R, Steinbrückner D, Ponepal M, Bauer K & Merkel B
(2013) Hydraulic and Geochemical Survey of the Lithium-Resources in the Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)
Sieland R, Schmidt N & Merkel B
(2013) Distribution and Enrichment Processes of Lithium and Other Solutes in the Salar de Uyuni Brine
Schmidt N, Sieland R & Merkel B

Siemann S. (2017) Fluorescence Spectroscopic Analysis of the Binding of Cu, Co and Cs to Aqueous Natural Organic Matter (NOM)
Caron F, Siemann S & Smith S

Siemens J. (2013) The Anthropogenic Contribution to Carbon Dioxide Dissolved in Seawater
Gäb F, Ballhaus C & Siemens J
(2011) Siderite in Archaean Banded Iron Formations – A Sensor for CO2 Partial Pressures of Ancient Atmospheres?
Gäb F, Ballhaus C & Siemens J

Siems M. (2009) The Dire Consequences of Being Away from the Interface: What Peat Bogs Tell us About Limits to Anaerobic Organic Matter Decomposition
Blodau C, Beer J & Siems M

Siena F. (2015) Picrite-Basalt Associated to Ethiopian-Yemeni CFB and their Relevance to Mantle Plume Processes
Natali C, Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Ellam RM, Savo A, Siena F & Stuart F
(2013) Mantle Xenoliths from Bir Ali (Yemen)
Sgualdo P, Beccaluva L, Bianchini G & Siena F
(2013) The Role of Oceanic Sediments in the Metasomatism of Subpatagonian Lithospheric Mantle beneath Cerro del Fraile (Argentina)
Faccini B, Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Gregoire M & Siena F
(2012) Oceanic Material Recycled within the Subpatagonian Lithospheric Mantle (Cerro del Fraile, Argentina)
Bonadiman C, Faccini B, Coltorti M, Gregoire M & Siena F
(2009) Slab Melt Metasomatism Recorded in Ultramafic Xenoliths from Cerro del Fraile (Argentina)
Faccini B, Coltorti M, Bonadiman C, Grégoire M & Siena F
(2009) Subduction and Crust Recycling – Petrological Evidence and U-Pb Dating in Mantle Xenoliths from the Betic Area (Spain)
Bianchini G, Beccaluva L, Siena F & Tiepolo M
(2009) Continental Flood Basalts and Mantle Plumes: A Case Study of the Northern Ethiopian Plateau
Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Natali C & Siena F
(2008) Peridotite Xenoliths from Calatrava (Spain): Insights on the Genesis of Fe-Rich Mantle Domains
Bianchini G, Beccaluva L, Bonadiman C, Pearson G, Siena F & Wilson M
(2007) Petrogenesis of the Ethiopian Plateau Basalts and their Bearing on Mantle Plume Components
Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Natali C & Siena F
(2007) Lithosphere/Asthenosphere Interaction in a Plume Region: Evidence from Ethiopian Mantle Xenoliths
Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Ellam RM, Natali C, Siena F & Stuart FM
(2007) Spinel-Lherzolite Xenoliths from the Hoggar Swell: Evidence for Intracratonic Asthenosphere Upwelling and Lithosphere Rejuvenation
Beccaluva L, Azzouni-Sekkal A, Benhallou A, Bianchini G, Ellam RM, Marzola M, Siena F & Stuart F
(2006) Archean to Proterozoic depletion in Cape Verde lithospheric mantle
Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Siena F, O'Reilly S, Griffin WL & Pearson NJ
(2006) Mantle Xenoliths from Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica: evidence for heterogeneous lithospheric metasomatism
Faccini B, Coltorti M, Bonadiman C, Melchiorre M, Ntaflos T & Siena F
(2005) Sr-Nd-Hf Isotope Constraints on Lithospheric Mantle Evolution beneath Olot, NE Spain
Bianchini G, Beccaluva L, Bonadiman C, Nowell G, Pearson G, Siena F & Wilson M
(2005) Relics of Subcontinental Mantle in the Cape Verde Oceanic Lithosphere
Bonadiman C, Beccaluva L, Coltorti M & Siena F
(2005) The Metasomatic History of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath NE Spain
Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Bonadiman C, Nowell G, Pearson G, Siena F & Wilson M
(2002) Garnet-Spinel Subsolidus Re-equilibration and K-Metasomatism in Cape Verde Lithospheric Mantle
Bonadiman C, Beccaluva L, Coltorti M & Siena F
(2002) Relationships between Ti-Rich Alkali Silicate Metasomatism and Amphibole, Glass and Clinopyroxene Genesis in Mantle Xenoliths from Antarctica, Australia and Austria
Coltorti M, Beccaluva L, Bonadiman C, Faccini B, Ntaflos T & Siena F
(2002) A Rare Case of Subduction-Related Metasomatism in Mantle Xenoliths from the Betic Area (South Spain)
Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Coltorti M, Del Moro A, Siena F & Vaccaro C
(2000) Tertiary Nephelinite to Tholeiite Magma Generation in the Veneto Volcanic Province, Southern Alps
Beccaluva L, Coltorti M, Milani L, Salvini L, Siena F & Tassinari R
(2000) K-Rich Glasses from the Oceanic Mantle of Cape Verde
Coltorti M, Beccaluva L, Bonadiman C & Siena F

Siena M. (2023) Stochastic Modeling of Calcite Dissolution Rates from Microscale Observations
Recalcati C, Siena M, Riva M & Guadagnini A

Siepak Marcin (2020) Impact of Atmospheric Dust on Chinese Peatland Geochemistry
Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B, Smieja-Król B, Siepak M, Dopieralska J & Bao K

Siepak Mariusz (2019) Zn-Cd Sulfides Formation at the Contact Zone between Organic-Rich Wetland and Alkaline Wastes
Smieja-Król B, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B, Kądziołka-Gaweł M, Siepak M & Liszka B
(2019) Sources of Dust in Chinese Peatland during the Last 130 Years
Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B, Bao K, Siepak M & Smieja-Król B

Sieracki A. (2014) The Northeast African Environmental Context for Ardipithecus
Liddy H, Feakins S & Sieracki A

Sierau B. (2013) Enhanced Ice Nucleation Activity of Soil Dust Particles
Steinke I, Funk R, Danielczok A, Höhler K, Hiranuma N, Hoffmann N, Hummel M, Kirchen S, Kiselev A, Leue M, Möhler O, Saathoff H, Schnaiter M, Schwartz T, Sierau B, Stetzer O, Toprak E, Ulrich A, Hoose C & Leisner T
(2011) Influence of Different Sources on Cloud Condensation Nuclei Numbers in the High Arctic
Martin M, Sierau B, Leck C & Lohmann U

Sierocinski P. (2019) Community Coalescence and Transplanting of Acidophilic Communities
Sbaffi T, Sierocinski P, Bryan C & Buckling A

Sierra C. (2020) Carbon Flow Through Energycane Agroecosystems Established Post-Intensive Agriculture
Crow S, Wells J, Sierra C, Youkhana A, Ogoshi R, Richardson D, Glazer C, Meki M & Kiniry J
(2019) Radiocarbon as a Tracer of Carbon Age and Transit Time in Soils
Trumbore S, Hoyt A & Sierra C
(2019) Kinetic Heterogeneity of Soil Organic Matter at the Global Scale
Lawrence C, Heckman K, Hicks Pries C, Crow S, Sierra C & Trumbore S
(2018) Nanoparticles Pretreatment as a Tool to Enhance Magnetic Soil Washing
Sierra C, Boente C & Baragaño D
(2011) Ore Processing and Metallurgy Technologies Applied to Soil Washing: Feasibility Studies in the Linares Area (Andalucía, Spain)
Sierra C, Jiménez-Gámez D, Menéndez-Aguado J, Afif E, Martínez J, Rey J & Rodríguez J

Sierra J. (2019) Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Composition for Particulate Matter Source Apportionment in Tarragona – Spain
Plasencia Sánchez E, Sánchez-Soberón F, Rovira J, Sierra J, Torrento C, Schuhmacher M, Rosell M & Soler A

Sierra-Hernández R. (2023) Late-Pleistocene Paleodust Records from the Guliya Ice Cap (Northwestern Tibet)
Beaudon E, Griffith EM, Sheets J, Scher H, Bizimis M, Sexton J, Sierra-Hernández R, Mosley-Thompson E & Thompson LG
(2023) Sources of Anthropogenic Lead (Pb) in Asia Since the Industrial Revolution: Pb Isotopic Characterization in Ice Cores from Tibet and the Himalayas
Sierra-Hernández R, Marcantonio F, Beaudon E, Griffith EM & Thompson LG

Sierralta M. (2007) Peat Deposits from Central Europe to the East European Plains Investigated by Uranium-Series Dating
Sierralta M & Frechen M
(2005) Characterising and U-Series Dating (TIMS) of Travertine from Hungary
Sierralta M, Melcher F & Frechen M

Sierro F J (2000) Control of the Dansgaard-Oeschger Climatic Variability over the Mediterranean Thermohaline Circulation
Cacho-Lascorz I, Grimalt JO, Sierro FJ, Shackleton N, Canals M & Flores J
(2000) Were the Iberian Peninsula Environmental Changes Triggered by the Marine Changes of the Last Glacial Period?
Sanchez Goñi MF, Turon J, Cacho I, Grimalt J, Sierro FJ, Flores JA & Shackleton N

Sierro Francisco (2002) Reconstructing Alboran Sea Hydrography during the Last Organic Rich Layer Formation
Cacho I, Sierro F, Shackleton N, Elderfield H & Grimalt J

Sierro Francisco (2016) Miocene to Pleistocene Osmium Isotopic Records of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Sediments
Kuroda J, Nozaki T, Gennari R, Lugli S, Manzi V, Roveri M, Flecker R, Sierro F, Yoshimura T, Suzuki K & Ohkouchi N

Sierro Francisco J. (2023) The Modern Mediterranean Sea Neodymium Isotopic Budget: Insight from Core-Top Sediments and box Model Calculations
Tachikawa K, Beny F, Cornuault M, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Schulz H, Sierro FJ & Boye M
(2023) Subsurface/intermediate and Deep-Water Oxygenation States in Mediterranean Sea during the Holocene Sapropel Deposition Inferred from Planktonic Foraminiferal I/Ca and U/Ca Ratios
Guarinos V, Tachikawa K, Vidal L, Garcia M, Minon N, Sonzogni C, Revel M, Schulz H & Sierro FJ
(2015) Evidence of Meditarranean Outflow Immediately after the Miocene-Pliocene Boundary
van der Schee M, Sierro F, Gutjahr M, Jiménez-Espejo F, Modestou S & Flecker R
(2015) Environmental Changes Prior to the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Mayser JP, Marzocchi A, Sierro FJ, Flecker R & Pancost RD

Siersch Nicki (2018) Silicate Melt Ferric/Ferrous Iron Speciation and the Redox State of a Deep Magma Ocean
Frost D, Armstrong K, Rubie D, McCammon C, Boffa Ballaran T, Siersch N & Wang Y

Siersch Nicki Caroline (2019) The Elastic Properties of MgSiO3-akimotoite at Transition Zone Pressures
Siersch NC, Kurnosov A, Boffa Ballaran T, Criniti G, Ishii T & Frost D

Sieve B.J. (2001) Determining Hydrogeochemical Parameters for the Fate and Transport of CdEDTA and CoEDTA in Fractured Sparolite Using HBGC123D
Gwo JP, Frenzel H, Mayes MA & Sieve BJ

Sievers D. (2023) Globally Findable Planetary Data: The Interdisciplinary TR170-DB Repository
Lehmann E, Becker H, Fritz T, Wille F, Sabisch A, Sievers D & Schlegel B

Sievers Natalie (2020) 36Cl/35Cl by LG-Sims: Quantifying the Dynamic Range on NaCl
Cunningham H, Zimmer M, Peres P, Sievers N, Bowen J, Springer K & Carman A

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