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Saito Hiroaki (2017) Iron Distribution and Supply along the Kuroshio Current in the North Pacific
Maki K, Nishioka J, Obata H, Kondo Y, Yasuda I & Saito H
(2016) Water Partitioning into the Interior of Mars during Accretion
Saito H & Kuramoto K

Saito K. (2016) Supersite for Eco-Hydrological Observations at Boreal Forest in Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska
Suzuki R, Kim Y, Kobayashi H, Nagai S, Saito K, Sugiura K, Iwahana G & Busey R
(2016) Understory CO2, Sensible Heat, and Latent Heat Fluxes in a Black Spruce Forest in Interior Alaska
Ikawa H, Nakai T, Busey R, Kim Y, Kobayashi H, Nagai S, Ueyama M, Saito K, Nagano H, Suzuki R & Hinzman L

Saito L. (2005) The Potential for Methyl Mercury Production in Constructed Wetlands and a Riparian Setting
Gustin M, Chavan R, Stamenkovic J, Ericksen J, Brown S, Saito L, Dennett K, Marchand E & Donaldson S

Saito Mak (2021) Barium Isotope Signatures of Barite Diagenesis
Middleton J, Paytan A, Saito M & Horner TJ
(2018) Cobalt Speciation in the Amundsen and Ross Seas during Bloom Conditions
Chmiel R, DiTullio G & Saito M
(2018) A Unique Mn Redox Cycle in the Ross Sea
Oldham V, Saito M, diTullio J & Hansel C
(2017) The Acceleration of Dissolved Cobalt’s Ecological Stoichiometry due to Biological Uptake, Remineralization, and Scavenging in the North Atlantic Ocean
Saito M, Noble A, Hawco N, Twining B, Ohnemus D, John S, Lam P, Conway T, Johnson R, Moran D & McIlvin M
(2017) The Role of Organic Metal-Binding Ligands in the Uptake and Cycling of Trace Metals
Bundy R, Boiteau R, Hawco N, Babcock-Adams L, MciLvin M, Saito M & Repeta D
(2015) Enabling Global Mapping of Marine Omics and Biogeochemistry with an Autonomous Vertical Profiling Sampler
Dick G, Breier J, Gomez-Ibanez D, Jakuba M & Saito M
(2013) Distribution of Metalloenzymes in Pacific Ocean Environments as Detected by Proteomic Analysis
Saito M
(2012) Tracing Metal Inputs and Cycles in the South Atlantic with Rare Earth Elements
Zheng X, Noble A, Saito M, Pointing M, Holdship P & Henderson G
(2012) Sources, Sinks and Cycling of Seawater 232Th in the North and South Atlantic Basins
Robinson LF, Huang K-F, Auro ME, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Fleischer MQ, Cheng H, Edwards RL, Moran SB & Saito M
(2011) Efficient Analysis of Seawater Thorium and Protactinium
Auro M, Robinson L, Anderson R, Fleisher M & Saito M
(2009) Hybrid-Type Metal Biogeochemistry in the South Atlantic: A Full-Depth Zonal Ocean Section of Total Dissolved and Labile Cobalt, and Comparison to Iron and Manganese Vertical Structure
Noble A, Saito M & Goepfert T
(2009) Strategies for Economization of Iron in Metalloenzymes in Crocosphaera watsonii as Revealed by Global Quantitative Proteomic Analyses
Saito M, Bulygin V, Moran D, Bertrand E & Waterbury J
(2009) Trace Element Distributions and Phytoplankton Colimitations on a Full Depth Ocean Section in the South Atlantic Ocean
Saito M, Noble A, Cox A & Goepfert T
(2006) The bioinorganic chemistry of the ancient ocean: the co-evolution of cyanobacterial metal requirements and biogeochemical cycles at the Archean-Proterozoic boundary?
Saito MA
(2006) Bioavailability of Cadmium: Stable Isotope Uptake and Toxicity of Cd to Marine Phytoplankton in the Costa Rica Upwelling Dome
Cox A, Noble A & Saito M
(2005) Zinc Isotope Variations in Phytoplankton and Seawater
John S, Bergquist B, Saito M & Boyle E
(2003) Concentration and Carbon Isotope Profiles of CH4 in Paddy Rice Canopy
Han G, Yoshikoshi H, Nagai H, Yamada T, Saito M & Miyata A
(2003) Nano to Micro Minerals/materials in Antarctic Carbonaceous Chondrites
Akai J, Aoki T & Saito M
(2003) Depletion of Cobalt as a Micronutrient in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Saito M, Moffett J & DiTullio G

Saito Masashi (2013) Cause of the Maximum S-Mif Scatter in the Late Archean: Atmospheric Organic Sulfur and Episodic Volcanism
Ueno Y, Danielache S, Saito M, Endo Y & Johnson M
(2009) Contrast Ecosystem between Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria Recorded in 3.0 Ga Sedimentary Rocks of the Atikokan-Lumby Lake Area in Canada
Kakegawa T & Saito M

Saito Mitsuyo (2013) Seasonal Distributions of Archaeal Membrane Lipids and TEX86 Thermometry in the Modern Shallow Coastal Ocean
Moriya K, Kuwae M, Yamamoto M, Kunihiro T, Onishi H, Hamaoka H, Saito M, Sagawa T, Fujii N, Yoshie N, Omori K & Takeoka H

Saito N. (2016) Viscosity and Structure of Alkali Iron Silicate Melts with a Variety of Iron Oxidation State
Sukenaga S, Neuville D, Florian P, Saito N, Nakashima K & Shibata H
(2013) Effect of K2O Addition on the Viscosity of CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 Melt
Sukenaga S, Higo T, Shibata H, Saito N & Nakashima K

Saito Satoshi (2020) Effect of Cerium Incorporation on the Structure of Hydrous Rhyolitic Melt
Kondo N, Kono Y, Ohara K, Skrzypec E, Yamada A & Saito S

Saito Shizuo (2016) Mineral and Melt Inclusions in Anorthite Megacrysts in Japanese Island Arc: Clues to the Magma Reservoir Processes
Echigo T, Nishimaki S, Kimata M, Shimizu M, Saito S, Nishida N & Hoshino M

Saito Takashi (2016) Daily Changes of 90Sr/137Cs Activity Ratio in the Atmosphere after the FDNPP Accident
Zhang Z, Ninomiya K, Yamaguchi Y, Saito T, Kita K, Tsuruta H, Igarashi Y & Shinohara A

Saito Takumi (2016) Removal of Radioactive Strontium from Sea Water by Biogenic Calcium Carbonates
Ohnuki T, Kozai N, Sakamoto F, Saito T, Ymashita M, Horiike T & Utsunomiya S

Saito Takumi (2015) Sorption of Co<sup>2</sup><sup>+</sup> To Biogenic Mn Oxides Produced by MnO4- Reduction
Kato T, Ohnuki T, Saito T & Yu Q

Saito Takumi (2013) Role of Bacteria on the Release of Cesium from Illite
Hazotte A, Lebeau T, Peron O, Saito T & Abdesselam A
(2011) Effects of pH and Coexisting Ions on Hydrodynamic Size of Various Humic Substances Evaluated by Flow Field Flow Fractionation
Yamashita Y, Tanaka S, Nagasaki S & Saito T
(2011) Complexation of Eu3+ with Humic Substances Studied by Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Parallel Factor Analysis
Saito T, Lukman S, Aoyagi N, Kimura T & Nagasaki S
(2010) Parallel Factor Analysis for Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy: A Powerful Tool for Speciation Studies
Saito T, Aoyagi N, Kimura T, Nagasaki S & Tanaka S

Saito Takuya (2019) Origin of Methane in Hakuba Happo Serpentinite-Hosted Hot Spring: 14C and Noble Gas Study
Suda K, Aze T, Miyairi Y, Yokoyama Y, Matsui Y, Ueda H, Saito T, Sato T, Sawaki Y, Nakai R, Tamaki H, Takahashi H & Morikawa N
(2019) Constrains on the Origin of Fluid Trapped in Hydrothermal Quartz from 2.4 Ga Ongeluk Fm., South Africa
Saito T, Qiu H-N, Shibuya T, Komiya T & Maruyama S
(2016) Ancient Seawater Salinity Retained as Fluid Inclusions in Hydrothermal Quartz from the 2.2 Ga Ongeluk Formation, South Africa
Saito T, Shibuya T, Komiya T, Nishizawa M, Maruyama S & Kurosawa M
(2016) Atmospheric CO2 Levels during the Paleoproterozoic Makganyene Glaciation
Shibuya T, Ueno Y, Komiya T, Nishizawa M, Kitajima K, Yamamoto S, Saito T, Matsui Y, Kawagucci S, Takai K, Yoshida N, Maruyama S & Russell M

Saito Tasuyoshi (2016) Temporal and Spatial Variation of Transboundary Transported Anthropogenic Sulfur Deposition in Japan by Using Sulfur Isotopic Ratio
Inomata Y, Saito T, Yamashita N, Morohashi M, Sase H, Ohizumi T, Katsuyuki T & Nakagomi K
(2016) Accurate Quantification of Atmospheric Nitrate in Stream Water Eluted from a Small Forested Watershed Using Triple Oxygen Isotopic Composition
Obata Y, Ando K, Ohyama T, Nakagawa F, Tsunogai U, Yamashita N, Saito T & Sase H

Saito Tomohiko (2007) Experimental Study on Gas Emission Using Fault Rock Core Penetrating Atotsugawa Fault, Central Japan
Saito T & Tanaka H

Saito Tomoyuki (2011) Effect of Initial Al Concentration, pH and Silicic Acid on the Formation and Stability of Tridecameric Al Polymer
Etou M, Hagiwara S, Saito T, Okaue Y & Yokoyama T
(2009) Formation Conditions and Stability of a Toxic Tridecameric Al Polymer Under a Soil Environment
Saito T, Etou A, Bai S, Okaue Y & Yokoyama T
(2008) Speciation of Aluminum in Silicic Acid Solution
Saito T, Nishida I, Utsunomiya S, Okaue Y & Yokoyama T

Saito Tsutomu (2011) Tin Isotope Analysis for an Archaeological Application
Yamazaki E, Nakai S & Saito T
(2002) Mass Fractionation of Tin in Ancient Bronze
Nakai S & Saito T

Saito Y (2003) Isotopic Determintion of Ultra Trace U in Meteorite Samples by HR-ICP-MS
Chai J, Miyamoto Y, Saito Y, Magara M, Sakurai S & Usuda S

Saito Yayoi (2016) Isotope Systematics of CO2-H2-H2O-Ch4 in Hydrogenotrophic Methanogenesis Examined by Laboratory Incubation
Kawagucci S, Okumura T, Saito Y, Matsui Y, Takai K & Imachi H

Saito Yukiko (2016) Measurements of Atmospheric Hydroperoxides over a Rural Site in Central Japan Using a Helicopter and Evaluation of Potential Capacity of SO2 Oxidation in Cloud Water at a High Elevation
Watanabe K, Yachi C, Nishibe M, Michigami S, Saito Y, Eda N, Yamazaki N & Hirai T

Saito-Kokubu Y. (2016) Meteoric 10Be in Bed-Sediment of Rivers Flowing to Lake Biwa, Central Japan
Fujisawa J, Minami M & Saito-Kokubu Y
(2016) A Survey on New Standard Materials for U-Pb Dating of Carbonate Using LA-MC-ICP-MS
Yokoyama T, Saito-Kokubu Y, Murakami H, Watanabe T, Hirata T, Sakata S, Danhara T, Iwano H, Maruyama S, Miyazaki T, Senda R, Chang Q & Kimura J-I
(2016) High Precision Noble Gas Isotope Measurement by NGX Multi-Collector Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer
Tamura H, Saito-Kokubu Y & Umeda K

Saitoh H. (2016) Evaluation of Coupling LA-ICP-MS/MS and Collision/Reaction Cell Technique for in situ Zircon Analysis
Sakata S, Saitoh H & Ohno T

Saitoh M. (2023) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Composition Analysis in Sphalerite by SIMS: Importance of Instrumental Mass Fractionation Effects
Bovay T, Marin-Carbonne J, Bouvier A-S, Kouzmanov K, Greber ND, Saitoh M, Marger K, Berger A, Meisser N & Demers-Roberge A
(2021) Speciation and Quantification of Sulfur Distributed in the Ediacaran Limestones: Implications for Diagenetic Mobilization of Sulfur Species
Matsu'ura F, Nakada R, Sawaki Y, Ueno Y, Saitoh M, Kajitani I & Usui T
(2020) Iron Limitation Enhance Organic Matter Sulfurization within the Limestones of the Ediacaran Dengying Formation
MATSU’URA F, Nakada R, Ueno Y, Sawaki Y, Saitoh M, Kajitani I & Usui T
(2019) Microscale Characterization of Pyrites from Archean Sediments Brings New Constrains on Past Microbial Metabolisms
Marin Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Busigny V, Decraene M-N, Saitoh M, Alleon J, Remusat L & Bernard S
(2019) Quadruple Sulfur Isotope Records of Quartz-Rich Sandstones of the 3.22 Ga Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa)
Saitoh M, Marin-Carbonne J, Olivier N, Moyen J-F, Ueno Y & Thomazo C
(2019) In situ Mineral Precipitation Experiment by Using a Deep-Sea Artificial Hydrothermal Vent
Nozaki T, Nagase T, Torimoto J, Takaya Y, Ishibashi J-I, Shimada K, Watanabe M, Masaki Y, Kitada K, Saito M, Sakai S, Yokoyama T, Akiyama K, Sakurai N, Saruhashi T, Kyo M, Kumagai H, Maeda L & Takai K
(2018) Rise of Ocean Sulfate Caused by Oxidative Weathering in the Ediacaran
Matsu'ura F, Sawaki Y, Saitoh M, Komiya T, Maruyama S & Ueno Y
(2017) The Permian Double Extinction: Stratigraphy at Chaotian, Sichuan, South China
Saitoh M, Isozaki Y, Yao J & Ji Z
(2016) Experimental Hydrothermal Alteration of Andesite at 325 ˚C, 300 Bars: Comparison with Hydrothermal Fluids in the Hatoma Knoll, Southern Okinawa Trough
Torimoto J, Saitoh M, Shibuya T, Nozaki T, Ueda H & Suzuki K
(2016) Large Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Maintenance Metabolism of Desulfoviburio Desulufuricans
Matsu'ura F, Makita H, Saitoh M, Takai K & Ueno Y
(2016) Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation at the End-Guadalupian (Middle Permian) in China: Implications for the Carbon Cycle in Ancient Anoxic Oceans
Saitoh M, Ueno Y, Isozaki Y, Shibuya T, Yao J, Ji Z, Shozugawa K, Matsuo M & Yoshida N
(2016) Experimental Study on H2 Generation by Reactions between Komatiite and CO2-rich Seawater
Ueda H, Shibuya T, Sawaki Y, Saitoh M, Takai K & Maruyama S

Saitoh Yu (2019) Combining Isoscapes and Segmental Isotope Analysis of Vertebrae to Study the Movement of Fishes
Tayasu I, Kato Y, Kamauchi H, Yoshimizu C, Matsubayashi J, Osada Y, Saitoh Y, Shin K, Nakano T, Togashi H & Kurita Y
(2013) Origin of Atmospheric Dust and the Associated Anthropogenic Lead Around Omura Bay, West Japan
Saitoh Y, Umezawa Y, Kawamoto K, Tanimizu M & Ishikawa T

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