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Sakamoto R. (2016) Geochemical Cycling of Fe, S, C, N, and Mo in the 3.2 Ga Ocean: Constraints from DXCL-Dp Black Shales
Yamaguchi KE, Kobayashi Y, Shena A, Kobayashi D, Fujita S, Nagashima A, Sakamoto R, Naraoka H, Yamagata Y, Hirata T, Ikehara M, Ito T & Kiyokawa S
(2013) Biogeochemical Cycling of Nitrogen and Carbon in the 3.2 Ga Ocean: Results from DXCL-Dp, NW Pilbara, Western Australia
Yamaguchi KE, Kobayashi D, Yamada K, Sakamoto R, Hosoi K, Kiyokawa S, Ikehara M & Ito T

Sakamoto T (2006) Ontong Java Plateau and OAE1: Is there really a link?
Tejada ML, Suzuki K, Sakamoto T, Coccioni R, Kuroda J, Tatsumi Y & Mahoney JJ
(2005) SR-Xrf Analyses of Trace Elements in Electrum from Several Epithermal Gold Deposits, Japan
Sakamoto T, Shimada N, Abe D, Nakamura T, Nozaki W, Shimada K & Iida A
(2003) Fluctuation of Alkenone Temperature in the Okhotsk Sea over the Last 20 ka
Harada N, Ahagon N, Uchida M, Sakamoto T & Ikehara M
(2003) Oxygen Isotope Geothermometry of Skarn Developed in Ichinotake Limestone, North Kyushu, Japan
Sakamoto T, Shimada N, Chiba H & Ishibashi J
(2003) Millennium Scale Paleoceanographic Changes in High Sedimentation IMAGES Core MD01-2412 in the Southwestern Part of the Sea of Okhotsk
Sakamoto T, Ikehara M, Uchida M, Aoki K, Harada N & Kanamatsu T
(2003) Paleoceanographic Reconstruction in the Okhotsk Sea: Evedince from Calcareous Microfossil Record in MD01-2412
Asahi H, Takahashi K, Ono A, Hori J, Ikehara M & Sakamoto T
(2003) Synthesis of Pure Polycrystalline Diamond by Direct Conversion of Graphite at High Pressure
Irifune T, Kurio A, Sakamoto S, Inoue T & Sumiya H
(2003) Formational Processes of Sedimentary Micro-Structure in Meromictic Lake Kaiike Sediments, Japan
Oguri K, Hirano S, Sakai S, Nakajima Y, Suga H & Sakamoto T

Sakamoto Takabumi (2008) Artificial Chemical Weathering of Plagioclase Under Earth Surface Conditions
Baba Y, Kobayashi S & Sakamoto T

Sakamoto Tatsuhiko (2011) Behavior of Biological and Terrigenous Elements during the Late Cenozoic in the Bering Sea: Paleoceanographic Constraints of the IODP Exp. 323 Sediments by High Resolution Non-Destructive TATSCAN Scanning
Sakamoto T, Sakai S, Takahashi K, Mic AC, Asahi H, Ikehara M, Okada M, Ijiri A, Onodera J, Okazaki Y, Horikawa K, Seki O & Aoki K
(2010) Reconstruction of Redox Condition during the Early Aptian Ocean Anoxic Event (OAE) Ia, “Goguel”, in the Vocontian Basin by Geochemical and Lithological Approach
Sakamoto T, Nifuki K, Iijima K, Sakai S, Ogawa N, Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Suzuki K, Maeda H, Takashima R, Nishi H & Okada H
(2010) Paleoenvironmental Changes during Marine Isotopic Stage 5e in the Central Okhotsk Sea: High Resolution Multiproxy Record
Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Sakamoto T, Sakai S, Martinez-Ruiz F, Chang Q, Sato K & Suzuki K
(2010) Pliocene-Pleistocene Record of Sea-Ice Expansion in the North Pacific
Horikawa K, Martin E, Basak C & Sakamoto T

Sakamoto Yosuke (2023) HO2 Uptake onto Deliquesced Inorganic Aerosols and Doping Impacts of Transition Metal Ions
Li J, Sakamoto Y, Sato K & Kajii Y
(2023) Experimental Determination of Uptake Coefficient of Isoprene-Derived Peroxy Radical onto Deliquesced NaCl Particles
Sakamoto Y, Rikudai M, Li J, Kohno N, Sato K & Kajii Y

Sakamoto Yuki (2013) Chromium Enrichment in Sedimentary Rocks Deposited in Shallow Water in the 3.2 Ga Moodies Group, South Africa
Otake T, Sakamoto Y, Itoh S, Yurimoto H & Kakegawa T
(2011) Origins of Chromite found in Chemical and Clastic Sedimentary Rocks of the 3.2 Ga Moodies Group, South Afirica
Otake T, Sakamoto Y & Kakegawa T

Sakamoto Yusuke (2018) Mercury Emission into Shallow Groundwater from Subducting Slab of Philippine Sea Plate
Masuda H, Goto A, Sakamoto Y & Takeuchi A
(2017) Mercury Cycle in the Convergent Margin at Kinki District, Southwest Japan
Masuda H, Sakamoto Y, Takeuchi A & Goto A
(2016) Occurance and Origins of Arsenic in the Hokusetsu Area, Japan
Even E, Masuda H, Shibata T, Sakamoto Y, Murasaki T, Hirata T & Chiba H

Sakashita M. (2016) Geochemical Relationship of Haybi Volcanics and Amphibolites in the Metamorphic Sole of Oman Ophiolite
Sakashita M, Mori N, Takazawa E, Nohara R, Takahashi T & Tamura Y

Sakata Kasumi (2009) Effects of pH and Silica on the Polymerisation Rate of an Amino Acid
Sakata K, Kitadai N & Nakashima S

Sakata Ken (2016) Integrating the Topic of Radioactivity on Nagoya University Campus into the First Year Seminar
Mukumoto H, Tomiyama S, Katoh T, Sakata K & Tanaka T

Sakata Kohei (2019) Iron Stable Isotope Ratios of Aerosols from Various Sources to Investigate Origins of Fe Transported to the North Pacific
Kurisu M, Sakata K & Takahashi Y
(2019) Relations between Fractional Solubility and Trace Metals Species in Marine Aerosol
Sakata K, Sakaguchi A, Tanimoto H, Kurisu M & Takahashi Y
(2018) Investigation of Isotope Fractionation of Fe in Anthropogenic Aerosols to Determine its Contribution to the Surface Ocean
Kurisu M, Sakata K, Uematsu M & Takahashi Y
(2017) Calcium Speciation of Particles Trapped in Greenlandic Ice Core
Miyamoto C, Iizuka Y, Sakata K & Takahashi Y
(2016) Uptake of Dimethyl Sulfide and Its Oxidized Products by Sea Spray Aerosol Above the Antarctic and the Equatorial Pacific Oceans
Sakata K, Sakaguchi A, Tamenori Y & Takahashi Y
(2016) Detection of Very Low Isotope Ratio of Iron in Anthropogenic Aerosols and Investigation of their Sources
Kurisu M, Sakata K, Iizuka T & Takahashi Y
(2015) Boron Isotope Fractionation during Transportation of Sea-Salt Particle
Sakata K, Sakaguchi A, Takahashi Y, Nagaishi K & Tanimizu M

Sakata M. (2010) Antimony(V) Incorporation into Synthetic and Natural Fe Hydroxides
Mitsunobu S, Takahashi Y & Sakata M

Sakata Shuhei (2016) Isotope Ratio Measurements Using Double Daly Collectors Equipped on MC-ICPMS Instruments
Hirata T, Tanaka M, Hattori K & Sakata S
(2016) Melting Phase Relations and Element Partitioning in MORB to Deep Lower Mantle Conditions
Tateno S, Hirose K, Sakata S, Yonemitsu K, Ozawa H, Hirata T, Hirao N & Ohishi Y
(2016) Geochemical Zr Behaviour in the Deep Crust Around Metasomatic Vein Composed of Cl-Rich Hbl and Grt
Higashino F, Kawakami T, Tsuchiya N, Madhusoodhan S-K, Ishikawa M, Grantham G, Sakata S, Hattori K & Hirata T
(2016) Possible Polymetamorphism and Brine Infiltration Recorded in the Garnet-Sillimanite Gneiss, Skallevikshalsen, East Antarctica
Kawakami T, Hokada T, Sakata S & Hirata T
(2016) Origins of Transition Elements of the BIFs: Implications for the Archean Seawater Chemistry
Aoki S, Sakata S, Kato Y, Hirata T & Komiya T
(2016) Evaluation of Coupling LA-ICP-MS/MS and Collision/Reaction Cell Technique for in situ Zircon Analysis
Sakata S, Saitoh H & Ohno T
(2016) A Survey on New Standard Materials for U-Pb Dating of Carbonate Using LA-MC-ICP-MS
Yokoyama T, Saito-Kokubu Y, Murakami H, Watanabe T, Hirata T, Sakata S, Danhara T, Iwano H, Maruyama S, Miyazaki T, Senda R, Chang Q & Kimura J-I
(2016) Greater South China: Detrital Zircon Chronology of Paleozoic Sandstones in Japan and Primorye, Russia
Isozaki Y, Nakahata H, Sakata S, Zakharov Y & Hirata T
(2016) Origin of Extremely Deutrium-Rich Isotopic Compositions of Phosphates from LL4-6 Ordinary Chondrites
Itoh S, Higashi Y, Hashiguchi M, Sakaguchi I, Yanai K, Russell S, Greenwood J, Sakata S, Hirata T & Yurimoto H

Sakata Shuhei (2020) An Analytical Technique for Simultaneously Estimating Crystallization Age and Temperature of Zircon Using LA-ICP-MS
Yokoyama T, Yuguchi T, Sakata S, Ishibashi K, Ogita Y, Ito D, Ohno T, Kagami S, Mitsuguchi T & Sueoka S

Sakata Shuhei (2019) Speciations of Copper Coprecipitated in Calcite and Aragonite: An Analog Study for Magnesium in Aragonite
Ijichi Y, Ohno T, Sakata S & Takahashi Y
(2019) Experimental Study of the effect of pH on Mercury Isotopic Fractionation during Photoreduction
Nakabayashi K, Sakata S & Ohno T
(2019) Magnesium and Strontium Isotopic Fractionations during Experimental Water-Rock Interactions at 300℃, 500 Bars
Takei Y, Ueda H, Sawaki Y, Ohno T & Sakata S
(2019) Development of a Sensitive Radioiodine Analytical Method by ICP-MS/MS and its Application to Environmental Radioactivity Research
Sato H, Sakata S & Ohno T

Sakata Shuhei (2017) Determination of Ultratrace Radioiodine I-129 and Halogen Isotopes by ICP-MS/MS
Ohno T, Toyama C & Sakata S
(2017) Copper Isotope Fractionation during Adsorption onto Manganese Oxides
Ijichi Y, Ohno T & Sakata S
(2017) A New Approach for Constraining the Magnitude of Initial Disequilibrium in Quaternary Zircons by Coupled U and Th Decay Series Dating
Sakata S, Hirakawa S, Iwano H, Danhara T, Guillong M & Hirata T
(2017) Boron Isotopic Fractionation during Carbonate Precipitation
Ohtani T, Ohno T & Sakata S
(2017) Infiltration of Prograde Cl-Rich Fluid into the Granulitic Continental Crust from a Collision Zone in East Antarctica (Perlebandet, Sør Rondane Mountains)
Kawakami T, Higashino F, Skrzypek E, Satish-Kumar M, Grantham G, Tsuchiya N, Ishikawa M, Sakata S & Hirata T

Sakata Shuhei (2015) Coupling of Elemental Imaging and High Resolution U-Pb Chronology
Hirata T, Sakata S, Hattori K & Suzuki T
(2015) Hydrogen Diffusion Experiment of Apatite Crystal
Itoh S, Hashiguchi M, Sakaguchi I, Sakata S & Hirata T
(2015) Development of Precise in situ Dating Technique for Phosphates in Chondrites Using LA-ICP-MS
Sakata S, Itoh S & Hirata T
(2014) Imaging Cytometry for Geochemical Samples Using LA-ICP-MS
Hirata T, Hattori K, Ohara S, Okabayashi S & Sakata S
(2013) Correction of Initial-Disequilibrium on U-Th-Pb System for Dating of Young Zircons
Sakata S, Hirakawa S, Iwano H, Danhara T & Hirata T
(2013) Development of ETV-Mc-ICPMS Technique for W Isotope Analysis
Okabayashi S, Sakata S & Hirata T
(2013) Occurrence of >3.9 Ga “Nanok” Gneiss from Saglek Block, Northern Labrador, Canada
Shimojo M, Yamamoto S, Aoki S, Sakata S, Maki K, Koshida K, Ishikawa A, Hirata T, Collerson KD & Komiya T
(2013) Geology, Lithostratigraphy and Geochemistry of the Oldest Eoarchaean BIFs, Northern Labrador
Aoki S, Masanori M, Sakata S, Yamamoto S, Ishikawa A, Hirata T & Komiya T
(2013) Apatite Inclusions in Hadean Zircon from Jack Hills, Australia
Yamamoto S, Komiya T, Shimojo M, Sakata S, Maki K & Hirata T

Sakata Susumu

Sakata Susumu (2014) Impact of Carbon Capture and Storage on the Methanogenic Activity and Pathway in a Petroleum Reservoir
Mayumi D, Dolfing J, Sakata S, Maeda H, Miyagawa Y, Ikarashi M, Tamaki H, Takeuchi M, Nakatsu C & Kamagata Y
(2013) Methane Production Potential of Subsurface Microbes in Pleistocene Sediments from a Water-Dissolved Natural Gas Field in Central Japan
Yoshioka H, Sakata S & Mochimaru H
(2008) Nitrate-Dependent Deep Subsurface Biosphere and Nitrite Accumulation in an Inland Fore-Arc Basin, Japan
Suzuki Y, Suko T, Yoshioka H, Takahashi M, Sakata S, Tsunogai U, Takeno N & Ito K
(2003) Hydrocarbon Biomarkers in Near-Surface Sediments from Nankai Trough off Central and Southwest Japan
Komiya M, Sakata S, Narushima I, Tsunogai U & Yamanaka T
(2003) Hydrocarbon Biomarkers in a Thermophilic Methanogenic Archaea
Oba M, Sakata S, Kamagata Y & Yoshioka H

Sakata Susumu (2015) Methanogenic Archaeal Diversity and Characterization of a Novel Methanol Utilizing Methanogen in a Natural Gas Field
Mochimaru H, Tamaki H, Yoshioka H, Sakata S & Kamagata Y
(2015) Diversity, Distribution, and Potential Activity of Methanogens in Deep Subsurface Sediments from a Marine Methane Hydrate Area
Sakata S, Yoshioka H, Katayama T, Oba M, Fujii T & Amo M
(2015) Impacts of Natural Gas Developments on Methanogenic Diversity and Activity in Natural Gas Field
Yoshioka H, Katayama T, Sakata S, Muramoto Y & Usami J

Sakatoku A. (2020) Biogeochemistry of Asphalt Seeps in the North São Paulo Plateau, Brazilian Margin
Zhang J, Jiang K, Kambayashi S, Sakatoku A, Yamanaka T, Fujikura K & Pellizari V

Sakayori A. (2008) Calc-Alkalic vs. Tholeiitic Revisited: A Radical View of Andesite Genesis
Tatsumi Y, Takahashi T, Hirahara Y, Miyazaki T, Chang Q, Kimura J-I, Ban M & Sakayori A
(2007) Genesis of Tholeiitic and Calcalcaline Series of Zao Volcano, NE Japan Arc, Japan
Shibata T, Tatsumi Y & Sakayori A

Sakellariadou F. (2023) The Seabed Mining as an Emerging Sector of the Sustainable Blue Economy Concept
Sakellariadou F
(2013) Application of Geochemical and Statistical Approach to Assess Metal Contaminantion in Marine Sediments
Sakellariadou F
(2012) Spectroscopic Studies on Sedimentary Organic Material
Sakellariadou F
(2011) Geochemical Studies in Piraeus Port Sediments, Greece
Sakellariadou F

Sakellariou D. (2021) Identifying Major Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Southern Red Sea Continental Shelf with the Use of High-Resolution XRF-Core Scanning Data
Paraschos F, Kaberi E, Iliakis S, Sergiou S, Geraga M, Szidat S & Sakellariou D

Sakellaris G. (2016) Sources of Orogenic Gold Ore Fluids in the Ilomantsi Greenstone Belt (Finland): Insight from Fluid Inclusion LA-ICPMS Analysis
Fusswinkel T, Sakellaris G & Wagner T

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