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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Sieber Melanie Jutta (2023) Experimental Determination of Boron Isotope Fractionation between Silicate Melts and Hydrous Fluids, with Application to Understanding Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Genesis
Rauscher J, Wunder B, Wilke M, Trumbull RB, Jahn S, Sieber MJ, Scicchitano MR, Fechtelkord M, Michaud J, Pohl F & Appelt O
(2023) Listvenites and Listwaenites – A Review of Controlling Factors and Feedback Processes Allowing Complete Peridotite Carbonation
Menzel MD, Sieber MJ & Godard M
(2021) Carbon in the Deep Earth: The Fate of Magnesite in the Lower Mantle
Libon L, Spiekermann G, Sieber MJ, Kaa J, Dominijanni S, Albers C, Morgenroth W, Biedermann N, Appel K, McCammon C, Roddatis V, Husband R, Glazyrin K, Hennet L & Wilke M

Siebert Christian (2011) REE in Groundwater as Indicators of Catchment Lithology in Semi-Arid Regions
Möller P, Siebert C & Geyer S
(2008) Localisation of Groundwater Sources by Combining δ18O, δD and Rare Earths Studies
Möller P, Geyer S, Siebert C, Guttman J & Rosenthal E

Siebert Christopher (2023) Pliocene Weathering at the Peruvian Margin Tracked by Iron Speciation: New Insights Provided by a Consolidated Technique
Fraga-Ferreira PL, Scholz F, Frank M & Siebert C
(2020) The Impact of MC-ICP-MS Plasma Conditions on the Accuracy and Precision of Stable Isotope Measurements Evaluated for Barium Isotopes
Yu Y, Siebert C, Fietzke J, Goepfert T, Hathorne E, Cao Z & Frank M
(2019) Constraining Diagenetic Barium Cycling with Pore-Water Stable Barium Isotopes
Cao Z, Rao X, Hong Q, Hathorne E, Siebert C, Ehlert C, Kasten S & Frank M
(2019) Re-evaluation of Fe Speciation and Mo Isotopes as Paleo-Redox Proxies: Impact of Post-Depositional Alteration
Eroglu S, Scholz F, Salvatteci R, Siebert C, Schneider R & Frank M
(2018) Mo Redox Proxy Reflects Different Depositional Conditions in Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zones
Eroglu S, Scholz F, Siebert C, Salvatteci R, Schneider R & Frank M
(2018) The Ba Isotope Composition of Barites from Ore Deposits
Siebert C & Gemmell JB
(2017) Barium Isotope Fractionation during Subduction Zone Processes
Siebert C & Münker C
(2017) Stable Barium Isotope Geochemistry of Large River Estuaries
Cao Z, Hathorne E, Siebert C, Dai M, Zhai W, Kuhnert H & Frank M
(2017) Are Barium Isotopic Signals in Planktic Foraminifera a Proxy for Palaeosalinity?
Meulenbroek K, Siebert C, Hathorne E & Frank M
(2017) Early Diagenesis of Mo: Oxic Versus Anoxic Sediments in the Gulf of California
Eroglu S, Scholz F, Frank M & Siebert C
(2017) Can Stable Ba Isotopes in Corals be Used to Reconstruct Riverine Runoff?
Yu Y, Hathorne E, Siebert C, Felis T, Rajendran CP & Frank M
(2015) Do Dissolved Barium Isotopes in Seawater Trace Water Mass Mixing and Nutrient Cycling?
Cao Z, Siebert C, Hathorne E, Dai M & Frank M
(2015) Molybdenum in the Mantle
Liang Y-H, Siebert C, Halliday A, Fitton G, Burton K, Wang K-L & Harvey J
(2014) Impact of the Soil Weathering Degree on the Fate of Soil Organic Carbon, Fe and Si: Insights from Si and Fe Isotopes in Icelandic Soils
Opfergelt S, Williams H, Cornelis J-T, Van Hoye F, Guicharnaud R, Sigfusson B, Georg B, Siebert C, Gislason S, Halliday A & Burton K
(2013) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in the Mantle
Liang Y-H, Siebert C, Fitton JG, Burton KW & Halliday AN
(2013) Biological Fractionation of Molybdenum Isotopes: Lake Mývatn, Iceland
Neely R, Siebert C, Burton K, Eiriksdottir E & Einarsson A
(2013) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in the Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Siebert C, von Strandmann P & Burton K
(2013) Molybdenum Isotopes during Magmatic Differentiation
Yang J, Siebert C, Barling J, Savage P, Liang Y-H & Halliday A
(2012) Iron Isotope Variations in Icelandic Soil Profiles and Fractionation of Fe Isotopes during Weathering
Williams H, Opfergelt S, Siebert C, Rebecca N & Burton K
(2011) Molybdenum Isotopic Studies of Mantle Reservoirs
Liang Y-H, Siebert C, Yang J & Halliday A
(2011) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation during Soil Formation: A New Proxy?
Siebert C, Pett-Ridge J, Opfergelt S, Burton K & Halliday A
(2011) Geochemistry of Nickel Isotopes in Ferromanganese Crusts
Gall L, Williams H, Siebert C & Halliday A
(2011) Seasonal Magnesium Isotope Variations in Soil Solutions Reflecting Physico-Chemical Processes Controlling Soil Weathering Fluxes
Opfergelt S, Georg B, Burton K, Guicharnaud R, Siebert C, Gislason S & Halliday A
(2009) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation during Continental Weathering
Siebert C, Burton K & Halliday A
(2009) Temporal Variations in the Iron Isotopic Compositions of Pacific Hydrogenetic Fe-Mn Crusts
Williams H, Nielsen S, Burton K, Hein J, Siebert C & Halliday A
(2008) Double Spiking and the Analysis of Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes by MC-ICPMS: An Update
Siebert C
(2008) Molybdenum Isotopes as Proxy for Redox Conditions during Weathering
Pett-Ridge J, Siebert C & Halliday A
(2006) Molybdenum Isotopes in Modern Marine Sediments: Unique Signatures of Authigenic Processes
Poulson R, McManus J, Siebert C & Berelson W
(2005) The Dynamic Hydrochemical Environment of Lake Tiberias, Israel
Siebert C, Möller P, Geyer S & Berger D
(2005) Molybdenum and Molybdenum Isotope Diagenesis in Continental Margin Settings: Geochemical Balance and Paleoproxy Implications
McManus J, Siebert C, Poulson R, Nägler T, Berelson W & Severmann S
(2004) Molybdenum Isotopes as a Potential Proxy for Net Sulfate Reduction in Marine Sediments
Siebert C, Bice A, McManus J & Berelson W
(2004) Biological Fractionation of Mo Isotopes during N2 Fixation by Trichodesmium sp. IMS 101
Nagler T, Mills M & Siebert C
(2004) Molybdenum, Uranium, and Vanadium Diagenesis in Marine Sedimentary Systems: Relation to Organic Carbon Flux and Isotopic Constraints on Mo Diagenesis
McManus J, Siebert C, Bice A, Severmann S & Berelson W
(2002) The Oceanic Mo Cycle over the Past 60Ma
Siebert C, N‰gler TF, von Blanckenburg F & Kramers JD
(2002) Oceanic Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation: Diagenesis and Hydrothermal Ridge-Flank Alteration
McManus J, N‰gler T, Siebert C, Wheat G & Hammond D
(2000) Natural Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation Determined by Double-Spike MC-ICP-MS Mo Isotope Ratio Measurements
Siebert C, Nagler TF & Kramers J

Siebert J. (2023) Tracing the Origin of Volatile Elements with Core Formation Experiments and Sulfur Isotopes
Calvo LM, Labidi J, Kubik E & Siebert J
(2023) Origin of Oldhamite in Enstatites: Evidence from Ca Isotope
Dai W, Moynier F & Siebert J
(2023) New Constraints on Earth’s Late Veneer from Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Gold and Rhenium
Blanchard I, Siebert J, Lobanov S, Petitgirard S, Schreiber A, Bonino V & Wilke M
(2023) Origin of Moderately Volatile Element Depletion on Differentiated Bodies: Insights from the Evaporation of Indium from Silicate Melts
Liu D, Moynier F, Siebert J, Sossi PA, Hu Y & Kubik E
(2023) Experimental Insight on the Carbonaceous Matter Stability during Subduction
Besognet L, Debret B, Siebert J, Wehr N & Menez B
(2023) Do We Need to Have Mineral-Specific Δ47: Calibrations and/Or Acid Fractionation Factors and/Or Community Standards ?
Bonifacie M, Anderson N, Bergmann K, Katz A, Calmels D, Siebert J, Horita J, Bernasconi SM, Daëron M, Fosu BR & Jautzy JJ
(2023) High-Precision ∆47 and ∆48 Acid Fractionation Factors for Aragonite, Calcite, Dolomite, Siderite and Witherite
Bernecker M, Bonifacie M, Staudigel P, Davies AJ, Tagliavento M, Siebert J, Wehr N & Fiebig J
(2023) Terrestrial Planet Formation as Recorded by Nucleosynthetic Heterogeneity of Nickel
Makhatadze GV, Schiller M, Siebert J & Bizzarro M
(2023) Experimental Monitoring of Iodine Degassing from Basaltic Volcanic Systems
Bureau H, Grützner T, Pakhomova A, Munsch P, Vangu D, Guarnelli Y, Siebert J, Garbarino G & Mezouar M
(2023) Depletion of Titanium in the Mantle of the Earth
Palme H, O'Neill HSC & Siebert J
(2021) Nb-Ta Paradox and the Redox State of Earth's Primordial Magma Ocean
Huang D, Badro J & Siebert J
(2021) Earth’s Volatile Accretion as Told by Cd, Bi, Sb and Tl Core–mantle Distribution
Kubik E, Siebert J, Blanchard I, Agranier A, Huang D, Mahan B & Moynier F
(2021) A Decade of Diamond Anvil Cell Metal-Silicate Partitioning Experiments: What Have We Learned ?
Badro J & Siebert J
(2021) Tidal Pull of the Earth Strips the proto-Moon of its Volatiles
Charnoz S, Sossi PA, Lee Y-N, Siebert J, Hyodo R, Allibert L, Landeau M, Oza A & Moynier F
(2021) Tracking the Origin of Earth’s Volatile Elements Depletion with Indium
Liu D, Moynier F, Siebert J & Sossi PA
(2019) Collisional Erosion of the Earth’s Primordial Crust: Consequences on the Bulk Silicate Earth Composition
Allibert L, Siebert J, Charnoz S & Raymond SN
(2019) Tracing Earth's Volatile Delivery with Tin
Kubik E, Siebert J, Mahan B, Blanchard I, Creech J, Shcheka S, Agranier A & Moynier F
(2019) Insights on Late Accretion from Platinum Metal-Silicate Partitioning
Siebert J, Suer T-A, Remusat L, Borensztajn S, Doisineau B & Fiquet G
(2018) Magnesium Partitioning between Earth’s Mantle and Core and its Consequence on an Early Geodynamo
Badro J, Nomura R, Aubert J, Siebert J, Blanchard I & Hirose K
(2018) Absence of Ga Isotopic Fractionation during Core Formation
Kato C, Moynier F, Mahan B, Blanchard I, Kubik E, Siebert J & Fujii T
(2017) Pebbles or bam Bam?: Insights into Earth's Source Material, Accretion and Differentiation from Zn Metal-Silicate Partitioning
Mahan B, Siebert J, Blanchard I, Badro J & Moynier F
(2016) The Solubility of Lithophile Elements in Iron during Core Formation, and its Subsequent Exsolution; or How on Earth can We Generate an Ancient Magnetic Field?
Badro J, Siebert J & Nimmo F
(2016) Metal Silicate Partitioning of Mo and W in a Deep Magma Ocean
Siebert J & Badro J
(2016) Primordial Volatilization on Earth Inferred from the High-Pressure Metal-Silicate Partitioning Behavior of Gallium
Blanchard I, Badro J & Siebert J
(2015) Melting Criterion in Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments: Combined in situ and ex situ Methods
Morard G, Andrault D, Antonangeli D, Amichi L, Siebert J, Guyot F, Auzende A-L, Lord O, Bouchet J, Harmand M, Cochain B, Garbarino G, Kantor I, Torchio R, Boulard E & Mezouar M
(2014) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Fractionation during Phosphoric Acid Digestion of Calcite, Dolomite and Aragonite Minerals
Calmels D, Bonifacie M, Katz A & Siebert J
(2013) Composition of the Earth’s Core from Density Measurements of Liquid Iron Alloys at Megabar Pressure
Morard G, Antonangeli D, Siebert J, Andrault D, Guignot N & Garbarino G
(2013) Experimental Study of Accretion and Early Differentiation of the Earth
Siebert J, Badro J, Antonangeli D & Ryerson F
(2013) Earth’s Building Blocks: The “Core Spyglass”
Badro J, Brodholt J, Siebert J & Ryerson F
(2013) Effect of Mineral Structure and Composition on Carbonate Clumped Isotope Measurements
Calmels D, Bonifacie M, Katz A & Siebert J
(2011) Diamond Anvil Cell Applied to the Geochemistry of Earth's Core Formation
Siebert J, Badro J, Antonangeli D & Ryerson F
(2011) Partitionning of Pt-Re-Os between Solid and Liquid Metal in the Fe-Ni-Si System
Morard G, Siebert J, Antonangeli D & Badro J
(2011) Oxygen and Silicon Partitioning between Molten Iron and Silicate Melts up to 70 GPa and 4000 K
Ricolleau A, Badro J, Siebert J, Antonangeli D, Cantoni M, Hebert C, Alexander D & Gillet P
(2011) Experimental Investigation of the Stability of Fe-Rich Carbonates in the Lower Mantle
Boulard E, Menguy N, Auzende A-L, Benzerara K, Bureau H, Antonangeli D, Corgne A, Morard G, Siebert J, Perrillat J-P, Guyot F & Fiquet G
(2011) Melting of Peridotite to 140 GPa
Fiquet G, Auzende A-L, Siebert J, Corgne A, Bureau H, Ozawa H & Garbarino G
(2009) Siderophile Elements and the Single-Stage Core Formation Hypothesis
Corgne A & Siebert J
(2004) Diamond Saturation Experiments: Implications for Carbon in the Core
Siebert J, Guyot F, Malavergne V & Chaussidon M
(2002) Silicon, Sulphur and Carbon Behaviour during Core/Mantle Segregation
Siebert J, Malavergne V, Guyot F, Hammouda T, Combes R & Martinez I

Siedenberg K. (2015) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes Reveal a Shift of the Chemocline in an Upper Carboniferous Ocean Basin
Siedenberg K, Strauss H & Littke R

Siedlewicz G. (2020) Volcanic Related Methylmercury Poisoning as the Possible Driver of the End-Devonian Mass Extinction
Rakociński M, Marynowski L, Pisarzowska A, Bełdowski J, Siedlewicz G, Zatoń M, Perri MC, Spalletta C & Schönlaub HP

Siefert J. (2009) A Genomic, Stable Isotopic, and Organic Geochemical Analysis of Freshwater Microbialites
Nitti A, Breitbart M, Hollander D, Siefert J & Souza V

Siégel C. (2023) Tungsten Mineralisation, a Mineral System Approach
Kong HI, Siegel C & Mei Y
(2023) A Newly Recognized 2.4 Ga Mafic Sill-Hosted Ni-Sulfide Deposit, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Siegel C, Schoneveld L, Spaggiari C, Le Vaillant M, Barnes S, Godel B & Mahon D
(2020) Chemical Reaction Path Model of Epigenetic Pb-Zn Mineralisation Process, Example from the Century Deposit, Northern Australia
Siégel C, Mei Y & Hu S-Y
(2019) Geochemical Inversion of Alteration Assemblages for the Mineralisation Fluid: Examples for Proterozoic Base-Metal Mineral Systems
Bastrakov E, Siegel C, Hauser J, Champion D, Huston D & Czarnota K
(2017) The Origin of Maghemite-Rich Soil Nodules – Implications for Fire-Driven Mineralogical and Geochemical Differentiation at the Earth’s Surface
Murphy D, Löhr S, Nothdurft L, Bolhar R, Piazolo S & Siegel C
(2017) Detrital Rutile Geochemistry and Geochronology from Metasediments of the Thomson Orogen, Australia
Siegel C, Bryan S & Allen C
(2015) Zircon Morphologies and Compositions: Tools to Detect Antecrystic Zircons in Granitic Rocks
Siégel C, Bryan SE & Allen CM
(2013) Heat Producing Element Enrichment in Granitic Rocks & Zircon Hf Isotopic Constraints on Crustal Evolution in NE Queensland, Australia
Siégel C, Bryan SE, Allen CM, Purdy DJ & Gust DA

Siegel Daniela (2009) Fungal Weathering of Black Shale and Graphite Surfaces
Siegel D, Fischer C, Kothe E, Lüttge A & Gaupp R

Siegel Donald I. (2010) Partitioning Peatland Gas Prodution: Determining the Fraction of CO2 Produced from Methanogenesis
Corbett JE, Chanton JP, Burdige D, Glaser PH, Cooper WT, Siegel DI, Dasgupta SS & Tfaily MM

Siegel H.G. (2023) Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination from Fossil-Fuel Development
Saiers JE, Soriano MA, Siegel HG, Clark CJ, Plata DL & Deziel NC
(2023) Advancing Methods for Contaminant-Source Attribution in Complex Aquifer Settings: Applications in the Northwestern Appalachian Basin, USA
Siegel HG, Nason SL, Soriano MA, Clark CJ, Johnson NP, Wulsin G, Deziel NC, Plata DL, Darrah T & Saiers JE

Siegel K. (2015) The Amphiboles of the REE-Enriched, Strange Lake Peralkaline Granitic Pluton – Fingerprints of Magma Evolution
Siegel K & Williams-Jones AE
(2013) B-Isotope Variations in Tourmaline in the Varuträsk Rare-Element Pegmatite: The Role of Mica
Wagner T, Trumbull R, Siegel K, Jonson E & Heinrich C
(2012) Stable Isotope Geochemistry of the Varutraesk Rare-Element Pegmatite (Northern Sweden)
Siegel K, Wagner T, Trumbull R, Jonsson E & Heinrich CA

Siegel M (2006) Mechanism of arsenic sorption onto laterite iron concretions from Prestea, Ghana.
Partey F, Norman D, Ndur S & Siegel M

Siegel Malcolm (2008) Surface Chemistry and Stability of Nanostructured Materials in Natural Aquatic Environments
Wang Y, Gao H, Xu H, Siegel M & Konishi H

Siegenthaler M.B. (2023) Selenium Speciation Across Land Uses in Swiss Soils
Siegenthaler MB, Tolu J, Meuli RG & Winkel LHE

Siegert M. (2011) Microbial Conversion of Oil, Coal and Shales into Methane – A Future Energy Resource
Krüger M, Gründger F, Siegert M, Schulz H-M & Richnow H-H
(2009) Microbial Conversion of Higher Hydrocarbons to Methane in Different Geosystem
Krüger M, Feisthauer S, Gruendger F, Siegert M & Richnow H-H

Siegesmund S. (2017) Dissolution Kinetics of Polycrystalline Calcite
Bollermann T, Fischer C, Lüttge A & Siegesmund S

Siegfried M. (2023) Millennial Scale Marine Incursion into an Isolated Environment Fuels a Contemporary Subglacial Microbial Community beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Rosenheim BE, Venturelli RA, Davis C, Michaud AB, Boehman B, Christner B, Galy V, Harwood D, Leventer A, Li W, Liu Z, Vick-Majors T, Siegfried M & Priscu J

Siegfried Pete (2020) The Origin and Composition of Carbonatite-Derived Carbonate-Bearing Fluorapatite Deposits
Broom-Fendley S, Siegfried P, Wall F, O'Neill M, Brooker R, Fallon E, Pickles J & Banks D
(2019) REE Mineralisation of the Zandkopsdrift Carbonatite Complex, South Africa
Siegfried P, Wall F, Moore K & Rollinson G

Siegfried Peter Roy (2023) Mixing, Mingling and Metasomatism: Late-Stage HFSE Mobility and Carbothermal Alteration in the Nejoio Alkaline Silicate Complex, Angola
Borst AM, Finch AA, Siegfried PR & Bambi A

Siegle S. (2002) Distribution and Sedimentary Flux of 10Beryllium, 230Thorium, and 231Protactinium in the South Atlantic Ocean on a Glacial / Interglacial Timescale; A Multibox Model Approach
Christl M, Siegle S, Strobl C, Reuter S & Mangini A

Siegler Matthew (2013) Dark Organic Matter in Permanently Shadowed Craters on Mercury
Harju E, Paige D, Siegler M, Delitsky M & Schriver D

Siegler Matthew A (2023) Remote Detection of a Lunar Granitic Batholith at Compton-Belkovich
Siegler MA, Feng J, Lehman Franco K, Andrews-Hanna J, Economos R, St. Clair M, Million C, Head J, Glotch TD & White M
(2022) The Moon's Compton-Belkovich Volcanic Complex Revealed Through Geothermal Heat Flux
Siegler MA, Feng J, Lehman Franco K & Economos R

Siegmund H. (2018) Fluid-Rock Reaction in N Iceland in Connection with Earthquakes
Stockmann G, Skelton A, Andrén M, Sturkell E, Keller N, Kjartansdóttir R, Balic-Zunic T, Siegmund H & Hjartarson H

Siegrist H. (2010) Behavior of Silver Nanoparticles in a Waste Water Treatment Plant
Kaegi R, Voegelin A, Zuleeg S, Sinnet B, Eugster J, Burkhardt M & Siegrist H

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