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Robinson Paul (2017) Ophiolites as Archieves of Recycled Crustal Material Residing in the Deep Mantle
Yang J, Robinson P, Dilek Y & Wirth R

Robinson Paul T (2015) Ca-Perovskite: A First Report of a Lower Mantle Mineral in Ophiolite-Hosted Diamond
Yang J, Wirth R, Xiong F, Tian Y, Huang Z, Robinson P & Dilek Y
(2015) Ophiolite-Hosted Diamond: The Key to Understanding the Evolution of Oceanic Mantle
Robinson PT, Yang J-S, Wirth R, Xu X & Dilek Y
(2013) A New Model for the Formation of Podiform Chromitites in Ophiolites
Robinson PT, Yang J, Zhou M-F & Xiong F
(2013) Going up or Going Down? Diamonds and Super-Reducing UHP Assemblages in Ophiolitic Mantle
Griffiin W, Yang J, Robinson P, Howell D, Shi R-D, O'Reilly S & Pearson N
(2011) In situ Diamonds and Moissanite in Podiform Chromitites of the Luobusa and Ray-Iz Ophiolites, Tibet and Russia
Yang J-S & Robinson PT
(2011) Deep Subduction of Crustal Minerals in the Mantle: Evidence from Ophiolites
Robinson P, Trumbull R, Yang J-S & Schmitt A
(2007) Crustal Contamination of the Upper Mantle: Evidence from Ophiolites
Robinson P, Trumbull R, Kostrowski S, Erzinger J, Schmidt A & Emmermann R
(2001) An Ultrahigh Pressure Mineral Assemblage from the Luobusa Ophiolite, Tibet
Robinson PT, Malpas J, Cameron S, Zhou M-F & Bai W-J
(2001) SHRIMP Zircon Geochronology of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (SW China): Implications for Double Mass Extinctions in Late Permian
Zhou M-F, Malpas J, Song X-Y, Robinson PT, Kennedy AK, Sun M, Thompson G & Yan D-P

Robinson Paul Thornton (2019) Carbon-Rich Fluids and Formation of Microdiamonds in Nature
Yang J, Lian D, Robinson PT & Wu W
(2019) Mineral Inclusions in Ophiolite-Hosted Diamonds Provide Strong Evidence of a Deep Mantle Origin
Robinson PT, Yang J, Wirth R & Lian D
(2019) Deep Subduction in the Archean Indicated by Ultrahigh-Pressure Polymorphs of Chromite and Rutile in Archean Ophiolitic Podiform Chromite
Kusky T, Wang L, Huang Y, Robinson P, Wirth R & Ning W
(2019) Modification of Mantle Rocks by Plastic Deformation and Origin of Nodular Chromitites in Ophiolites
Zhang P, Zhou M, Liu Q, Malpas J, Robinson PT & He Y

Robinson Peter (2011) Interfaces and Exchange Coupling
McEnroe S, Robinson P, Fabian K, Harrison R, Miyajima N & Langenhorst F

Robinson Philip (2010) The Development of a Nickel Sulphide Standard for the in situ Analysis of Platinum Group Elements and Gold by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Gilbert S, Danyushevsky L, Robinson P, Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser C, Norman M, Hanley J & Pearson N

Robinson Rebecca (2021) Opal Diagenesis within Southern Ocean Sediments Tracked by Stable Silicon Isotopes
Closset I, Mark B, Cardinal D, Dapoigny A, Jones J & Robinson R
(2014) Changes to δ15N and δ18O of NO3- in Response to Reductions in Anthropogenic N Loading
Schmidt C, Robinson R & Nixon S
(2012) Widespread Expansion of Intermediate Water Suboxia at 2 Ma
Robinson RS, Martinez P, Etourneau J & Schneider R
(2011) Southern Ocean Nitrogen and Silicon Dynamics during the Last Deglaciation
Robinson R, Horn M, Beucher C & Brzezinski M
(2009) Revisiting Mediterranean Sapropel Formation: New Insights from Chlorin Nitrogen Isotope Measurements
Higgins M, Robinson R & Pearson A
(2008) Determining the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Geoporphyrins by the Denitrifier Method
Higgins M, Robinson R, Casciotti K & Pearson A

Robinson Rebecca L. (2018) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation Patterns of Chlorophyll Track Taxonomic Shifts in a Natural Phytoplankton Community
Kharbush JJ, Smith D, Powers M, Vanderploeg HA, Fanslow D, Robinson RL, Dick GJ & Pearson A
(2018) Impacts of Community Composition and Preservation on Diatom-Bound δ15N
Jones C, Riesselman C, Kelly R & Robinson R

Robinson Rebecca S (2023) Microbial Manganese Cycling in Seasonal Hypoxic Zones of the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Johnson M, Solorzano JC, Laaker EM, Davis JE, Sylvan JB, Robinson RS & Estes ER
(2023) Microbial Activity and Response to Temporal and Chemical Gradients in the Gulf of Mexico
Faz NA, Laaker EM, Sylvan JB, Robinson RS & Estes ER
(2023) Response of Ligand-Stabilized Manganese by Siderophores to Seasonal Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Laaker EM, Davis JE, Bundy RM, Sylvan JB, Robinson RS & Estes ER

Robinson Robby (2015) Novel Analysis Approach and New Insights from UHR MS of Soil Organic Matter
Hess N, Tfaily M, Tolic N, Heredia-Langner A & Robinson R

Robinson Ruth (2017) Silicate and Carbonate Weathering in the Mighty Mekong River Basin
Relph K, Tipper E, Bickle M, Parsons D, Darby S & Robinson R
(2014) Constraints on Crustal Evolution from Rb/Sr and Contemporary Erosion
Hawkesworth C, Dhuime B, Robinson R & Allan C

Robinson Steve (2022) Spatio-Temporal Variability of Nitrogen and Major Ions in a Nitrogen-Enriched, Calcareous fen and Contiguous Waters
Agredazywczuk P, Robinson S & Wade A

Robinson Stuart (2018) Geochemical Controls on the Elemental Composition of Siderite: Implications for Palaeo-Environmental Reconstructions
Sengupta R, Tosca N & Robinson S
(2017) Using Extraterrestrial 3He Concentration to Examine Changing Sedimentation Rates within a Precession Cycle
Lucas S, Ballentine C, Robinson SA, Jenkyns HC & Batenburg S
(2017) Multi-Proxy Evidence for Global Cooling during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: The Plenus Cold Event
O'Connor L, Robinson S, Batenburg S, Jenkyns H, Naafs D, Pancost R & Rae J
(2017) Comparing Records of End-Cretaceous and End-Permian Volcanism
Percival L, Jenkyns H, Mather T, Robinson S, Batenburg S, Woelders L & Hesselbo S
(2017) Understanding Valanginian Continental Climate Using δ18O from Sphaerosiderites as a Proxy for Precipitation
Sengupta R, Robinson S & Tosca N
(2016) Adjusting Marine Proxy Records to Account for Palaeogeographic Change and Plate Movements – Retrieving the Carbon Cycle Signal
Lunt D, Farnsworth A, Loptson C, Foster G, Markwick P, O'Brien C, Pancost R, Robinson S & Wrobel N
(2016) Paleo (Cretaceous – Modern) East Asian Monsoon Controlled by Topography and Mid-Tropospheric Flow, not pCO2
Farnsworth A, Lunt D, Robinson S, Clift P, Worbel N & Markwick P
(2015) Warm Latest Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Sea-Surface Temperatures from the Tropical Pacific: A Data Model Comparison
Littler K, Lopston C, Lunt D, Bown P, Woodard S & Robinson S
(2013) Mo Isotope Signature of OAE 2
Westermann S, Vance D, Cameron V, Archer C & Robinson S
(2013) Paleoclimatic Changes Across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary: Geochemical Reconstructions from Seymour Island, Antarctica
O'Brien C, Robinson S, Kemp D, Crame JA, Francis J, Lunt D, Ineson J, Whittle R & Bowman V
(2012) Fluctuations in Ocean Anoxia: Evidence from Cretaceous OAEs
Westermann S, Vance D, Archer C & Robinson S
(2011) A Synthesis of Cretaceous SST Estimates
Robinson S, Littler K, Bown P & Lees J
(2011) Mo Isotope Signature of OAE 1a: New Insights from the Western Tethys
Westermann S, Vance D, Archer C & Robinson S

Robinson Stuart A (2022) Investigating the Depositional Environment of Banded Iron Formations from the Isua Supracrustal Belt, Southwest Greenland
Nichols CIO, Halwa S & Robinson SA
(2021) Rates of Change over Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: A High-Resolution 3HeET Timescale Through the Bonarelli Level, Umbria–Marche, Italy
Lucas JR, Robinson SA, Jenkyns H & Ballentine CJ

Robinson Stuart A. (2023) Orbitally Forced Variability in Early Jurassic Mercury Deposition
Fendley IM, Neilson O, Frieling J, Robinson SA, Mather TA, Jenkyns HC & Weedon GP
(2023) Natural and Artificial Thermal Maturation: Effect on Mercury Distributions in Lower Jurassic Organic-Rich Sediments
Indraswari AO, Frieling J, Mather TA, Dickson AJ, Idiz E, Jenkyns HC & Robinson SA
(2019) Neodymium Isotopic Evidence for Oceanographic Change during the Collapse of the Cretaceous Hothouse
Batenburg SJ, Drage E, Gao EY, O'Connor LK, Jenkyns HC, Gale AS & Robinson SA
(2019) New Evidence for Widespread Extreme Warmth at Southern High Latitudes during the Late Cretaceous
O'Connor L, Robinson S, Jenkyns H, Naafs D, Pancost R, Bogus K & Tierney J

Robinson Suzanne (2022) Simulating Neodymium Isotopes in a General Circulation Model (FAMOUS): Exploring the Role of Non-Conservative Particle-Seawater Interactions in Governing Marine Distributions
Robinson S, Ivanovic R, Gregoire L, Tindall J, van de Flierdt T, Plancherel Y, Pöppelmeier F, Tachikawa K & Valdes P
(2020) Modelling Neodymium Isotopes Using a General Circulation Model (FAMOUS): Exploring the Role of a Benthic Flux in Unconservative Behaviour in Paleo Records and Observations
Robinson S, Ivanovic R, Gregoire L & van de Flierdt T

Robinson Suzanne Mary (2021) Global Continental and Marine Detrital εNd: An Updated Compilation for Use in Understanding Marine Nd Cycling
Robinson SM, Ivanovic R, van de Flierdt T, Blanchet CL, Tachikawa K, Martin E, Cook (Falco) C, Williams T, Gregoire L, Plancherel Y, Jeandel C & Arsouze T

Robinson Thomas (2018) Fe(II) – Fe(III) Oxide Electron Transfer: Influence on Contaminant, Nutrient, and Carbon Dynamics
Scherer M, Andrade L, Felber O, Pearce C, Robinson T, Rosso K & Zhou Z

Robinson Thomas C (2023) Effect of Stoichiometry on Magnetite Redox Potentials and Chlorinated Ethene Reduction Rates
Chelsvig CE, Latta DE, Robinson TC, Leddy J & Scherer MM

Robinson Z. (2002) Weathering Reactions within a Basaltic Glacial Outwash Plain
Robinson Z, Fairchild I, Spiro B & Russell A

Roble C. (2021) Unexpectedly Anthropogenic and ‘natural’ Ecosystems in Urban Contexts: New York City Oysters and Abu Dhabi Mangroves
Holmberg K, Killilea M, Schneider Paolantonio K, Rademacher A, Roble C, Kister T, Hayes JS, Krupitsky M & Palanco H

Roble L.A. (2012) Morphologies of Fungal Mn Oxide Biomineralization in Southern Appalachian Caves
Roble LA, Carmichael SK, Santelli CM, Zorn B & Braeuer S

Robles A. (2012) Erosion of Organic Matter in a Tropical Mountain Catchment: Implications for Carbon Delivery from the Andes to the Amazon River
Clark KE, Hilton RG, West AJ, Malhi Y, Grocke DR, Bryant C, Robles A, Rao Y & New M

Robles J. (2006) The Range of Geochemistries of Terrestrial Planets in the Universe
Lineweaver C & Robles J

Robles M. (2021) BrGDGTs and Isotopic Records for Lake Ayrag: Implications for Climate, Vegetation and Human Impact History of the Mongolian Plateau
Dugerdil L, Ménot G, Peyron O, Jouffroy-Bapicot I, Develle A-L, Antheaume I, Ansanay-Alex S, Vannière B, Boldgiv B, Makou M, Grossi V, Unkelbach J, Behling H, Magail J, Robles M & Joannin S

Robles-Camacho J. (2007) Olmec Serpentinitic Pieces from La Merced: Isotopic and Geochemical Constraints
Robles-Camacho J, Köhler H, Schaaf P & Sanchez-Hernandez R

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