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Reinhold K. (2020) Impact of Metal(loid) on Mineral Transformation during Sulfidation of Fe(III)-(oxyhydr)oxides
Kumar N, Noël V, Reinhold K & Kraemer S

Reinholdt M. (2008) Librational Dynamics of Nano-Confined Water: Neutron Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulations for Hydrocalumite
Kalinichev A, Faraone A, Udovic T, Kolesnikov A, de Souza N, Reinholdt M & Kirkpartick RJ
(2005) Amino Acid – Mineral Interaction: Experimental NMR and Computational MD Investigation of Glutamate-Intercalated Hydrotalcite
Kirkpatrick J, Reinholdt M & Kalinichev A

Reinholz U. (2013) ‘Freiberg Strategy’ for Obtaining Matrix-Matched Reference Materials for Resource-Related Microanalytical Methods Technology
Michalak PP, Renno A, Merchel S, Munnik F, Gutzmer J, Uecker R, Galazka Z, Heller H-P, Radtke M & Reinholz U
(2011) Iodine Fingerprints Biogenic Fixation of Platinum and Palladium
Cabral AR, Radtke M, Munnik F, Lehmann B, Reinholz U, Riesemeier H, Tupinambá M & Kwitko-Ribeiro R

Reinig F. (2016) Investigating the Onset of the Younger Dyras by High Temporal Resolution of Radiocarbon
Sookdeo A, Wacker L, Büntgen U, Friedrich M, Helle G, Kromer B, Pauly M & Reinig F

Reinisch R. (2008) Origin of Metabasites from the Higher Himalayan Crystalline Nappes, Kaghan Valley, Pakistan
Altenberger U, Wilke F & Reinisch R

Reinnicke S. (2009) Tracing Transformation of Organic Groundwater Contaminants by Stable Isotope Fractionation
Elsner M, Penning H, Reinnicke S & Meyer A

Reinoso-Maset E. (2014) Rates and Mechanisms of Uranyl Oxyhydroxide Mineral Dissolution
Reinoso-Maset E, Um W, Chorover J, Steefel C & O'Day P
(2014) Acid-Weathering and Uranium Speciation: Reaction Kinetics and Phosphate Addition
Perdrial N, Vasquez-Ortega A, Reinoso-Maset E, O'Day PA & Chorover J
(2012) Sorption of uranium(VI) and radium(II) at Trace Level onto Kaolinite and Montmorillonite
Reinoso-Maset E, Hainos D & Ly J
(2011) The Influence of Co-contaminant Complexing Agents on Radionuclide Environmental Behaviour
Keith-Roach M, Reinoso-Maset E, May C, Young L & Worsfold P
(2008) Radionuclides, Organic Complexing Agents and Solid Phases: Exploring their Interactions
Reinoso-Maset E, Worsfold PJ & Keith-Roach MJ

Reinsch B.C. (2014) Microbial Communities from Acidic in situ Uranium Mining Resemble Those from Acid Mine Drainage
Reinsch B, Descostes M, de Boissezon H, Bernier-Latmani R, de Alencastro F & Rossi P
(2013) Toward an in situ Bioremediation Strategy for Acidic in situ Leach Uranium Mining
Reinsch B, Descostes M, Bernier-Latmani R & Rossi P
(2011) Transformations of Silver Nanoparticles in Environmental Systems
Reinsch B, Ma R, Levard C, Kabengi N, Brown G, Kim C & Lowry G
(2011) Influence of Thiol-Containing Ligands for the Aggregation and Dissolution of Metallic Silver Nanomaterials
Gondikas A, Reinsch B, Lowry G & Hsu-Kim H
(2010) Using μ-XRF and XAS to Characterize the Fate and Bioavailability of Manufactured Nanoparticles in Soil
Unrine J, Shoults-Wilson A, Reinsch B, Tsyusko O, Lowry G & Bertsch P
(2010) Reactivity of Ferrihydrite
Erbs JJ, Berquø T, Banerjee SK, Lowry GV, Reinsch BC, Gilbert B & Penn RL
(2010) Spectroscopic Studies of Zn(II) and Cu(II) Sorption to Fe-Oxyhydroxide Nanoparticle Aggregates
Stegemeier J, Dale J, Lentini C, Reinsch B & Kim C
(2010) Transformation Products from Inorganic Ligand Promoted Oxidation/Dissolution of Silver Nanoparticles
Reinsch B, Ma R, Kim C & Lowry G
(2009) Oxidation and Transformation of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron in Geochemically Relevant Waters
Reinsch B, Kim C & Lowry G
(2008) Effects of Nanoparticle Aggregation on Metal Sorption, Desorption, and Speciation
Kim C, Dale J, Stegemeier J, Lentini C, Reinsch B & Gilbert B
(2007) Influence of Nanoscale Iron Oxyhydroxide Growth on Metal Sorption / Desorption Mechanisms
Lentini C, Reinsch B, Gilbert B & Kim C
(2007) EXAFS Analysis of Reactive Nanoscale Iron Oxidation in Water
Reinsch B, Lowry G & Kim C

Reinsch S. (2023) Nucleation and Crystallization of Vivianite via Nanoparticulate Amorphous Ferrous Phosphate: A Combined Spectroscopic and Microscopic Study
Paskin A, Couasnon T, Perez JPH, Lobanov S, Blukis R, Reinsch S & Benning LG

Reinsch T. (2017) Monitoring Silica Precipitation Using Fiber Optic Sensors
Regenspurg S, Abecia VM, Zotzmann J & Reinsch T

Reip P. (2012) A Mesocosm Study of Fate and Effects of CuO Nanoparticles on Endobenthic Species (Scrobicularia Plana, Nereis Diversicolor)
Buffet P-E, Richard M, Caupos F, Vergnoux A, Perrein-Ettajani H, Thomas-Guyon H, Luna-Acosta A, Amiard-Triquet C, Amiard J-C, Risso C, Guibbolini M, Reip P, Valsami-Jones E & Mouneyrac C
(2006) Biogeochemical Monitoring Of Heavy Metals In Food Webs: Sources, Deposition, Pathways And Bioaccumulation
Chesley J, Reinthal P, Ruiz J, Corley T, Morfin O & Chorover J

Reis Alex (2023) Changing Sub-Surface Chemistry Resulting from a 26-Million-Year Unconformity: Porewater Chemistry from IODP Site U1553 in the South Pacific
Reis A, Fichtner V & Erhardt AM

Reis Ana IM (2023) Lithogeochemistry of the Granites of Penalva do Castelo Pegmatite Field (Central Portugal)
Reis AI & Neiva AMR

Reis Ana Isabel (2013) Geochemistry of Biotite of The Vila Nova Plutonite (Central Portugal)
Reis A
(2009) Geochemistry of the Vila Nova Granitic Pluton (Central Portugal)
Reis AI, Silva MM & Antunes IM

Reis Anabela (2009) Dynamics of Non-Organic Contaminants in Meso-Scale Mountanous Catchments
Reis A, Parker A & Alencoao A
(2008) Lithological and Flow Control of Metals in a Mountainous River Basin, NE Portugal
Reis A, Parker A & Alencoao A
(2007) Metals from Agriculture in Oxic Fluvial Sediments: A Case Study in Western Iberia
Reis A, Parker A & Alencoao A

Reis D. (2021) Partitioning of Chalcophile Elements between Olivine, Pyroxenes, Garnet and Silicate Melt at 1.5–3 GPa and 1280–1500℃
Reis D, Wood BJ & Jenner FE

Reis Fabio D.A. Aarao (2017) Effects of the Coupling between Weathering and Erosion on Reaction Fronts and their Transitions
Reis FDAA & Brantley SL

Reis Francisco (2009) Integrated Investigation on Petroleum Biodegradation
Santos Neto E, Oliveira V, Reis F, Koike L, Marsaioli A, Vasconcellos S, Sette L, Crespim E, Cerqueira J, Lopes JA, Lima SG, Cruz G, Simioni K & Dussan LJ

Reis Humberto (2020) Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy of an Ediacaran-Cambrian Epicontinental Basin in West Gondwana
Guacaneme C, Babinski M, Paula-Santos G, Caetano-Filho S, Bedoya-Rueda C, Kuchenbecker M, Reis H & Trindade R
(2020) Eustatic Control on Superheavy δ34S Pyrite Trends from Late Ediacaran-early Cambrian Carbonate Successions of the West Gondwana: Sulfate Distillation Cycles in Shallow Water Platforms?
Caetano-Filho S, Paula-Santos G, Sansjofre P, Cartigny P, Ader M, Guacaneme C, Babisnki M, Kuchenbecker M, Reis H & Trindade R

Reis Humberto L. S. (2021) Origin of H2 and CH4 Gases in the Eastern São Francisco Basin, Brazil
Flude S, Magalhaes N, Warr O, Bordmann V, Fleury J-M, Reis HLS, Trindade R, Sherwood Lollar B & Ballentine CJ
(2021) Does the Unusual Geochemical Composition of the São Francisco Basin Natural Gas (E Brazil) Reveal Typical Characteristics of Ancient and Overmature Petroleum Systems?
Reis HLS & Fonseca RCS

Reis Nelson (2018) Proterozoic LIP Events in the Amazonian Craton: U-Pb Geochronology, Crustal Tectonics and Global Barcode Matches
Teixeira W, Reis N, Bettencourt J, Klein E & Oliveira D

Reis Nelson J. (2013) Guyana: The Lost Hadean Crust of South America?
Nadeau S, Wei C, Reece J, Lachhman D, Ault R, Faraco MT, Fraga LM, Reis NJ & Betiollo L
(2012) Avanavero Large Igneous Province: A Short-Lived and Widespread Paleoproterozoic Mafic Event in the Guiana Shield, Amazonian Craton: U-Pb Geochronological, Geochemical and Paleomagnetic Evidence
Hamilton MA, Reis NJ, Teixeira W, Bispo-Santos F, Almeida M & D'Agrella-Filho M

Reis Jalowitzki T.L. (2019) Are Juína Diamonds, Super Deep Diamonds?
Michelon Camarda C, Gervasoni F, Reis Jalowitzki TL, Grings Cedeno D, Vieira Conceição R, Dalla Costa MM, Carvalho AMG & Nogueira Neto JDA

Reis-Santos P. (2017) Calibration of Marine Ca and Sr Isotope Proxies Against ‘salinity’ in Fresh-To-Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon-Estuarine Settings of South Australia
Shao Y, Farkas J, Holmden C, Mosley L, Kell-Duivestain I, Izzo C, Reis-Santos P, Tyler J, Haynes D, Tibby J & Gillanders B

Reisberg L. (2023) Highly Siderophile Elements and Re-Os Systematics of Archean Komatiitic Rocks in the Gorumahisani Greenstone Belt, Singhbhum Craton, India
Zhou X, Banerjee R, Reisberg L & Mondal SK
(2023) Constraints on the Origin of the NOn-Cratonic Lithosphere
Reisberg L
(2021) Thermodynamic Model for the Refertilization of the NOn-Cratonic Continental Mantle Lithosphere
Pin J, France L, Reisberg L & Lambart S
(2021) Radiogenic Isotopes: A Versatile Toolkit for Understanding the Convecting Mantle
Reisberg L
(2021) Osmium Isotope Evidence for Rapid Melt Migration Towards the Moho in the Oman Ophiolite
Klaessens D, Reisberg L, Jousselin D, Godard M & Aupart C
(2021) Development of Reference Materials for in situ Rb-Sr Isotopic Dating by Laser Ablation ICP-MS/MS and its Application to W-Sn Deposits in the French Massif Central
Jegal Y, Zimmermann C, Peiffert C, Reisberg L, Deloule E & Mercadier J
(2021) Origin of Ni-Cu-Sulfide Minerals in the Komatiitic Rock Suite of the Archean Gorumahisani Greenstone Belt, Singhbhum Craton (Eastern India)
Banerjee R, Mondal SK, Reisberg L & Zhou X
(2021) 3.2-3.0Ga Sm-Nd Age of Gabbro-Anorthositic Rocks from the Nuasahi and Mayurbhanj Complexes (Eastern India): Major Mafic Magmatic Event in the Singhbhum Craton and Associated Ni-Cu-(PGE) Sulphide Mineralization
Mondal SK, Bhattacharjee C & Reisberg L
(2019) Melt Migration and Dunite Formation in the Mantle Section of the Oman Ophiolite: Insights from Lithophile and Highly Siderophile Elements Coupled with Structural Observations
Klaessens D, Reisberg L, Jousselin D & Godard M
(2019) Os Isotope Constraints on the Timing of Refertilization in the NOn-Cratonic Lithospheric Mantle
Reisberg L
(2019) Trace Element in Chromites of Komatiites from the Archean Gorumahisani Greenstone Belt, Singhbhum Craton (India)
Mondal SK, Das E, Banerjee R & Reisberg L
(2019) Application of the Re-Os and Sm-Nd Isotope Decay Couples to Dating of Unconformity-Related U Deposits
Chernonozhkin S, Reisberg L, Luais B, Chemillac R & Mercadier J
(2018) A New Cenozoic Marine δ7Li Record Based on Authigenic Smectites
Neimard M, Vigier N, Karpoff A-M & Reisberg L
(2017) 176Hf-142,143Nd Evidence for a Long-Lived Hadean Lithosphere
Morino P, Caro G & Reisberg L
(2017) Cenozoic δ7Li Variations of Marine Authigenic Smectite
Neimard M, Vigier N, Karpoff A-M & Reisberg L
(2017) Highly Siderophile Elements: A Window into the Earth's Mantle
Reisberg L
(2017) Analysis of 186Os/188Os Ratios by NTIMS Using Amplifiers Equipped with 1013 ohm Resistors
Reisberg L, Zimmermann C & Caro G
(2016) Do Os Isotopes Track Glacial-Interglacial Cycling? The Strange Case of the Benguela Upwelling System
Reisberg L, Blamart D & Zimmermann C
(2016) What Mantle Source for Nulliak Ultramafic Rocks (3.78 Ga, Labrador)? A Combined Hf and Nd Isotopic Approach
Morino P, Caro G & Reisberg L
(2016) Sulfides and Sulfates in the "Salty" Udachnaya-East Kimberlite: Their Magmatic S-Isotopic Compositions
Kitayama Y, Thomassot E, d'Eyrames E, Korsakov AV, Golovin AV, Galy A & Reisberg L
(2015) Coupled 146,147Sm-142,143Nd Systematics of Nulliak Ultramafics (3.76 Ga, Labrador) Push Back Time of Early Mantle Differentiation
Morino P, Caro G & Reisberg L
(2015) The Potential Importance of Metal Transfer from Formation Waters to Petroleum for Re-Os Dating of Oils
Mahdaoui F, Reisberg L, Michels R, Montarges-Pelletier E, Panfilova I, Pujol M & Kieffer I
(2014) Geochemical and Petrologic Consequences of Off-Axis Melt Delivery: Evidence from the Oman Ophiolite
Nicolle M, Reisberg L, Jousselin D & Bosch D
(2013) The Copper Deposit of Gaoua, Burkina Faso: A Paleoproterozoic Porphyry Deposit
Le Mignot E, Siebenaller L, Beziat D, Salvi S, Andre-Mayer A-S, Reisberg L & Velasquez G
(2013) Recycling of Subducted Crust in the Source of Within-Plate CAMP Basalts from Southeastern North America
Callegaro S, Bertrand H, Marzoli A, Chiaradia M, Reisberg L, Meyzen C & Bellieni G
(2013) Chromitites from the Andriamena Greenstone Belt, Madagascar: Hints of a Mid-Archean Ophiolite?
Reisberg L, Ohnenstetter M & Zimmermann C
(2012) Contrasting on- and Off-Axis Melt Delivery: A Sr and Nd Isotopic Study of the Moho Transition Zone of the Oman Ophiolite
Nicolle M, Bosch D, Reisberg L, Jousselin D & Stephant A
(2012) Reevaluating Osmium Isotopes as Tracers of Glacial-Interglacial Cycling
Reisberg L, Blamart D & Zimmermann C
(2011) Sr-Nd-Pb-Os Isotopes of CAMP Tholeiites from Northeast America
Merle R, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Reisberg L, Chiaradia M & Bellieni G
(2011) Geochemistry of Eastern North American CAMP Diabase Dykes
Callegaro S, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Reisberg L, Chiaradia M & Bellieni G
(2011) The Age and Origin of the Limpopo Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle
van der Meer Q, Klaver M, Reisberg L, Davidheiser B & Davies G
(2011) The Os Isotopic Record of Organic Rich Sediments from the Benguela Upwelling System, Namibia
Reisberg L, Blamart D & Zimmermann C
(2011) Origin of Cameroon Line Basanites from Metasomatized Lithosphere
Marzoli A, Aka F, Chiaradia M, Reisberg L & Merle R
(2009) Does Magma Degassing Affect Rhenium Contents of MORB?
Reisberg L & Burnard P
(2009) A Dismembered Late-Archean Anorthositic to Charnockitic Suite in the Andriamena Greenstone-Belt, Madagascar
Ohnenstetter M, Reisberg L, Paquette JL, Ratefiarimino A & Rakotomanana D
(2008) Re/Os Fractionation during Generation and Evolution of Hydrocarbons
Reisberg L, Michels R & Hautevelle Y
(2007) Re-Os Systematics of Lithospheric Peridotites from Nushan, East China: Implications for Multiple Modifications of SCLM
Zhi X-C, Reisberg L & Xu X-S
(2007) The Re-Os Systematics of the Bixiling Eclogites, Dabieshan, Central China
Zheng L, Reisberg L & Zhi X
(2007) Osmium Groundwater Flux from the Bengal Basin: Implications for the Osmium Marine Budget
Paul M, Reisberg L, Vigier N, Zheng Y & Charlet L
(2006) Re-Os systematics of the Platreef (Sandsloot mine) of the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex
Reisberg L, Tredoux M & Harris C
(2006) Re-Os isotope systematics: sources and age of epithermal and porphyry copper ore deposits
Cardon O, Reisberg L, Andre-Mayer AS, Leroy J & Milu V
(2006) Sediment sources and transport in the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin: information from Os isotopes
Paul M, Reisberg L, Vigier N, France-Lanord C & Galy V
(2006) The Re-Os systematics of the Raobazhai peridotites, Dabieshan, central China
Zheng L, Zhi X-C & Reisberg L
(2006) Trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb-Os evidence for a lithospheric mantle source for the European CAMP basalts
Rapaille C, Marzoli A, Reisberg L & Bertrand H
(2004) Re-Os Systematics of the UHP Dabie-Sulu Terrain, China: Results from Qinglongshan
Reisberg L, Zhi X & Zheng L
(2003) Correlated Mo and Ru Anomalies in Differentiated Meteorites
Dauphas N, Marty B, Davis A, Reisberg L & Gallino R
(2003) The Re-Os Isotope Geochemistry of the Raobazhai Ultramafic Complex of North Dabieshan, Centra China
Zhi X, Jing Y, Meng Q, Gao T & Reisberg L
(2002) Technetium-97 and P-Radionuclides
Dauphas N, Rauscher T, Schatz H, Marty B & Reisberg L
(2002) The Effects of Melt Percolation on the Os Isotopic Systematics of the Sidamo Peridotites, Ethiopia
Reisberg L, Lorand J-P & Bedini R-M
(2002) Mechanisms of Melt Migration and Mantle Metasomatism in the Lithosphere beneath the French Massif Central
Bouhedja M, Wagner C, Deloule E & Reisberg L
(2002) Geochemistry and Age of the European CAMP Basalts
Rapaille C, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Feraud G, Reisberg L & Fontignie D
(2002) Longevity and Multistage Evolution of Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle beneath Eastern China: Evidence from Re-Os Isotope Geochemistry of Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces, China
Zhi X, Reisberg L, Wagner C, Peng Z & Xu X
(2000) In Search of Live 97Tc in the Early Solar System
Dauphas N, Marty B & Reisberg L
(2000) Li Behaviour during Serpentinisation of Oceanic Peridotites
Decitre S, Deloule E, Reisberg L, James R, Mevel C & Agrinier P
(2000) Evidence for Equilibrium Crystallization of Amphiboles and Clinopyroxenes in Mantle-Modally-Metasomatized Peridotite Xenoliths from French Massif Central
Bouhedja M, Deloule E, Reisberg L & Wagner C
(2000) Another Source of Radiogenic Os in the Himalayas: The Lesser Himalaya Carbonates
Pierson-Wickmann A, Reisberg L & France-Lanord C
(2000) Os, Sr & Nd Isotopic Constraints on the Sources of Sediments of the Brahmaputra River System
Singh SK, France-Lanord C & Reisberg L
(2000) Os Isotopic and PGE Results from Spinel Peridotites of the East African Rift
Reisberg L, Lorand J, Bedini RM & Bodinier J
(2000) Os Isotope Systematics of the Massif Central Mantle Lithosphere: In situ and Whole-Rock Studies
Alard O, Pearson NJ, Reisberg L, Lorand J, Griffin WL & O'Reilly SY

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