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Richnow H-H. (2017) Compound-Specific Chlorine Isotope Analysis of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Using Gas Chromatography Hyphenated with Multiple- Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Horst A, Renpenning J, Richnow H-H & Gehre M
(2015) Evaluation of Abiotic and Biotic Ethylene Dibromide Transformation Using Dual C and Br Isotope Analysis
Kuntze K, Kozell A, Richnow HH, Halicz L, Nijenhuis I & Gelmann F
(2015) Studying Exoelectrogen Biofilm Formation, Structure and Composition: An Integrated Approach
Schkolnik G, Harnisch F, Musat N, Schroetter M, Schmidt M, Richnow H-H, Harms H, Herminghaus S & Mazza M
(2015) Investigation of the Microbial Community and Associated Element Cycles Involved in Chlorobenzene Biotransformation in a Model Wetland System
Wolfram D, Kuntze K, Bombach P, Birkigt J, Starke R, Jehmlich N, Stryhanyuk H, Schmidt M, Richnow HH & Nijenhuis I
(2014) Evaluation of Chloroacetanilide Herbicides in Wetland Sytems Using Enantiomer- and Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis
Elsayed O, Maillard E, Vuilleumier S, Nijenhuis I, Richnow H & Imfeld G
(2014) Assessing Microbial Dehalogenation of Brominated Organics Using Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis
Nijenhuis I, Kuntze K, Woods A, Gelmann F, Halicz L & Richnow H
(2014) Novel Strategy for Pre-Concentration of Volatile Organic Compounds from Water Samples for Carbon and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Analysis at Trace Levels
Herrero-Martín S, Nijenhuis I, Richnow HH & Gehre M
(2014) Performance and Limits of Liquid Chromatography Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry System for Halogenated Compounds
Gilevska T, Gehre M & Richnow H-H
(2014) Carbon Stable Isotope Fractionation of Sulfamethoxazole during Biodegradation and Photolysis
Birkigt J, Gilevska T, Ricken B, Richnow HH, Corvini PFX, Nijenhuis I & Cichocka D
(2013) Effects of Volcanic CO2 Vents on a Freshwater Environment, the Laacher See
Gwosdz S, Möller I, Richnow HH & Krüger M
(2013) Relevance of Mass Transfer Processes for the Interpretation of Stable Isotope Fractionation
Thullner M, Centler F, Fischer A, Hesse F, Richnow H-H & Wick LY
(2013) Insights in the Methanogenic Degradation of BTEX and PAH in Different Geological Systems
Straaten N, Jimenez-Garcia N, Gründger F, Richnow H-H, Lüders T & Krüger M
(2013) Occurrence of Aerobic and Methanogenic Oil Biodegradation in a Water-Flooded Oil Field
Jiménez Garcia N, Cai M, Jun Y, Krüger M & Richnow HH
(2013) Evidence for the Microbial in situ Conversion of Oil to Methane in the Dagang Oilfield
Jimenez N, Cai M, Straaten N, Morris B, Yao Y, Richnow H-H & Krüger M
(2012) Oxidation of Pyrite in Anoxic Aquifers in the Presence of Nitrate
Yan R, Kappler A, Richnow H-H, Horn M & Peiffer S
(2011) Stimulation of the Anaerobic Oxidation of Pyrite by Activators at Neutral pH in the Presence of Nitrate
Yan R, Kappler A, Richnow H-H & Peiffer S
(2011) High CO2 Concentrations Negatively Affect Methanogenesis and Sulphate Reduction in Gas Fields of the North German Plain
Frerichs J, Gniese C, Schulz A, Richnow H-H, Kock D & Krüger M
(2011) Microbial Conversion of Oil, Coal and Shales into Methane – A Future Energy Resource
Krüger M, Gründger F, Siegert M, Schulz H-M & Richnow H-H
(2009) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation during Biodegradation of Monoaromatic Hydrocarbons
Fischer A, Herrmann S, Richnow H-H & Vogt C
(2009) Bacterial Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Groundwater Systems
Feisthauer S, Seidel M & Richnow H-H
(2009) Stable Isotope Fractionation of N-Alkanes during Anaerobic Degradation by Desulfoglaeba alkanexedans
Morris B, Suflita J & Richnow H
(2009) In situ Investigation of Microbial Diversity and Anaerobic Chlorobenzene Degradation along a Vertical Gradient
Nijenhuis I, Martinez P, Junca H, Stelzer N, Imfeld G, Weber S & Richnow H
(2009) Protein-Stable Isotope Probing (Protein-SIP) for Simultaneous Identification of Bacterial Species and Determination of Metabolic Activity
Seifert J, Jehmlich N, Schmidt F, Taubert M, von Bergen M, Richnow H-H & Vogt C
(2009) Stable Isotope Fractionation as a Tool to Determine Substrate Bioavailability
Thullner M, Kampara M, Richnow H, Harms H & Wick L
(2009) SIP Goes Proteomics – Elucidation of Structure and Function of Microbial Communities
Jehmlich N, Schmidt F, Taubert M, von Bergen M, Richnow H-H & Vogt C
(2009) The <i>bamA</i> Gene: A General Functional Marker for the Anaerobic Degradation of Aromatic Compounds
Kuntze K, Richnow H-H & Boll M
(2009) Microbial Conversion of Higher Hydrocarbons to Methane in Different Geosystem
Krüger M, Feisthauer S, Gruendger F, Siegert M & Richnow H-H
(2008) Two-Dimensional Isotope Fractionation Approach (TDIFA) for Elucidating Benzene and Toluene Biodegradation Pathways
Fischer A, Vogt C & Richnow H-H
(2002) Anaerobic Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons as Monitored by 13C/12C Stable Isotope Fractionation and Specific Metabolites
Meckenstock R, Morasch B, Vieth A, Richnow HH & Griebler C
(2001) Organic Contaminants in the Vejen Landfill Leachate Plume: 1990 and 2000
Christensen TH, Baun A, Ledin A, Bjerg PL, Richnow H & Meckenstock R
(2000) Methane Formation during the Degradation of N-Alkanes and Total Crude Oils
Richnow HH, Zengler K, Gehre M, Michaelis W & Widdel F

Richon P. (2012) Fingerprinting Uranium-Bearing Material: Development and Validation of Methods
Salaun A, Hubert A, Aupiais J, Pili E, Pointurier F, Diallo S, Faure A-L & Richon P
(2009) Transient Geochemical and Hydrogeological Coupling during Weathering and the Carbon Cycle in the Critical Zone
Pili E, Dellinger M, Charlet L, Agrinier P, Chabaux F & Richon P
(2004) The Hydrogeochemical Dynamics of Fractured Porous Media in the Unsaturated Zone
Pili E, Bureau S, Perrier F & Richon P
(2004) Application of Uranium Series Disequilibria as a Tracer for Radionuclide Migration in an Aquifer
Hubert A, Bourdon B, Pili E & Richon P

Richoz S. (2023) Coupled Marine Silica and Carbon Cycle Changes after the Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
Dai Y, Zhang Z, Richoz S, Doering K, Stamm FM, Yu J, Xu Z, Frank M & Conley DJ
(2023) Continental Weathering during the Permo-Triassic Boundary: Mg and Li Isotopes from Carbonates of the Neo-Tethys Ocean
Gómez-Gutiérrez JC, Paula-Santos GM, Meixner A, Wood R, Richoz S & Kasemann SA
(2023) Aragonite Sea II-Calcite Sea II Transition: Insights from Geochemical Characterization of post-End-Triassic Mass Extinction Oolites at Wadi Milaha, Musandam Peninsula, United Arab Emirates
Urban I & Richoz S
(2023) Effects of the K-Pg Boundary Event on the Ocean Silicon Cycle: What Sponge Spicule and Radiolarian Silicon Isotopes can Show us
Stoerling T, Friberg L, Cassarino L, Pickering RA, Doering K, Stamm FM, Hendry KR, Richoz S & Conley DJ
(2023) The Silica Cycle on a Continental Shelf during the Upper Cretaceous: Reconstructions of Silicon Isotopes of Sponges, Radiolaria and Diatoms
Doering K, Zhang Z, Dai Y, Dummann W, Pickering RA, Brylka K, Stoerling T, Schröder-Adams C, Richoz S, Frank M, Herrle J, Harwood D & Conley DJ
(2022) Mg and Li Isotope Geochemistry at the Permo-Triassic Boundary: Evidence for Carbonate Diagenesis and Continental Weathering
Gómez Gutiérrez JC, Paula-Santos GM, Meixner A, Wood R, Richoz S & Kasemann SA
(2021) Calcite Interval in Aragonite Seas: Geochemical Characterization of Post-Extinction Oolites at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary and their Implications
Urban I & Richoz S
(2021) Perspectives on the Emergence of Diatoms and their Impact on the Global Biogeochemical Cycle of Silica
Conley DJ, Brylka K, Richoz S & Alverson A
(2019) Calcium Isotope Record of the Late Triassic
Kovács Z, Demangel I, Richoz S, Schmitt A-D, Gangloff S, Hippler D & Krystyn L
(2017) Archaeal Methanogenesis at the Onshore Serpentinite-Hosted Chimaera Seeps, Turkey
Zwicker J, Birgel D, Bach W, Richoz S, Gier S, Smrzka D, Neubeck A, Ivarsson M, Schleper C, Rittmann S, Grasemann B, Koşun E & Peckmann J
(2016) Multiple Sulfur-Isotopic Evidence for Prolonged Earliest Jurassic Euxinia
Luo G, Richoz S, van de Schootbrugge B, Algeo T, Xie S, Ono S & Summons R
(2015) Proterozoic-Like/type Basal Triassic Microbial Build-Ups of Unusual Height in Armenia
Baud A, Friesenbichler E, Krystyn L, Sahakyan L & Richoz S
(2015) Formation of Microbialites in Holocene Coral Reefs and on Early Triassic Ocean Margins
Heindel K, Birgel D, Richoz S, Westphal H & Peckmann J
(2015) Ocean Acidification and the Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction: Process and Manifestation
Kasemann S, Wood R, Clarkson M, Lenton T, Daines S, Richoz S, Ohnemueller F, Meixner A, Poulton S & Tipper E
(2013) Ocean Redox Dynamics during the End-Permian Extinction and Early Triassic Recovery
Clarkson M, Poulton S, Wood R & Richoz S
(2012) C-, O- and Sr-Isotopes in Marbles from the Eastern Alps
Hoinkes G, Puhr B, Schuster R, Richoz S & Moshammer B

Richter Andreas (2017) Climatic Versus Geochemical Controls on Soil Organic Matter Stabilization and Greenhouse Gas Emissions along Altitudinal Transects in Different Mountain Regions
Griepentrog M, Bodé S, Boudin M, Dercon G, Doetterl S, Martin V, Matulanya M, Msigwa A, Richter A, Sun X, Vermeir P, Wang X & Boeckx P
(2014) Foraging on the Host: Uncovering Metabolic Host-Gut Microbiota Interactions at the Single Cell Level
Berry D, Stecher B, Schintlmeister A, Reichert J, Rauch I, Decker T, Wild B, Wanek W, Richter A, Loy A & Wagner M
(2011) Organic Nitrogen Cycling during Organic Matter Decomposition
Mooshammer M, Wanek W, Frank AH, Hofhansl F, Keiblinger KM, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S & Richter A

Richter Anke (2013) A Comparison of Pitzer Databases for Nuclear Waste Disposal Modelling
Bok F, Richter A & Brendler V
(2012) THEREDA – A Thermodynamic Database for Increasing Confidence in Waste Diposal
Richter A, Bok F & Brendler V
(2007) U(VI) Sorption on Sandstone: Experiments and Modeling
Richter A, Nebelung C & Brendler V
(2005) Effects of Data Scatter and Inconsistency in Sorption Modeling
Richter A, Brendler V & Nebelung C
(2003) The Mineral-Specific Thermodynamic Sorption Database RES3T: Concept Description, Implementation, and Application Towards Contaminated Systems
Richter A, Brendler V & Bernhard G

Richter Carl (2019) IODP Site U1513 Volcanic Sequence, Naturaliste Plateau: Implications on East Gondwana Breakup
Tejada ML, Lee EY, Brumsack H-J, Kimura J-I, Harry D, Richter C, Li Y-X, Wainman C, Riquier L, Jiang T, White L, Hobbs R, Wolfgring E, Martinez M & Scientists E3
(2002) Gauging Bottom-Water Ventilation in the Eastern Mediterranean by Combining Geochemical and Magnetic Data from Sapropel-Bearing Sediments
Larrasoaña JC, Roberts AP, Stoner JS & Richter C

Richter Constanze (2014) The Influence of Mineral-Originated Microorganisms on the Sorption of Uranium
Richter C, Brendler V & Großmann K

Richter D (2009) Climatic Controls of Regolith Weathering and Mass Flux in Granitic Terrain – A Synthesis of Critical Zone Exploration Network Data
Rasmussen C, Williams JZ, Brantley S, Richter D, White A & April R

Richter Daniel (2018) A Tale of Two CZ’s: Comparing Shallow and Deep Old-Field Forest Regeneration at the Calhoun CZO
Brecheisen Z, Heine P, Cook C, Ryang J, Mallard J & Richter D
(2015) Depth Variation of Soil Iron Crystallinity at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
Thompson A, Barcellos D, Wilmoth J & Richter D
(2013) Rhizogenic C-Fe Redox Cycling: A Sleeping Couple No Longer
Richter D, Bacon A, Mobley M, Oelze M & von Blankenburg F
(2005) Rhizosphere Iron-Redox Cycling: Electron Transfer Reactions that Drive Mineral Weathering
Fimmen R, Richter D & Vasudevan D

Richter Detlev (2018) High-Resolution Sr Isotope Data of Speleothems by LA-MC-ICP-MS
Weber M, Scholz D, Wassenburg J, Jochum KP, Deininger M, Waltgenbach S, Breitenbach SFM, Hoffmann DL, Richter D & Plessen B

Richter Detlev K. (2015) Annual Lamination in a Recent Speleothem from Zoolithencave (Bavaria, Germany)
Riechelmann DFC, Jochum KP, Tjallingii R, Fohlmeister J, Richter DK, Brummer G-J & Scholz D
(2015) Delayed Beginning of the Eemian in Central Europe due to a Reduced AMOC
Scholz D, Hoffmann DL, Spötl C, Jochum KP & Richter DK
(2015) Magnesium Isotope Composition of Recent Sabkha Pore Fluids and Stoichiometric Dolomites (UAE)
Immenhauser A, Geske A, Lokier S, Dietzel M, Richter D & Buhl D
(2013) Establishing the Magnesium Isotope (δ<sup>26</sup>Mg) Signature of Early and Late Diagenetic Dolomite Types
Geske A, Goldstein R, Richter D, Buhl D, Kluge T, John C & Immenhauser A
(2011) Decoupled Evolution of Temperature and Precipitation in Western Germany during the Last Interglacial Reconstructed from a Precisely Dated Speleothem
Scholz D, Hoffmann D, Spötl C, Hopcroft P, Mangini A & Richter D
(2011) Cryogenic Cave Carbonates – A New Tool for Estimation of Former Permafrost Depths
Zak K, Filippi M, Zivor R & Richter DK
(2010) Towards a New Proxy for Holocene Climate Change: Magnesium-Isotope Fractionation during Low-Mg Calcite Precipitation in a Limestone Cave
Immenhauser A, Buhl D, Richter D, Niedermayr A, Riechelmann D, Dietzel M & Schulte U
(2009) Magnesium-Isotope Fractionation in a Monitored Limestone Cave
Buhl D, Immenhauser A, Richter D, Schulte U, Dietzel M, Riechelmann D & Niedermayr A
(2007) Time-Series Analysis of Magnesium Isotopes in Speleothems
Immenhauser A, Buhl D & Richter D
(2000) Preservation and Chemical Alteration of Biogenic Francolite and Calcite from Marine Organism
Habermann D, Banerjee A, Goette T, Meijer J, Stephan A & Richter DK

Richter F.M. (2014) Diffusive Fractionation of Fe and Ni Isotopes in Iron-Nickel Alloys
Watson H, Richter F, Huss G & Liu A
(2013) Evaporation of Mg- and Si-Rich Melts: Evolution of Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of FUN CAIs
Mendybaev R, Richter F, Teng F, Georg B & Fedkin A
(2013) Kinetic Isotope Fractionation at the Frontier of Modern Geochemistry
Richter F
(2013) Diffusion-Driven Isotopic Fractionations in Olivine in Laboratory and Natural Settings
Sio CKI, Roskosz M, Chaussidon M, Dauphas N, Mendybaev R, Richter F & Teng F-Z
(2011) High-Temperature Kinetic Isotope Fractionation in Silicate Systems: Laboratory and Natural Examples
Richter F
(2008) A Tale of Two Liquids: Kinetic Isotope Fractionation in Water and in Silicate Melts
Richter F
(2008) Internal Isochron of CAI Using High Precision SIMS Mg Isotope Analyses
Kita NT, Ushikubo T, Fournelle J, Knight KB, Mendybaev RA, Davis AM & Richter FM
(2008) Origin of Ti Isotope Heterogeneity in the Protoplanetary Disk
Trinquier A, Bizzarro M, Ulfbeck D, Elliott T, Coath C, Mendybaev R, Richter F & Krot A
(2007) The Absence of Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Basalt Differentiation
Teng F-Z, Wadhwa M, Helz R & Richter F
(2007) Isotopic Fingerprints of Mass Transport Processes
Richter F
(2004) Kinetic Fractionation of Lithium Isotopes during Diffusion in Water
Christensen J, Richter F & Mendybaev R

Richter G. (2013) Modelling the Impact of C4 Biofuel Crops (Miscanthus spp.) on Soil Carbon Storage in Different Climates
Agostini F, Roncucci N & Richter G

Richter Katrin (2011) Cytochromes and Iron Reduction
Richter K & Gescher J
(2009) On the Role of Outer Membrane Cytochromes in the Exoelectrogenic Activity of S. oneidensis
Bücking C, Popp F, Richter K & Gescher J

Richter Klaus Uwe (2017) In situ B Isotope Analysis of Reference Material by Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS with Application to the Paleo Carbonate Chemistry of the Ocean
Benthien A, Steinhoefel G, Richter KU & Bijma J
(2016) Boron Chemistry of Planktonic Foraminifera from Surface Sediments
Raitzsch M, Richter K-U & Bijma J

Richter Klaus-Uwe (2023) Matrix-Independent B Isotope Analysis by UV Femtosecond LA-MC-ICP-MS with Application to the Cold-Water Coral Desmophyllum dianthus
Steinhoefel G, Beck KK, Benthien A, Richter K-U & Bijma J
(2018) Boron Isotopes by Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS with Application to pH Reconstruction in Biogenic Carbonates
Steinhoefel G, Beck K, Benthien A, Raitzsch M, Richter K-U, Schmidt G & Bijma J

Richter L. (2019) Compositions and Water–rock Ratios of Deep Hydrothermal Fluids that Alter the Oceanic Crust
Diamond LW, Richter L & Weber S
(2017) Mineralogy, Fluid Inclusions and Geochemistry of Sb Vein-Type Mineralizations of the Berga Anticline, Eastern Thuringia, Germany
Krolop P, Seifert T, Richter L, Burisch M & Fritzke B

Richter Marianne (2023) Sulfide Undersaturated Melts at the Ultraslow Spreading Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean
Richter M, Nebel O, Park J-W, Dottin Iii J, Tomkins A, Keays RR, Farquhar J & Dick HJB
(2022) Effects of Spreading Rate, Crystal Fractionation and Source Heterogeneity on Fe Isotope Systematics in Ocean Floor Lavas
Richter M, Nebel O, Schwindinger M, Nebel-Jacobsen Y & Dick HJB
(2020) Stable Iron Isotopes as a Tracer for the Mantle Components ‘FOZO a and B’ at São Miguel, Azores
Ruttor S, Nebel O, Williams H, Beier C, Richter M, Nebel-Jacobsen Y, Romer R & Turner S
(2019) Legacy of Subduction Past: Dormant, DupAl Mantle as Sampled by Low-Ca Boninites
Nebel O, Benard A, Nebel-Jacobsen Y, Richter M, Park J-W & Arculus R
(2017) Ablation Rates for Geological Materials
Mertz-Kraus R, Veter M & Richter M
(2017) Tracing Mantle Depletion along the Ultra-Slow Spreading Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Richter M, Nebel O, Maas R, Dick H & Bach W

Richter Michael (2012) Single Cell Genomics of Uncultured Subsurface Archaea
Lloyd K, Schreiber L, Petersen D, Richter M, Kjeldsen K, Lever M, Lenk S, Kleindienst S, Schramm A & Jorgensen BB

Richter Nancy (2017) Indium-Bearing Sulphides from the Hämmerlein Polymetallic Skarn Deposit, Germany – Evidence for Late Stage Diffusion of Indium into Sphalerite
Bauer ME, Seifert T, Krause J, Burisch M, Richter N & Gutzmer J

Richter Nora (2019) Tracking Human and Regional Climate Changes in Lake Sediment Records from Flores Island, the Azores
Richter N, Russell JM, Amaral-Zettler L, DeGroff W, Raposeiro PM, Gonçalves V, de Boer EJ, Rull V, Pla-Rabes S, Hernández A, Sáez A, Bao R & Giralt S

Richter P. (2018) Detection of Inorganic Polymers Involve in Hydrobasaluminite Synthesis by Mass Spectrometry
Becerra-Herrera M, Moraga SD, Cruz-Hernández P, Molinas R, Richter P & Caraballo MA
(2018) Detection and Assigment of Aqueous Inorganic Fe-Polymers by Mass Spectrometry (TOF MS)
Molinas R, Cruz-Hernández P, Becerra-Herrera M, Moraga S, Caraballo MA & Richter P
(2017) Preliminary Results on the Use of Imogolite to Extract Emerging Organic Pollutants from Water Samples
Becerra-Herrera M, Arancibia-Miranda N, Caraballo MA, Moraga S & Richter P
(2017) Identification of Inorganic Aluminium Polymers as Hydrobsaluminite Precursors by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Moraga SD, Caraballo MA, Becerra-Herrera M & Richter P
(2017) Crossroads in Analytical Chemistry and Non-Classical Crystal Nucleation: Deciphering the Role of Inorganic Polymers in Poorly Crystalline Nanominerals Nucleation
Caraballo MA, Becerra-Herrera M, Richter P, Moraga S, Molinas R, Cruz-Hernández P & Hochella M

Richter Sarah (2008) Immobilisation of Arsenic in Paddy Soil by Iron(II)-Oxidizing Bacteria
Kappler A, Hohmann C, Muehe M, Richter S & Winkler E

Richter Stephan (2019) High Precision Uranium Isotope Ratio Measurments Using Current Amplifiers with 1013  Resistors
Richter S
(2017) News About Certified Nuclear Isotope Reference Materials at the Joint Research Centre – Unit G.2 (Formerly IRMM)
Richter S, Aregbe Y & Truyens J
(2012) Applications of Synthetic Uranium Reference Materials for Geochemistry Research
Richter S, Kuehn H, Eykens R & Aregbe Y
(2006) Improved Techniques and Certified Reference Materials for Nuclear and Geological Isotope Ratio Measurements
Richter S & Wellum R
(2006) Results for the “REIMEP 18” Inter-laboratory Comparison Campaign for the Measurement of Uranium Isotope Ratios
Richter S & Wellum R

Richter W. (2002) LAM-ICP-MS and Whole-Rock Investigations on Mantle Xenoliths from Chukotka, NE-Siberia
Ntaflos T, Richter W & Akinin S

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