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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Remlinger V.I. (2023) Glyphosate Adsorption on Allophane and Halloysite
Rechberger MV, Remlinger VI, Lenhardt KR, Rennert T, Rennhofer H, Tunega D, Willinger M, Zehetner F & Gerzabek M

Remmelzwaal S. (2017) The Faithfulness of Foraminiferal Calcite as a Seawater Chromium Recorder
Parkinson I, Remmelzwaal S, Sadekov A, Titelboim D, Roepert A, Schmidt D, Abramovich S, Polerecky L & Middelburg J
(2017) Assessing Ocean Deoxygenation during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Remmelzwaal S, Dixon S, Parkinson I, Schmidt D, Monteiro F, Sexton P, Fehr M, Peacock C & James R

Remmen K. (2019) Selective Scandium Recovery from Complex Wastes by Nanofiltration
Hedwig S, Remmen K, Wintgens T, Constable E & Lenz M

Remmert A. (2009) Determination of the 10Be Half-Life by HI-IRD and Liquid Scintillation Counting
Korschinek G, Bergmaier A, Dillmann I, Faestermann T, Gerstmann U, Knie K, Lierse von Gostomski C, Maiti M, Poutivtsev M, Remmert A, Rugel G & Wallner A

Remmert P. (2013) Experimental Characterization of Replacement Symplectites: The Influence of Temperature and Small Amounts of Water on Microstructure Evolution
Remmert P, Wunder B, Morales L, Heinrich W & Abart R

Remo J. (2009) The First Law of Cosmochemistry
Jacobsen S, Remo J, Petaev M & Sasselov D
(2008) Hf-W Equilibration in a Magma Ocean at Very High P and T
Jacobsen S, Remo J, Petaev M & Sasselov D
(2007) Accretion and Early Differentiation History of the Earth Based on Extinct and Long-Lived Chronometers
Jacobsen S, Ranen M, Petaev M, Remo J & Yin Q

Rempe Daniella (2020) Tracing Silicate Weathering Dynamics in a Shale-Dominated Hillslope Using Lithium Isotopes in a Reactive Transport Framework
Golla J, Kuessner M, Bouchez J, Rempe D & Druhan J
(2020) Water Transit Times and Solute Composition Where Trees Root into Bedrock
Druhan J, Tune A, Schmidt L, Hahm J, Dralle D & Rempe D
(2019) Rock Respiration: Sub-Soil Carbon Oxidation in the Unsaturated Bedrock of a Forested Hillslope
Druhan J, Tune A, Wang J, Lawrence C & Rempe D

Rempe Daniella M (2021) Establishing a Reactive Transport Framework for Lithium Isotope Signatures of Weathering in a First-Order Hillslope
Golla JK, Kuessner ML, Henehan MJ, Bouchez J, Rempe DM & Druhan JL

Rempel K. (2016) The Role of Carbonaceous Material in Gold Deposition in Metasediment-Hosted Orogenic Gold Deposits
Hu S, Evans K, Craw D, Rempel K & Grice K
(2014) CO2 in Boiling Ore Systems – a Fundamental Control on Metal Fractionation Factors?
Rempel K, Liebscher A, Heinrich W, Dulski P & Schettler G
(2013) The Vapour-Brine Partitioning of Uranium in Boiling Ore Systems
Rempel K, Heinrich W, Liebscher A & Dulski P
(2013) Which Ligand is the most Import for Gold Transport in Hydrothermal Fluids? An in situ XAS Study in Mixed-Ligand Solutions
Liu W, Etschmann B, Testemale D, Mei Y, Hazemann J-L, Rempel K, Müller H & Brugger J
(2012) The Vapour-Liquid Fractionation of Cu Stable Isotopes: A New Tool for Porphyry Research
Rempel K, Romer R & Liebscher A
(2011) An Experimental Study of Brine-CO2 Metal Fractionation: Applications to the Geological Storage of CO2
Rempel K, Liebscher A, Heinrich W & Schettler G
(2008) The Partitioning of Molybdenum between Aqueous Liquid and Vapour at High Temperatures and Pressures
Rempel K, Williams-Jones A & Migdisov A
(2008) The Vapour Transport of Metals: A View from the Ivory Tower of Experimental Geochemistry
Williams-Jones A, Migdisov A, Rempel K & Zezin D
(2007) The Effects of Sodium and Chlorine on the Solubility of Molybdenum in Aqueous Vapour
Rempel K, Williams-Jones A & Migdisov A
(2005) Molybdenum Solubility and Speciation in Water Vapor at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures
Rempel KU, Williams-Jones AE & Migdisov AA
(2004) The Solubility of Molybdenum in Water Vapour at Elevated Temperature and Pressures
Rempel K, Migdisov A & Williams-Jones A

Rempfer J. (2012) Glacial-Interglacial Simulations of eNd
Rempfer J, Stocker TF, Joos F & Dutay J-C

Rempfert K. (2022) Sulfur Biomineralization of Peridotites Undergoing Low-Temperature Serpentinization
Templeton AS, Ellison ET, Glombitza C, Hoehler T, Rempfert K, Caro T, Kashyap S, Sepulveda J & Boyd E
(2019) Characterization of Intact Polar Lipid Biomarkers from a Site of Active, Low-Temperature Serpentinization
Rempfert K, Kraus E, Nothaft D, Spear J, Sepulveda J & Templeton A
(2018) Microbial Sulfate Reduction Rates in Fluids from Low Temperature Serpentinizing Mantle Rocks
Glombitza C, Kubo M, Rempfert K, Templeton A & Hoehler T
(2017) Coupled Fe, S, N, and CH4 Cycling in Subsurface Serpentinizing Systems
Templeton A, Rempfert K, Miller H, Nothaft D, Ellison E & Mayhew L

Remsing Richard (2020) Hydration Effects in Exchange Reactions and Mineral Growth: Lessons from Glassy Systems
Remsing R

Remsing Richard C (2023) Collective Solvent Dynamics in Model Geochemical Reactions
Remsing RC

Remucal Christina (2015) Mechanisms and Kinetics of Organic Contaminant Transformation by Mn(IV) Oxides
Ginder-Vogel M, Balgooyen S, Chhouk B & Remucal C
(2015) Photochemical Formation of Reactive Oxidants by Size-Fractionated Dissolved Organic Matter
Remucal C & Maizel A

Remucal Christina K. (2018) Effects of Solution Conditions on Bisphenol a Oxidation by Manganese Oxide
Balgooyen S, Remucal CK & Ginder-Vogel M
(2018) Transformation of Phenolic Contaminants by Environmentally Relevant Manganese Oxides
Trainer EL, Ginder-Vogel M & Remucal C

Remusat L. (2023) Solubility of Carbon in Diamond-Saturated Granite Melt in Subducted Crust: Implications for Carbon Transport to the Deep Mantle
Acosta-Vigil A, Stöckhert B, Hermann J, Cesare B, Yaxley GM & Remusat L
(2023) Site Specific D-H Isotope Exchange in Amino Acids during Experimental Hydrothermal Alteration: Application to Carbonaceous Chondrites
Remusat L, He Y, Marceau L, Khodorova N, Boulesteix D, Buch A & Bernard S
(2023) Determination of Hydrogen Concentrations and Speciation in Terrestrial and Chondritic Olivines by Atom Probe Tomography
Roskosz M, Danoix F, Azevedo-Vannson S, Leroux H, Bolfan-Casanova N, Demouchy S & Remusat L
(2023) Micropyrite: A Promising biosignature?Insights from Modern and Ancient Sediments
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Dupeyron J, Alleon J, Pasquier V, Remusat L, Thomazo C, Olivier N, Benzerara K & Bernard S
(2023) What Would Martian Biosignatures Look Like if Entombed in Clay-Rich Sediments?
Criouet I, Viennet J-C, Remusat L, Baron F, Buch A, Skouri-Panet F, Balan E & Bernard S
(2021) Hydrogen Content in Chondrules of CM Chondrites: Influence of Aqueous Alteration or Preaccretional Heritage?
Azevedo-Vannson S, Remusat L, Piani L, Pont S & Roskosz M
(2021) Sub-Micrometer Pyrites in Microbialites Record Equilibrium S Isotope Fractionation by Microbial Sulfate Reduction Independently of the Sulfate Concentration of the Water
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Remusat L, Havas R, Thomazo C, Pasquier V, Alleon J, Zeyen N, Bernard S, Escrig S, Vennin E, Meibom A & Benzerara K
(2021) Oxidation of Subducted Organic Matter Buffered by Marine Carbonate Rules the Carbon Isotopic Signature of Arc Emissions
Tumiati S, Remusat L, Tiraboschi C, Sverjensky D, Manning C, Vitale Brovarone A, Poli S & Boutier A
(2021) Tardi-Magmatic Precipitation of Cl-Bearing Fe/Mg Clay Minerals on Mars
Viennet J-C, Bernard S, Le Guillou C, Sautter V, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Gregoire B, Jambon A, Pont S, Beyssac O, Zanda B, Hewins R & Remusat L
(2020) Dissolution of Subducted Ocean Carbonates and Organic Matter Controls the Carbon Isotopic Signature of the Mantle Wedge
Tumiati S, Recchia S, Remusat L, Tiraboschi C, Sverjensky D & Poli S
(2019) Microscale Characterization of Pyrites from Archean Sediments Brings New Constrains on Past Microbial Metabolisms
Marin Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Busigny V, Decraene M-N, Saitoh M, Alleon J, Remusat L & Bernard S
(2019) S-Isotope Determination of Nano-Pyrites by NanoSIMS Imaging: Application to Biominerals in Precambrian Stromatolites
Remusat L, Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Escrig S, Meibom A & Thomazo C
(2019) Insights on Late Accretion from Platinum Metal-Silicate Partitioning
Siebert J, Suer T-A, Remusat L, Borensztajn S, Doisineau B & Fiquet G
(2018) Alteration Mechanisms and Kinetics of Limestone Materials Used in Built Cultural Heritage
Saheb M, Gentaz L, Verney-Carron A, Sessegolo L, Rémusat L, Nuns N, Mertz J-D & Chabas A
(2017) In situ Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of H-Bearing Phases in the Matrix of CM Carbonaceous Chondrites
Piani L, Yurimoto H, Remusat L & Gonzales A
(2017) Fe Biomineralization in the Meromictic Lake Pavin
Miot J, Duprat E, Remusat L, Benzerara K, Jézéquel D, Cordier L, Viollier E, Skouri-Panet F, Férard C, Poinsot M, Rivas-Lamelo S, Gonzalez A, Pont S & Berg J
(2017) Study of Water and Cultural Heritage Limestone Interaction Using Isotopic Labelling
Drici A, Saheb M, Verney-Carron A, Sessegolo L, Remusat L, Cano-Gonzalez A & Coll P
(2017) The Carbon Source for Lithospheric Diamonds
Bureau H, Remusat L, Esteve I, Pinti D & Cartigny P
(2017) Effects of Microstructural Changes Associated with Silicate Dissolution on (Bio)weathering Rates
Wild B, Daval D, Guyot F, Fernandez-Martinez A, Remusat L, Bernard S, Rébiscoul D, Micha J-S, Narteau C, Rozier O & Imfeld G
(2017) Investigation of Organo-Mineral Associations at the Micron Scale by NanoSIMS
Remusat L & Derrien D
(2017) Use of Isotopic Tracers (D, 18O) for the Study of Water Transport within Stained-Glass Windows Alteration Layer
Sessegolo L, Verney-Carron A, Saheb M, Drici A, Remusat L, Gonzales-Cano A, Loisel C & Chabas A
(2016) Light Element Isotopic Composition in Ultra-Carbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorites
Duprat J, Engrand C, Bardin N, Dartois E, Baklouti D, Benzerara K, Delauche L, Dobrica E, Marie G, Guerquin-Kern J-L, Kakazu Y, Leroux H, Quirico E, Remusat L, Slodzian G & Wu T-D
(2016) Genealogy of Deuterium in Insoluble Organic Matter in Chondrites
Remusat L, Piani L, Laurent B, Bernard S, Bonnet J-Y, Le Guillou C & Roskosz M
(2016) Hydrogen Isotopic Evolution of Water and Organic Compounds on Carbon-Rich Asteroids
Piani L, Remusat L, Robert F & Yurimoto H
(2016) Isotopic Labeling to Determine the Water Penetration Depth and Reaction Sites in the Limestone Used in Built Cultural Heritage
Saheb M, Verney-Carron A, Drici A, Sessegolo L, Rémusat L, Mertz J-D, Chabas A & Rozenbaum O
(2016) Diffusion-Driven D/H Fractionation in Silicates during Hydration, Dehydration and Degassing
Roskosz M, Laporte D, Deloule E, Ingrin J, Remusat L, Depecker C & Leroux H
(2015) Microstructural Modifications of Dissolving Silicate Minerals: Why Should We Bother?
Daval D, Pollet-Villard M, Ackerer P, Fritz B, Rémusat L, Guyot F, Bernard S, Saldi G & Knauss K
(2015) Evidence of Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Nanopyrites Enclosed in 2.7 Billions Year Old Stromatolitic Organic Remains
Marin-Carbonne J, Remusat L, Sforna M, Thomazo C, Cartigny P & Philippot P
(2015) Organic Matter Evolution on Asteroids: New Clues from Paris
Remusat L, Vinogradoff V, Le Guillou C & Bernard S
(2015) Deuteration of Insoluble Organic Matter and Silicates by Ionizing Irradiation in the Solar Nebula
Laurent B, Roskosz M, Remusat L, Robert F, Depecker C & Leroux H
(2014) In situ Study of Chondritic Organics: The Role of Aqueous Alteration
Le Guillou C, Changela H, Bernard S, Remusat L & Brearley A
(2014) Coupled H-Isotopic Signature and Structural Evolution of Experimentally Irradiated Insoluble Organic Matter
Laurent B, Roskosz M, Remusat L, Leroux H, Nuns N, Depecker C, Lefèvre J-M & Robert F
(2014) Tracking Fresh Microbial Products in Forest Soils with the Sharp Probe of the NanoSIMS
Remusat L, Hatton P-J, Brewer E & Derrien D
(2013) Different D-Rich Organic Reservoirs in Unequilibrated Ordinary and Carbonaceous Chondrites
Remusat L, Bernard S, Piani L, Bonnet J-Y & Quirico E
(2013) Lack of Isotopic Exchange between Organics and Clays in Semarkona Chondrite: Submicrometer Scale Heterogeneity of the D/H Ratio
Piani L, Robert F & Remusat L
(2013) Water Contents of Natural Anatectic Melts: Constraints from NanoSIMS Analysis of Remelted Nanogranites and Glassy Inclusions
Bartoli O, Cesare B, Acosta-Vigil A, Remusat L & Poli S
(2011) Aqueous Alteration of Organic Matter and Amorphous Silicate in Pristine Chondrites: A Multiscale Study
Le Guillou C, Brearley A, Remusat L & Bernard S
(2011) Combining NanoSIMS with STXM/TEM Imaging to Shed New Light on Organic Matter Contained in Micron-Sized Particles
Remusat L, Derrien D, Hatton P-J, Nico P & Rouzaud J-N
(2009) NanoSIMS Imaging of Insoluble Organic Matter in Ordinary Chondrites; Comparison with Carbonaceous Chondrites
Remusat L, Guan Y & Eiler J
(2008) Laboratory Shock-Synthesized Diamond vs. Carbons from a Differentiated Meteorite
Le Guillou C, Rouzaud JN, Bourot-Denise M, Remusat L & Jambon A
(2007) Molecular Identification of the Deuterium-Rich Carrier in Insoluble Organic Matter in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Remusat L, Robert F, Mostefaoui S, Meibom A, Delpoux O, Gourier D, Binet L & Derenne S
(2005) Compound Specific D/H Isotopic Composition of Orgueil and Murchison Insoluble Organic Matter
Remusat L, Palhol F, Robert F, Derenne S & France-Lanord C

Remy P-P. (2016) Contribution of Microbial Compartments (Biofilms, Suspended Matters, Surface Sediments) to Monomethylmercury Formation in Subarctic Thermokarst (Nunavik, Quebec) and Temperate (Lorraine, France) Ponds
Remy P-P, Lanceleur L, Billard P, Schäfer J & Jorand FPA
(2014) Potential of Hg(II) Methylation/Demethylation by Biofilms Versus Planctonic Cells and Surface Sediments
Remy P-P, Schäfer J, Lanceleur L & Jorand FPA
(2012) Reactivity of Chemically Synthesized Versus Biomineralized FeII-Feiii Green Rusts with Both Organic and Inorganic Pollutants
Remy P-P, Hazotte A, Sergent A-S, Hanna K & Jorand F
(2012) Biomineralization and Fate of the FeII-Feiii Hydroxy Salt Green Rust vs. Magnetite
Jorand F, Zegeye A, Sergent A-S, Remy P-P, Lartiges B & Hanna K
(2011) Biomineralization of FeII-FeIII Green Rust in γ-FeOOH Coated Sand Column Under Saturated Flow Conditions
Sergent A-S, Hanna K, Remy P-P & Jorand F

Remy S. (2021) Experimental Simulation of Dust Mineralogy in CAMS
Remy S

Ren Abby (2017) The Polar Oceans and Atmospheric CO2
Haug G, Martinez-Garcia A, Studer A, Ren A, Hain M, Jaccard S, Tiedemann R & Sigman D

Ren Aiqing (2022) Subduction-Induced Refertilization of Depleted Mantle in Sulu Continental Ultra-High-Pressure Terrane, Eastern China
Ren A, Wang Z, Zong K, Zhang W, Liu Y & Hu Z-C

Ren B. (2006) Neoproterozoic dioritic-granitic complexes of the Yangtze craton, petrogenesis and its tectonic significances
Ling W, Cheng J & Ren B

Ren D. (2018) Microbial Leaching of Nickel from Low-Grade Pyrrhotite Ores
Romano C, Moldoveanu G, Ren D, Yakunin A, Edwards E & Papangelakis V

Ren Haojia (2018) Reconstruction of Deglacial Surface Ocean pH in the South China Sea Using Boron Isotopes in Foraminifera
Sun LY-J, Huang K-F, Ren H, Chen M-T & Liu Z
(2016) Response of South China Sea Nitrogen Fixation to Shelf Nitrogen Loss over Glacial Cycles
Ren H, Sigman D, Martínez-García A, Anderson R, Chen M-T, Straub M, Wong G & Haug G
(2014) Glacial-To-Interglacial Changes in Nitrate Supply and Consumption in the Subarctic North Pacific from Microfossil-Bound N Isotopes at Two Trophic Levels
Ren H, Studer A, Sigman D, Serno S, Anderson R, Winckler G, Oleynik S, Gersonde R & Haug G
(2013) Groundtruthing the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Planktonic Foraminifera as a Paleobiogeochemical Proxy
Ren H, Sigman D, Ellis K, Weigand M, Anderson R, Ravelo C, Altabet M, Fawcett S & Rafter P
(2012) Studies of Surface Ocean Nitrate Utilization in the Subarctic North Pacific Using Multiple Nitrogen Isotope Recorders in the Surface Sediment
Ren H, Anderson RF, Studer AS, Serno S, Sigman DM, Winckler G, Gersonde R & Haug GH
(2012) Biological Productivity in the Subarctic North Pacific and Bering Sea: A Proxy Evaluation
Serno S, Winckler G, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Ren H, Gersonde R & Haug GH
(2012) Atmospheric Dust Input to the Subarctic North Pacific
Winckler G, Serno S, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Ren H, Gersonde R & Haug GH

Ren Haojia A. (2020) Foraminifera-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes: From Mechanistic Understanding to a Case Study in the Equatorial Pacific
Ren H, Chen Y-C, Fang W-N, Studer A, Yu J, Martinez-Garcia A, Haug G, Spero H & Sigman D
(2020) A Seasonally Resolved Coral Nitrogen Isotope Record from the Florida Keys: Implications for the Impact of Anthropogenic Nitrogen on the Gulf of Mexico
Wang Y, Wang XT, Flannery JA, Toth LT, Richey JN, Chen Y-C, Rao ZC, Ren HA & Sigman DM

Ren Haojia Abby (2023) Understanding Nitrogen Incorporation into Skeletons of Scleractinian Coral from Field Data and Laboratory Experiments
Nuber S, Ren HA, Cai Li RY, Tanuputri J & Chen YC
(2023) Strontium and Lithium in Planktic Foraminiferal Shells: A New Tracer for Surface Ocean Carbon Concentration?
Fang W-N, Ren HA, Spero H, Fehrenbacher J, Tipper ET, Misra S & Branson O
(2023) The Response of N2 Fixation to Deglacial Changes in Shelf Nitrogen Loss along the Western Pacific Margin
Ren HA, Yang E, Chang Y-P, Chen M-T & Sigman DM
(2021) Oceanic Nutrient Rise and the Late Miocene Inception of Pacific Oxygen-Deficient Zones
Wang XT, Wang Y, Auderset A, Sigman DM, Ren HA, Martinez-Garcia A, Haug GH, Su Z, Zhang Y, Rasmussen B, Sessions A & Fischer W

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