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Rijkneberg M. (2017) 231Pa and 230Th in the Arctic Ocean 1991-2016: Changes in the Eurasian and Makarov Basins
Valk O, Gdaniec S, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Geibert W, Smethie W, Moran SB, Lepore K, Edwards RL, Lu Y & Rijkneberg M

Riker J. (2018) A Numerical Model for Apatite Cl-Oh-F Evolution and Quantitative Interpretation of Magmatic Processes
Humphreys M, Coumans J, Stock M, Smith V, Riker J, Brooker R & de Hoog C-J
(2016) Constraining the Evolving Volatile and Melt Geochemistry of Magma Reservoirs Using Apatite
Humphreys M, Stock M, Riker J, Smith V & Brooker R
(2011) The Influence of CO2 on Phase Relations at Mount St. Helens
Riker J, Blundy J, van Hoek C & van der Laan S

Rikhvanov L. (2017) Elements in the Human Organism of Norilsk Residents
Deriglazova M & Rikhvanov L
(2016) Element Composition of Limescale and its Application in Environmental Studies
Soktoev B, Rikhvanov L, Arynova S & Baranovskaya N
(2013) Geochemistry of Mineral Springs Ecosystems of Baikal Region
Baranovskaya N, Soktoev B, Rikhvanov L & Perminova T

Rikudai M. (2023) Experimental Determination of Uptake Coefficient of Isoprene-Derived Peroxy Radical onto Deliquesced NaCl Particles
Sakamoto Y, Rikudai M, Li J, Kohno N, Sato K & Kajii Y

Riley Alex (2016) Fate and Behaviour of Vanadium during the Aerobic Neutralisation of Alkaline Steel Slag Leachate
Hobson A, Stewart D, Bray A, Mayes W, Riley A & Burke I

Riley Alex L (2023) Eroding Coastal Landfill Sites: The Relative Contribution of Coastal and Inland Mining Wastes to Metal Flux along a Post-Industrial Coastline
Riley AL, Onnis P, Gandy CJ, Kanu C, Umeobika CV, Cameron J, Burke IT, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jarvis AP & Mayes WM
(2023) Ecotoxic Metal(Loid) Geochemistry and Mineralogy in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Riley AL, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Byrne P, Burke IT, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA
(2023) Arsenic Speciation and Evolution in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Burke IT, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Riley AL, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA
(2023) Quantifying CO2 Removal from Enhanced Weathering Sites: A Multi-Proxy Approach
Knapp WJ, Stevenson EI, Renforth P, Ascough P, Knight ACG, Bridgestock L, Bickle M, Lin Y, Riley AL, Mayes WM & Tipper ET

Riley B. (2019) 99Tc Sequestration Using Nickel-Doped Iron Spinel
Wang G, Kim D-S, Um W, Bowden M, Olszta M, Saslow S, Riley B, Wang J, Schreiber D & Kruger A

Riley D. (2022) Multi-Isotope Approaches to Assess the Sources and the Fate of Fugitive Methane and Ethane Associated with the Development of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in Western Canada
Mayer B, Humez P, Cesar J, Becker V, Riley D, Grimeau K, Nightingale M & Shevalier M

Riley J. (2020) Nonlinear Soil Change by Exotic Earthworms: Organisms as a Soil Forming Factor
Yoo K, Wackett A, Baumann T, Frelich L, Sikes D, Bowser M, Brown S, Ihl C, Zhang M, Riley J & Klaminder J

Riley M. (2016) Porosity and Fracture Sealing in Rock with Bacterial Calcite Precipitation: From Lab to Field Trials
Phoenix V, Tobler D, Cuthbert M, Riley M & Handley-Sidhu S
(2011) Investigating the Transport of Strontium Through Biogenic Hydroxyapatite Barriers
Renshaw J, Handley-Sidhu S, Sinclair Smith F, Grail Q, Cuthbert M, Riley M & Macaskie L

Riley T (2004) Early-Middle Jurassic Mafic Dykes from Western Dronning Maud Land (Antarctica): Identifying Mantle Sources in the Karoo Large Igneous Province
Riley T, Leat P, Curtis M, Millar I & Fazel A

Riley Teal R. (2021) Illuminating the Long-Term Storage of Fluid-Hosted Volatiles in the SCLM from 3He/4He, Major- and Trace Elements in Global Mantle Xenolith Suites
Crosby JC, Gibson SA, Stuart F, Riley TR & Di Nicola L
(2021) Source Variations in Volatile Contents between Bransfield Strait and Phoenix Ridge, Antarctica
Anderson DW, Saal A, Riley TR, Keller RA, Haase KM, Mallick S & Wang J
(2020) Source Variations in Bransfield Strait and Relation to Nearby Phoenix Ridge
Anderson DW, Saal AE, Riley TR, Keller RA, Haase KM, Mallick S, Wang J & Boesenberg JS

Riley William (2017) Drought Mitigation Through Carbon Management: Improved Understanding of the Role of Soil Aggregates in Agriculture
Ying S, Avila CC, Berhe A, Bogie N, Brodiee E, Dubinsky E, Ghezzehei T, Marklein A, Nico P, Parikh S, Rath D, Riley W, Schaefer M, Scow K & Torn M

Riley William J (2014) Long Residence Times of Rapidly Decomposable Soil Organic Matter: A Mechanistic Modeling Study
Riley WJ, Torn MS, Tang J, Dwivedi D, Maggi F & Kleber M
(2014) Trait-Based Approaches to Modeling the Microbial Biogeochemistry from Terrestrial to Aquatic Ecosystems
King E, Karaoz U, Cheng Y, Tang J, Riley W, Molins S, Bouskill N & Brodie E

Riley William J. (2022) Temperature-Controlled Incubations of Swedish Bog Peat: Findings and Modelling Applications
Cory AB, Chanton JP, Wilson RM, Li Z, Crill PM, Riley WJ & Rich VI

Rillard J. (2015) The CO2-Vadose and DEMO-CO2 Projects: Numerical Modeling, Geochemical and Geophysical Monitoring of CO2-injection in a Carbonate Vadose Zone
Garcia B, Delaplace P, Rouchon V, Loisy C, Cohen G, Rillard J, Le Roux O, Rhino K, Cerepi A & El Khamlichi A
(2012) Estimation of the Mineral Reactive Surface Area during CO2 Mineralization in Natural Hydrothermal Fields
Rillard J & Zuddas P
(2011) Contribution of the Reactive Mineral Surface Area on CO2 Mineralization Under Natural Conditions
Rillard J & Zuddas P

Rilling J. (2002) Thermal Convection in the Mantle Wedge
Kelemen P, Parmentier M, Rilling J, Mehl L & Hacker B

Rilling S. (2013) Melt Generation in the West Antarctic Rift System: The Volatile Legacy of Gondwana Subduction?
Aviado KB, Rilling S, Mukasa SB, Bryce JG & Cabato J
(2010) Submarine Volcanism in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Bearing on the Nature of Mantle Sources
Mukasa S, Rilling S, Wilson T & Lawver L

Riman R.E. (2015) Inhibition of Nitrifying Bacteria by Simulated Phosphor Recycling Wastewaters Containing Eu and Y
Fujita Y, Barnes J, Eslamimanesh A, Lencka M, Anderko A, Riman R & Navrotsky A
(2014) Apatite—A Resource for Life and Critical Elements
Navrotsky A, Lee W & Riman RE

Rimawi O. (2009) The Origin of Fossil Groundwater from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifers in the Middle East: A Multi-Isotope (Ra, B, Sr, S, O, H) Investigation
Vengosh A, Dwyer G, Rimawi O, Al-Zoubi A, Marie A & Ganor J

Rimer J.d. (2014) Characterizing Particle Mediated Crystal Formation
Banfield JF, DeYoreo JJ, Dove PM, Gilbert P, Joester D, Michel FM, Murray CB, Navrotsky A, Penn RL, Rimer JD, Sommerdijk NAJM, Wallace AF, Whitelam S & Zhang H

Rimer Jeffrey (2020) Antagonistic Cooperativity between Antimalarials Controlling Hematin Crystallization by Attenuation of Step Pinning
Ma W, Lutsko J, Rimer J & Vekilov P
(2018) Elucidating the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Factors Governing Zeolite Crystallization
Rimer J

Rimetz J. (2006) Zn-Cu Isotopic Study and Speciation of Airborne Metal Particles Within a 5-km Zone of a Lead/Zinc Smelter
Mattielli N, Rimetz J, Petit J, Perdrix E, Deboudt K, Flament P & Weis D

Rimmelé G. (2009) Calcium Carbonates Distribution in Experimentally Carbonated Portland Cement Cores
Brunet F, Corvisier J, Fabbri A, Bernard S, Findling N, Rimmelé G, Barlet-Gouédard V, Beyssac O & Goffé B

Rimmen M. (2015) The Influence of Ions on the Hydrophobic Interactions of Benzene
Dobberschütz S, Rimmen M, Hassenkam T, Andersson M & Stipp SLS

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