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Richards A.P. (2006) The Origins and Histories of Metasedimentary Units in the Core of the Himalaya
Argles TW, Richards AP, Chambers JA, Parrish RP, Ahmad T & Harris NBW

Richards B. (2020) Mobility and Binding Mechanisms of Glyphosate in Agricultural Soils
Glaser M, Richards B, Steenhuis T & Aristilde L

Richards C. (2015) Spatio-Temporal Physical and Geochemical Characterization of a California Bar-Built Estuary
Richards C & Pallud C
(2014) Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Littoral Sediments of the Intermittent Pescadero Estuary
Richards C & Pallud C

Richards David (2017) Testing the Connectivity History of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea during the Pleistocene, Using Strontium Isotopes
Bista D, Flecker R & Richards D
(2016) Determining Source Terms for FDNPP Fallout Using 135Cs/137Cs and Pu Isotopes
Dunne J, Richards D, Coath C, Chen H, Scott T, Martin P & Yamashiki Y
(2016) Gaining Novel Insight into Uranium-Containing Fukushima Daiichi Derived Fallout
Martin P, Richards D, Yamashiki Y & Scott T
(2014) The Onset of the Mediterranean Climate in Western Europe Inferred from Dating and CT Scanning of Un-Sectioned Stalagmite
Walczak I, Baldini J, Baldini L, Marsden S, Richards D, Standish C, McDermott F & Andreo B

Richards David A. (2015) Exploring the Controls on Glacial-Interglacial Oceanic (234U/238U) Variation
Beasley M, Robinson L, Chen T, Richards D, Nita D, Smith C, Andersen M, Wadham J & Telling J
(2013) Adopting a Combined U-Th-Pb Strategy to Date Speleothems >200 ka
Smith C, Richards D, Condon D, Horstwood M, Parrish R, Woodhead J & Ford D
(2011) Synthetic ‘Age Solutions’, Reference Materials for U-Th Geochronology
Condon D, Henderson G, Richards D & Woodhead J
(2011) Taking Advantage of Both U-Th and U-Pb Disequilibrium Methods for Speleothem Geochronology
Richards D, Smith C, Smart P, Farrant A, Parrish R & Ford D
(2009) Deep Water Production in the GIN Seas: The Nd Record from Feni Drift
Crocket K, Gutjahr M, Foster G, Richards D, Vance D & Tranter M
(2008) Cave Air Controls on Stalagmite Growth Rates and Paleoclimate Records
Baldini J, McDermott F, Hoffmann D, Richards D & Clipson N
(2008) Reconciling 14C Timescales for Marine Isotope Stage 3
Richards D, Beck W, Hoffmann D, Smart P, Singarayer J, Ridgwell A & Valdes P
(2008) The Marine Pb Isotope Response to Ice Sheet Growth and Decay
Crocket KC, Foster GL, Richards DA, Vance D, Tranter M & Wadham JL
(2007) Pb Isotopes and Glacial/Interglacial Weathering Intensity
Crocket K, Richards D, Foster G & Vance D
(2004) Investigating the Causes of 14C Variation in Speleothems Using Highresolution Stable-Isotope and Trace-Element Data
Hoffmann D, Richards D, Smart P, Beck J, Mattey D, Paterson B & Hawkesworth C

Richards Ian (2018) Geochemical Inferences from Bimodal Afar Volcanism
Basu A, Ghosh N, Ghatak A, Gregory R, Richards I, Georg B, Ebinger C, Quade J, Zou H & Chakrabarty P

Richards Ian J. (2010) Archean Fluid-Rock Interaction: Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Ratio from Iron Ore Group, India
Banerjee S, Richards I, Ferguson K, Gregory RT & Basu AR
(2008) Coupled Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Exchange in Archean Igneous Rocks: Constraints on the Seawater and the Hydrosphere
Gregory RT, Richards IJ, Ferguson KM & Banerjee S
(2006) Hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen isotope ratios from the Archean Pibara Block: constraints on geological cycles
Gregory RT, Richards IJ & Ferguson KM
(2005) Fluid-Rock Interaction in Convergent Margins: Evidence from Stable Isotopic Studies of Veins
Gregory R, Richards I & Gray D

Richards J. (2020) Sulfide Saturation in Thick Arc Crust Plays no Role for Porphyry Cu Deposit Formation
Wang R, Richards J & Zhang J
(2019) Post-Collisional Magmatism and Porphyry Deposit Formation in Southern Tibet
Wang R, Hou Z-Q, Yang Z-M, Zhu D-C, Weinberg R, Collins W & Richards J
(2018) Apatite Sulfur Isotopes Trace Mantle-Input S for Giant Qulong Porphyry Deposit Formation in Continental Collision Zone
Wang R, Richards J & Jeon H
(2014) The Importance of Redox State, Sulfur, and Water Content in the Metallogeny of Arc Magmas
Richards J
(2013) The Role of Arc Magmas and Subduction-Modified Lithosphere in Ore Formation
Richards J
(2013) A Secular Solution to a Diabolical Problem: Porphyry vs. Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold Deposits
Mumin H & Richards J
(2010) Magmatic Metal Fluxes in Convergent and Collided Margins
Richards J
(2009) Post-Subduction Porphyry and Epithermal Au Deposits
Richards J

Richards Laura (2022) Understanding Microbial Arsenic-Release at Two, Hydro-Geologically Contrasting Aquifers in Kandal Province, Cambodia
Moore O, Bassil N, Richards L, van Dongen B, Polya D & Lloyd JR
(2021) The Relationship between Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) and Arsenic-Release at Two, Hydrogeologically-Contrasting, Aquifers in Kandal Province, Cambodia
Moore O, Bassil N, Richards L, van Dongen B, Polya D & Lloyd JR
(2020) Citizen Science in Schools and Colleges in Patna, Bihar, India for Groundwater Contaminant Mapping & Knowledge Transfer
Addison S, Polya D, Richards L, Chakravorty B, Chakraborty R, Ambuehl B, Podgorski J, Kumar A & Ghosh A
(2015) High Resolution Profile of Surface Water Incursion into an Arsenic-Bearing Aquifer in Cambodia
Richards L, van Dongen B, Magnone D, Sovann C, Ballentine C & Polya D

Richards Laura A (2017) Environmental Science Outreach for Undergraduate Students in Cambodia: A Case Study
Richards LA, Downie HF, Sovann C, Welfle A, Uhlemann S & Polya DA
(2017) Understanding Surface Water Incursion in a Shallow, Arsenic-Affected Aquifer in Cambodia: An Application of Geochemical Tracers
Richards LA, Magnone D, Sovann C, Sültenfuß J, Boyce AJ, Bryant C, van Dongen BE, Ballentine CJ & Polya DA
(2017) Understanding Controls on Groundwater “Age” in an Alluvial Aquifer
Chambers L, Richards L, Polya D, SÜLTENFUß J, Binley A & Gooddy D

Richards Laura A. (2019) Toolkit Approach for the Selection of Sustainable Arsenic Remediation Approaches for Rural Communities
Richards LA, Kumari N, Ghosh A, Joshi H, Mukherjee A, Clayton GE, Reynolds DM & Polya DA

Richards M (2005) Unexpected Denitrification in Oxic Shelf Sands: A Consequence of Redox Dynamics?
Jahnke R, Rao A, Richards M & Jahnke D
(2000) Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Values in Bone Collagen from Europe, 0-40 ka: Implications for Climatic and Palaeodietary Research
Richards M

Richards Mark (2020) Magmatic Architecture of Continental Flood Basalts – A Deccan Traps Perspective
Mittal T, Richards M & Randolph-Flagg N
(2019) Bimodal Delivery of Deep-Sourced, Volatile-Rich Mantle Plume Material to the Global Ridge System
Gibson S & Richards M
(2017) The Interaction of Impact and Volcanism at the End of Earth’s Cretaceous Period
Renne P, Sprain C, Richards M, Self S, Vandercluysen L, Pande K & Fendley I

Richards Michael (2022) Contribution of Zn Isotope Ratios in the Understanding of Neandertals Subsistence Strategy: A Case Study from Gabasa, Spain
Jaouen K, Villalba Mouco V, Smith GM, Trost M, Leichliter J, Luedecke T, Mejean P, Mandrou S, Chmeleff J, Guiserix D, Bourgon N, Blasco Sancho MF, Mendes Cardoso J, Duquenoy C, Moubtahij Z, Salazar Garcia DC, Richards M, Tütken T, Hublin J-J, Utrilla P & Montes L

Richards Mike (2015) Zinc Isotopic Fractionation in Terrestrial and Aquatic Food Webs
Jaouen K, Beasley M, Schoeninger M, Britton K, Hublin J-J & Richards M

Richards S W (2006) Time-scales and heat sources for Barrovian regional metamorphism
Viete DR, Richards SW & Lister GS

Richards Simon (2014) Remnants of Ancient Australia in Vanuatu: Implications for Crustal Evolution in Island Arcs
Buys J, Spandler C, Holm R & Richards S
(2008) Structural Geology and Geometry of Subducting and Subducted Slabs
Richards S

Richardson Charles D. (2010) MOMA: Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer: Instrument Concept and Results
Becker L, Richardson C, Chaicharoen K, Cornish T, Antione M, VanAmerom F, Pinnick V, Cotter R, Goesmann F, Raulin F & Ehrenfruend P
(2008) Detecting Biosignatures Associated with Minerals by Geomatrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (GALDI-Ftms)
Richardson CD, Kotler JM, Hinman NW, McJunkin TR & Scott JR

Richardson Christina M. (2023) Assessing Biogeochemical Processes Influencing Redox-Sensitive Elements: Batch and Flow-Through Experiments with Implications for Managed Recharge
Serrano A, Richardson CM, Fisher AT & Oswald SL

Richardson Christopher A. (2019) Constraining the U-236 Input Function from Nuclear Reprocessing Using Sea Shells
Christl M, Castrillejo M, Witbaard R, Dekker R, Richardson CA, Casacuberta N, Vockenhuber C, Wacker L, Welte C, Yeman C, Más Malbuena J-L, Krzystek A, Zeder C & Synal H-A

Richardson Curtis (2009) Impacts of Nanosilver on Microbial Activity in Wetlands and Streams
Colman B, Auffan M, Richardson C, Bernhardt E & Wiesner M

Richardson Daniel (2020) Carbon Flow Through Energycane Agroecosystems Established Post-Intensive Agriculture
Crow S, Wells J, Sierra C, Youkhana A, Ogoshi R, Richardson D, Glazer C, Meki M & Kiniry J

Richardson David (2015) Redox Linked Flavin Sites in Extracellular Decaheme Proteins Involved in Microbe-Mineral Electron Transfer
White G, Edwards M, Norman M, Butt J, Richardson D & Clarke T
(2015) Biochemical Mineral Reduction Through the Porin Cytochrome Complex of Shewanella oneidensis
Clarke T, Edwards M, White G, Wang Z, Fredrickson J, Zachara J, Butt J, Richardson D & Shi L
(2014) Liposome Model to Demonstrate Electron Exchange between Metal-Reducing Bacteria and Fe(III) Oxides
White G, Shi Z, Shi L, Fredrickson J, Zachara J, Butt J, Richardson D & Clarke T
(2011) Large-Scale Simulation of Molecular Structure and Electron Transfer in Microbial Cytochromes
Rosso K, Zarzycki P, Breuer M, Blumberger J, Shi L, Richardson D, Clarke T, Edwards M, Butt J, Zachara J & Fredrickson J
(2011) The Structure and Topology of Cytochromes Involved in Outer Membrane Electron Transport
Clarke T, Edwards M, Hemmings A, Hall A, White G, Gates A, Butt J, Shi L, Fredrickson J, Zachara J & Richardson D
(2011) Liposome Study of MtrABC: A Porin Cytochrome Electron Transport System from Shewanella oneidensis
White G, Edwards M, Baiden N, Hall A, Butt J, Richardson D & Clarke T
(2011) Defining a Landscape for Microbial Electron Transfer to Extracellular Minerals
Butt J, Gates A, Marritt S, Edwards M, Shi L, Fredrickson J, Zachara J, Richardson D & Clarke T

Richardson E. (2017) Fossil Seawater in Floridan Aquifer
Yokochi R, Zappala J, Bernier R, Purtschert R, Mueller P, Richardson E, Krupa S & Collins B

Richardson Jocelyn (2021) Complexation of Group 12 Transition Metals by Methanobactins from Methylocystis sp. Strain SB2
Eckert P, Johs A, Semrau J, DiSpirito A, Richardson J, Sarangi R, Gu B & Pierce E
(2021) S Zonation in Aragonite and Microscale δ34S Heterogeneities in Barite & Pyrite Record the Geochemical Evolution of Cold Seep Environments
Wood RS, Lepland A, Richardson J & Fike DA
(2021) Multiple Fe, Mn, and P Mineral Interaction Pathways at the SWI of a Shallow Eutrophic Lake Revealed by K-Edge XANES and Multi-Energy Mapping Across Epoxy Preserved Sediment Profiles
Shukle JT, Richardson J, Kurek MR, Schroth A, Webb S & Druschel G
(2016) Depositional and Facies Constrols on the Abundance, Speciation, and δ34S Records in Paleozoic Carbonates
Fike D, Richardson J, Rose C & Webb S

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