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Robért K.H. (2009) Towards a World of Limits; The Issue of Human Resource Follies
Sverdrup H, Koca D & Robért KH

Robert Maya (2019) An Experimental Study of Trace Metal Regeneration and Implications for the Amazon River Estuary
Hollister AP, Buck KN, Hubbard K, Robert M, Tilney CL, Schlosser C, Martha G & Koschinsky A

Robert Michèle (2014) Lithium Isotope in Micas: An Isotopic Tool for the Classification of Granitic Pegmatites?
Deveaud S, Millot R, Gallas A-M & Robert M
(2008) LA-MC-ICPMS and Multi-Ion Counting System Applied to U-Pb Dating of Complex Zircons from Quaternary Volcanites: Geochemical Implications
Cocherie A, Fanning M, Jezequel P & Robert M
(2005) In situ U-Pb Zircon Dating Using LA-MC-ICPMS and a Multi-Ion Counting System
Cocherie A, Robert M & Guerrot C
(2003) Matrix Effect of Charged Environmental Solutions on Pb Isotope Measurements by MC-ICPMS
Cocherie A & Robert M
(2003) In situ U-Pb Zircon Dating Using Laser Ablation- Multi Ion Counting- ICPMS (LAMIC-ICPMS)
Bouman C, Cocherie A, Robert M, Schwieters J & Wieser M

Robert P. (2017) Raman Spectroscopy Study of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria in H2-H2O-NaCl System
Bazarkina E, Dubessy J, Akinfiev N, Robert P, Bessaque G & Shvarov Y
(2015) Estimation of pH in Quartz-Hosted Fluid Inclusions by Coupling Pitzer-Duan Thermodynamic Modeling, Raman Spectroscopy, LA-ICPMS Analysis and Microthermometric Data
Leisen M, Dubessy J, Caumon M-C & Robert P
(2009) Redox Reactions in the Reduced Carbon-Sulfate-Uranyl System at 200-300℃: Experimental Evidence and Consequences for U Metallogenesis
Dubessy J, Zimmerman J-L, Cuney M, Ding J & Robert P

Robert R. (2014) The Impact of Salinity on the Incorporation of Mg, Sr and Ba in the Aragonite Shell of Ruditapes philippinarum
Gillikin D, Poulain C, Thebault J, Munaron J, Bohn M, Robert R, Paulet Y & Lorrain A

Robert Samuel (2020) Are UV Filters Polluting our Beaches? A Field Study of French Mediterranean Beach from Consumer Survey to Water Analysis
Labille J, Slomberg D, Catalano R, Robert S, Apers-Tremelo M-L, Boudenne J-L, Manasfi T & Radakovitch O
(2018) Evaluation of the Environmental Exposure to Nanoparticulate UV-Filters Used in Sunscreens
Labille J, Slomberg D, Catalano R, Robert S, Boudenne J-L, Apers-Tremelo M-L, Masion A & De Garidel C

Robert Serge (2020) Climate and Environmental Change in the SW-Pacific of the Last ~14, 000 Years Using Lipid Biomarkers in Sediments of a New Zealand Lake
Naeher S, Bauersachs T, Stucker VK, Puddick J, Wood SA, Robert S, Schubert CJ & Vandergoes MJ
(2017) Differences between a Blooming and a Non-Blooming Year in Organic Matter Composition of Lake Baikal
Schubert CJ, Robert S, Sturm M & Vologina E

Robert Siehland (2009) White Smoker at 20 M Water Depth at Panarea´s Submarine Volcano, Aeolian Island, Italy
Merkel B, Ronny B, Thomas P, Mandy S & Robert S

Robert V. (2023) Three-Years Variations of HCl Concentration and Chlorine Isotopic Compositions in Fumarolic Gases of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (FWI) Reveal Key Constraints on the Scrubbing of HCl(g)
Le Glas E, Bonifacie M, Agrinier P, Robert V, Bardoux G, Moretti R, Labidi J, Chilin-Eusebe E, Didier T, Burtin A & Pantobe L
(2023) Geochemical Markers of Magmatic Solicitations to Volcanic-Hydrothermal Systems: The Long-Standing Unrest of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe Dissected via Non-Condensable Gases
Moretti R, Robert V, Moune S, Inostroza Pizarro M, Jessop DE, Tassi F, Vaselli O, Bonifacie M, Fiebig J, Labidi J, Vlastelic I, Chilin-Eusebe E, Grassa F, Metcalfe A & Allard P
(2021) Chlorine Isotopes in La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (FWI) Fumaroles Trace HCl Scrubbing at Shallow Depth
Le Glas E, Bonifacie M, Agrinier P, Bardoux G, Moretti R, Labidi J & Robert V
(2021) Soliciting Hydrothermal Systems: The Case of La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (FWI) Unrest
Robert V, Moretti R, Moune S, Jessop D, Bonifacie M & Glynn C
(2019) Saharan Dust Inputs to Western North Atlantic Ocean with Three Years Time Series
Xu Y, Dessert C, Losno R, Monna F, Robert V, Chane-Teng J & Boyer M
(2019) MultiGAS Survey from Low-T° Fumaroles in a Tropical Environment. Effects from Internal and External Forcing: Example from La Soufriere de Guadeloupe (FWI)
Moune S, Robert V, Moretti R, Burtin A, Ucciani G, Jessop D, Didier T, Bonifacie M, Komorowski J-C, Tamburello G & Lemarchand A
(2019) Chlorine Isotopes in Volcanology: Exemple from La Soufriere de Guadeloupe (FWI)
Bonifacie M, Gérard B, Robert V, Agrinier P, Moune S, Moretti R, Dessert C, Komorowski J-C & Legendre Y
(2017) Halogen Concentrations and Chlorine Isotope Compositions along the Lesser Antilles Arc Recorded in Thermal Springs
Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Robert V, Dessert C, Moune S, Agrinier P & Joseph E
(2017) Compositional Analysis of Saharan Dust Input to Guadeloupe (FWI)
Xu Y, Losno R, Dessert C, Monna F, Robert V & Chane-Teng J

Robert W. L. (2006) Diamondiferous microxenoliths from the Diavik Diamond Mine (Canada): lherzolitic hosts for harzburgitic diamonds?
Thomas S, Steven C, Hayley M, Cara L. D, Sean W & Robert W. L

Roberti L. (2023) Abundances from Stellar Burning for Comparison to Meteorite Data
Lugaro M, Ek M, K Peto M, Pignatari M, Makhatadze GV, Onyett IJ, Balázs GG, Roberti L & Schönbächler M

Roberto Justo Espinosa L. (2012) Variation in Volatile Content: Chichinautzin Volcanic Field, Mexico
Robidoux P, Roberge J, Carolina Reyes Luna P, Vazquez Camargo A, Guilbaud M-N, Roberto Justo Espinosa L & Briseno Arellano A

Roberts A.P. (2002) Gauging Bottom-Water Ventilation in the Eastern Mediterranean by Combining Geochemical and Magnetic Data from Sapropel-Bearing Sediments
Larrasoaña JC, Roberts AP, Stoner JS & Richter C

Roberts B. (2015) Domination of Soil in 14C Age Spectra in Sediments from a Major River System–Implications for Carbon Cycling
Rosenheim B, Roberts B, Van Metre P, Galy V, Shields M, Cui X & Bianchi T
(2013) Particulate Organic Carbon Age Spectra: Evaluating Different Spectra from Different Basin Types
Rosenheim B, Galy V, Williams E, Roberts B, Allison M, Schreiner K & Bianchi T

Roberts Daniel (2020) High-Precision Nd and W Isotopic Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Roberts D, Lu T-H, Gutierrez P, Chauvel C & Inglis E
(2019) Osmium Isotope Determinations Utilizing NuTIMS Zoom Optics
Roberts D, Freedman P, Zhao Y & Bowen I

Roberts Daniel James (2023) Towards an Improved Traceability of W-Isotope Variations in Oceanic Basalts: A Nu Analytical Approach Using N-TIMS
Maltese A, Israel C, Gutierrez P, Luu T-H, Roberts DJ & Chauvel C
(2023) High Precision 142Nd Isotope Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Israel C, Chauvel C, Luu T-H, Inglis E & Roberts DJ
(2022) High-Precision Mo and Ru Isotope Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Roberts DJ & Cohen R
(2021) High-Precision Sr and Nd Isotope Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Luu T-H, Inglis E, Gutierrez P, Roberts DJ & Chauvel C
(2021) High-Precision W Isotope Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Roberts DJ, Luu T-H, Inglis E, Gutierrez P & Chauvel C

Roberts Ed (2013) RESOChron: ELA-Icp-He-Ms Instrument for in situ U-Th-Pb-He Geothermochronology
McInnes B, Evans N, Shelley M, McDonald B, Gibbs D, Norris A, Roberts E, Gabay C & Patterson D

Roberts Emily (2015) An Inland Sea High Nitrate-Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) Region with Naturally High pCO2
Murray JW, Roberts E, Carrington E & Paul B

Roberts Eric (2020) 25 Ma Explosive Volcanism Produced by Magma Immiscibility in the Rukwa Rift, Western Branch of the East African Rift System
Lawrence L, Spandler C, Roberts E & Hilbert-Wolf H
(2018) High-Resolution Correlation and Bentonite Tephrochronology in the Campanian Western Interior Basin
Beveridge T, Roberts E & Ramezani J

Roberts Gareth (2020) The Modern Upper Crust is Altered and the Archean Upper Crust was Andesitic: Results from a Novel Analysis of Major Element Data
Lipp A, Shorttle O, Syvret F, Roberts G & Sediment Geochemistry & Paleoenvironments Project WIWG

Roberts Gareth G (2021) Unmixing River Sediments for the Elemental Geochemistry of their Source-Regions
Lipp A, Roberts GG, Gowing CB, Whittaker AC & Fernandes VM

Roberts Hannah (2017) Uranium(VI) and Neptunium(V) Reduction and Sorption during Fe(II)/Fe(III) (Oxyhydr)oxide Formation
Roberts H, Morris K, Law G, Bots P, Mosselmans F, Kvashnina K & Shaw S
(2015) Uranium Incorporation into Magnetite with Varying Fe(II)/Fe(III) and U Concentration
Roberts H, Law G, Morris K, Mosselmans F & Shaw S
(2014) Development of a CRDS Method for Methane Determination on Discrete Water Samples: Application to the Study of CH4 Dynamics in a Shallow Sub-Tropical Estuary
Roberts H & Shiller A

Roberts Harry (2018) Triple Sulfur Isotope Relationship during Sulfate Reduction via Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Peng Y, Gong S, Bao H, Feng D, Cao X, Crockford P, Roberts H & Chen D
(2014) New Insights into Ce Anomalies and Mechanisms of Trace Metal Enrichment in Seep Carbonates
Hu Y, Feng D, Peckmann J, Roberts H & Chen D
(2011) Carbonate Rocks from Fluid and Gas Expulsion Sites of the Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico: Analysis and Interpretation
Bian Y, Tong H, Feng D, Roberts H & Chen D
(2010) Redox Variations Indicated from Rare Earth Elements of the Authigenic Carbonates from Cold Seeps of the Gulf of Mexico
Bian Y, Feng D, Lin Z, Chen D & Roberts H
(2010) U/Th Dating of Cold-Seep Carbonates: Timing and Duration of Fluid Seepage
Feng D, Cheng H, Roberts H, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G & Chen D
(2008) Rare Earth Element of Cold Seep Carbonates: A Comparative Study
Feng D, Chen D, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G & Roberts H
(2000) Controls on Minor Element Compositions of Early Diagenetic Siderites and Dolomites in the Mississippi River Delta Plain
Bailey A & Roberts H

Roberts Harry H (2023) Controls on Barium Isotopes in Seep Barites from the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope
Feng D, Sun T, Crockford PW, Tian L-L, Gong S & Roberts HH

Roberts J. Murray (2013) New Insights into the Evolution of a Stagnant Magma Chamber – Magma Loss and Liquid Evolution in the Upper Zone of the Bushveld Complex
Roberts J
(2013) The Paleoproterozoic Rooiberg Group, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa: New Insights into the Formation of Silicic Large Igneous Provinces (SLIPs)
Jolayemi O, Roberts J & Lenhardt N
(2013) Organic Geothermometery: Defining Metamorphic Grades in Coal
Bussio J, Roberts J & Wagner N
(2012) High Resolution Reservoir Age Reconstructions from Cold-Water Corals in the North-Eastern Atlantic during the Holocene (~ 1700 -4800 cal yr BP)
Douarin M, Elliot M, Sinclair D, Moreton SG, Noble SR, Long D & Roberts JM
(2012) Trace Metal Complexation and Dissolution by the Triscatecholate Siderophore Protochelin
Duckworth O, Harrington J, Akafia M, Bargar J, Jarzecki A, Roberts J & Sombers L
(2011) Potential REE Deposits along the Red Sea Coast of Egypt
Roberts J & Ibrahim T
(2006) Spectroscopic Investigation of the Microbial Controls on Trace Element Mobility in Iron Rich Equatorial Lacustrine Sediments
Weisener C, Crowe S, Fowle D & Roberts J

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