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Repin V. (2009) Composition and Functioning of Microbial Communities Depending on Geochemical Conditions
Bryanskaya A, Lazareva E, Barkhutova D, Pestunova O, Zhmodik S & Repin V

Repina M. (2017) Nuclear Glass Alteration: Bridging the Gap from Surface Reactivity Description to Reactive Transport at the Scale of the Fractured Block
Repina M, Bouyer F & Lagneau V

Repschläger J. (2021) Deep Thermohaline Circulation Across the Closure of the Central American Seaway
Öğretmen N, Schiebel R, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U, Repschläger J, Jentzen A, Galer S & Haug GH

Repstock A. (2017) Classifications and p-T Paths of Phenocrysts and Volcanic Glass from the Quarternary Ignimbrite Units of the Aragats Volcanic Province, Armenia
Gevorgyan H, Repstock A, Schulz B, Meliksetian K, Breitkreuz C & Israyelyan A
(2017) The Early Permian Intra-Plate Wurzen Caldera (Saxony, Germany): Tracking the Magmatic Evolution of a ‘monotonous Intermediate’ by Ferromagnesian Silicates
Repstock A, Breitkreuz C, Schulz B & Hübner M
(2015) Chemical Composition of Fahlore-Group Minerals from the Central and Eastern Rhodope, Southern Bulgaria and Northern Greece
Repstock A, Voudouris P & Zeug M
(2015) Crystallization Condition and Magma Evolution for the Early Permian Planitz Vitrophyre, Chemnitz-Basin, Eastern Germany
Heuer F, Repstock A, Schulz B, Breitkreuz C & Fischer F

Resano M. (2013) Use of LA-ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS in a Biomedical Context
Vanhaecke F, Aramendia M, Izmer A, Resano M & Van Heghe L

Resch C. (2014) Acidovorax Species Reveal Potential for Oxidation of Hydrogen Coupled to Reduction of Oxygen, Nitrate, and Radionuclides Across a Subsurface Redox Gradient
Plymale A, Lee J-H, Fredrickson J, Dohnalkova A, Moran J, Resch C, McKinley J, Shi L, Roden E & Converse B
(2010) The Deep Vadoze Zone as a Source of Uranium to the Near-Shore Aquifer at the Hanford Site, Washington
McKinley J, Zachara J, Resch C, Girvin D, Kaluzny R, Vermeul V & Christensen J

Resch T. (2010) Reactions of Tc with Fe(II) and O2 in Hanford Redox-Sensitive Sediments
Peretyazhko T, Zachara J, Kukkadapu R, Liu C, Heald S, Resch T, Arey B, Wang C & Plymale A
(2009) Nature and Reactivity of Ferrous Iron Forms Through a Subsurface Redox Transition Zone Probed by Contact with the Pertechnetate Anion
Zachara J, Peretyazhko T, Liu C, Resch T, Heald S & Kukkadapu R

Reschetova S. (2017) Sulfur Speciation in Soft Tissues from a Jurassic Ornithischian Dinosaur
McNamara M, Godefroit P, Benton M, Dhouailly D, Sinitsa S, Reschetova S & Spagna P

Resendiz-Martinez C. (2021) Air Quality Changes in Mexico City, London and Delhi in Response to Various Levels of Lockdown Restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rangel EV, Namdeo A, Bramwell L, Miquelajauregui Y, Resendiz-Martinez C, Jaimes M, Luna F, Terrazas-Ahumada A, Maji K, Entwistle JA, Núñez Enríquez JC, Mejia JM, Portas A, Hayes L & McNally R

Resentini A. (2023) An Internal Isochron Method for U-Th-Raman Thermochronology
Vermeesch P, Pastore G, Resentini A, Buret Y & Carter A

Reshef G. (2021) Selected Technology-Critical Elements as Indicators of Anthropogenic Groundwater Contamination
Amiel N, Dror I, Zurieli A, Livshitz Y, Reshef G & Berkowitz B

Resing Joe (2018) Fe Sources and Sinks along The Southern Alaska Margin Inferred from Time-Series Observations
Crusius J, Schroth A, Michael S, Cullen J, Resing J & Campbell R

Resing Joseph (2017) Using Aluminum and Manganese to Constrain the Contribution of the Solomon Sea to the Equatorial Undercurrent Trace Metal Pool
Michael S, Resing J, Lacan F, Pradoux C & Jeandel C
(2016) New Hydrothermal Vents Discovered along the Mariana Back-Arc Spreading Center
Baumberger T, Lupton J, Resing J, Chadwick W, Butterfield D, Baker E, Walker S & Merle S
(2016) The Distribution of Dissolved Iron and Nutrients Across a South Pacific Zonal Section
Ellwood M, Bowie A, Hassler C, Law C, Nodder S, Maher W, Moffett J, Resing J, Sander S, Sedwick P, Townsend A, van der Merwe P, Woodward M, Wuttig K & Boyd P
(2013) Helium Isotope and C/3He Signatures in the Northern Lau Basin: Distinguishing Arc, Backarc, and Hotspot Affinities
Lupton J, Lilley M, Butterfield D, Resing J, Arculus R, Rubin K, Graham D, Keller N, Baker E & Embley R
(2011) Distinguishing Arc, Backarc, and Hotspot Affinities Using Helium Isotope and C/3He Ratios
Lupton J, Resing J, Lilley M, Butterfield D, Keller N, Arculus R, Baker E & Embley R
(2010) Submarine Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems at the Monowai Volcanic Centre, Kermadec Arc
Leybourne M, de Ronde C, Baker E, Faure K, Walker S & Resing J
(2009) Hydrothermal Systems and Recent Eruptive Activity in the Northern Lau Basin, South Pacific Ocean
Lupton J, Resing J, Arculus R, Lilley M, Embley R, Baker E, Butterfield D, Nakamura K-I, Crowhurst P & Greene R
(2008) Tracing Metals and Pathways in the Equatorial Pacific
Slemons L, Murray J, Resing J & Paul B

Resing Joseph A (2023) Southern Ocean Hydrothermal Iron and Manganese Supply from the Pacific Antarctic Ridge
Dick K, Conway TM, John SG, Resing JA, Sedwick P, Halbeisen D, Sohst B, Weiss G & Fitzsimmons JN
(2022) Changes in Hydrothermal Plume Iron Speciation in the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Hoffman C, Moore L, Bundy R, Resing JA, Fitzsimmons JN, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM
(2022) Linking Volcanic and Hydrothermal Systems along 150 Kilometers of Southern East Pacific Rise Crest by AUV Sentry Photo, Water-Column and Sonar Data
White SM, Keohane I, German CR, Resing JA & Walker SL
(2021) A Pronounced Eu Anomaly in Dissolved Seawater REE Patterns Close to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Selzer S, Hsieh Y-TA, Holdship P, Resing JA, Tagliabue A, Annett A, Homoky WB & Henderson GM

Resnais Y. (2012) Deep Sea Metalliferous Deposits as Modern Analogues for Ancient Marine Environments
Rouxel O, Resnais Y, Callac N & Anschutz P

Resner K. (2013) Feedbacks between Biological Retention of Nutrients, Carbon-Mineral Sorption, and Pore Space Generation along an Earthworm Invasion Chronosequence
Yoo K, Resner K, Lyttle A, Hale C, Aufdenkampe A & Sebestyen S

Resnik A. (2002) Morphological Characteristics of Fluorite Crystals from Mežica Mines in Northern Slovenia
Mirtic B, Jeršek M, Resnik A, Dolenec T & Krivograd F

Resongles Eleonore (2023) Impact of Artisanal Gold Mining on Land Degradation and Soil Contamination in West Africa: Contribution of Remote Sensing and Geochemistry in Koma Bangou, Niger
Abass Saley A, Baratoux D, Ahoussi K, Yao KA, Baratoux L, Martin L, Resongles E, Maurice L & Bruneel O
(2013) Past and Present Impact of Mining Activity on Metal and Metalloid Contamination in Sediments of the Gardon River Watershed (France)
Resongles E, Casiot C, Freydier R, Dezileau L, Viers J & Elbaz-Poulichet F

Resongles Eléonore (2023) Multi-Isotope (Pb, Sb) Approach to Trace Metallic Contaminant Sources at an Historical Mining and Metallurgical Site
Rossi M, Guillevic F, Resongles E, Freydier R, Ferrari C, Quantin C, Monvoisin G, Poulenard J & Arnaud F
(2023) Transport of Arsenic and Trace Metals in the Orbiel River Downstream the Salsigne Mining District (Aude, France): Sources, Dynamics and Fluxes during Floods
Carrière L, Resongles E, Heydon M, Viers J, Schreck E, Freydier R, Marchand P, Guilliod M, Domeau A, Marie M, Delpoux S, Causserand-Fabbro C, Pages A, Horgue P, Roux H, Behra P & Casiot C
(2022) Legacy (Pb, Cu, Zn) and Emerging (Sb) Trace Metal Contaminants in the Road – Highway Stormwater Pond Continuum: A Focus on Geochemistry and Speciation of Antimony
Philippe M, Le Pape P, Resongles E, Landrot G, Freydier R, Casiot C, Baya C & Ayrault S
(2021) Antimony Isotopic Fractionation in the Environment: First Insights from Theoritical and Experimental Investigations
Ferrari C, Resongles E, Casiot C, Freydier R & Méheut M
(2021) Antimony Isotopic Composition in Stream Waters Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage
Resongles E, Freydier R, Ferrari C, Zamora Echenique G & Casiot C

Resplandy L. (2020) Carbon and CO2 Dynamics in the Global Coastal Ocean: Spatiotemporal Variability, Drivers, and Implications for the Global C Budget
Regnier P, Resplandy L, Roobaert A, Laruelle G, Landschutzer P, Gruber N & Ciais P
(2015) Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes in the Global Coastal Ocean: Simulated Trends and Anthropogenic Uptake
Bourgeois T, Orr JC, Resplandy L, Ethé C, Gehlen M & Bopp L
(2013) Temporal Evolution of the Oxygen Depletion in the Bottom Water of the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary: From 1930 to 2100
Lefort S, Dadou I, Gilbert D, Bopp L, Mucci A, Gratton Y & Resplandy L

Ressico F. (2023) Tracking the Migration and Conversion of Metamorphic H2 and Reduced Carbonic Fluids in Orogenic Belts
Vitale Brovarone A, Boutier A, Olivieri OS, Ressico F, Giuntoli F, Siron G, Pastore Z & Peverelli V
(2023) Coupled Serpentine Dehydration and High-Pressure Serpentinization
Ressico F, Vitale Brovarone A, Cannaò E & Olivieri OS
(2023) Mapping Metamorphic Methane Distribution and δ13C Across an Orogenic, Partially Serpentinized Massif: Insights into Abiotic CH4 Generation and Pathways for Fluid Migration in Subduction Zones
Olivieri OS, Vitale Brovarone A, Fiebig J, Boutier A, Van Baalen M, Ressico F & Peverelli V
(2019) Patterns of high-P Serpentinization at Blueschist-To-Eclogite-Facies Conditions and Related Genesis of H2 and Abiotic Hydrocarbons
Vitale Brovarone A, Sverjensky D & Ressico F

Restrepo A. (2008) Vegetation and Climate Variability in the Galapagos Islands over the Last 2000 Years: A High-Resolution Pollen Record
Restrepo A, Bush M, Conroy J & Overpeck J

Restrepo C (2000) The Role of Biomass-Wasting in the Carbon Cycle
Stark C, Driscoll N, Weissel J, Restrepo C & Hovius N

Restrepo Carla (2010) Carbon and Nutrient Export Dynamics in Small Mountainous Watersheds Prone to Landsliding in Guatemala
Trierweiler A, Mondro C, Welch S, Restrepo C & Carey A

Restrepo J.C. (2018) Isotope Schlerochronology and Tropical Seasonality during the Mid Miocene Climatic Optimum
Scholz SR, Petersen SV, Escobar J, Jaramillo C, Hendy A, Allmon WD, Moreno F, Curtis JH, Anderson BM, Hoyos N, Restrepo JC & Perez N

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