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Riggert V. (2006) Isotopic Biogeochemical Signals in Sediments from the Ross Sea
Hayes J, Villinski J, Brassell S & Riggert V

Riggins S. (2008) Transformations Across the Bedrock/Saprolite – Regolith Boundary
Riggins S, Anderson S & Blum A
(2008) Fractures and the Weathering Front
Anderson S, Anderson R & Riggins S

Righi D. (2002) Effect of Agricultural Activities on the Mineralogy of Soil Clays
Fialips C-I, Righi D & Potter KN

Righi M. (2014) Simulating the Future Impacts of Transport Emissions on Atmospheric Aerosol and Climate
Righi M, Hendricks J & Sausen R

Righi S. (2013) New Constraints on the Pre-Eruptive Storage Conditions of the Campanian Ignimbrite (Campi Flegrei, IT)
Fanara S, Botcharnikov R, Palladino DM, Husen A, Macchi Ceccarani G, Righi S & Behrens H

Righter K. (2023) Trace Element Systematics for Meteoritic Pentlandite-Pyrrhotite Partial Melting Experiments
Crossley SD, Simon JI & Righter K
(2022) Trace Element Partitioning in the Presence of Sulfur Under Reduced Conditions
Anzures BA, Vander Kaaden KE, McCubbin FM, Iacovino K, Moore GM, Prissel K, Righter M & Righter K
(2020) Magmatic Degassing of Trace Elements in Martian Meteorites
Yang S, Humayun M, Irving T, Righter K, Peslier A, Zanda B & Hewins R
(2017) Experimental Investigation of Na, Cs and Rb Distribution between Planetary Core and Mantle
Boujibar A, Fei Y & Righter K
(2017) Volatile Content of 4-Vesta: Evidence from Unequilibrated Eucrites
Sarafian A, Nielsen S, Marschall H, Gaetani G, Hauri E, Righter K & Berger E
(2016) Phase Equilibria of a S- and C-Poor Lunar Core
Righter K, Pando K, Go M, Danielson L & Habermann M
(2016) Melting of the Primive Mercurian Mantle, Insights into the Origin of its Surface Composition
Boujibar A, Righter K, Rapp J, Ross D, Pando K, Danielson L & Fontaine E
(2016) Metal-Silicate-Sulfide Partitioning of U, Th, and K: Implications for the Budget of Volatile Elements in Mercury
Habermann M, Boujibar A, Righter K, Danielson L, Rapp J, Righter M, Pando K, Ross D & Andreasen R
(2015) The Formation of Nuggets of Highly Siderophile Elements in Quenched Silicate Melts at High Temperatures: Before or during the Silicate Quench?
Malavergne M, Charon C, Jones J, Cordier C & Righter K
(2015) Evolution of the Oxidation State of the Earth’s Mantle
Danielson L, Righter K, Keller L, Christoffersen R & Rahman Z
(2014) 40Ar/39Ar Age of Hornblende-Bearing R Chondrite LAP 04840
Righter K & Cosca M
(2014) Core-Mantle Partitioning of Volatile Elements and the Origin of Volatile Elements in Earth and Moon
Righter K, Danielson L, Pando K & Nickodem K
(2013) Fayalite Oxidation Processes at Obsidian Cliffs, Oregon
Martin A, Médard E, Devouard B, Keller L, Righter K, Devidal J-L & Rahman Z
(2012) Tungsten Isotopic Evolution of the Earliest Terrestrial Mantle
Humayun M, Brandon A & Righter K
(2011) Subduction Cycling of C-O-H Volatiles from Sediment Melting
Tsuno K, Dasgupta R, Danielson L & Righter K
(2007) In situ High P-T Melting and Phase Equilibria Experiments on the Allende Meteorite
Danielson L, Righter K, Leinenweber K & Wang Y
(2002) Diffusion in Metal: Application to Zoned Metal Grains in Chondrites
Righter K, Campbell AJ & Humayun M
(2002) Decoupling of the Os Isotopic System during Crust-Mantle Interaction in Continental Arc Volcanic Systems
Chesley J, Ruiz J & Righter K
(2002) Mechanisms of Metal-Silicate Equilibration in the Terrestrial Magma Ocean
Rubie D, Melosh J, Reid J, Liebske C & Righter K
(2001) Radiogenic Os in Arc Basalt: Fluid or Crust?
Righter K, Chesley JT & Ruiz J
(2001) Partitioning of Transition Metals and Platinum Group Elements (Ni, Cr, Ru and Rh) between Spinel-Structured Oxides and Silicate Melts
Righter K, Hervig RL & Leeman WP
(2000) Comparative Partitioning of Hf and W in Silicates: A Key to Understanding Radiogenic W in Terrestrial Planets
Righter K & Shearer CK
(2000) A View of Mantle Metasomatism Versus Crustal Contamination from the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt, Mexico
Ruiz J, Chesley J, Righter K & Ferrari L

Righter M. (2022) Trace Element Partitioning in the Presence of Sulfur Under Reduced Conditions
Anzures BA, Vander Kaaden KE, McCubbin FM, Iacovino K, Moore GM, Prissel K, Righter M & Righter K
(2020) Pb and Rb-Sr Isotope Systematics of Enriched Components in Tissint
Suarez SE, Lapen TJ, Righter M, Beard BL & Irving AJ
(2020) Petrologic, Elemental and Isotopic Characterization of Unique Depleted Olivine Microwebsteritic Shergottite Northwest Africa 13179
Irving A, Carpenter P, Righter M, Lapen T, Tepper J & Hoefnagels B
(2016) Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of Nakhlite NWA 10153
Righter M, Lapen T, Andreasen R & Irving T
(2016) Metal-Silicate-Sulfide Partitioning of U, Th, and K: Implications for the Budget of Volatile Elements in Mercury
Habermann M, Boujibar A, Righter K, Danielson L, Rapp J, Righter M, Pando K, Ross D & Andreasen R
(2014) Geodynamic Implications of Amphibolites from the Mariana Forearc
Heywood L, Reagan M, Andreasen R, Righter M, Lapen T, Michibayashi K, Jicha B & Goff K
(2014) Eucrite Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Ages and Constraints on Excess of 176Hf
Righter M, Andreasen R & Lapen T
(2014) In situ Magnesium Isotopes and Trace Elements in Ungrouped Achondrite Northwest Africa 7325
Andreasen R, Righter M, Lapen T & Irving A

Rigo M. (2022) Highly Siderophile Elements and Os Isotope Stratigraphy Across the Norian/Rhaetian Boundary in the Lagonegro Basin, Southern Italy
Sato H, Ishikawa A, Tomimatsu Y, Onoue T & Rigo M
(2022) Biotic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian Boundary (Upper Triassic): Geochemical and Isotope Evidence of a Previously Unrecognised Global Event
Rigo M, Onoue T, Sato H, Tomimatsu Y, Soda K, Godfrey L, Katz M, Campbell HJ, Tackett L, Golding M, Lei J, Husson J, Maron M, Satolli S, Zaffani M, Concheri G, Bertinelli A, Chiari M & Tanner L
(2016) Chemo-Biotratigraphic Characterization of the Triassic/Jurassic Boundary Interval in the Western Southern Alps
Bottini C, Jadoul F, Rigo M, Zaffani MC, Erba E & Artoni C
(2016) New Clues on the Complex Late Triassic Carbon Cycle from the Lagonegro Basin (Southern Italy)
Zaffani M, Godfrey L, Katz M, Maron M & Rigo M
(2016) Oceanic Rift-Driven Transition from Carbonate to Biosilica Sedimentation in the Western Tethyan Lagonegro Basin (Southern Italy) during the Late Triassic
Casacci M, Bertinelli A, Algeo T & Rigo M
(2013) The Carnian Pluvial Event Negative CIE at Cave del Predil (Early Late Triassic, Italy): A New Link to Wrangellia Volcanism
Dal Corso J, Roghi G, Rigo M, Gianolla P, Caggiati M, Gattolin G, Newton RJ, Jenkyns HC & Preto N
(2013) Analysing Conodont δ18O by SIMS
Williams I, Trotter J, Rigo M & Barnes C

Rigo V. (2013) Characterization of Hydrocarbon and Functionalized Silica Nanoparticle Adsorption on Mineral Surfaces Through Advanced First Principles Techniques
Bevilaqua R, Rigo V & Miranda CR
(2012) Hydrocarbon Adsorption on Carbonate and Silica Surfaces: A First Principles Study with van der Waals Interactions
Miranda C & Rigo V

Rigonat N. (2015) Monitoring Groundwater Evolution in Bentonite Buffer Systems Using the Corrosion of NdFeB Magnets
Rigonat N & Harley S

Rigopoulos I. (2017) Carbon Sequestration via Enhanced Weathering of Peridotites and Basalts in Seawater
Rigopoulos I, Harrison A, Delimitis A, Ioannou I, Efstathiou A, Kyratsi T & Oelkers E

Rigoti C.A. (2020) Evaporation or Serpentinization? Origin of the Cretaceous South Atlantic Salt Giant
Szatmari P, Rigoti CA, More Lima C, Fontaneta GT, Lima NM, Zambonato E, Figueiredo MF, Florêncio CP, Menezes MR & Gontijo RC

Rigoussen D. (2023) Cadmium Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle Derived from Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalts and Komatiites
Devos G, Moynier F, Creech J, Liu D, Luu T-H, Rigoussen D, Puchtel IS & Bizzarro M
(2023) Baseline of Rubidium Isotopic Composition in Mice Organs
Rigoussen D, Moynier F & Wang B
(2023) Impact of Aging on Copper Isotopic Composition in the Brain
Lahoud-Heilbronner E, Moynier F, Mahan B, Rigoussen D & Le Borgne M
(2023) Refractory Element and Titanium Isotope Constraints on Volcanic Parent Material Variability and Elemental Mobility in the Critical Zone
Grant KE, Deng Z, Rigoussen D, Garcia MO, Chadwick O, Moynier F & Derry L
(2023) Origin of Carbonate Platform Islands in the Chobe Enclave of Northern Botswana: A Stable and Clumped Isotope Perspective
Vennemann T, Rigoussen D & Verrecchia E
(2017) Preliminary Geochemical Data from Earth’s Oldest Carbonate Platform (2.94 Ga Red Lake Greenstone Belt, Canada)
Lalonde S, Sansjofre P, Homann M, Thoby M, Rigoussen D & Fralick P
(2017) A Shallow-To-Deepwater Geochemical Transect of a Neoproterozoic Marinoan Cap Dolostone (Noonday Formation, Death Valley Region)
Sansjofre P, Roué L, Rigoussen D, Shapiro R, Homann M, Killingsworth B, Tanvet C & Lalonde S

Riguet L. (2023) New C and S Metallic Reference Materials for SIMS Analysis
Dalou C, Villeneuve J, Tissandier L, Riguet L & Paris G

Riguzzi F. (2023) Geochemical and Geodetic Monitoring of CO2 Degassing Site in a Tectonically Active Area: The Mefite D’Ansanto (Irpinia, Southern Italy) Case Study in the Frame of the FURTHER Project
Sciarra A, Voltattorni N, Gasparini A, Ruggiero L, Pizzino L, Chiodini G, Esposito A, Doumaz F, Galvani A, Palano M, Pietrantonio G, Riguzzi F, Sepe V, Sparacino F, Iannarelli M & Pecoraro P

Riha K. (2014) Spatially-Resolved Carbon Flow Through a Hypersaline Microbial Mat
Moran J, Riha K, Cory A, Kim Y-M, Huang E, Metz T, Lipton M, Courtney S, Lindemann S & Fredrickson J
(2014) An Electron/Carbon Cycle in an Acidothermophilic Microbial Community
Moran J, Isern N, Whitmore L, Riha K, Romine M & Kreuzer H

Rihs S. (2017) Lithium and Boron Isotopes for a New Coupled Geothermometer
Mombru M, Lemarchand D, Rihs S & Haffen S
(2017) Radium Distribution and Mobility in Forest Soils
Lascar E, Rihs S, Pelt E, Pourcelot L, Calmon P, Redon P-O, Galy C, Turpault M-P & Chabaux F
(2016) U-Series Disequilibria in Primary Minerals of Granitic Soil
Rihs S, Fries D, Gontier A, Pelt E, Lemarchand D, Chabaux F & Turpault M-P
(2014) Are Shallowest Soil Horizons Suitable for U-Series Soil-Production Rates Determination?
Rihs S, Gontier A, Pelt E, Lemarchand D, Chabaux F & Turpault M-P
(2013) Insight into the Use of U- and Th-Series Nuclides for Soil-Production Rates Determination
Gontier A, Rihs S, Pelt E, Turpault M-P, Lemarchand D & Chabaux F
(2013) Insight into Biotite Weathering Rate Using U-Series Isotopes
Rihs S, Gontier A, Turpault M-P, Lemarchand D, Voinot A & Chabaux F
(2013) The Recovering of Weathering Propagation Rates from the Analysis of 238U-234U-230Th-226Ra Nuclides in Regoliths
Chabaux F, Pelt E, Di Chiara-Roupert R, Rihs S & Stille P
(2011) Short-Lived Nuclides of the U and Th-Series Probing Recent Pedogenic Processes in Soils
Rihs S, Prunier J, Thien B, Lemarchand D, Pierret M-C & Chabaux F
(2008) Time Constants of Chemical Transfers in a Forested Ecosystem Inferred from Short-Lived Nuclides (226-228Ra, 210Pb and 137Cs)
Rihs S, Thien B, Prunier J, Lemarchand D, Pierret M-C, Stille P & Chabaux F
(2005) Natural Speciation of Mn, Ni and Zn at the Micrometer Scale in a Clayey Paddy Soil Using X-Ray Fluorescence, Absorption, and Diffraction
Manceau A, Schlegel M, Rihs S & Marcus M
(2005) Interaction of U(VI) with Birnessite: A Solution Chemistry and EXAFS Study
Rihs S, Gaillard C & Manceau A
(2000) The Origin, Transport, Crustal Storage and Expulsion of CO2 Associated with Italian Thermal Springs and Travertines
Minissale A, Kerrick DM, Magro G, Rihs S & Sturchio NC

Riihimaki C. (2006) Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides as Paleoaltimeters: New Approaches and Future Potential
Libarkin J, Riihimaki C & Farley K

Riipinen I. (2015) Interactions of Atmospheric Organic Particles with Inorganic Pollutants and Cloud Water
Riipinen I, Häkkinen S, Rastak N, Dalirian M, Murphy B, Julin J, Pandis S & Ekman A
(2015) The Climate Response of Regional Air Pollution Changes
Ekman AML, Acosta Navarro J-C, Varma V, Riipinen I, Seland O, Kirkevåg A, Struthers H, Iversten T & Hansson H-C
(2014) Understanding and Constraining Global Secondary Organic Aerosol Amount and Size-Resolved Condensational Behavior
D'Andrea S, Häkkinen S, Westervelt D, Kuang C, Levin E, Leaitch R, Spracklen D, Riipinen I & Pierce J
(2014) Aerosol Size Distribution Response to Anthropogenically Driven Historical Changes in Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
D'Andrea S, Acosta Navarro J, Farina S, Riipinen I & Pierce J
(2011) Evaluating New Particle Formation, Growth, and CCN Formation in Global Models
Adams P, Westervelt D, Riipinen I, Pierce J & Trivitayanurak W

Riishuus M. (2013) Voluminous Outburst of Silicic Low δ18O Magma in NE-Iceland Inferred from Zircon δ18O and U-Pb Geochronology
Berg SE, Troll VR, Riishuus MS, Burchardt S, Deegan FM & Harris C
(2012) Petrogenesis of Voluminous Silicic Magma in Northeast Iceland
Berg SE, Troll VR, Riishuus MS & Burchardt S
(2011) Intrabasaltic Paleosols from the North Atlantic Igneous Province Record Late Paleocene Global Climate Trends and Hyperthermals
Riishuus M & Bird D
(2011) A Magma Plumbing System Probed by the Grænavatn Porphyritic Group, East Iceland
Andersen C, Riishuus M & Tegner C
(2004) Compositional and Isotopic Constraints on the Formation of Coexisting Silica over- and Under-Saturated Syenites: The Kangerlussuaq Intrusion Revisited
Riishuus M, Peate D, Tegner C, Wilson J & Brooks C

Rijal A. (2021) Inferring Relationships between Temperature, Bulk Composition and Wave Speeds Using Mixture Density Networks
Rijal A, Cobden L, Trampert J & Mans C

Rijal M-L. (2007) Localization of Hydrocarbon Contamination by Measuring Microbially Induced Changes of Soil Magnetic Properties
Kappler A, Porsch K, Rijal M-L & Appel E

Rijavec T. (2023) Methylmercury Detection Through Changes in the Electrical Conductivity Across Gold Films with MerB (Organomercurial-Lyase) Functionalized Nanoparticles
Mabes Raj AFPA, Rijavec T, Horvat M, Lobnik A, Kosak A & Lapanje A
(2023) Redox Transformation of Uranium by Iron-Reducing Bacteria as Single Culture and in Artificial Multispecies Bio-Aggregates
Hilpmann S, Jeschke I, Deev D, Zugan M, Lapanje A, Rijavec T, Hübner R, Schymura S & Cherkouk A

Rijkenberg Micha (2023) Decline of Anthropogenic Lead in South Atlantic Ocean Surface Waters from 1990 to 2011: New Constraints from Concentration and Isotope Data
Olivelli A, Murphy K, Bridgestock L, Wilson DJ, Rijkenberg M, Middag R, Weiss D, van de Flierdt T & Rehkämper M
(2019) Links between Iron and Humic Substances Biogeochemistry in the Ocean
Dulaquais G, Crampond K, Waeles M, Gerringa LJA, Middag R, Rijkenberg M, Boye M & Riso R
(2018) Distributions of Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Wu Y, Goldstein S, Pena L, Anderson R, Hartman A, Bolge L, Rijkenberg M & de Baar H

Rijkenberg Micha J.A. (2017) Controls on Upper Ocean Cd Isotope Fractionation
Xie RC, Janssen DJ, Abouchami W, Galer SJG, Rijkenberg MJA, Cullen JT, de Baar HJW, De Jong J & Andreae MO
(2017) Trace Metal Dynamics in the Water Column along a Shelf-To-Basin Transect in the Black Sea
Séguret M, Lenstra W, Hermans M, Dijkstra N, Kuzminov A, Severmann S, Rijkenberg M, Laan P & Slomp C
(2017) Neodymium Isotopes in Seawater: The GEOTRACES era
Pena LD, Goldstein SL, Wu Y, Hartman AE, Basak C, Rijkenberg M & de Baar HJW
(2016) Coupled Cycling of Iron, Manganese and Phosphorus in the Water Column of the Black Sea and its Implications for Phosphorus Burial
Dijkstra N, Kraal P, Seguret M, Rijkenberg M, Gonzalez S & Slomp CP
(2015) Biogeochemical Cycling of the Uranium, Iron and Cadmium Isotope Systems during Oceanic Anoxia: A Case Study of the Black Sea
Rolison J, Stirling C, George E, Middag R, Gault-Ringold M, Rijkenberg M & de Baar H
(2015) Detection of Pb from Natural Sources in the Tropical Atlantic
Bridgestock L, van de Flierdt T, Rehkamper M, Baker A, Achterberg E, Rijkenberg M, Lohan M & de Baar H
(2015) Dissolved Aluminium in the West-Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
Middag R, Rolison JM, Stirling CH, van Hulten MMP, Rijkenberg MJA, Gerringa LJA & de Baar HJW
(2015) The Interplay between Particulate and Dissolved Neodymium in the Western North Atlantic
Stichel T, Kretschmer S, Lambelet M, van de Flierdt T, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Rijkenberg MJA, Gerringa LJ & De Baar HJW
(2014) Biogeochemical Cycling of Uranium in Redox-Controlled Environments: A 238U/235U Case Study of the Black Sea
Stirling C, Rolison J, Middag R, Rijkenberg M & de Baar H
(2014) Dissolved Trace Metal Distributions in the Mediterranean Sea: Results from the Recent MedBlack GEOTRACES Expedition
Rolison J, Middag R, Rijkenberg M, Stirling C & de Baar H
(2014) Global Oceanic Cadmium Isotope Distribution
Galer S, Abouchami W, Xie R, Janssen D, Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Cullen J & de Baar H
(2014) Dissolved Trace Metal Distributions in the Black Sea: Results from the MedBlack GEOTRACES Expedition
Rolison J, Middag R, Rijkenberg M, Stirling C & de Baar H
(2013) Heme B in Particulate Material from the Atlantic and Southern Ocean
Gledhill M, Honey DJ, Rijkenberg MJ, Nielsdottir MN & Achterberg EP
(2013) Neodymium Isotopic Composition and Concentration in Equatorial to North Atlantic Seawater
Lambelet M, van de Flierdt T, Crocket K, Rehkämper M, Kreissig K, Coles B, Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, van Aken H & de Baar H
(2012) Contrasting Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron and Aluminium along the GEOTRACES West Atlantic Section
De Baar H, Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Middag R, Van Hulten M, Laan P, Schoemann V, De Jong J, Sterl A & Van Aken H
(2012) Mercury Species and Thiols from GEOTRACES Cruises in the North and South Atlantic Ocean
Bowman K, Kading T, Swarr G, Lamborg C, Hammerschimdt C & Rijkenberg M
(2012) Controls on Seawater Pa_231, Th_230 and Th_232 Concentrations along the Flow Paths of Major Deep-Water Masses in the Southwest Atlantic
Deng F, Thomas A, Henderson G & Rijkenberg M
(2011) Dissolved Fe in the Western Atlantic Ocean: Distribution, Sources, Sinks and Cycling
Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Laan P, Schoemann V, Middag R, van Heuven S, Salt L, van Aken H, de Jong J & de Baar H
(2009) Dust Inputs to the (Sub-) Tropical North Atlantic Ocean; Influence on Ocean Biogeochemistry
Achterberg E, Patey M, Rijkenberg M, Steigenberger S, Moore CM, Hill P, Powell C, Mahaffey C, Statham P, Purdie D & Zubkov M

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