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Reischl B. (2018) Nanoscale Processes for Calcium Carbonate Formation: Insights from Computer Simulation
De La Pierre M, Reischl B, Schuitemaker A, Koziara K, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Rohl A, Stack A, Gebauer D & Gale J
(2017) Calcium Carbonate Growth and Dissolution: Building an Atomistic Picture via Computer Simulation
De La Pierre M, Raiteri P, Reischl B, Stack A & Gale J

Reischmann T. (2007) Environment of Diamond Formation in UHPM Rocks from the Greek Rhodope: A Raman Study of Inclusions in Zircon
Kostopoulos D, Chatzitheodoridis E, Cornelius N, Baltatzis E & Reischmann T
(2007) Geochronology, Geochemistry and Isotopes of Orthogneisses from the Greek Rhodope
Cornelius NK, Reischmann T, Frei D & Kostopoulos D
(2007) Elemental Distributions in Zircons from Diamondiferous UHPM Rocks from the Greek Rhodope: A TOF-SIMS Study
Chatzitheodoridis E, Kostopoulos D, Lyon I, Henkel T, Cornelius N, Baltatzis E & Reischmann T
(2007) Nd and Sr Isotopic Characteristics of NE Aegean Ophiolites, Greece
Koglin N, Reischmann T & Kostopoulos D
(2003) The Oldest Rocks in Greece: Geochronological Evidence for Remnants of a Precambrian Basement within the Central Hellenides
Anders B, Reischmann T, Poller U & Kostopoulos D
(2002) First Evidence for Silurian Magmatism in the Serbo-Macedonian Massif, Northern Greece
Himmerkus F, Reischmann T & Kostopoulos D
(2002) Geochemistry and Geochronology of Basement Rocks from the Pelagonian Zone, Greece
Anders B, Reischmann T & Poller U
(2002) Timing of UHPM in Metasediments from the Rhodope Massif, N Greece
Reischmann T & Kostopoulos D

Reisenfeld D. (2017) Coronal Mass Ejecta in Depth Profiling on NASA’s Genesis Mission
Tonotani A, Bajo K-I, Olinger C, Reisenfeld D, Jurewicz A, Itose S, Sakaguchi I, Ishihara M, Uchino K, Burnett D & Yurimoto H

Reiser J. (2020) Forward Alteration Rate Measurement Using the Stirred Reactor – Coupon Analysis (SRCA) Technique
Parruzot B, Ryan J, Reiser J, Lu X, Kerisit S, Cooley S, Bonnett J, Seymour L, Prather D, Asmussen M & Vienna J

Reising J. (2009) Hydrothermal Systems of Intraoceanic Arcs
de Ronde C, Baker E, Embley R, John L, Butterfield D, Faure K, Leybourne M, Chadwick W, Ishibashi J, Reising J, Walker S, Merle S & Greene R

Reiss Amit (2017) Gypsum Precipitation Under Hyper-Saline Conditions: Size, Morphology and Brine Turbidity
Reiss A, Gavrieli I & Ganor J

Reiss Amit G (2018) The Dependence of Gypsum Morphology on the over-Saturation and Ca 2+ /SO 4 2- Ratio of the Precipitating Hyper-Saline Solutions
Reiss AG, Ganor J & Gavrieli I

Reiss Amit G. (2023) Fluid Transport in Ordinary Portland Cement (CEMI) and Slag Cement (CEMIII) Waste Forms from in situ Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Reiss AG, Kulenkampff J, Schoengart J, Bar-Nes G, Fischer C & Emmanuel S
(2022) Rapid Conversion of Olivine into Carbon Storing Minerals
Grayevsky R, Reiss AG & Emmanuel S

Reissner Claudia (2013) Orientation-Dependent REE<sup>3+</sup> Luminescence: A Possible Artifact in Luminescence Imaging
Lenz C, Reissner C, Talla D & Nasdala L

Reissner Claudia E. (2020) Thermal Annealing of Radiation-Damaged allanite-(Ce): Mechanical and Structural Properties
Reissner CE, Reissner M, Bismayer U, Navrotsky A, Paulmann C, Pöllmann H & Beirau T
(2019) Mechanical and Structural Properties of Radiation-Damaged allanite-(Ce)
Reissner CE, Bismayer U, Ewing RC, Navrotsky A, Reissner M, Paulmann C, Skoda R, Pöllmann H & Beirau T

Reissner M. (2020) Thermal Annealing of Radiation-Damaged allanite-(Ce): Mechanical and Structural Properties
Reissner CE, Reissner M, Bismayer U, Navrotsky A, Paulmann C, Pöllmann H & Beirau T
(2019) Mechanical and Structural Properties of Radiation-Damaged allanite-(Ce)
Reissner CE, Bismayer U, Ewing RC, Navrotsky A, Reissner M, Paulmann C, Skoda R, Pöllmann H & Beirau T

Reistetter E. (2010) Aerosol Impacts on Marine Phytoplankton
Paytan A, Mackey K, Reistetter E & Buck C

Reiter G. (2018) Properties of Ultra-Confined Water: Effects on Phase Stability
Anovitz L, Kolesnikov A, Hoffmann C, Reiter G, Prisk T, Kent P, Mamontov E & Wesolowksi D

Reiter I.M. (2021) First Field Record of 17O-Excess of Atmospheric Vapor Measured by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
Voigt C, Vallet-Coulomb C, Piel C, Reiter IM, Orts J-P, Xueref-Remy I, Santonja M & Alexandre A

Reiter S.M. (2023) Experimental Evidence for Mass-Independent Fractionation of Even-Mass Mercury Isotopes Related to the Nuclear Volume Effect
Schwab L, Gallati N, Reiter SM, McLagan D, Biester H, Kumar N, Kimber R, Kraemer SM & Wiederhold JG

Reith F. (2020) Biogeochemistry of Critical Metals and the Flinders Ranges Natural Laboratory
Brugger J, Reith F, Sanyal S, Shuster J & Etschmann B
(2020) Heavy-Metal Contamination Impacts Au Biogeochemical Cycling
Sanyal SK, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Reith F & Shuster J
(2020) The Biogeochemistry of Precious Metals; in Memorium of Frank Reith
Reith F, Shuster J & Southam G
(2019) Gold Biogeochemical Cycling Promotes the Enrichment of Metallophilic Bacteria Living on Placer Gold Particles
Sanyal SK, Shuster J & Reith F
(2019) Terraced Iron Formations: Biogeochemical Processes Contributing to Microfossil Preservation
Shuster J, Rea MA, Etschmann B, Brugger J & Reith F
(2017) Cultured Bacterial Communities from Australian and African Gold Grains
Sanyal SK, Rea MAD, Shuster J & Reith F
(2017) The Biogeochemical Cycling of Silver in Acidic Surface Environments
Shuster J, Southam G & Reith F
(2017) Microbial Gold (Trans)formation: Examples from Europe and Asia
Rea MA, Bissett A & Reith F
(2017) Environmental Gold Cycling: The Need for a Kinetic Model
Reith F, Shuster J, Mohajer M & Hommel J
(2017) Development and Implementation of a Gold Mobility Model
Mohajer M, Hommel J, Shuster J & Reith F
(2016) Biogeochemical Formation of Secondary Gold Particles: Implications for Gold Dispersion
Shuster J, Ateh KI, Márquez-Zavalía MF, Suh CE, Reith F & Southam G
(2015) Gold Grain Structure and Chemistry: Relics of Biogeochemical Processes
Shuster J, Reith F & Southam G
(2015) Supergene Transformation of Tasmanian ‘osmiridium’ Nuggets – The Role of Biofilms
Reith F, Etschmann B & Brugger J
(2014) Biogeochemical Cycling of Gold: Nanoparticle Formation and Accretion
Shuster J, Reith F & Southam G
(2013) Biogeochemical Cycling of Au and Pt – Integrating Field Studies, Micro-Analyses and Molecular Biology
Reith F, Zammit C, Nies DH, Southam G & Brugger J
(2011) The Weathering of Platinum from Nuggets and Platinum Immobilisation by Cupriavidus Metallidurans
Campbell G, Reith F, MacLean L & Southam G
(2011) The Geomicrobiology of Gold: Fundamental Processes to Industrial Applications
Reith F, Grass G, Zammit C, Southam G & Brugger J
(2011) Mobility of Platinum and Gold in the Australian Regolith – Spectroscopic and Electron Microscopic Analyses
Reith F, Ta C, Etschmann B, Lenehan C & Brugger J
(2009) The Distribution of Gold in Biogenic and Abiogenic Carbonates
Reith F, Etschmann B, Brewe D, Vogt S & Brugger J
(2007) Microbially Mediated Formation of Gold in Calcrete Anomalies in Australia
Reith F & Schmidt Mumm A
(2006) Bioaccumulation and Secondary Gold Nugget Formation
Reith F & Rogers SL
(2004) Microbially Mediated Mobilisation and Precipitation of Gold in Australian Soil and Regolith
Reith F

Reithmaier Gloria M S (2023) δ65Cu and δ66Zn Behavior Across Mangrove Pollution Gradients in Brazil
Barreira J, Castro S, Tonhá M, Cunha B, Garnier J, Souto de Oliveira CE, Babinski M, Reithmaier GMS, Yau YYY, Cabral A, Amora Nogueira L, Marotta Ribeiro H, Abuchacra RC, Santos I, Luiz-Silva W, Sanders C, Machado W & Araújo DF

Reithmaier Gloria Maria Susanne (2015) Determination of Thiomolybdates in Natural Waters by IPC-ICP-MS
Lohmayer R, Reithmaier GMS, Bura-Nakic E & Planer-Friedrich B

Reitner H. (2013) GEMAS Results at a Regional Scale: The Alps
Dinelli E, Lancianese V, Albanese S, Birke M, De Vivo B, Gosar M, Hasliger E, Hayoz P, Reitner H & Salpeteur I

Reitner J. (2023) Early Archean Carbonate Factories – Major Carbon Sinks on the Juvenile Earth
Xiang W, Duda J-P, Pack A, Willbold M, Bach W & Reitner J
(2022) Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics of Early Earth’s Carbonate Record
Surma J, Albrecht N, Jäger O, Zahnow F, Marien C, Xiang W, Reitner J & Pack A
(2020) Molecular Signatures from Kerogens Preserved in 3.42 Ga Microbial Mats (Buck Reef Chert, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa)
Reinhardt M, Thiel V, Drake H, Goetz W & Reitner J
(2019) Steroid Preservation in Hypersaline Microbial Mats
Shen Y, Thiel V, Suarez-Gonzalez P, Rampen S & Reitner J
(2019) Triple Oxygen Isotope Analysis in Carbonates – New Insights from High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Surma J, Albrecht N, Jäger O, Marien CS, Xiang W, Reitner J & Pack A
(2015) Geobiology of an Exceptionally Preserved Archean Microbial Mat Facies (Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia)
Duda J-P, Thiel V, Ionescu D, Schäfer N, Van Kranendonk M & Reitner J
(2014) High Precision Δ17O Analysis of Cherts – Implications for the Temperature and δ18O of Ancient Oceans
Sengupta S, Pack A, Robert F, Reitner J & Herwatrz D
(2011) Using TOF-SIMS to Study Biomarkers
Thiel V, Blumenberg M, Heim C, Lausmaa J, Leefmann T, Siljeström S, Reitner J & Sjovall P
(2010) Microbial Ecology of Terrestrial Methane-Emitting Mud Volcanoes in Italy
Heller C, Blumenberg M, Reimer A, Wrede C, Hoppert M, Taviani M & Reitner J
(2010) Microbial Activity in Terrestrial Mud Volcanoes from the Northern Apennines
Hoppert M, Dreier A, Heller C, Kokoschka S, Krukenberg V, Reitner J, Taviani M & Wrede C
(2010) A Novel in situ Detection Technique of Metabolic Enzymes in Black Sea Methane Seep Microbial Mats
Wrede C, Heller C, Reitner J & Hoppert M
(2010) Biosignature Analyses of Two Different Types of Granites by Raman Spectroscopy
Schaefer N, Schmidt B & Reitner J
(2009) Biosignatures in Authigenic Carbonates from Hydrate Ridge
Leefmann T, Bauermeister J, Kronz A, Liebetrau V, Reitner J & Thiel V
(2009) Traces of a Fossil Deep Biosphere in Fracture Fillings of the Äspö Diorite (Sweden)
Heim C, Lausmaa J, Sjövall P, Simon K, Reitner J & Thiel V
(2009) Laser Micropyrolysis-GC/MS of Biomarkers in Authigenic Carbonates
Bauermeister J, Volk H, Fuentes D, Gong S, Leefmann T, Hoffmann V-E, Reitner J & Thiel V
(2009) First Results of Geo- and Biochemical Analyses of Terrestrial Methane-Emittingen Mud Volcanoes in Italy
Heller C, Blumenberg M, Dreier A, Wrede C, Zilla T, Kokoschka S, Heim C, Hoppert M, Taviani M & Reitner J
(2004) Sr/Ca Ratios in Caribbean Sclerosponges as Temperature Proxy
Haase-Schramm A, Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Garbe-Schönberg D, Reitner J & Dullo W

Reitsma M. (2011) Distinguishing Periods of Crustal Growth and Recycling by U-Pb Dating, Sr, Pb and Hf Isotopes Among the Eastern Cordilleran Granitoids of South Peru
Reitsma M, Schaltegger U, Spikings R, Chiaradia M, Ulianov A & Gerdes A

Reitter E. (2017) Kinetic Fractionation of Stable Cr Isotopes between Aqueous Cr(III) Species: Alternative Cr Fractionation Pathways in Archean Environments
Babechuk M, Kleinhanns I, Reitter E & Schoenberg R
(2008) Element and Isotope Compositions of Variscan S-Type Granites Reflect Different Basement Domains
Siebel W, Shang C, Reitter E & Taubald H

Reitz A. (2013) Mediterranean Sapropel S1: Synchronous Basin-Wide Preservation Versus Productivity Signals
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Corselli C, Erba E, Thomson J & Reitz A
(2011) Paired Sr Isotope (87Sr/86Sr, δ88/86Sr) Systematic of Pore Water Profiles: A New Perspective in Marine Weathering and Seepage Studies
Liebetrau V, Haeckel M, Eisenhauer A, Scholz F, Hensen C & Reitz A
(2009) Lithium Isotopes as a Tracer for Diagenetic Processes in Deep Subsurface Sediments
Scholz F, Hensen C, Meixner A, Reitz A, Haeckel M, Romer RL, De Lange GJ & Wallmann K
(2009) Multi-Isotope Investigation to Identify General Characteristics of Different Cold Vent Systems
Reitz A, Liebetrau V, Scholz F, Hensen C, Wallmann K, Haeckel M & Weise SM
(2007) Genesis and Rates of Fluid Flow at the Mercator Mud Volcano, Gulf of Cadiz
Haeckel M, Berndt C, Liebetrau V, Linke P, Reitz A, Schönfeld J & Vanneste H
(2007) Origin of Brines in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Reitz A, Haeckel M, Wallmann K, Hensen C & Heeschen K
(2002) Direct Versus Indirect Determination of Biogenic Barium as a Proxy for Productivity
Reitz A, Pfeifer K, de Lange GJ & Klump J

Reitz P. (2009) FROST – FReezing of duST
Wex H, Niedermeier D, Hartmann S, Covert D, Mildenberger K, Shaw R, Mentel T, Spindler C, Schneider J, Reitz P, Poulain L, Clauss T, Kiselev A, Hallbauer E, Schmale J, Burkhardt J, Hitzenberger R, Borrmann S & Stratmann F

Reitz T. (2023) Do We Obtain Valid Data from Climate Change Incubations Using Soils of Today?
Muehe EM, Pienkowska A, Kosel P, Fendorf S & Reitz T
(2023) Effects of Heavy Metals on Crop Quality and Soil Microbiome Health Under Different Fertilization Regimes
Pienkowska A, Fleischman J, Merbach I, Reitz T & Muehe EM
(2012) Interactions of U(VI) with Archaea: What is Different Than with Bacteria?
Selenska-Pobell S, Reitz T & Merroun M
(2011) Bio-Au Nanoparticles on Archaeal and Bacterial S-Layers
Selenska Pobell S, Reitz T, Geissler A, Merroun M & Herrmanndoerfer T

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