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Rahman Ismail Md. Mofizur (2019) Washing Remediation of Strontium Contaminated Soil: Optimization of Operating Parameters at Laboratory Conditions
Rahman IMM, Begum ZA, Ishii K, Tsukada H & Hasegawa H
(2019) Interaction of Strontium and its Geochemical Companion Elements with Eco-Compliant Mixed Chelator and Impact on the Corresponding Dissolution from the Soil
Begum ZA, Rahman IMM, Takase T & Hasegawa H

Rahman L. (2001) Abiotic Organic Syntheses in Deep Submarine, Alkaline Hydrothermal Systems Catalysed by Fe0, Mackinawite, Violarite and Green Rust
Russell MJ, Hall AJ, Rahman L & Turner D

Rahman M (2009) Temporal and Seasonal Variation in Tubewell Water Arsenic Concentrations in Matlab, Bangladesh
Jakariya M, Rahman SN, Bhattacharya P, Rahman M, von Brömssen M, Persson L-Å & Vahter M

Rahman M T (2010) Targeting a Safe Aquifer in the Arsenic Contaminated Alluvial Deposits
Rahman MT, Mano A, Udo K & Ishibashi Y

Rahman M. Moklesur (2015) Hydrogeological Characterization of Shallow, Intermediate and Deep Aquifers – Implications for the Installation of Arsenic-Safe Drinking Water Tubewells and their Sustainability
Hossain M, Bhattacharya P, Jacks G, Ahmed KM, Rahman MM & Hasan MA
(2014) Presence of U and Th in Cox’s Bazar Paleobeach Aquifer, South-Eastern Bangladesh: Geological and Hydrogeological Controls
Seddique AA, Harue M, Kon Y, Ahmed KM, Shaibur M, Alam N, Rahman M & Hoque A
(2014) Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation Below the Redox-Chemocline by Using Sediment Color as a Tool for the Local Drillers of Bangladesh
Mozumder R, Hossain M, Bhattacharya P, Ahmed K, Hasan A, Rahman M, von Bromssen M & Datta S

Rahman M.m (2014) Sorption Mechanisms of Arsenic within Aquifer Sediments, and Bioaccumulation of As in Rice from West Bengal, India
Datta S, Krehel A, Bednar A, Hettiarachchi G, Rahman MM, Sankar MS, Attanayake C & Johannesson K

Rahman Md. (2010) Geochemistry of Fluvial Sediments of Brahmaputra-Jamuna River, Bangladesh: Constraints on Tectonic, Provenance and Weathering
Bhuiyan M, Rahman M, Dampare S & Suzuki S

Rahman Md. Saifur (2022) Integrating Digitalization of the Decadal Understanding on the Hydrogeochemistry of Geogenic Arsenic and Societal Aspects for Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh
Bhattacharya P, Ahmed KM, Hamisi R, Alam MJ, Akter N, von Brömssen M, Sharma S, Rahman MS & Khan ER

Rahman Mohammad Mahmudur (2017) Hydrogeochemistry and Health Risk of Arsenic in Groundwater Wells of Rural Punjab, Pakistan
Niazi NK, Shakoor MB, Bibi I, Shahid M, Lüttge A, Naidu R, Rahman MM & Nawaz MF

Rahman N. (2023) Assessing Hg Deposition Pathways from the Atmosphere to Forest Plants and Soils Using Hg Stable Isotopes
Yiu F, Rahman N, Krystal N, Slater G & Bergquist BA

Rahman S N (2009) Temporal and Seasonal Variation in Tubewell Water Arsenic Concentrations in Matlab, Bangladesh
Jakariya M, Rahman SN, Bhattacharya P, Rahman M, von Brömssen M, Persson L-Å & Vahter M

Rahman Shaily (2021) Updating the Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon in the Modern Ocean
Tréguer PJ, Sutton JN, Mark B, Charette M, Devries T, Dutkiewicz S, Ehlert C, Hawkings J, Leynaert A, Liu SM, Llopis Monferrer N, Lopez-Acosta M, Maldonado M, Rahman S, Ran L & Rouxel O
(2021) Is the Modern Silica Cycle in Isotopic Mass Balance?
Trower E & Rahman S
(2021) Biogeochemical Processes Controlling the Marine Ba Cycle: Dissolved and Particulate Barium Distributions along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic and South Pacific Zonal Transects (GA03 and GP16)
Shiller A, Rahman S, Anderson R, Charette MA, Hayes CT, Gilbert M, Grissom K, Lam PJ, Ohnemus D, Pavia F, Twining B & Vivancos S
(2021) Particulate Excess Ba as a Proxy for Biological Productivity along the North Atlantic and South Pacific GEOTRACES Transects
Rahman S, Shiller A, Anderson R, Hayes CT, Lam PJ, Ohnemus D, Pavia F, Twining B & Vivancos S
(2019) Shifts in Riverine Phosphorus Fluxes and Storage with Ice Sheet Retreat
Pain A, Martin J, Martin E & Rahman S
(2019) Global Inputs of Dissolved Silica from Submarine Groundwater Discharge
Rahman S, Tamborski JJ, Charette MA & Cochran JK
(2018) Reverse Weathering Reactions and the Marine Silica Cycle
Rahman S, Aller RC & Cochran JK
(2018) Elemental Fluxes and Reactions during Sediment Transit: Concepts of Local and 3-D System Diagenesis
Aller R, Rahman S & Cochran K
(2018) Li Diagenesis in Tropical Sediments
Rahman S, Aller RC & Cochran JK
(2014) Cosmogenic 32Si Reveals Extent of Reverse Weathering in Tropical Deltas
Rahman S, Aller R & Cochran K
(2012) Early Diagenesis of As and P in Tropical Deltaic Systems
Rahman S & Aller R

Rahman Z. (2023) A New Coordinated NanoSIMS, Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography Approach for the Characterization of Primitive Astromaterials
Nevill ND, Rahman Z, Nguyen AN, Saxey DW, Sun X, Keller LP, Rickard WDA & Reddy SM
(2017) Nanoscale Analyses of a Carbonaceous Chondrite Exposed to Simulated Space Weathering Conditions
Thompson M, Keller L, Christoffersen R, Loeffler M, Morris R, Graff T & Rahman Z
(2015) Evolution of the Oxidation State of the Earth’s Mantle
Danielson L, Righter K, Keller L, Christoffersen R & Rahman Z
(2013) Fayalite Oxidation Processes at Obsidian Cliffs, Oregon
Martin A, Médard E, Devouard B, Keller L, Righter K, Devidal J-L & Rahman Z

Rahman Mia A. (2000) Soil Erosion Processes in the Hill Areas of Bangladesh
Rahman Mia A

Rahmat Rezal (2021) New Constraints from Detrital Zircon U-Pb Data from Middle Paleozoic Strata in Western Peninsular Malaysia: A Potential Detrital Zircon Contributor to East Sumatra
Quek LX, Lai Y-M, Abdul Ghani A, Li S, Roselee MH, Lee H-Y & Rahmat R

Rahmat Rezal Bin (2017) Zircon U-Pb Ages and Geochemical Characteristics of post-Miocene Volcanic Rocks from Southeast Sabah (Borneo), East Malaysia
Hsin Y-J, Chung S-L, Ghani AA, Rahmat RB, Lin T-H & Lee H-Y

Rahme Y. (2017) Chemical Weathering in a Mediterranean Karstic Watershed as a Proxy to Climate Changes
Rahme Y, Galy A, El Samrani A & Maatouk E

Rahmonov O. (2020) Identification and Characteristics of Saccharides from the Initial Soils of Temperate Climate and their Origin and Significance
Marynowski L, Rahmonov O, Smolarek-Lach J, Rybicki M & Simoneit BRT

Rahmoun N-S. (2007) The Crystal Chemistry of Macfallite
Nagashima M, Rahmoun N-S, Alekseev E, Geiger CA & Akasaka M

Rahn Meinert (2017) Possible Influence of Alpha Recoil Track Percolation on Helium Diffusivity in Apatite
Ketcham R, Gautheron C, Recanti A & Rahn M
(2017) Major and Trace Element Composition of Tourmaline in Aplites and Granites as Indicator for Magmatic and Hydrothermal Evolution (Eastern Elba, Italy)
Redler C, Vespa M & Rahn M
(2015) Tourmaline from Western and Central Elba (Italy)
Redler C, Vespa M & Rahn M
(2013) Tracing the Time-Resolved Magmatic Evolution of the Hegau Volcanic Field (Southern Germany) Through Apatites
Rahn M & von der Handt A
(2011) Apatite Composition of Southern Germany Volcanoes: Clues to Origin and Magmatic Evolution
von der Handt A & Rahn M
(2011) Tectonothermal Evolution of the Triassic Flysch in the Songpan-Garzê Orogen, Eastern Tibetan Plateau
Wang H, Rahn M, Zhou J & Tao X
(2007) Latest-Stage Exhumation History of the Central Alps
Spiegel C, Dörr N, Rahn M & Danisik M
(2007) Topographic Threshold Values for the Interpretation of Low-Temperature Thermochronology
Glotzbach C, Spiegel C, Reinecker J, Rahn M & Frisch W
(2002) Preliminary Results from FT Dating of the Adula Nappe: Late Tilting or Not?
Rahn M

Rahn Meinert K.W. (2021) Exhumation and Tectonic Unroofing of Late Miocene Granites in Elba, Italy
Rahn MKW, Derycke A, Gautheron CE & Valla P

Rahn T. (2023) Investigating Impact of Halide Concentration on Cs Partitioning between Fluids and Melts
Rose KG, Boukhalfa H, Rahn T, Campe C, Eldridge D, Miller H & Rock MJ
(2002) The Deuterium Anomaly in Stratospheric Molecular Hydrogen
Rahn T, Eiler J, McCarthy M, Boering K, Atlas E & Schauffler S
(2001) Determination of D/H in Atmospheric H2 at Nano-Molar Quantities
Rahn T & Eiler J

Rahn-Lee L. (2017) Sequesteration and Mineralization of Metals in Bacterial Organelles
Komeili A, Rahn-Lee L, Grant C & Byrne M

Rahnama Z. (2022) The Tectonic and Metallogenic Evolution of the Arasbaran Magmatic Belt, NW Iran
Seltmann R, Rahnama Z & Zhong S

Rahnemaie R. (2007) Acessing the Surface Area of Natural Nanoparticles
Hiemstra T, Antelo J, Rahnemaie R & Van Riemsdijk WH
(2005) The Structure of the Double Layer Near Goethite in the Presence of Mono and Bivalent Electrolyte Ions
Hiemstra T, Rahnemaie R & van Riemsdijk W
(2004) Interpretation of Surface Species from Spectroscopy and CD Modelling
Hiemstra T, Rahnemaie R & van Riemsdijk W

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