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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Regandell S. (2007) Ice Migration in the Early Solar System: From Jupiter to the Earth
Rickman H, Piskunov N, Lyra W, Regandell S & Valsecchi G

Regard V. (2019) Revisiting Lithogenic Land-Ocean Inputs
Jeandel C, Fabre S & Regard V
(2007) In situ Cosmogenic Nuclides in River Bedload Clasts. Implications for Catchment-Scale Erosion Rate and Surface Exposure Dating
Carretier S, Regard V & Soual C

Regattieri E. (2017) Mediterranean Climate Variability during the Last Interglacial
Mannella G, Zanchetta G, Regattieri E, Wagner B, Giaccio B, Nomade S, Pereira A, Renne P & Niespolo E
(2013) Mid to Late Holocene Decreasing Precipitation Trends as Reflected in δ18O of Speleothems from Apuan Alps (Central Italy): Implications for Seasonality
Isola I, Regattieri E, Zanchettta G, Zhornyak L, Drysdale R & Hellstrom J
(2013) Holocene Climate Variability from Rio Martino Cave (Western Alps, Northern Italy)
Regattieri E, Zanchetta G, Isola I, Drysdale RN, Zanella E, Lanza R, Hellstrom J, Dallai L, Perrette Y, Couchoud I, Magny M, Vanniere B & Lanci L
(2013) The Modern Hydrogeochemistry of Small Pools in Corchia Cave, Italy: Implications for Palaeoclimate Reconstruction
Drysdale R, Zanchetta G, Baneschi I, Couchoud I, Daeron M, Hellstrom J, Paul B, Gagan M, Greig A, Isola I, Regattieri E & Guidi M
(2013) Timing and Progression of Mediterranean Climate during MIS5 as Deduced by Speleothem Records from Corchia Cave (Central Italy)
Zanchetta G, Drysdale R, Hellstrom J, Fallick A, Couchoud I, Isola I, Fohlmeister J, Sanchez Goni MF & Regattieri E

Regberg A. (2010) Using Direct-Current and Complex Electrical Conductivity to Monitor Biogeochemical Redox Reactions
Regberg A, Singha K, Bond D, Picardal F, Zheng Q, Roden E & Brantley S
(2009) Electrical Conductivity Associated with Dissimilatory Iron Reduction: Are Microbial Biofilms Conductive?
Regberg A, Singha K, Picardal F, Zheng Q, Bond D & Brantley S
(2008) Using Conductivity to Measure Iron Reduction Rates from Flask to Field
Regberg A, Singha K, Tien M & Brantley S

Rege S. (2006) Trace-element patterns of diamond: toward a unified genetic model
Griffin W, Rege S, O'Reilly S, Jackson S, Pearson N, Zedgenisov D & Kurat G

Regelink I.C. (2013) Results of an Interdisciplinary Research Project on Soil Aggregate Formation in CZO’s
Regelink I, Lair G, Lehtinen T, van Leeuwen J, van der Zaan B, Schiefer J, Rousseva S, Blaud A, Mennon M & Banwart S
(2013) Using DMT and AF4-HR-ICP-MS to Characterize Trace Metal Speciation in Soil Water Extracts
Koopmans GF, Regelink IC & Comans RNJ

Regelous A. (2023) Tellurium in Maastrichtian-Danian Sediments: The Main Phase of Deccan Volcanism Spans the K-Pg Boundary and Lasted for 600 kyr
Regelous M, Adatte T, Baumann NB, Khozyem H, Regelous A & Haase KM
(2023) PETM Onset Triggered by Intense Volcanism in the North Atlantic Revealed by Tellurium
Baumann NB, Regelous M, Regelous A, Adatte T, Thibault N, Schultz BP & Haase KM

Regelous M. (2023) Unravelling the Behaviour of Chalcophile Trace Elements in Magmatic Systems of the Oceanic Crust
Schäfer W, Keith M, Regelous M, Klemd R, Kutzschbach M & Holtz F
(2023) Young Off-Axis Boninitic Volcanism at the Valu Fa Ridge (Lau Basin) Indicates Depleted Hydrous Mantle beneath the Back-Arc
Myeong B, Haase KM & Regelous M
(2023) Timing and Tempo of Deccan Volcanism Relative to the KPg Extinction Revealed by Mercury and Tellurium Anomalies
Adatte T, Regelous M, Spangenberg JE, Khozyem H, Keller G, Karabeyoglu U & Khadri S
(2023) Palaeoenvironmental Records Across the Early Toarcian Hyperthermal Event: From Onset to Recovery
Fantasia A, Adatte T, Spangenberg JE, Mattioli E, Regelous M, Millot R, Bodin S, Rogov M & Suan G
(2023) Tellurium in Maastrichtian-Danian Sediments: The Main Phase of Deccan Volcanism Spans the K-Pg Boundary and Lasted for 600 kyr
Regelous M, Adatte T, Baumann NB, Khozyem H, Regelous A & Haase KM
(2023) Holocene Variability of the AMOC as Derived from 231Pa/230Th
Lippold J, Ehnis M, Süfke F, Tautenhahn S, Valk O, Blaser P, Pöppelmeier F & Regelous M
(2023) PETM Onset Triggered by Intense Volcanism in the North Atlantic Revealed by Tellurium
Baumann NB, Regelous M, Regelous A, Adatte T, Thibault N, Schultz BP & Haase KM
(2023) Systematic Geochemical Variations in the Upper Deccan Lavas: Implications for the Magmatic Plumbing System
Hoyer PA, Haase KM, Regelous M & Fluteau F
(2022) Renewed Volcanism at the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend at ~31 Ma
Harrison LN, Weis D, Scoates JS, O'Connor JM, Regelous M, Baco A & Roark EB
(2022) Trace Elements in Magmatic Sulphide Droplets from Island Arcs, Back-Arc Basins and Mid-Ocean Ridges
Schäfer W, Keith M, Regelous M, Holtz F & Klemd R
(2021) The Rio Grande Rise is a Large Igneous Province, not a Detached Microcontinent
Hoyer PA, Haase KM, Regelous M, O'Connor JM, Homrighausen S & Geissler WH
(2021) Refining Material Transport in the Mantle Wedge of the Northernmost Tonga Island Arc
Storch B, Regelous M, Noebel K, Bauer J & Haase KM
(2021) Effects of Variable Subduction Components on Island Arc and Rear-Arc Magma Compositions: An Example from the Kermadec Arc
Myeong B, Haase KM & Regelous M
(2021) Mantle Flow and Migration at the Rodrigues Triple Junction
Meyzen CM, Jacques G, Hauff F, Regelous M, Romer RHW & Schwarz-Schampera U
(2021) Volatile and Precious Elements in Plutonic and Volcanic Rocks: Implications for Epithermal- and Porphyry-Style Mineralisation, Western Thrace, NE Greece
Falkenberg JJ, Keith M, Haase KM, Voudouris PC & Regelous M
(2020) Enrichment of Water and Fluid-Soluble Trace Elements in the Troodos Ophiolite: Evidence for a Near-Trench Origin
Woelki D, Michael P, Regelous M & Haase K
(2020) Is the Rio Grande Rise a Large Igneous Province or a Microcontinent?
O'Connor JM, Hoyer PA, Haase KM, Regelous M, Homrighausen S, Geldmacher J & Geissler W
(2020) Upper-Mantle Provinces at the Rodrigues Triple Junction, Indian Ocean
Meyzen C, Jacques G, Schwarz-Schampera U, Hauff F, Regelous M & Haase K
(2020) Rapid Change in Deccan Volcanism Triggered by Delamination Prior to Chicxulub Impact
Hoyer PA, Regelous M, Haase KM & Fluteau F
(2019) Melting Processes and Fluid Enrichment in Mantle Rocks of the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Hoyer PA, Woelki D, Regelous M & Haase KM
(2019) Geochemical Mapping of a Paleo-Subduction Zone beneath the Troodos Ophiolite
Woelki D, Regelous M, Haase K & Beier C
(2019) Geochemical Evolution of Hawaiian Magmatism from 49 Ma to 25 Ma
Regelous M, Huang S, Haase K, Hauff F, Hoernle K & O'Connor J
(2019) Melting Dynamics along Backarc Spreading Axis
Schoenhofen MV, Beier C, Haase KM, Regelous M, Turner SP & Brandl PA
(2019) Using Hf Isotopes to Trace Mantle Dynamics in the Tonga Arc – Lau Backarc System
Storch B, Regelous M & Haase KM
(2017) The Geochemical Stratigraphy of Lavas from the Troodos Ophiolite
Wölki D, Regelous M, Haase K & Beier C
(2017) The Genesis of High Nb-Ta Signatures at the Northern Tongan Islands of Tafahi and Niuatoputapu
Beier C, Turner S, Haase K, Pearce J, Münker C & Regelous M
(2017) The Effect of Spreading Rate on the Compositions of MORB
Regelous M, Weinzierl C, Haase K, Beier C & Wölki D
(2015) The Impact of Subducted Slab Components on Back-Arc Melting
Beier C, Turner S, Regelous M & Haase K
(2015) Tectonic Controls on MORB Melting from Correlated Peridotite-Basalt Compositions
Weinzierl C, Regelous M & Haase K
(2015) The Troodos Ophiolite was Probably Formed at a RTT/RTF Triple Junction
Regelous M, Haase K, Beier C, Brandl P, Keith M & Weinzierl C
(2014) Past Plate and Mantle Motion from New Ages for the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain
O'Connor J, Steinberger B, Regelous M, Koppers A, Wijbrans J, Haase K, Stoffers P, Jokat W & Garbe-Schoenberg C-D
(2013) Ocean Drilling: MORB Geochemistry in the Third (and Fourth) Dimension
Brandl PA, Regelous M, Beier C & Haase KM
(2013) Geodynamic Implications from Element Fluxes in the Tonga-Lau System
Beier C, Regelous M & Haase KM
(2013) Reconstructing Subducted Sediment Fluxes Using Ancient Arc Lavas
Regelous M, Beier C & Haase K
(2013) Trace Element Analysis of Iron Meteorites by ICP-MS
Duan X & Regelous M
(2013) Low-T Hydrothermal Fluid Evolution
Weinzierl C, Bach W, Böhm F, Regelous M & Haase K
(2012) Recycled Material in MORB Sources: Os Isotopes and HSE in the Fossil Galapagos Rise Lavas
Luguet A, Haase K & Regelous M
(2012) Mesozoic MORB
Brandl PA, Regelous M, Beier C & Haase KM
(2011) Nickel Isotope Anomalies: Neutron-Rich or Neutron-Poor?
Steele R, Elliott T, Coath C & Regelous M
(2011) δ18O and Cl/Nb Evidence for Fractional Crystallization Origin of Silicic Island Arc Magmas
Krumm S, Haase K, Regelous M & Joachimski M
(2011) Chemical Evolution of MORB: New Insights from Old Crust
Brandl PA, Regelous M & Haase KM
(2011) Felsic Magma Generation in the Oceanic Crust: A Geochemical Study of Pacific Antarctic Rise Lavas
Freund S, Haase K, Beier C & Regelous M
(2011) Lithospheric Control on Geochemical Composition of the Louisville Seamount Chain
Beier C, Regelous M, Mahoney J, Vanderkluysen L & Haase K
(2011) Sediment Melt Flux into the Melting Zone of the Northernmost Tonga Island Arc
Haase K, Regelous M & Beier C
(2011) Oceanic Basalts Provide a Biased View of Mantle Composition
Regelous M, Haase K & Brandl P
(2009) Measurement of Mass-Independent ε64Ni Isotopic Anomalies in Meteorites
Steele R, Elliott T, Coath C & Regelous M
(2009) Mechanism and Timing of Pb Transport from Subducted Oceanic Crust and Sediment to the Mantle Source of Arc Lavas
Regelous M, Gamble J & Turner S
(2007) Nickel Isotope Anomalies in Iron and Chondritic Meteorites
Regelous M, Elliott T & Coath C
(2007) Magma Sources in the Icelandic Western Rift Zone (WRZ): Crustal and Mantle Input
Steele R, Thirlwall M, Manning C, Gee M, Regelous M & Lowry D
(2004) U-Th-Pa Disequilibria Constraints on the Subduction Processes beneath the South Sandwich Island Arc System
Heumann A, Elliott T, Regelous M, Kirstein L & Leat P
(2000) The Geochemical Evolution of Hawaiian Magmatism Since the Mesozoic: Evidence from Lavas from the Emperor Seamounts
Regelous M, Hofmann AW, Abouchami W & Galer SJG
(2000) Geochemistry and Neodymium and Strontium Isotope Systematics of the 3.7-3.8 Ga Pillow Basalts of the Isua Greenstone Belt, Southwest Greenland
Polat A, Regelous M, Hofmann AW & Appel PWU

Regelsberger A. (2012) Coupled Geochemical Processes Limiting Phytosiderophore-Promoted Iron Uptake from Soils
Schenkeveld W, Oburger E, Schindlegger Y, Regelsberger A, Hann S, Puschenreiter M & Kraemer S

Regenauer-Lieb K. (2021) Petrography, Petrology and Mineralogy of Eclogite Nodules from the Jwaneng Diamond Mine, Botswana. An Approach Documented by Mantle Metasomatism, Kimberlite Emplacement and Finally by Super Sonic Uplift of the Diamondiferous Host Rocks
Sommer H, Jacob D, Martin L & Regenauer-Lieb K
(2011) The Formation of Micro-Diamonds in Cracks Caused by a C-O-H Rich Fluid Under Medium to Low Pressure Conditions
Potgieter J, Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Jung H & Gasharova B
(2011) “WEERTMAN” Cracks: A Possible Mechanism for Near Sonic Speed Diamond Extraction from the Earth´s Mantle
Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Gaede O, Jung H & Gasharova B
(2011) Coexistent Aqueous Fluid Phase and Melt in Lherzolites from Bultfontein, South Africa
Purchase M, Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Jung H & Gasharova B
(2009) Thermal Self-Regulation of Continental Strength
Weinberg R, Regenauer-Lieb K & Rosenbaum G
(2009) Weertman Cracks and the Near Sonic Extraction of Diamonds from the Earth’s Mantle (UNESCO IGCP 557)
Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K & Gaede O
(2009) OH and CO2 Diffusion Profiles in Garnets from Eclogitic Xenoliths from the Rovic Diamond Mine, South Africa (UNESCO IGCP 557)
Potgieter J, Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Gasharova B & Purchase M
(2009) OH Partitioning Coefficient between Garnets and Melt Inclusions in Lherzolite Xenoliths from the Kimberly Diamond Mine, South Africa (UNESCO IGCP 557)
Purchase M, Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Gasharova B & Potgieter J
(2008) Rapid Uplift of the Jwangeng Kimberlite, South Botswana: Caused by Mantle Metasomatism and Documented by OH-Diffusion Profiles in Garnet from Eclogitic Xenoliths (UNESCO IGCP 557)
Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Hauzenberger C & Gasharova B
(2007) Diamonds, Xenoliths and Kimberlites: A Window into the Earth's Mantle. UNESCO IGCP 557
Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K & Hauzenberger C
(2004) Hydrogen Flux from the Earth’s Core Giant Ore Deposits and Related Phenomena Through Earth History
Walshe J, Hobbs B, Ord A, Regenauer - lieb K, Barnicoat A & Hall G

Regenberg M. (2013) A New Benthic Mg/Ca Temperature Calibration to Reconstruct Thermocline Temperature Variability in the Indonesian Archipelago
Lo Giudice Cappelli E, Holbourn A, Kuhnt W & Regenberg M

Regenspurg S. (2023) Assessment of Hydrogeochemical Processes in High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage Systems by Drill Core Analysis, Column-, and Batch Experiments
Virchow L, Regenspurg S & Saadat A
(2023) Understanding of Lithium Origin in High Enthalpy Geothermal Systems: A Case Study for Tuzla and Seferihisar Geothermal Power Plants, Western Anatolia, Türkiye
Tonkul S, Ayzit T, Baba A, Demir MM, Kieling K & Regenspurg S
(2023) Critical Raw Materials in Geothermal Fluids of the East African Rift (Tanzania)
Wilke FDH, Jentsch A, Kreitsmann T, Zimmer M, Bau M, Olaka L, Mahecha A & Regenspurg S
(2023) Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium in Alkaline Lakes and Hot Springs from Tanzania
Kreitsmann T, Kraemer D, Mahecha A, Regenspurg S, Wilke FDH & Bau M
(2023) Biomining of Critical Raw Materials Using the Oxalate-Carbonate Pathway
Bindschedler S, Hilpisch P, Schmid E, Bregnard D, Alawi M, Regenspurg S & Junier P
(2021) Hydrogeochemical Characterization and Evaluation of a Middle Triassic Carbonate Aquifer, as a Potential High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage in Berlin, Germany
Virchow L, Regenspurg S, Wenzlaff C & Blöcher G
(2021) Fluoride Circulation from Geothermal Fluids to Surface Waters and in Volcanic Rocks of the Aluto Volcanic Complex (Ethiopia)
Regenspurg S, Virchow L, Wilke F, Zimmer M, Joilie E, Hachenberger A, Yirgu G & Filfilu E
(2019) Evaluating Fibre Optics as Detection Method for Mineral Precipitations in Geothermal Fluids
Zotzmann J, Hastreiter N & Regenspurg S
(2017) Monitoring Silica Precipitation Using Fiber Optic Sensors
Regenspurg S, Abecia VM, Zotzmann J & Reinsch T
(2017) Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium (REY) as Fluid Provenance Tracers and Geoindicators of Reservoir Processes in Bacman Geothermal Field, Philippines
Abecia VM, Regenspurg S & Bau M
(2016) Formation of Laurionite in Saline, Geothermal Brine
Regenspurg S & Driba D
(2016) A Sequential Extraction Scheme to Determine Element Mobility in Pyrite-Bearing Siliciclastic Rocks
Müller D, Friedland G & Regenspurg S
(2015) Radiologic Disequilibria in Sandstone Reservoir Rocks at a Geothermal Facility in the North German Basin
Dilling J, Regenspurg S, Schkade U-K & Lucks C
(2013) Gas Analysis at a Geothermal Facility: On-Line Monitoring Above Ground and Measurements in the Borehole
Feldbusch E, Wiersberg T, Zimmer M, Francke H & Regenspurg S
(2013) Occurrence and Distribution of Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials at a Geothermal Facility in the North German Basin
Regenspurg S, Dilling J, Naumann R, Mielcarek J, Schkade U-K & Zotzmann J
(2013) Monitoring the Stability of Scale Inhibitors by ATR-FTIR at High Pressures and Temperatures in Synthetic Geothermal Fluids
Vetter A & Regenspurg S
(2013) Hydrochemical Patterns in a Structurally Controlled Geothermal System
Brehme M, Haase C, Regenspurg S, Moeck I, Deon F, Wiegand B, Kamah Y, Zimmermann G & Sauter M
(2012) The Role of Lead (Pb) in Highly Saline Fluids of a Deep Geothermal System: Complexation and Precipitation
Regenspurg S, Naumann R, Deon F & Feldbusch E
(2011) Hydraulic-Hydrochemical Modelling of a Geothermal Reservoir in Indonesia
Brehme M, Regenspurg S & Zimmermann G
(2011) Monitoring Fluid Properties in a Geothermal Plant
Regenspurg S, Harald M, Giese R & Mathias P
(2011) Biogeochemical Characterization of Geothermal Fluids
Vieth-Hillebrand A, Vetter A, Sachse A, Henne S, Regenspurg S & Mangelsdorf K
(2011) Sulfate Mineral Solubilities in Na-Ca-Cl Brines
Banks J & Regenspurg S
Regenspurg S, Banks J & Zimmermann G
(2010) Determining Mineral Solubilities in Simulated Geothermal Brines
Banks J, Regenspurg S & Milsch H
(2009) Binding of Uranium to Organic-Rich Soils in an Alpine Region in Switzerland
Roquier C, Regenspurg S, Harfouche M, Froidevaux P, Steinmann P, Junier P & Bernier-Latmani R
(2009) Hyperaccumulation of U in Organic-Rich Alpine Soils, Dischma Valley, Davos, Switzerland
Steinmann P, Regenspurg S, Roquier C, Bernier-Latmani R, Sager F & Froidevaux P
(2009) Corrosion and Scaling in Low-Enthalphy Geothermal Systems in Northern Germany
Regenspurg S, Schmidt K, Milsch H, Saadat A & Huenges E
(2006) Experimental determination of UO22+ sorption and reduction at mineral surfaces
Regenspurg S, Schäfer T & Malmström M
(2006) Modelling Ni(II) Sorption in Granitic Groundwater
Malmström ME, Regenspurg S & Docampo Cabaleiro E
(2002) Geochemical Constraints for the Remediation of Acidic Mining Lakes
Peiffer S, Regenspurg S & Kuesel K

Reger P.M. (2023) Early Planetesimal Accretion and Magmatic Records in Achondrite Meteorites
Bouvier A, Reger PM, Obengo E, Neumann WO, Schwarz WH, Ludwig T & Trieloff M
(2017) Combining W and Pt Isotopes with Thermal Modelling to Determine the Evolution of the IAB Parent Asteroid
Hunt AC, Cook DL, Lichtenberg T, Reger PM, Ek M, Golabek GJ & Schönbächler M

Regier Margo (2021) Genesis and Depth of Formation of Ferropericlase Inclusions within Super-Deep Diamonds
Lorenzon S, Nestola F, Pamato MG, Novella D, Nimis P, Marone F, Anzolini C, Mazzucchelli ML, Alvaro M, Regier M, Stachel T, Pearson DG & Harris J
(2015) Crustal Recycling of Nitrogen to the Atmosphere: Preliminary Melt Inclusion Results
Regier M & Hervig R

Regier Margo E. (2018) Oxygen Isotopes in Kankan Super-Deep Diamond Inclusions Reveal Variable Slab-Mantle Interaction
Regier ME, Pearson DG, Stachel T, Stern RA & Harris JW

Regier Margo Elaine (2019) Isotopic Evidence for the Coupled Recycling of Carbon and Boron to Lower Mantle Depths
Regier ME, Chalk TB, Stern RA, Smit K, Smith EM, Stachel T, Foster GL, Bussweiler Y, Harris JW & Pearson DG

Regier P. (2023) Respiration Partitioning Across the Yakima River Basin
Kaufman M, Delgado D, Barnes M, Boehnke B, Chen X, Cornwell K, Forbes B, Fulton S, Garayburu-Caruso V, Goldman A, Gonzalez B, Grieger S, Hammond G, Jiang P, Laan M, Li B, Li Z, McKever S, Mudunuru M, Muller K, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Pelly A, Peta K, Regier P, Renteria L, Roebuck A, Scheibe T, Son K, Torgeson J, Hall R, Zheng J & Stegen J

Regier T. (2019) Occurrence of Inner-Sphere P-O-Fe Bonds on Natural Iron Oxides
Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Regier T, Araki T, Kazemian M, Kaulich B, Narvekar S, Mansfeldt T & Totsche KU
(2018) Oxic-Anoxic Interfaces in Soils and Sediments: Hotspots of Manganese-Driven Carbon Oxidation
Keiluweit M, Nico P, Tfaily M, Thieme J, Regier T & Jones M
(2018) Role of Minerals in Organic Carbon Retention in the Soil Critical Zone
Myneni S, Atkinson W, Sleighter R, Hatcher P & Regier T
(2018) Microbes and Minerals in Permafrost: Quantifying Microbe Mineral Interactions Using Positron Emission Tomography Coupled to Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Psychrotrophic Bioremediation in Permafrost Soils
Peak D, Siciliano S, Chang Y-F, Conway A, Shannon W, Mamet S, Helgason B, Talebitaher A, Papandreou Z, Palaia T, Teymurazyan A & Regier T
(2014) U(IV) Complexation by Sedimentary Organic Matter
Bone S, Dynes J, Regier T, Jones M, Fendorf S & Bargar J
(2014) Development of C K-Edge NEXAFS Techniques for the Study of Organic-Mineral Interfaces
Regier T, Gillespie A, Dynes J, Chevrier D & Peak D
(2012) The Role of Metal Redox Coupling Processes in Carbon Cycling and Stabilization
Sparks D, Chen C, Lazareva O, LeMonte J, Dynes J, Wang J & Regier T
(2012) Determination of Soil Organic C Species Using Soft X-Ray XANES: Tackling Normalization & Matrix Effects
Dynes J, Regier T, Chevrier D, Gillespie A & Peak D
(2012) The Influence of Temperature on Carbon Chemistry of Organomineral Complexes
Lavallee J, Conant R, Obst M, Borch T & Regier T
(2012) Mechanisms of Ferrihydrite Formation Observed Directly via Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy
Peak D, Dynes J, Green R & Regier T
(2010) Ce Speciation in Silicate Melts
Smythe D, Brenan J, Bennett N, Henderson G & Regier T

Regis D. (2018) An Integrated Petrochronological and Thermochronological Approach for the Detrital Record
Kellett D, Weller O, Zagorevski A & Regis D
(2018) Decoupling of U-Pb Zircon and Lu-Hf Garnet Dates during High-Pressure Metamorphism in the Snowbird Tectonic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada
Thiessen E, Gibson D, Regis D, Pehrsson S & Smit M
(2017) The Effects of Metamorphism on the Preservation of Crystallization and Detrital Ages: A Case Study from the Archean Rae Craton (Canada)
Regis D, Acosta-Gongora P, Davis W, Knox B, Pehrsson S & Martel E
(2017) Decoupling of Zircon Characteristics at HT Conditions (>850℃)
Kunz BE, Regis D & Engi M
(2015) Tracing Permian Metamorphism in Fragments of Continental Crust Through Rifting, Subduction and Orogenesis
Kunz BE, Manzotti P, von Niederhäusern B, Regis D, Burn M, Giuntoli F & Engi M
(2013) Analysis of Internal Dynamics in a Deep Subduction Channel
Engi M, Regis D & Rubatto D
(2011) Allanite Petrochronology in High-Pressure Rocks
Engi M, Regis D, Darling J, Cenki-Tok B & Rubatto D

Regis J. (2021) Assessment of Oxygen, Oxyanions and Trace Metals Benthic Fluxes by a Novel Non-Invasive Technique in Coastal Areas
Regis J, Meulé S, Verdoux P, Techer I & Rigaud S
(2021) Organic Additive Release from Benthic Plastic Debris Through the Sediment Towards the Water Column
Fauvelle V, Regis J, Schmidt N, Grenz C, Maeght J-L, Verdoux P, Dubois C, Strady E, Sempere R & Rigaud S
(2021) Redox Dynamics of Atmospheric Mercury at Maido Observatory in the Tropical Indian Ocean
Koenig AM, Magand O, Brioude J, Colomb A, Vimeux F, Ramonet M, Volkamer R, Regis J, Belloir A, Metzger J-M, Cammas J-P, Sonke JE & Dommergue A
(2021) Phytoremediation of Saline Dredged Sediments: The Potential of Arundo Donax for Chloride Phytoextraction
Sordes F, Cothenet S, Sahli S, Regis J & Techer I

Regnarsson E. (2013) Carbonation of Olivine at CO2 Supercritical Conditions: Reactivity Differences between Synthetic and Natural Olivines
Aaberg I, Dideriksen K, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Regnarsson E, Olsson J, Jespersen HT, Schaumburg K & Stipp SLS

Regnault M. (2023) Origin of the Volatile Element Depletion in CR and CV Carbonaceous Chondrites and their Components
Regnault M, Florin G, Gleißner P, John T & Becker H
(2021) Origin of Spinel in CV Chondrules
Schnuriger N, Cartier C, Villeneuve J, Batanova VG, Regnault M & Marrocchi Y

Regnault O. (2023) History Matching of Large-Scale Reactive Transport Problem Based on Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches
Sin I, Collet A, Chauris H, Lagneau V, Regnault O & Langlais V

Regnell C. (2023) The Modern Freshwater Component in Baltic Sea Glacial Clays
Chen N-C, Mörth C-M, Hong W-L, Roth F, Andrén T, O'Regan M, Stranne C, Huang T-H, Gyllencreutz R, Regnell C, Linderholm A, Humborg C & Jakobsson M

Regnier P. (2023) Reactive-Transport Processes Across Scales: A Journey from my Doorsteps to the Modeling of the Land-To-Ocean Loops of the Global Carbon Cycle
Regnier P
(2021) Representing Soil Microbial Processes Explicitly in Global Land Surface Model
Zhang H, Goll SD, Ciais P, Abramoff R, Wang Y-P & Regnier P
(2020) Carbon and CO2 Dynamics in the Global Coastal Ocean: Spatiotemporal Variability, Drivers, and Implications for the Global C Budget
Regnier P, Resplandy L, Roobaert A, Laruelle G, Landschutzer P, Gruber N & Ciais P
(2020) Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Climate Change – Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
Bianchi TS, Aller RC, Atwood T, Brown C, Batois L, Levin LA, Levinton JS, Middelburg JJ, Morrison ES, Regnier P, Shields MR, Snelgrove PVR, Sotka EE & Stanley RRE
(2018) Modelling Estuarine Biogeochemical and pH Dynamics: From the Local to the Global Scale
Volta C, Laruelle GG, Arndt S & Regnier P
(2018) Model Constraints on the Anthropogenic Carbon Budget and Acidification of the Arctic Ocean
Terhaar J, Orr J, Gehlen M, Ethe C, Bopp L & Regnier P
(2018) Application of a Generic Estuarine Model to Coastal Waters: A Mechanistic Understanding of pH and the Carbonate System
Laruelle G, Cai W-J, Thieu V, Raimonet M, Volta C, Marescaux A, Garnier J & Regnier P
(2016) Air-Water CO2 Exchange in Continental and Coastal Systems – Regional and Global Budgets
Lauerwald R, Laruelle G, Hastie A, Landschützer P, Weyhenmeyer G, Sobek S, Hartmann J, Ciais P, Gruber N & Regnier P
(2016) Damming Drives Global Shift from Heterotrophy to Autotrophy in River Systems
Maavara T, Lauerwald R, Regnier P & Van Cappellen P
(2015) Carbon Fluxes in the Land to Ocean Continuum: Updated Synthesis and Implications for the Anthropogenic CO2 Budget
Regnier P, Laruelle G, Lauerwald R, Landschützer P, Cai W-J, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Gruber N, Hartmann J & Mackenzie F
(2015) Spatial Patterns in CO2 Evasion from the Global River Network
Lauerwald R, Laruelle G, Hartmann J, Ciais P & Regnier P
(2015) Regionalized Global Budget and Drivers of the CO2 Air-Sea Exchange in Continental Shelf Seas
Laruelle G, Lauerwald R, Landschützer P, Gruber N & Regnier P
(2015) Ocean Margins as an Increasing Sink for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Cai W-J, Laruelle G, Hu X, Yin K & Regnier P
(2012) Multi-Scale Segmentation of Global Continental and Coastal Waters: Typological Analysis and Application to the Carbon Budget
Duerr H, Laruelle G, Lauerwald R, Hartmann J, Regnier P & Slomp C
(2012) Sea Floor Methane Emissions in High-Latitude Continental Shelves and the Role of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation
Tsandev I, Regnier P & Dale A
(2012) Multi-Scale Modeling of Transverse Reactive Mixing in a Coastal Aquifer
M.Nick H, Raoof A, Thullner M & Regnier P
(2011) Sea Floor Methane Emissions in Continental Shelves and the Role of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation
Tsandev I, Regnier P, Ridgwell A & Dale A
(2010) Carbon Burial and Benthic Fluxes in Coastal Marine Sediments: Model Study and Sensitivity Analysis
Krumins V, Van Cappellen P & Regnier P
(2009) Geochemical Evolution of the Global Ocean during a Mid-Cretaceous OAE: Model Development and Sensitivity Analysis
Arndt S, Regnier P, Donnadieu Y & Godderis Y
(2009) Methane Efflux from Marine Sediments: Kinetic, Microbial and Bioenergetic Controls
Regnier P, Dale A, Larowe D, Arndt S, Mogollon J & Van Cappellen P
(2008) The Abiotic Synthesis of Nucleosides, Nucleotides and RNA in Hydrothermal Systems
LaRowe D, Dale A & Regnier P
(2008) Seasonal Controls of Methane Gas Solubility and Transport on Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Shallow Water Marine Sediments
Mogollón J, Dale A, L'Heureux I & Regnier P
(2007) Diagenesis in Deep-Seated Cretaceous Black Shales: Inverse Modeling and Transient Model Simulations
Arndt S, Brumsack H-J, Wirtz K & Regnier P
(2007) Influence of Model Aggregation on the Parameterization of Biogeochemical Reaction Kinetics in Ecosystem Models
Regnier P, Arndt S, Lacroix G, Gypens N & Lancelot C
(2007) Thermodynamic Potential for the Abiotic Synthesis of Nucleobases, Ribose, and Deoxyribose Under Submarine Hydrothermal Conditions
LaRowe D & Regnier P
(2005) Quantitative Interpretation of pH Distributions in Aquatic Sediments: A Reaction-Transport Modeling Approach
Jourabchi P, Regnier P & Van Cappellen P
(2004) Biogeochemical Dynamics in Sediments of a Coastal Fresh Water Lake
Canavan R, Slomp C, Van Cappellen P & Regnier P
(2004) Biogeochemical Process Identification in Aquatic Sediments: A Model Approach
Jourabchi P, Van Cappellen P & Regnier P
(2002) Reactive Transport in Complex Biogeochemical Systems
Van Cappellen P & Regnier P
(2002) From Process-Oriented Laboratory Experiments to the Modelling of Complex Natural Systems: Incorporation of Microbial Dynamics in a Biogeochemical Reaction Network Simulator Based on the Concept of a ‘Knowledge Base’
Regnier P, Laverman A, Pallud C, Van Lith Y & Van Cappellen P
(2002) Application of Reactive Transport Modelling to the Interpretation of pH Changes in Sediments
Jourabchi P, Van Cappellen P & Regnier P
(2000) Current Developments and New Directions in Operational Biogeochemical Modeling: The "Blue" City Project as an Example
O'Kane JP & Regnier P

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