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Sibrell P. (2012) Kinetics of Phosphorus Adsorption on Iron Oxyhydroxide Residuals
Sibrell P

Sica C. (2016) Defining the Residence Times of Fluids within Precambrian-Aged Systems
Warr O, Sherwood Lollar B, Fellowes J, Sutcliffe C, McDermott J, Sica C, Holland G, Mabry J & Ballentine C

Sicard M. (2021) Arctic Sea Ice at 127 ka: Data Compilation and CMIP6 Model Results
Kageyama M, Sime LC, Sicard M, Guarino M-V, de Vernal A & Stein R

Sicart J.E. (2011) Irregular Retreat of Tropical Glaciers during the Holocene
Jomelli V, Khodri M, Favier V, Brunstein D, Ledru MP, Wagnon P, Blard PH, Sicart JE, Braucher R, Grancher D, Bourles D, Barconnot P & Vuille M

Siccha M. (2018) Field Application of Na/Ca as Salinity Proxy in Planktonic Foraminifera
Bertlich J, Nürnberg D, Hathorne EC, Groeneveld J, Kucera M, Siccha M & Meilland J
(2018) Planktonic Foraminiferal Na/Ca as a Proxy for Salinity
Mezger E, de Nooijer L, Brummer G-J, Siccha M, Kucera M & Reichart G-J
(2017) A Direct Proxy for Salinity?
Mezger E, de Nooijer L, Siccha M, Brummer G-J, Kucera M & Reichart G-J
(2008) Salinity Influence on Planktonic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca: A Case Study from the Red Sea
Groeneveld J, Raitzsch M, Siccha M, Trommer G, Hemleben C & Kucera M

Sichel S. (2023) Mineral Carbonation of Oceanic Peridotite in the St. Paul’s Transform Fault, Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Schroeder T, Klein F, Humphris S, Seewald JS, Sichel S & Bach W
(2023) St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago, Equatorial Atlantic: Your Surface Radiogenic Heat Flow Suggest that is Colder Than the Surroundings Lithospheric Atlantic Ocean
Motoki KF, Ferreira da Costa Campos T, Sichel S, Araujo JH, Pastura VFDS, Barão L, Fonseca EM, Maia M, Navoni J, Vargas T, Szatmari P & Brunelli D
(2022) Compressive Tectonics Recorded in the Joint System of the St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago, Equatorial Atlantic Ocean
Motoki KF, Ferreira da Costa Campos T, Sichel S, Fonseca EM, Maia M, Brunelli D, Barão L, Virgens Neto J, Vargas T, Szatmari P, Neiva AMR & Motoki A
(2021) Surface Radioactive Heat Production from in situ Gamma Spectrometry and Chemical Data of Mantle Exhumed Peridotites from St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago (Equatorial Atlantic)
Ferreira da Costa Campos T, Fonseca EM, Araujo JH, Pastura VFS, Sichel S, Motoki K, Barão L, Maia M, Brunelli D, Virgens Neto J, Vargas T & Szatmari P

Siciliano E. (2020) Microbial Activity Recorded in Neoarchean Iron Formations from Carajás (Brazil)
Siciliano E, Busigny V, Lalonde SV, Rossignol C, Narduzzi F, Teixeira L, Zapparoli A, Babinski M & Philippot P
(2019) Neoarchean Iron Formation of Carajás (Brazil) Linked to Anoxygenic Photosynthesis
Siciliano E, Busigny V, Rossignol C, Zapparoli A, Babinski M & Philippot P
(2019) Do the Sedimentary Archives of the São Francisco and Amazonian Cratons Record Early Paleoproterozoic Glacial Events?
Rossignol C, Lana C, Siciliano E, Avila J, Alkmim F, Trindade R, Bacelar S & Philippot P
(2019) Oxygenation: Global Tipping Point, Local Records
Philippot P, Avila J, Bouyon A, Killingsworth B, Siciliano Rego E, Rossignol C, Ader M, Busigny V, Cartigny P, Lalonde S, Tessalina S, Marly B, Trevor I, Zapporeli A, Bacelar Hühn S & Trindade R

Siciliano S. (2020) Direct Quantification of Inner and Outer-Sphere Oxyanion Complexation Kinetics Using Spectroscopic Analysis: Ionic Strength and Background Cation Effect on Sulfate Adsorption to Hematite
Schmidt M, Siciliano S & Peak D
(2018) Microbes and Minerals in Permafrost: Quantifying Microbe Mineral Interactions Using Positron Emission Tomography Coupled to Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Psychrotrophic Bioremediation in Permafrost Soils
Peak D, Siciliano S, Chang Y-F, Conway A, Shannon W, Mamet S, Helgason B, Talebitaher A, Papandreou Z, Palaia T, Teymurazyan A & Regier T

Siciliano Rego E. (2021) Untangling the Fe Isotope Signal in Neoarchean Carbonates and Iron Formations from Carajás (Brazil)
Siciliano Rego E, Busigny V, Lalonde SV, Vaz Teixeira LP, Rossignol C, Narduzzi F, Zapparoli A, Babinski M, Trindade R & Philippot P

Sickafoose A. (2017) Africa Initiative for Planetary and Space Sciences
Baratoux D, Chennaoui-Aoudjehane H, Gibson R, Lamali A, Reimold WU, Selorm Sapah M, Chabou C, Habarulema JB, Jessell MW, Mogessie A, Benkhaldoun Z, Nkhonjera E, Mukosi NC, Kaire M, Rochette P, Sickafoose A, Martínez-Frías J, Hofmann A, Folco L & Rossi AP

Sickinger M. (2013) Gallionella-Like Microorganisms Involved in Iron Oxide Formation in Groundwater Wells Across a Broad pH Range
Wang J, Sickinger M & Küsel K

Sickman J. (2020) Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition for Sensitive High-Elevation Ecosystems in the Western United States
Nanus L, Clow D, Saros J, McMurray J & Sickman J

Siclet F. (2015) Hydrogen Dynamics in Soil Organic Matter as Determined by 13C and 2H Labelling Experiments
Paul A, Pastor L, Siclet F, Hatté C, Thiry Y & Balesdent J
(2014) Determination and Speciation of Anthropogenic Tritium in the Loire River Estuary (France)
Péron O, Pastor L, Gegout C, Fourre E, Siclet F, Montavon G & Landesman C

Sicola S. (2020) The Rheological Behaviour of Porous Magmas: Bubbles vs. Vesicles
Sicola S, Vona A, Romano C, Ryan AG & Russell JK

Siddaiah N (2004) PGE Geochemistry of Chromitites and Dunites of the Nidar Ophiolite, Himalaya
Siddaiah N & Masuda A

Siddaiah N. Siva (2020) Assessment of Pollution Status of Urban Wetlands of Gurugram, India, Using Sediment Geochemistry
Dixit A & Siddaiah NS
(2017) Geochemical and Rock Magnetic Characteristics of Various Colored Bole Horizons, Deccan Volcanic Province, India
Srivastava P, Siddaiah NS & Sangode SJ

Siddall G. (2015) The Breathing of the Labrador Sea
Wallace D, Atamanchuck D, Siddall G, Myers P, Send U, Koertzinger A & Karstensen J

Siddharthan M. (2020) "Data Science Applications in Indian Agriculture", Production and Operations Management
Siddharthan M

Siddique Tariq

Siddique Tariq (2017) Methanogenesis, Iron Transformation and Partitioning of Contaminants Under End Pit Lake Scenario
Siddique T, Kuznetsov P, Samadi N, Wei K & Ulrich A

Siddique Tariq (2019) Biogeochemical Processes Affect Tailings’ Reclamation Under End-Pit Lake Scenario
Siddique T, Kuznetsov P, Samadi N, Wei K, Kuznetsova A & Ulrich A

Siddique Tariq (2009) Anaerobic Hydrocarbon Degradation in Oil Sands Tailings
Foght J, Siddique T & Li C

Siddique Tariq (2015) Arsenic and Selenium in the Lower Athabasca River, Alberta, Canada
Donner M, Shotyk W & Siddique T
(2015) FeIII Facilitates Methanogenic Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons in Oil Sands Tailings
Domreis E & Siddique T

Siddique Tariq (2016) Methanogenic Microbial Metabolism Releases Metals in Porewater from Iron Minerals
Siddique T, Kusnetsov P, Kuznetsova A & Foght J

Siddiqui R.H. (2011) Geochemistry of Paleocene Volcanism and Oceanic Island Arc Affinities of the Chagai Arc, Balochistan, Pakistan
Siddiqui RH, Khan MA & Jan MQ
(2007) Geochemistry of Late Cretaceous Tholeiitic Volcanism and Oceanic Island Arc Affinities of the Chagai Arc
Siddiqui RH, Khan MA & Jan MQ
(2005) Geochemistry of Late Cretaceous Lava Flows from a Neo-Tethyan Fossil Oceanic Island Arc: The Raskoh Arc, Balochistan, Pakistan
Siddiqui RH, Khan A, Jan Q & Haider N

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