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Schriver D. (2013) Dark Organic Matter in Permanently Shadowed Craters on Mercury
Harju E, Paige D, Siegler M, Delitsky M & Schriver D

Schröder C. (2022) Dynamics of Iron-Bound Organic Carbon in the Changjiang Estuary
Zhao B, Yao P, Bianchi TS, Wang X, Schröder C & Yu Z
(2021) Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron and Carbon from Forested Environments to Coastal Waters and Sediments
Kellock CCI, Smeaton C, Shah N, Austin W & Schröder C
(2021) Incompatible, not Volatile: The Behaviour of Nitrogen in Extrusive and Plutonic Igneous Rocks and Minerals
Boocock TJ, Bybee GM, Koenig R, Mikhail S, Prytulak J, Savage PS, Schröder C & Stüeken EE
(2017) Mineralogy of Reactive Iron Species: Combining Sequential Extractions and Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Hepburn L, Schröder C, Butler I & Boyce A
(2017) Impact-Facilitated Hydrothermal Alteration in the Rim of Endeavour Crater, Mars
Mittlefehldt DW, Schröder C, Farrand WH, Crumpler LS & Yen AS
(2017) The Rusty Sink: Investigating the Importance of Iron to the Long-Term Storage of Organic Carbon in Coastal Sediments
Smeaton C, Schröder C, Wood D & Austin W
(2017) Towards a Mineralogical View of Iron Colloids and Nanoparticles in Aquatic Environments
Wood D, Crocket K, Stutter M, Wilson C & Schröder C
(2013) Cd Mobility in Anoxic Fe-Mineral-Rich Environments – Potential Use of Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria for Soil Remediation
Muehe EM, Adaktylou IJ, Obst M, Schröder C, Behrens S, Hitchcock AP, Tyliszczak T, Krämer U & Kappler A
(2012) Mossbauer Evidence of Rapid Pyrite Formation during the Interaction between Dissolved Sulfide and Lepidocrocite
Wan M, Schroder C & Peiffer S
(2011) Quantifying Electron Flow in the Sulfidation of Lepidocrocite
Wan M, Schröder C & Peiffer S
(2011) Pressure-Temperature Diagenesis of Fe Minerals and Biomass Produces Hematite, Siderite and Magnetite as Present in Banded Iron Formations
Kappler A, Posth N, Koehler I, Schröder C, Konhauser K, Neumann U, Berthold C & Nowak M
(2007) Jarosite and Goethite Identified by Mössbauer Spectroscopy on the Surface of Mars: Mineralogical Evidence for Aqueous Processes
Klingelhöfer G, Morris RV, Rodionov D, Schröder C, Fleischer I, Yen A & Ming DW
(2007) Investigation of Weathering Rinds on Earth and Mars by Depth Selective Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Fleischer I, Klingelhöfer G, Rodionov D & Schröder C

Schröder Jan (2018) The Butanetriol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (BDGTs), Potential Biomarkers for Methanogenesis?
Coffinet S, Mühlena L, Crump MP, Meador TB, Becker KW, Schröder J, Heuer VB, Lipp JS & Hinrichs K-U
(2013) Intact Polar Lipids and Diagenetic Processes in Sub-Seafloor Sediments in the Black Sea
Schröder J, Aiello I, Goldhammer T, Heuer V, Elvert M, Zabel M & Hinrichs K-U

Schröder Jan M. (2015) Physiological and Ecological Constraints on TEX86 and GDGT Provenance Revealed by Pure Culture Experiments and Quinone Biomarkers
Elling FJ, Becker KW, Könneke M, Schröder JM, Hurley SJ, Mußmann M, Pearson A & Hinrichs K-U
(2014) Intact Polar Lipids in the Black Sea and its Sediments: Microbial Life Above and Below the Seafloor
Schröder J, Lipp J, Lazar C, Aiello I, Goldhammer T, Heuer V, Elvert M, Zabel M, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U

Schröder Stefan (2017) Synchrotron-Based XRF Mapping of Neoarchean Stromatolites: Trace Element Distribution in Microbialites
Warke M, Edwards N, Schröder S, Wogelius R, Manning P, Bergmann U, Kimball-Linares K, Garwood R & Beukes N
(2007) Massive H2S Release to Surface Waters at the Precambrian-Cambrian (PC-C) Boundary: Evidence from Mo Isotopes
Wille M, Nägler TF, Schröder S, Lehmann B & Kramers JD
(2007) The Sulphur Isotopic Evolution of Late Neoarchean and Early Paleoproterozoic Seawater
Guo Q, Strauss H, Schröder S & Gutzmer J
(2006) Evidence for a gradual rise of oxygen between 2.6 and 2.5 Ga from Mo isotopes and Re-PGE signatures
Wille M, Kramers JD, Nägler TF, Beukes NJ, Meisel T, Voegelin AR, Schröder S & Lacassie JP

Schroder Susanne (2016) MSL Chemistry and Mineralogy of the Bagnold Dunes, Gale Crater
Ehlmann B, Achilles C, Bridges N, Conrad P, Cousin A, Edgett K, Fraeman A, Johnson J, Lapotre M, Litvak M, Rowland S, Schroder S, Sutter B, Stein N, Thompson L, Vaniman D, Vasavada A & Yen A

Schroder T. (2013) From Small-Scale Chemical Processes to Long-Term (Radioactive) Contaminant Migration Predictions
Meeussen J, Schroder T & Dijkstra J

Schroder-Adams C. (2023) The Silica Cycle on a Continental Shelf during the Upper Cretaceous: Reconstructions of Silicon Isotopes of Sponges, Radiolaria and Diatoms
Doering K, Zhang Z, Dai Y, Dummann W, Pickering RA, Brylka K, Stoerling T, Schröder-Adams C, Richoz S, Frank M, Herrle J, Harwood D & Conley DJ
(2002) Significance of Novel Branched Alkanes with Quaternary Carbon Centers in Black Shales
Simons D-J, Kenig F, Crich D & Schroder-Adams C

Schroder-Ritzrau Andrea (2012) Stable Isotope and Trace Element Records in Holocene Stalagmites from Java: Paleoarchive of Climate Change and Human Activity?
Hartmann A, Eiche E, Neumann T, Fohlmeister J, Schroder-Ritzrau A & Mangini A

Schröder-Ritzrau Andrea (2015) Mid-Depth Northeast Atlantic 14C during the Past 30000 Years
Frank N, Wefing A-M, Hemsing F, Fohlmeister J, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Blamart D, Schröder-Ritzrau A & Carreiro-Silva M

Schröder-Ritzrau Andrea (2023) Statistical Analysis of Temporal Cold-Water Coral Occurrence throughout the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea
Kerber IK, Frank N, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Titschack J & Wienberg C

Schröder-Ritzrau Andrea (2017) Glacial Intensification of the Benguela Current
Frank N, Roesch C, Wefing A-M, Wienberg C, Lausecker M, Förstel J, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Therre S, Friedrich R, Arps J, Hebbeln D, Dullo C & Freiwald A
(2017) U/Th Dating of Pteropod Rich Layers in Marine Sediment
Lausecker M, Bahr A, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Burchard M, Lippold J & Frank N
(2017) Tropical Soil Activity on Socotra Island, Arabian Sea, Since the LGM: Evidence from Speleothem Radiocarbon
Therre S, Fohlmeister J, Fleitmann D, Burns SJ, Arps J, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Friedrich R & Frank N
(2017) Centennial Growth Rate Variability of Two Alpine Holocene Speleothems
Arps J, Trüssel M, Leutz K, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Edwards L, Cheng H, Zhang P, Thil F, Deininger M, Aeschbach N, Spötl C, Fohlmeister J & Frank N
(2017) Hydrology of the Heinrich 1/Bølling-Allerød Transition in a Speleothem Multi-Proxy Record from Tropical Asia
Hartmann A, Eiche E, Neumann T, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Riechelmann D, Mertz R & Scholz D

Schroeder C (2006) Mineralogy on Mars at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum as seen by Iron Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Klingelhoefer G, Morris R, Yen A, Ming D, Schroeder C & Rodionov D
(2004) Mössbauer Spectroscopy on Mars and its Potential Contribution in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Schroeder C, Klingelhoefer G, Morris R, Bernhardt B, Rodionov D, de Souza P & Renz F

Schroeder Christian (2016) The Composition and Mechanical Properties of Soil-Derived Fe-Om Co-precipitates at Macro- and Nanoscale
Fritzsche A, Wieczorek AK, Mueller CW, Schroeder C, Ritschel T & Totsche K
(2013) Simulating Precambrian Banded Iron Formation Diagenesis
Kappler A, Posth NR, Koehler I, Swanner E, Schroeder C, Wellmann E, Binder B, Konhauser KO, Neumann U, Berthold C, Nowak M & Papineau D

Schroeder E. (2016) On the in situ Measurements of Physicochemical Properties of Geothermal Brines in Germany
Herfurth S & Schroeder E

Schroeder F. (2011) Experimental Constraints on the Composition of Slab Liquids Below Arc Volcanoes
Klimm K, Schroeder F & Blundy J

Schroeder H (2004) Does the Lake Morphology Influence Vertical Ion Distribution in Lake Water?
Schroeder H & Isenbeck-Schroeter M

Schroeder Henning (2023) Multi-Element River Water Monitoring by Quantifying 68 Elements in One Single Analytical run
Belkouteb N, Schroeder H, van Dongen R, Terweh S, Slabon A, Arndt J, Wiederhold JG, Ternes TA & Duester L
(2019) Distribution and Transformation of Emerging Pollutants at the SWI
Schroeder H, Duester L & Wick A
(2017) Suction Based Profiling Approaches to Simultaneously Assess the Redox Value, Nutrient-, Pollutant- and O2- (Pore)water Concentrations Across Sediment Water Interfaces
Duester L, Fabricius A-L, Schroeder H, Dietrich C & Ternes TA

Schroeder J. (2006) Dynamics of large-magnitude extension in the Whipple Mountains metamorphic core complex
Stockli DF, Brichau S, Dewane TJ, Hager C & Schroeder J

Schroeder Karl (2014) Geochemical Characterization and Assessment of Migration or Mixing of Upper and Middle Devonian Produced Waters Following Horizontal Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing
Capo R, Kolesar Kohl C, Stewart B, Wall A, Schroeder K, Hammack R & Guthrie G
(2011) Origin of Dissolved Metals in Produced Water from the Devonian Marcellus Shale, USA: Sr Isotope Systematics
Stewart B, Chapman E, Capo R, Hammack R, Schroeder K & Edenborn H
(2010) Tracking Solutes and Water from Subsurface Drip Irrigation Application of Coalbed Methane Produced Waters
Engle M, Bern C, Healy R, Sams J, Zupancic J & Schroeder K

Schroeder Katie

Schroeder Paul (2020) Potential Habitability of Mars Based Thermodynamic Models of Martian Soil Simulants
Fackrell L & Schroeder P

Schroeder Paul A. (2015) Analyzing Bentonite and Organo-Bentonite Structure with X-Ray Diffraction Method
Orucoglu E & Schroeder PA

Schroeder Stephen (2020) Reactive Transport Constraints on Early Diagenesis in Two Soda Lakes of the Cariboo Plateau, Canada
Tutolo B, Paquette A, Zhou Y, Bossaer S, Arizaleta M, Schroeder S, Mott E, Novotnik B, Gillis T, Vadalamani A, Rattray J, Nightingale M, De La Hoz Siegler H, Lauer R & Strous M

Schroeder Susanne (2023) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ancient Sedimentary Rocks Analyzed by the SuperCam Instrument in the Jezero Delta, Mars
Dehouck E, Forni O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Mangold N, Royer C, Clavé E, Beyssac O, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Poulet F, Le Mouélic S, Caravaca G, Kalucha H, Gibbons E, Dromart G, Gasda P, Meslin P-Y, Schroeder S, Udry A, Anderson R, Clegg S, Cousin A, Gabriel T, Lasue J, Fouchet T, Pilleri P, Pilorget C, Hurowitz J, Núñez J, Williams A, Russell P, Simon JI, Maurice S & Wiens RC

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