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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Saji Nikitha Susan (2022) Titanium Isotopes as Proxy for the Composition of the Upper Continental Crust: Promises, Pitfalls and Outlook
Millet M-A, Klaver M, Saji NS & Hoare L
(2017) Hadean Mantle Differentiation and Early Onset of Plate Tectonics: Evidence from ISB, SW Greenland
Saji NS, Wielandt D, Schiller M, Larsen K, Rosing M & Bizzarro M
(2016) Nucleosynthetic Heterogeneity and Bulk Silicate Earth Nd-Isotope Composition
Saji NS, Wielandt D & Bizzarro M
(2015) High-Precision Nd Isotope Analysis by MC-ICPMS: Implications for Early Earth Silicate Differentiation
Saji NS, Wielandt D, Paton C & Bizzarro M

Sajid M. (2023) Geochronological Constraints of the Paleoproterozoic Tectonics of Northern Indian Plate in Northern Pakistan
Sajid M, Wiedenbeck M, Arif M, Glodny J & Ghani H
(2022) Geochemistry of Ultramafic-Mafic Suits of Waziristan Ophiolite Complex (Woc): Implication for Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting
Jalil R, Alard O, Schaefer B, Ali L & Sajid M

Sajih M. (2012) Radium Interactions with Iron (Oxy)hydroxide Minerals
Sajih M, Bryan N, Vaughan D, Descostes M, Phrommavanh V & Morris K

Sajkowski L. (2024) The First Experimental Assessment of Sustainability of Lithium Extraction from Geothermal Fluids: A New Evaluation Tool
Sajkowski L, Turnbull R & Rogers K
(2022) CO2 as an Effective Silica Scaling Inhibitor during Reinjection of Acid-Dosed Geothermal Brines: An Experimental Study
Mountain B, Sajkowski L & Rendel PM
(2016) Progressive Devolitization of Greywacke from Sub-Critical to Supercritical Conditions
Mountain B, Chambefort I & Sajkowski L

Šajn R. (2021) Investigating the Nature and Fate of Mining-Related Historical Contaminations with Geochemical and Microbiological Tools in the Transboundary Drava River Floodplain
Szabó P, Jordan G, Kocsis T, Kardos L, Šajn R & Alijagić J

Sajna S, Amal Dev J, Nilanjana S, Tomson JK & Nandakumar V

Sajonia-Coburgo T. (2023) Geochemically Fingerprinting the Impacts of Human Land Use on Sediment Provenance
Seal DM, Baxter EF, Snyder NP, Corrado K, Sajonia-Coburgo T, Schirmacher A, Cook TL, Dahl T & Fall K

Sak Peter (2021) When Geophyics Meet Geochemical Reactive Transport in a Tropical Volcanic Critical Zone
Pasquet S, Fernandez NM, Hayes JL, Ma L, Sak P & Gaillardet J
(2020) Reconciling Chemical Weathering Rates Across Scales: Insights from U-Series Isotopes in Volcanic Weathering Clasts from Basse-Terre Island (Guadeloupe)
Ma L, Guo J, Pereyra Y, Engel J, Gaillardet J & Sak P
(2019) Enhanced Chemical Weathering by Subsurface Flow Below Knickpoints
Le Traon C, Gaillardet J, Ma L, de Dreuzy J-R, Davy P, Sak P & Le Borgne T
(2018) Quantifying Weathering Rind Formation Rates by in situ Measurements of U-Series Disequilibria with Laser Ablation (LA) MC-ICPMS
Ma L, Dosseto A, Gaillardet J, Sak P & Brantley S
(2017) Changes in Mn Oxidation State and U Immobility in Weathering Rinds
Sak P, Ma L, Gaillardet J, Herndon E & Brantley S
(2016) U-Series and Sr Isotope Ratios in Soils from Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe: Insights for Rapid Soil Formation in a Tropical Volcanic Setting
Pereyra Y, Ma L, Sak P, Gaillardet J, Buss H & Brantley S
(2015) Rates and Trends In in situ Chemical Weathering In a Tropical Soil, Basse Terre Island, Guadeloupe
Murphy M, Sak P, Ma L, Gaillardet J, Daniel C & Brantley S
(2015) Quantifying Weathering Rates along a Precipitation Gradient on Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe: Insights from U-Series Isotopes in Weathering Rinds
Ma L, Engel J, Sak P, Gaillardet J, Ren M & Brantley S
(2014) Quantitative Links between Biota, Mass-Balance Geochemistry and the Soil Atmosphere in the Piedmont Uplands Critical Zone, USA
Stinchcomb G, Sullivan P, Hasenmueller E, Sak P & Brantley S
(2010) How Basalt Weathering Rates Vary with Time and Scale of Measurement
Bhatt M, Liermann L, Sak P & Brantley S
(2008) 238U-234U-230Th Chronometry of Weathering Rinds: Rates of Weathering and Isotopic Record of Soil Waters
Pelt E, Chabaux F, Innocent C, Navarre-Sitchler A, Sak P & Brantley S
(2007) Mineral Weathering Rates Coupled to Bedrock Fracturing and Saprolite Formation
Buss H, Webb S, Sak P & Brantley S
(2007) Basalt Weathering Rates on Earth and the Duration of Water on Mars
Hausrath E, Navarre-Sitchler A, Sak P, Steefel C & Brantley S
(2007) Rates of Weathering Rind Formation from 238U-234U-230Th Chronometry: Application to Basalt Weathering
Pelt E, Chabaux F, Innocent C, Navarre-Sitchler A, Sak P & Brantley S
(2002) Interpretation of Weathering Profiles from the Paleo-Proterozoic and Present Using Reactive Transport Modeling
Steefel CI, Rye RM, Sak PB & Brantley SL
(2001) Diffusion Models for Weathering Rind Genesis
Sak PB, Brantley SL & Fisher DM
(2000) A Diffusion Model for Weathering Rind Genesis in a Tropical Setting
Sak P, Brantley S, Fisher D & Gardner T

Sak Peter B (2024) Fluvial Knickpoints and Transient Erosion on Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe, with Implications for Estimates of Chemical Weathering
Sak PB, Miller SR, Ma L & Gaillardet J

Saka S. (2017) Multistage Evolution of the Aladağ Mantle Peridotites (S-Turkey): Implications from Whole Rock and Mineral Chemistry
Saka S & Uysal I
(2015) Re-Os Signature of Mersin Ophiolite (S-Turkey): 187Os Contribution during the SSZ Type Oceanic Crust and Chromitite Generation
Saka S, Uysal I, Akmaz RM, Bağci U & Ersoy EY
(2013) Melting History of the Pozantı-Karsantı Ophiolite, Turkey: Implications from Whole-Rock and Mineral Compositions
Saka S, Uysal I, Akmaz RM & Kaliwoda M
(2013) Trace Element Composition of Clinopyroxenes from the Kızıldağ Ophiolite (S-Turkey): Implication for Multi-Stage Fractionational Melting in a SSZ Setting
Sen AD, Uysal I, Godard M, Saka S, Akmaz RM, Kaliwoda M & Bağci U
(2011) Podiform Chromitites from the Turkish Ophiolites: An Overview to the Mineralogy of Platinum-Group Elements
Uysal I, Zaccarini F, Garuti G, Kaliwoda M, Hochleitner R, Akmaz RM & Saka S

Sakagami N. (2020) The Concentrations of Micro Elements in Sclerotia of Cenococcum Geophilum
Nyamsanjaa K, Sakagami N, Watanabe M & Bolormaa O
(2016) Aluminum Accumulation and Carbon Decomposition in Sclerotia of Cenococcum Geophilum in Low pH Forest Soils
Sakagami N & Watanabe M
(2015) Antimicrobial Activity of 4, 9-Dihydroxyperylene-3, 10-Quinone Contained in Cenococcum Geophilum
Itoh N, Sakagami N & Watanabe M
(2012) Ectomycorrhizal Sclerotia Formation and Status of Organo-Mineral Complex Aluminum in Low pH Fagus Forest
Sakagami N & Watanabe M
(2009) Contribution of Sclerotia of Cenococcum Species to Soil Organic Carbon in Low pH Forest Soils
Sakagami N & Watanabe M

Sakaguchi Aya (2016) Fractionation of Zirconium-Hafnium in Ferromanganese Crusts
Inagaki J, Sakaguchi A, Inoue M, Usui A, Haba H, Kashiwabara T, Yamasaki S, Sueki K & Takahashi Y
(2016) Uptake of Dimethyl Sulfide and Its Oxidized Products by Sea Spray Aerosol Above the Antarctic and the Equatorial Pacific Oceans
Sakata K, Sakaguchi A, Tamenori Y & Takahashi Y
(2016) Spatial and Temporal Distribution of 236U in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Sakaguchi A, Nomura T, Steier P, Watanabe T, Nakakuki T, Sasaki K, Takahashi Y, Yamakawa A & Yamano H
(2016) Analysis for Chlorine and Iodine in Natural Samples by SEC Coupled with ICP-Qqq
Honda M, Sueki K, Tomita R, Sakaguchi A & Sasa K
(2016) Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of Radioactive Cesium to Suspended Particles in Seawater
Miura H, Fan Q, Kurihara Y, Sakaguchi A, Higaki S, Ishimaru T, Kanda J & Takahashi Y

Sakaguchi Aya (2015) Boron Isotope Fractionation during Transportation of Sea-Salt Particle
Sakata K, Sakaguchi A, Takahashi Y, Nagaishi K & Tanimizu M

Sakaguchi Aya (2019) Comparison of Radiocesium-Bearing Microparticles of Different Shape and Elemental Distribution by Multiple Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Analyses
Miura H, Kurihara Y, Yamamoto M, Sakaguchi A, Yamaguchi N, Higaki S & Takahashi Y
(2019) Relations between Fractional Solubility and Trace Metals Species in Marine Aerosol
Sakata K, Sakaguchi A, Tanimoto H, Kurisu M & Takahashi Y

Sakaguchi Aya (2014) Chemical Processes for the Extreme Enrichment of Te into Marine Ferromanganese Oxides
Kashiwabara T, Oishi Y, Sakaguchi A, Sugiyama T, Usui A & Takahashi Y
(2013) Migration of Radiocesium and Radioiodine in Soil-Water-River System Related to Fukushima-Diichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Takahashi Y, Fan Q, Sakaguchi A, Togo Y & Tanaka K
(2013) Particle-Size Dependent Distribution of Radiocesium in River Sediments after the FDNPP Accident
Tanaka K, Iwatani H, Sakaguchi A, Takahashi Y & Onda Y

Sakaguchi Aya

Sakaguchi C. (2023) Constraining the Processes Responsible for the Origin and Evolution of Extraterrestrial Organic Matter: Evidence from the Asteroid Ryugu
Potiszil C, Kobayashi K, Tanaka R, Kunihiro T, Kitagawa H, Ota T, Yamanaka M, Sakaguchi C & Nakamura E
(2023) Aqueous Alteration on the Progenitor Body of the Asteroid Ryugu Revealed Through H-C-N-O Isotope Systematics
Tanaka R, Potiszil C, Ota T, Kunihiro T, Sakaguchi C, Kobayashi K, Kitagawa H, Yamanaka M & Nakamura E
(2016) A Freeze-Drying Technique Applied to the Analysis of Hot-Spring Waters: Implications for the Origin of Hot-Spring Waters from SW Japan
Hoang QD, Sakaguchi C, Kitagawa H & Nakamura E
(2016) Geochemistry of Cenozoic Basalts in Northern Kyushu
Kitagawa H, Sakaguchi C, Tokeshi S & Nakamura E
(2008) Geochemistry of Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks from the Southern Musoma-Mara Greenstone Belt: Implication for the Evolution of the Tanzania Craton
Messo C, Yamashita K, Kobayashi K, Makishima A, Sakaguchi C & Nakamura E
(2006) Large local-scale isotopic heterogeneities of the MORB source mantle: A case study on the SWIR
Warren JM, Sakaguchi C, Shimizu N, Nakamura E & Dick HJB
(2003) Evolution of an Isotopically Depleted Mantle Xenolith from Salt Lake Crater, Hawaii
Nakamura E, Sakaguchi C, Tanaka R, Moriguti T & Kushiro I
(2003) Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of the Allende Meteorite
Sakaguchi C & Nakamura E

Sakaguchi I. (2015) Hydrogen Diffusion Experiment of Apatite Crystal
Itoh S, Hashiguchi M, Sakaguchi I, Sakata S & Hirata T
(2015) Depth Distribution of Solar Wind He Implanted into NASA Genesis Targets
Yurimoto H, Bajo K, Olinger CT, Jurewicz AJG, Burnett DS, Sakaguchi I, Suzuki TT, Itose S, Ishihara M, Uchino K & Wieler R

Sakaguchi Ilona (2019) Evaluating Volatile Fluxes in Subduction Systems Using Stable Isotope Tracers
Valdes M, Debret B, Williams H, Kouketsu Y, Sakaguchi I & Wallis S

Sakaguchi Isao (2020) SIMS Sensitivity Factors of 2H and 16O2H Relative to 18O in Spinel-Structured Oxides
Zellmer GF, Sakamoto N, Kuroda M, Sakaguchi I, Kuritani T & Yurimoto H

Sakaguchi Isao (2016) Hydrogen Diffusion Experiment of Apatite: Effect of Different Water Content
Higashi Y, Itoh S, Watanabe K & Sakaguchi I
(2016) Origin of Extremely Deutrium-Rich Isotopic Compositions of Phosphates from LL4-6 Ordinary Chondrites
Itoh S, Higashi Y, Hashiguchi M, Sakaguchi I, Yanai K, Russell S, Greenwood J, Sakata S, Hirata T & Yurimoto H
(2016) Micro-Distribution of Solar Wind Helium Implanted to Itokawa Particle
Bajo K, Sakaguchi I, Suzuki T, Itose S, Matsuya M, Ishihara M, Uchino K & Yurimoto H

Sakaguchi Isao (2017) Coronal Mass Ejecta in Depth Profiling on NASA’s Genesis Mission
Tonotani A, Bajo K-I, Olinger C, Reisenfeld D, Jurewicz A, Itose S, Sakaguchi I, Ishihara M, Uchino K, Burnett D & Yurimoto H

Sakaguchi Isao (2013) Development of a Novel TOF-Snms to Analyze Sub-Micron Noble Gas Distribution
Bajo K-I, Itose S, Matsuya M, Ishihara M, Uchino K, Kudo M, Sakaguchi I & Yurimoto H

Sakai Haruka (2016) Inhibitive Effects of Clay Particle Organization on Cesium Desorption: Prediction of Intrinsic Cesium Desorption from Na-Smectite in Cation Solutions
Fukushi K, Asahi K, Fukiage T & Sakai H
(2013) Desorption Behavior of Cesium from Smectite by Major Cations
Fukushi K, Yamashina Y, Aoi Y & Sakai H

Sakai Harutaka (2021) Geochemical Characteristics of Mafic and Felsic Igneous Rocks (1.9–1.75 Ga) in the Lesser Himalaya: Regional Variation and its Implications for Tectonic Setting
Shinjo R, Amuro T, Oura K, Oshiro K, Tahara S & Sakai H
(2020) Geochemical Characteristics of Mafic and Felsic Igneous Rocks (1.9-1.75 Ga) in the Lesser Himalaya: Regional Variation and its Implications for Tectonic Setting
Shinjo R, Amuro T, Omura K, Oshiro K, Tahara S & Sakai H
(2019) The Inverted Barrovian Metamorphic Sequences and Fluid-Present Melting in the Arun Area, Eastern Nepal
Imayama T, Uehara S, Sakai H, Yagi K, Ikawa C & Yi K
(2019) Syn-Metamorphic B-Bearing Fluid Infiltrations Deduced from Tourmaline in the Main Central Thrust Zone, Eastern Nepal Himalayas
Kawakami T, Sakai H & Sato K
(2003) CH4 Emission, Production and their δ13C Values in Submerged Rice Soil as Influenced by Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration
Cheng W, Yagi K, Xu H, Sakai H & Kobayashi K
(2003) Areal and Temporal Variation of Rainwater Geochemistry at Five Sites in Japan
Morohashi S, Nakano T, Yasuda H, Sakai H & Okada N
(2002) 1.5-1.7Ga Rocks Discovered from the Lesser Himalaya and Siwalik Belt: 40Ar-39Ar Ages and their Significances in the Evolution of the Himalayan Orogen
Takigami Y, Sakai H & Orihashi Y

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