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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Saini Hari Singh

Saini N (2004) Stream Sediment Geochemical Survey Across MCT Zone in Garhwal Himalaya: Prospects for Uranium and Thorium Mineralization
Mukherjee P, Khanna P, Saini N, Purohit K & Rathi M

Saini N. K. (2014) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Mahi River Sediment: A Case Study of Deccan Trap Rocks Weathering and Role of Climate and Tectonics
Sharma A, Sensarma S, Kumar K, Khanna PP & Saini NK

Saini-Eidukat B. (2018) The Fate of Heavy Metals in Acidic Rivers and Sedimentation Mechanism
Ogawa Y, Ishiyama D, Đorđievski S, Saini-Eidukat B, Wood S & Gammons C

Saino T. (2006) Underway surface water sample collection system for dissolved gases and triple isotopic composition of dissolved oxygen
Sarma VVSS, Abe O & Saino T
(2003) Gross Productivity of the Sagami Bay Using Triple Oxygen Isotope
Vedula V, Abe O & Saino T

Saint Blanquat M.D. (2013) X-Ray Tomography Links Macroscopic Silicate Fabric and AMS Fabric
Schöpa A, Floess D, Saint Blanquat MD, Launeau P, Annen C & Baumgartner L

Saint Martin J.P. (2023) Hyperspectral Study of Visible Fluorescence in Modern and Ancient Microbialites to Detect Traces of Life
Debrie J, Saint Martin JP, Desjardins K, Lam F, Le Callonnec L, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A & Benzerara K
(2021) Mineralogical and Geochemical Study of Modern Stromatolites: Clues to their Formation and Use as Paleoenvironmental Records
Debrie J, Prêt D, Benzerara K, Sans-Jofre P & Saint Martin JP

Saint Vincent P. (2020) Fugitive Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in Northeastern Oklahoma
Reeder M, Pekney N & Saint Vincent P

Saint-Andre L. (2019) Quantifying Plant-Available Pools of Ca, Mg and K in Forest Soils by Stable Isotopic Dilution
Bel J, Legout A, Laclau J-P, Löfgren S, Hall S, Saint-Andre L & van der Heijden G
(2017) Tracing the Fate of Mg and Ca Originating from Liming in Beech Forest Ecosystems of Northern France over 40 Years: Ecosystem Nutrient Budgets and 26Mg/24Mg and 87Sr/86Sr Natural Isotope Ratio Variations
Court M, Van der Heijden G, Louvat P, Bolou-Bi E, Nys C, Saint-André L & Legout A
(2015) Productivity of Forest Stands Developed on a Soil Succession with Different Mineral Weathering Rate: A Complex Relationship
Calvaruso C, Saint-Andre L, Kirchen G, Redon P-O & Turpault M-P

Saint-Lys R. (2020) Unexpected Fast and Massive Release of Minor and Trace Elements during Silicate/Water Interactions
Lemarchand D, Perrone T, Boutin R, Saint-Lys R & Daval D

Saint-Macary H. (2011) Investigation of Copper and Zinc Speciation in Pig Slurry by a Multitechnique Approach
Legros S, Doelsch E, Chaurand P, Rose J, Masion A, Borschneck D, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, Briois V, Ferrasse J-H, Saint-Macary H & Bottero J-Y
(2008) Cu and Zn Speciation in Pig Slurry Impact on their Mobility in Soil
Legros S, Doelsch E, Rose J, Masion A, Proux O, Hazmann J-L, Saint-Macary H & Bottero J-Y

SaintBlanquat M. (2015) Multidisciplinary Study of a Recent Oceanic Pluton: The Syenitic Complex of Rallier du Baty, Kerguelen(TAAF)
Ponthus L, Guillaume D, SaintBlanquat M, Benoit M, Pearson N, Gregoire M, O'Reilly S & LeRomancer M

Saintilan Nicolas (2019) A Refined View of the 'Mesoarchean Gold Event'
Saintilan N, Selby D, Hughes J, Schlatter D, Kolb J & Boyce A
(2017) Petroleum as Source and Carrier of Metals in Epigenetic Sediment-Hosted Mineralisation
Saintilan N, Spangenberg J, Chiaradia M, Chelle-Michou C, Stephens M & Fontboté L
(2016) Re-Os Systematics of Safflorite-Löllingite and Arsenopyrite in Granulite Facies Garnet Rocks: Insights into the Thermal Evolution of the Broken Hill Block during the Early Mesoproterozoic
Saintilan N, Creaser R & Spry P

Saintilan Nicolas J (2021) Devonian Greenhouse Conditions Drove Epigenetic Copper–cobalt Mineralisation in Hydrothermal Dolomite in Passive Margin Setting
Saintilan NJ, Archer C, Maden C, Samankassou E, Bernasconi SM & Spangenberg JE

Sainz Garcia A.M. (2023) Seasonal Underground Storage of Green Hydrogen: Feasibility Study in a Saline Aquifer
Sainz Garcia AM, Grandia F & Abarca E
(2015) Convective Mixing Fingers and Chemistry Interaction in CCS
Sainz Garcia AM, Abarca E, Nardi A & Grandia F

Sainz-Diaz I. (2011) Atomic Force Microscopy Observations of Nanostructures and Crystal Growth in Bivalves
Pina CM, Checa AG, Sainz-Díaz CI & Cartwright JHE
(2010) Water Diffusion in the Dehydroxylation Reactions in Dioctahedral Phyllosilicates by ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Sainz-Diaz I, Molina-Montes E, Donadio D, Mañas E & Hernandez-Laguna A
(2009) Adsorption of Pollutants on Silicate Surfaces from Aerosols by Computational Geochemistry
Sainz-Diaz I, Iuga C, Fernandez-Marquez M & Vivier-Bunge A

Saishree A. (2023) Simultaneous Synthesis of N-Alkanes and N-Alkanoic Acids in Tropical Angiosperms
Saishree A, Managave S & Sanyal P

Saison A. (2004) Characterising the Organic Facies of Cretaceous and Tertiary Sediments in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories (Canada)
Saison A, Dieckmann V, Snowdon L & Horsfield B

Saito A. (2019) Synthesis of U and Pb-Doped Calcite: A Novel Reference Material for in situ U–Pb Dating of Carbonates
Miyajima Y, Saito A, Kagi H, Yokoyama T, Hirata T, Roberts N & Horstwood M
(2019) Incorporation of Ba2+ into Calcite and Impurity-Induced Rotational Disorder at Room Temperature
Kagi H, Saito A, Komatsu K & Kawano J

Saito C. (2003) Correlation between Ba and Si/N in the Oceans
Kato Y, Kamata M, Watanabe Y & Saito C
(2003) Beryllium Isotopes Observed in Hachijo Island
Nagai H, Yamagata T, Saito C & Matsuzaki H

Saito G (2003) Magma Ascent and Degassing Process of Miyakejima 2000 Eruption: Constraints from Glass Inclusions and Volcanic Gases
Saito G, Uto K, Kazahaya K & Shinohara H

Saito Genji (2019) Origin of Felsic Magma in AsO Caldera: Importance of Shallow Magma Degassing
Miyagi I, Suda T, Hoshizumi H, Saito G, Miyabuchi Y & Geshi N
(2016) An Ion Microprobe Study of Siderophile Elements in Metal Grains in the Y81020 (CO 3.05) Chondrite
Hiyagon H, Morishita Y & Saito G

Saito H (2003) Type of Organic Matter in Sediments from ODPleg 190 Site 1175, 1176, and 1178, Controlling Gas Hydrate Formation in Nankai Trough, Japan
Saito H & Suzuki N
(2003) Export Flux and Carbon Budget in the Iron Fertilization Experiments in the Subarctic North Pacific
Nojiri Y, Imai K, Saito H, Tsuda A & Whitney F

Saito Hikari (2023) Microbial Nitrogen Cycle Recorded in the 3.2 Ga Banded Iron Formation of the Fig Tree Group, Barberton, S. Africa
Saito H, Ishida A, Hashizume K & Kakegawa T
(2021) Unique Occurrence of Organic Matter in the Banded Iron Formation of the Fig Tree Group, Barberton, S. Africa: Implication to the Middle Archean Primary Producer
Saito H, Ishida A & Kakegawa T

Saito Hikaru

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