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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Rocha M.P. (2021) Metasomatized Mantle Xenoliths from Canastra-1 Kimberlite, Southern Edge of the São Francisco Craton
Braga LG, Jalowitzki T, Rocha MP, Gervasoni F, Mazzucchelli M, Giovanardi T, Novais Rodrigues E, Dalla Costa M, Fuck RA, Rubiano GM, Bertotto GW & Santos RV

Rocha Júnior J.M. (2016) Metallogeny of the Paleoproterozoic Volcanic Centers in the Vila Mandi Region, Uatumã SLIP, Southernmost Amazonian Craton, Brazil
Fernandes CM, Lagler B, Juliani C, Monteiro LV & Rocha Júnior JM

Rocha Miller R. (2018) Hydrogeochemistry Evidences of Water-Rock Interaction of a Thermal System: Rancho Nuevo, Guanajuato, Mexico
Landa Arreguín JFA, Villanueva Estrada RE, Morales Arredondo JI, Rocha Miller R & Rodríguez Díaz A

Rocha Santos L. (2022) Organic and Inorganic Records in the Botijuella Travertine System, Central Andes, Puna Altiplano
Cury L, Alonso G, Stepanenko T, Rocha Santos L & Bahniuk Rumbelsperger AM

Rocha-Júnior E.R.V. (2017) The high-Ti Dykes of Florianópolis Swarm (Paraná Magmatic Province): Mantle Sources and Crustal Contamination
Marques LS, De Min A, Rocha-Júnior ERV, Babinski M, Bellieni G & Figueiredo AM

Rocha-Lima A. (2021) Contribution of the World’s Main Dust Source Regions to the Global Cycle of Desert Dust
Kok JF, Adebiyi AA, Albani S, Balkanski Y, Checa-Garcia R, Chin M, Colarco P, Hamilton D, Huang Y, Ito A, Klose M, Li L, Mahowald N, Miller RL, Obiso V, Perez Garcia-Pando C, Rocha-Lima A & Wan J
(2017) Apportionment Study of the Dust Sources in the Middle East and North Africa Using GEOS-5
Rocha-Lima A, Colarco P, Darmenov A, Nowottnick E, da Silva A, Gassó S & Torres O

Rochat L. (2016) How Petit-Spot Mantle Xenoliths Will Refine LAB Processes
Pilet S, Rochat L, Muntener O, Kaczmarek M-A, Duretz T, Abe N, Hirano N & Machida S
(2016) Petit-Spot Lavas as Test for Alkaline Magma Generation
Rochat L, Pilet S, Kaczmarek M-A, Müntener O, Abe N, Hirano N & Machida S
(2015) Evidence for Deep Metasomatic Enrichment in Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle
Pilet S, Rochat L, Abe N, Kaczmarek M-A & Muntener O
(2015) Is Metasomatism a Global Mechanism at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary?
Rochat L, Pilet S, Abe N, Kaczmarek M-A, Baumgartner L & Müntener O
(2013) Evidence for Global Metasomatic Enrichment in Oceanic Lithosphere
Pilet S, Abe N, Rochat L, Buchs D & Baumgartner PO

Rochd K. (2015) Implications of Pb Anomalies in Meteorites for Dating the Age of Stellar Processes
Rochd K
(2015) Evidence for Two 4.63 Gyr Asteroidal Parent Bodies of the Shergotty-Nakhla-Chassigny Meteorites
Rochd K
(2013) The Age of the Moon from U-Th-Pb Systematics on Terrestrial and Lunar Primitive Mantles
Rochd K
(2010) New Approach for the Determination of a Mantle End-Member Controlling N-Morb-Like Component in Oceanic Basalts and in Intraplate Dupale-Type Basalts: A Metallogenic Implication
Rochd K, Ennih N, Jouhari A, Mouttaqi A & Nasloubi M
(2009) Mantle End-Membres (DM, EMI, EMII, HIMU and PM) – Geochronological Interpretation
Rochd K

Roche A. (2017) Factors Controlling Development of Microbialites in the Mérantaise River (France)
Roche A, Payandi-Rolland D, Vennin E, Bundeleva I, Amiotte-Suchet P, Bouton A, Courvoisier H & Visscher P

Roche D. (2023) Circulation in the Modern and Glacial Pacific: Oxygen Isotope and Model Constraints
Millet B, Gray WR, De Lavergne C, Wagner AJ, Waelbroeck C, Michel E, Rae JWB, Sikes EL & Roche D
(2023) Glacial Carbonate Compensation in the Pacific Ocean Constrained from Paired Oxygen and Carbonate System Reconstructions
Trudgill M, Gray WR, Bouttes N, Munhoven G, Roche D, Colle N, Rae JWB, Michel E, Dapoigny A, Rebaubier H, Richard P & Manssouri F
(2013) A Precise Climatic Sequencing of the Penultimate Glacial Termination
Landais A, Dreyfus G, Capron E, Jouzel J, Masson-Delmotte V, Roche D, Prié F, Caillon N, Chappellaz J, Leuenberger M, Lourantou A, Parrenin F, Raynaud D & Teste G

Roche M.J. (2023) Atmospheric Loss in Giant Impacts Depends on Pre-Impact Surface Conditions
Lock SJ, Stewart ST & Roche MJ

Roche N. (2022) Fate and Treatment of Pharmaceutical Emerging Pollutants in the Context of Wastewater Reuse for Agricultural Irrigation
Loosli F, Deschamps M, Fatahizadeh M, Delarue G, Roche N & Labille J
(2013) Fate and Impacts of nano-CeO2 in an Activated Sludge Bioreactor
Barton L, Auffan M, Maison A, Santaella C, Olivi L, Roche N, Bottero J-Y & Wiesner M

Roche V. (2020) African Superplume Composition: Insight from the Mozambique Margin
Revillon S, Roche V, Leroy S, Guillocheau F, Ruffet G, Aslanian D, Moulin M, Dall'Asta M & Kluska JM
(2020) 40Ar Behaviour and Dynamics of a Subduction Channel from High-Spatial Resolution 40Ar/39Ar Systematics
Laurent V, Scaillet S, Jolivet L, Augier R & Roche V

Rochefort G. (2012) Reference Materials Mapping: Spatial Geochemical Heterogeneity Characterization
Bedard P, Rochefort G, Neron A & Esbensen K

Rochelle C. (2017) Combined Extraction of Energy and Metals from Ultra-Deep Ore Bodies: The Potential of Cornwall, UK
Lusty P, Rochelle C, Shaw R & Kilpatrick A
(2014) The Formation of Ikaite (CaCO3.6H2O) in Hyperalkaline Springs Associated with the Leaching of Lime Kiln Waste
Milodowski A, Rushton J, Purser G, Rochelle C, Kemp S, Shaw R & Ellis M
(2014) Dissolution of K-Feldspar at CO2-Saturated Conditions
Rosenqvist J, Kilpatrick A, Yardley B & Rochelle C
(2013) In situ pH and Carbon Dioxide Solubility in NaCl Fluids
Purser G, Rochelle C & Jones L
(2013) Green River CO2 Natural Analogue, Utah: Insights into Fe Mobilisation from Jarosite Fracture Mineralisation
Rushton J, Wagner D, Purser G, Pearce J & Rochelle C
(2013) Petrology of Column Experiments on the Interaction of Young Cement Leachate with Silicate Host Rock in a Geological Disposal Facility
Field L, Milodowski A, Bateman K, Moyce E, Shaw S & Rochelle C
(2013) Noble Gas Partitioning in CO2 Environments: A Supercritical Assessment of Current Assumptions
Warr O, Masters A, Rochelle C & Ballentine C
(2013) Carbonation of Cement within a Repository for Radioactive Wastes: Impact of CO2 on Cement Mineralogy and Permeability
Rochelle C, Purser G & Milodowski A
(2012) Potential Dissolution of Sandstone in the Presence of Supercritical CO2-H2S-H2O: An Experimental and Geochemical Modelling Approach
Nwankwor C, Maroto-Valer M, Large D, Bateman K & Rochelle C
(2012) Mineral Reactions at High pH Relevant to Radwaste Disposal: A 15 Year Experimental Study
Moyce E, Morris K, Milodowski A, Rochelle C & Shaw S
(2012) Towards Determining Noble Gas Partitioning between Supercirtcial CO2 and Water
Warr O, Masters A, Rochelle C & Ballentine C
(2010) Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Rock-Buffered Aqueous Fluids
Rosenqvist J, Rochelle C & Yardley B

Rocher D.

Rocher O. (2021) Trace Volatile Metals and Noble Gases in Deep Sampling at Theistareykir Geothermal Field, NE Iceland: it is not Only About Volcanic Arcs
Saby M, van Hinsberg V, Pinti DL, Berlo K, Rocher O, Sigurðardóttir ÁK, Gautason B & Kevin B

Rocher V. (2023) Monitoring of Organic Contaminants in Raw Wastewater by Targeted and Non-Targeted Screening: An Effective Tool for Assessing Urban Metabolism
Bernier-Turpin G, Thiebault T, Alliot F, Caupos E, Le Roux J, Rocher V, Azimi S & Moilleron R
(2013) Kinetic Parameters of Pelagic Nitrifying Communities: Consequences on Nitrite Dynamics in the Seine River Downstream of Paris
Raimonet M, Vilmin L, Flipo N, Cazier T, Rocher V & Laverman AM

Rochette P. (2023) Geochemical Variability of Ivory Coast Tektites
Soro P, Baratoux D, Kouamelan AN & Rochette P
(2023) Mineralogical and Geochronological Study of a Relict Monazite Inclusion in a Muong Nong Tektite from Indochina
Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Rochette P, Zanetta P-M & Glass BP
(2023) Terrestrial Age of Iron Meteorites from the Sahara of North Africa
Aboulahris M, Chennaoui-Aoudjehane H, Rochette P, Hutzler A & Gattacceca J
(2023) The Africa Initiative for Planetary and Space Science – Five Years Later
Baratoux D, Chennaoui-Aoudjehane H, Rochette P, Folco L, Niang CAB, Soro P, Kouamelan AN, Sapah MS & Kaire M
(2023) ATTARIK Foundation: A Moroccan Initiative for the Promotion of Meteoritics and Planetary Science in Morocco and Abroad
Chennaoui Aoudjehane H, Arif S, Baratoux D, Rochette P, Ferriere L, Jadid F, El Hachemi EM, Zennouri L, Ould Mohamed Naviee EC, Berrada O & Aoudjehane M
(2018) Tracing Meteorite Terrestrial Weathering Effects on Rare Earth Elements (REEs) Distribution: Implications for Meteorite Weathering Related to Climate
Pourkhorsandi H, D’Orazio M, Rochette P, Valenzuela M, Debaille V & Gattacceca J
(2017) Africa Initiative for Planetary and Space Sciences
Baratoux D, Chennaoui-Aoudjehane H, Gibson R, Lamali A, Reimold WU, Selorm Sapah M, Chabou C, Habarulema JB, Jessell MW, Mogessie A, Benkhaldoun Z, Nkhonjera E, Mukosi NC, Kaire M, Rochette P, Sickafoose A, Martínez-Frías J, Hofmann A, Folco L & Rossi AP
(2017) Measuring Oxygen Isotopes in Micrometeorites Using SHRIMP
Van Ginneken M, Avila J, Holden P, Mckibbin S, Goderis S, Soens B, Claeys P, Debaille V, Ireland T, Folco L & Rochette P
(2002) Tracking the Ethiopian Flood Basalt Fallout from Pb Isotopes in Indian Ocean Sediments
Hamelin B, Touchard Y, Angeletti B & Rochette P

Rochez G. (2013) Eliminate the Organic Nitrogen Fraction to Perform δ15N<sub>tot</sub>-δ15N<sub>bnd</sub> Analyses in Bulk Rocks: Application for Iguanodon-bearing Wealden Facies of Bernissart (Belgium)
Storme J-Y, Iacumin P, Rochez G & Yans J

Rochholz F. (2018) Climate and Carbon-Cycle Response to Astronomical Forcing over the Last 35 Ma
De Vleeschouwer D, Rochholz F, Vahlenkamp M, Crucifix M & Pälike H

Rochin-Banaga H. (2019) U-Pb in Fossil Tortoise Shell: A Potential Geochronometer for Sedimentation
Rochin-Banaga H, Davis D & Chazan M

Rocholl A. (2023) Comparative Chronology of Apollo 16 Impactites and Implications for the Landing Site Stratigraphy
Černok A, Haber T, Dürr T, Rocholl A, Schwarz WH, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Scherer EE & Becker H
(2021) The Behavior of the U-Pb System in Apatite and Zr Minerals in Pristine Lunar Norite during Infiltration by Imbrium Impact Melt
Vanderliek DM, Becker H, Rocholl A, Schwarz WH & Whitehouse M
(2020) Zircon-Baddeleyite Age Relationships in a Polymict Lunar Breccia
Vanderliek D, Becker H, Rocholl A & Schwarz W
(2019) Origin of Chromitites with UHP Minerals in the Aladag Ophiolite, Turkey: Two-Way Recycling in Oceanic Lithosphere Generation
Lian D, Yang J, Wiedenbeck M, Dilek Y, Rocholl A & Wu W
(2018) Sources of S in the Paleoproterozoic Urquhart Shale Hosted George Fisher Zn-Pb-Ag Deposit, Mt Isa, Australia
Rieger P, Magnall JM, Gleeson SA, Rocholl A & Lilly R
(2018) Differentiating between Euxinic and Diagenetic Pyrite in the Barney Creek Formation – Implications for Ore Formation in the Teena Sub-Basin, Australia
Magnall J, Gleeson S, Rocholl A & Hayward N
(2017) Impact-Generated Zircon and the History of Lunar Breccia 67955
Vanderliek DM, Becker H & Rocholl A
(2017) Calcium Isotopes as Tracers of Ocean Crust Alteration – Implications for Proxy Records
Böhm F, Rocholl A, Wiedenbeck M, Liebetrau V & Eisenhauer A
(2017) Boron Isotope Systematics in Cold Water Corals (Lophelia pertusa) along the Norwegian Margin: Zooming into a Potential pH-Proxy by Combining Bulk and High Resolution Approaches
Liebetrau V, Raddatz J, Fietzke J, Trotter J, Rocholl A, Krause S, McCulloch M, Rüggeberg A & Eisenhauer A
(2015) First Report on Hawaiian Carbonatites
Rocholl A, Jochum KP, Plessen B, Rhede D, Romer RL & Wirth R
(2013) Design Overview of the Potsdam 1280-HR SIMS Instrument
Rocholl A & Wiedenbeck M
(2007) Nb-Depleted Calc-Alkaline Dacites from Iceland: Implications for Archean Crust Formation
Hegner E, Willbold M, Stracke A & Rocholl A
(2007) A Depleted Lithosphere Component in the Hawaiian Plume: Noble Gas Evidence from Plume-Related Mantle Xenoliths
Rocholl A, Günther D, Trieloff M & Wirth R
(2004) Activity Disequilibrium of 230Th, 234U, and 238U in Old Stilbite: Effects of Young U Mobility and Daughter Implantation by a-Recoil
Romer R & Rocholl A
(2001) Water — a Source of Systematic Error in Quantitative SIMS Analyses of Hydrous Glasses
Wiedenbeck M, Rocholl A & Koepke J
(2000) Comparative Study of Koolau and Mauna Loa Primitive Melts: Investigation of Melt Inclusions in Olivines
Sobolev V, Sobolev A, Rocholl A & Hofmann A

Rock G.J. (2002) Iron: Potential Fuel of the Deep Biosphere?
Rock GJ, Aplin A, Matenaar I, Calvert C & Brown A

Rock L. (2009) Combining Hydrometric, Chemical and Isotopic Approaches to Assess Nitrate Loading of Rivers in Southern Alberta, Canada
Mayer B, Rock L, Chao J, Hogue K & Katvala S

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