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Roberts Stephen J. (2021) Unequal Anthropogenic Enrichment of Mercury in Earth’s Northernand Southern Hemispheres
Li C, Sonke JE, Le Roux G, Piotrowska N, Van der Putten N, Roberts SJ, Daley T, Rice E, Gehrels R, Enrico M, Mauquoy D, Roland TP & De Vleeschouwer F

Roberts Steve (2019) Graphitisation in the Shallow Mantle Wedge of a Fossil Subduction Zone
Menzies C, Muirhead D, Craw D, Boyce A, Roberts S & Kelemen P
(2017) Geochemical Controls on REY and Metal Enrichment in Polymetallic Nodules from the APEI-6 Area, Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone
Menendez A, James R, Roberts S, Peel K & Connelly D
(2017) Behaviour of Cr and its Isotopes in Laterites and Implications for Ni Laterite Formation
Krüger JC, James RH, Herrington R, Pearce CR & Roberts S
(2010) Enrichment of Gold in Oceanic Crust by the Iceland Mantle Plume: Constraints from the Reykjanes Ridge
Webber A, Roberts S, Taylor R & Pitcairn I
(2002) Melt and Source Diversity Under the Ultra Slow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
Font L, Murton B, Roberts S & Tindle A
(2002) Anatomy of a Dacite-Hosted Submarine Hydrothermal System ˆ Results from Drilling at PACMANUS
Bach W, Barriga F, Binns R, Roberts S, Vanko D & Yeats C
(2000) Fluid Inclusion *D in Quartz Does Not Always Indicate the Source of Palaeo-Hydrothermal Fluids
Gleeson S, Grant K & Roberts S

Roberts W. (2012) Constraining the Size of Heinrich Events Using an Iceberg/Sediment Model and a 3D Ice Sheet Model
Roberts W, Valdes P & Payne T

Roberts Z. (2009) Lipid Biomarkers in Geothermal Sediments: Occurrences, Implications and Applications
Pancost R, Kaur G, Roberts Z, Talbot H, Gibson R, Schouten S & Mountain B

Roberts Rogers J. (2000) Ligand-Promoted Nutrient Release from Silicates
Roberts Rogers J, Bennett P & Barker J

Roberts-Semple D.

Robertson Alan (2019) The Use of an Industrial By-Product to Address an Acid and Metalliferous Drainage (AMD) Issue as Part of Closure Planning for a Copper Heap Leach Mining Operation
Robertson A, Maddocks G & Sheppard I

Robertson Alastair (2020) Source to Sink Dynamics in the Southern Neotethys: Exemplified by a Chemical Study of Triassic-Miocene Sandstones from Cyprus
Chen G & Robertson A
(2016) Tephrachronostratigraphy and Provenance from IODP Expedition 352, Izu-Bonin Arc: Temporal Variations Indicating Tephra Source Changes from the Oligocene to the Holocene
Kutterolf S, Schindlbeck JC, Robertson A, Avery A, Baxter A & Wang K-L

Robertson Alastair H.F. (2013) Discovery of a Triassic Magmatic Arc Source for the Permo-Triassic Karakaya Subduction Complex, NW Turkey
Ustaömer PA, Ustaömer T, Gerdes A, Robertson AHF & Zulauf G

Robertson B.V. (2023) How do Fluid-Rock Reactions Influence the Strength of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand?
Robertson BV, Menzies CD, De Paola N, Nielsen S, Boulton C, Niemeijer A, Craw D & Boyce A

Robertson C. (2014) Carbon Cycling in a Well-Constrained Southeastern US Salt Marsh
Brandes J, Edwards C, Bittar T, Robertson C, Stubbins A & Savidge W

Robertson D. (2011) Geocosmochronometer 146Sm: A Revised Half-Life Value
Kinoshita N, Paul M, Kashiv Y, Alcorta M, Collon P, Deibel C, DiGiovine B, Greene J, Henderson D, Jiang C, Marley S, Nakanishi T, Pardo R, Rehm KE, Robertson D, Scott R, Schmitt C, Tang X, Ugalde C & Vondrasek RC

Robertson E. (2019) Benthic Nitrate Reduction Processes Following Natural Bottom Water Oxygenation
Hylén A, Bonaglia S, Marzocchi U, Robertson E, Kononets M & Hall P
(2017) Fe2+ and H2S as Electron Donors during Benthic N Transformations in Anoxic Lake Sediments
Cojean A, Zopfi J, Robertson E, Thamdrup B & Lehmann MF
(2014) Do ‘Cable Bacteria’ Enhance Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium in a Periodically Anoxic Estuary?
Cook P, Roberts K, Kessler A, Meysman F, Burdorf L, Thamdrup B & Robertson E
(2013) Linking Iron and Nitrogen Cycles in Lake Sediment
Robertson E & Thamdrup B

Robertson G. Philip (2010) Isotopologue Data Reveal Denitrification as the Primary Source of Nitrous Oxide at Nitrogen Fertilization Gradient in a Temperate Agricultural Field
Ostrom N, Ostrom P, Gandhi H, Millar N & Robertson GP

Robertson George (2014) Examining the Impacts of Pyrogenic Carbon on Organic Matter Storage in Forest Soils
Buelow MC, Mukome FND, Boyce A, Sayre M, Robertson G, Jenkins BM, Horwath WR & Parikh SJ

Robertson Greatchen (2008) A Comparative Analysis of Gas Hydrates Occurrence and Origin in Three Indian Ocean Regions
Kastner M, Spivack A, Solomon E, Torres M & Robertson G

Robertson H. (2019) Listwanitization as a Source of Mg for Dolomitization: Field Evaluation in Atlin, British Columbia
Robertson H, Corlett H, Hollis C, Kibblewhite T & Whitaker F

Robertson J. (2013) Downward Injection of Sulfide Slurries: Their Role in the Formation of Ni Sulfide Deposits
Arndt N, Barnes S, Robertson J, Lesher M & Cruden S

Robertson Kelly (2012) Using Melt Inclusions to Constrain Magma Evolution and Pre-Eruptive Plumbing System Architecture of Mutnovsky Volcano, Russia
Simon A, Robertson K, Pettke T, Smith E, Kiryukhin A, Selyangin O, Mulcahy S & Walker D

Robertson Kevin (2016) Relating Opaline Silica Hydration and Maturity to Geologic Settings on Mars
Sun V, Milliken R & Robertson K

Robertson L. (2020) Plant Biomass Amendment Induced Mineralogical and Geochemical Changes in Magnetite Fe-Ore Tailings
Robertson L, Wu S, You F, Huang L, Southam G & Bond P

Robertson M. (2009) A Computational Study of the Immobilisation of Arsenic in Groundwater
Du Z, Robertson M & de Leeuw N

Robertson P. (2018) Energy-Stability Relationships in Soil Organic Matter: Implications for Agriculture
Hockaday W, Valdez Z, Masiello C & Robertson P

Robertson R.E.A. (2000) Petrology and Mineralogy of Volcanic Centres in Southern St. Vincent, West Indies
Robertson REA, Jackson T, Scott P & Sparks R

Robertson S. (2013) In situ Immobilization of Pb Using a Natural Mn Oxide By-Product Amended to Contaminated Soil
Johnson K, McCann C, Tourney J, Davenport R, Robertson S, Finlay N, Grey N, Wade M & Hudson-Edwards K
(2013) Identifying Carbon Pools in Heterogeneous Materials: Use of Peak Fitting and TGA-Dsc-Ms Data
Robertson S, Lopez-Capel E, Manning D, Finlay N & Johnson K
(2013) Immobilisation of PTEs by Water Treatment Residual: A Potential Amendment for Contaminated Land
Finlay N, Robertson S & Johnson K

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