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Reeder G. (2018) The Martian Critical Zone: Concept and Experimental Example
Perdrial N, Armfield J, Reeder G, Gagnon A, Rampe E & Perdrial J

Reeder M (2006) In situ reaction rates from a Field Biostimulation Experiment
Zheng Z, Zhu C & Reeder M

Reeder Matthew (2020) Fugitive Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in Northeastern Oklahoma
Reeder M, Pekney N & Saint Vincent P

Reeder R. (2014) Transformation of Synthetic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate: In situ X-Ray Total Scattering Study
Schmidt M, Phillips B & Reeder R
(2014) The Role of Hydrous Components in Properties and Behavior of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Reeder R, Schmidt M & Phillips B
(2013) Photochemistry of Arsenite and Chromate on Iron Oxyhydroxide
Strongin D, Bhandari N, Cerkez E & Reeder R
(2012) X-Ray Pair Distribution Function and NMR Studies of Biogenic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Reeder R, Schmidt M, Kubista L, Tang Y & Phillips B
(2012) Structural Changes on Dehydration of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Schmidt MP, Phillips BL, Ilott AJ & Reeder RJ
(2012) Photochemistry of Arsenite on Ferrihydrite and Goethite
Strongin D, Bhandari N & Reeder R
(2011) Tungstate Polymerization and its Role in Sorption on Iron and Aluminum Oxyhydroxides
Lorenz E, Hur H & Reeder R
(2010) Structure Model of Synthetic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Reeder R, Goodwin A, Michel FM, Phillips B, Keen D & Dove M
(2009) Zinc Incorporation into Hydroxylapatite
Tang Y, Reeder R & Lee Y
(2008) Spectroscopic Investigation of Heavy Metal Incorporation into Hydroxylapatite
Lee YJ, Tang Y & Reeder R
(2008) Structure Investigation of Cr(III)-Fe(III)-Oxyhydroxides
Tang Y, Michel FM, Parise JB & Reeder RJ
(2008) Structural Characteristics of Synthetic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Michel FM, McDonald J, Feng J, Phillips B, Ehm L, Tarabrella C, Parise J & Reeder R
(2008) Oxidation of Uranium Oxide Aerosol Particles in the Near-Surface Environment
Arnason J, Lloyd NS, Parrish R, Tang Y & Reeder R
(2007) Enhanced Uranium Sorption on Alumina Through Surface Modification
Tang Y & Reeder R
(2006) Phosphorus Distribution in Calcite Speleothems from Solid-State NMR and AFM
Mason H, Hausner D, Frisia S, Tang Y, Reeder R, Strongin D & Phillips B
(2005) Effect of Aging on Pb(II) Sorption at the Calcite-Water Interface
Rouff A, Elzinga E, Reeder R & Fisher N
(2005) Zinc Sorption on Hydroxyapatite: Systematic Uptake and EXAFS Studies
Lee Y, Elzinga E & Reeder R
(2004) NMR Study of Citrate Coprecipitation with Calcite
Lee Y, Phillips B & Reeder R
(2002) Coordination of Some Metals Sorbed at the Calcite-Water Interface
Reeder R, Elzinga E & Rouff A

Reeder S. (2004) Chemicals in the Environment
Plant J, Korre A, Reeder S, Smith B & Voulvoulis N

Reedy R. (2003) Multi-Elemental Maps from the Mars Odyssey Gamma ray Spectrometer
Reedy R, Boynton W & Taylor G
(2003) Numerical Simulations of Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates in the Apollo 15 Deep Drill Core
Kim K & Reedy R

Reekie C. (2019) A Chalcophile Element Perspective on Mantle Heterogeneity Under Iceland
Reekie C, Jenner F, Hauri E, Bullock E, Halldórsson S & Williams H
(2018) Pressure Effects Complicate our Understanding of Earth's Sulfur Cycle
Reekie C, Jenner F, Smythe D, Hauri E, Bullock E & Williams H

Reemtsma T. (2017) Surface-Induced Redox Processes: Oxidative Transformation of Oxytetracycline by Fe- and Mn-Containing Minerals
Karpov M, Seiwert B, Reemtsma T, Polubesova T & Chefetz B

Reershemius T. (2023) Enhanced Rock Weathering in Agricultural Settings: Real-World Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Crop Yields, and Soil pH
Welbel G, Reershemius T, Matlin-Wainer M, Davis I, Lieberman S, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ
(2023) Quantifying Carbon Dioxide Removal in an Enhanced Rock Weathering Field Trial in Queensland, Australia: A Soil-Based Mass Balance Approach
Reershemius T, Nelson PN, Davies K, Bird MI, Kalderon-Asael B, Asael D, Epihov DZ, Beerling DJ, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ

Rees G. (2016) Proteins are a Major Component of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) Leached from Terrestrially Aged Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Leaves
Harris C, Silvester E, Rees G, Pengelly J & Puskar L
(2016) Chemical Regulation of Alpine Headwater Streams during a Storm Event
Karis T, Silvester E & Rees G
(2013) Investigation of Fungal Decomposition of Leaf Lignin Using Synchrotron Infrared Microspectroscopy
Kerr J, Baldwin D, Tobin M, Puskar L, Rees G & Silvester E

Rees-Owen Rhian (2019) Radiocarbon: Chronometer and Tracer (In the Sea)
Burke A, Rae J, Robinson L, Chen T, Li T, Greenop R, Rees-Owen R & Reimer P

Rees-Owen Rhian L. (2017) Determining Changes in North-Atlantic Carbon Cycling Across Abrupt Climate Events
Greenop R, Burke A, Rae J, Nita D, Reimer P, Chalk T, Crocker A, Rees-Owen R, Barker S & Waelbroeck C
(2016) Tracing Changes in Neogene Antarctic Hydrology Using a Data-Model Approach
Rees-Owen R, Newton R, Ivanovic R, Francis J, Tindall J, Valdes P & Riding J
(2015) Constraints on the Antarctic Hydrological Cycle during the Neogene
Rees-Owen RL, Newton RJ, Ivanovic RF, Francis JE, Tindall JC, Riding JB & Vane CH
(2014) Paleohydrological Reconstruction Using Plant Compound Isotopes from the Neogene of Antarctica
Rees-Owen R, Francis J, Newton R, Ivanovic R & Riding J
(2011) Response of Continental Biogeochemical Processes to Short- and Long-Term Global Warming
Pancost R, Taylor K, Hollis C, Handley L, Rees-Owen R, Crouch E & Schouten S

Reese A. (2020) “Non-Traditional” Stable Isotope Analysis as Tracer so Identify Sources and Sinks of Inorganic Contaminants in Riverine Environments
Zimmermann T, Klein O, Reese A, Mohamed F, Wieser M, Irrgeher J & Pröfrock D
(2019) Corrosion Protection of Offshore Wind Farms: An Emerging Inorganic Contamination Source for the Marine Environment?
Reese A, Voigt N, Zimmermann T, Kirchgeorg T, Weinberg I, Irrgeher J & Pröfrock D
(2017) From Source to Sink: A Multi-Isotope Approach to Investigate Riverine Inputs into the German North Sea
Irrgeher J, Reese A, Zimmermann T, Prohaska T, Wieser ME & Proefrock D

Reese B.K. (2017) Functional Diversity within Monphyletic Groups in the Uncultured Archaea: Bathyarchaeota and Altiarchaeales
Lloyd K, Bird J, Zinke L & Reese B
(2016) Quantification of Deep Sedimentary Microorganisms and Single-Cell Genomic Analysis from IODP Leg 347 Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment
Lloyd K, Buongiorno J, Turner S, Webster G, Bird J, Reese B, Marshall I, Asai M, Shumaker A, Roy T, Weightman A & Schippers A
(2016) Microbial Diversity, Electrode Cultivation, and Metabolism Energetics in the Continental Deep Subsurface
Amend J, Osburn M, Momper L, Reese B, Jangir Y, Wanger G, Kruger B & El-Naggar M
(2013) Active and Total Microbial Community Structure in Relation to Metal Availability within Subsurface Sediments
Reese B, Zinke L, Mills H & Edwards K
(2012) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Coupled to Iron Reduction in Deep Marine Sediments
Riedinger N, Formolo MJ, Lyons TW, Henkel S, Voemeyer A, Reese BK, Mills HJ & Kasten S
(2011) Microbially Mediated Iron Reduction in the Methanic Zone of Sediments from the Western Argentine Basin
Riedinger N, Formolo MJ, Henkel S, Reese BK, Mills HJ, Voßmeyer A, Arnold GL, Sawicka J, Tomasini J, Love GD, Lyons TW & Kasten S
(2008) Dimethyl Sulfide Production in a Saline Eutrophic Lake, Salton Sea, California
Reese B & Anderson M

Reese Y. (2010) Stable Chlorine Isotope Study of Standard Rocks and Allende Meteorite by TIMS
Nakamura N, Nyquist L, Reese Y & Shih C-Y

Reess J-M. (2022) Detection of Hydration Spectral Signatures with IRS/SuperCam, Perseverance Rover: Instrument Performance
Royer C, Fouchet T, Montmessin F, Poulet F, Forni O, Johnson JR, Gasnault O, Mandon L, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Ollila AM, Pilorget C, Bernardi P, Reess J-M, Newell RT, Maurice S & Wiens R
(2021) Providing Unbiased IR Spectra on Mars: The Ground Calibration of the Infrared Spectrometer Onboard Perseverance Rover
Royer C, Fouchet T, Forni O, Johnson JR, Gasnault O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Ollila AM, Mandon L, Poulet F, Pilorget C, Bernardi P, Reess J-M, Newell RT, Maurice S & Wiens R
(2021) Initial Results of the First Visible and Near-Infrared Spectrometer on the Martian Surface: SuperCam Unveils Jezero Crater’s Ground Mineralogy
Mandon L, Fouchet T, Forni O, Johnson JR, Gasnault O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Ollila AM, Royer C, Poulet F, Pilorget C, Bernardi P, Reess J-M, Newell RT, Maurice S & Wiens R

Reeve A. (2010) Multi-Scale Measurement and Monitoring of CH4 Dynamics in Peatlands Using Geophysical Methods
Slater L, Comas X, Parsekian A, Nolan J, Reeve A & Glaser P

Reeves Eoghan (2021) Cu Isotope Variations in Active Hydrothermal Chimneys along the Ultra-Slow Spreading Arctic Mid Ocean Ridge
Samin AM, Reeves E, Beinlich A, John J & Roerdink DL
(2017) Organosulfur Radical Acceleration and D/H Isotope Exchange Effects during Petroleum Decomposition
Reeves E, Ono S, Sylva S, Seewald J, Green W, Reddy C & Nelson R

Reeves Eoghan P. (2023) The High-Temperature Fate of the Hydrothermal Deep Biosphere: An Experimental Investigation at 250–360˚C
Pereira SI, Viflot TØ, Schouw A, Boonnawa C, Hansen CT, Schubotz F, Dittmar T, Steen IH & Reeves EP
(2023) Low Metal Resource Potential in Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluids of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
Reeves EP, Jamieson J, Scheffler J, Roerdink DL, Samin AM & Boonnawa C
(2023) Finding Mohn’s Treasure: Evidence of Deep Hydrothermal Activity at a Supposedly Extinct Seafloor Sulfide Deposit
Boonnawa C, Reeves EP, Pereira SI, Viflot TØ, Samin AM, Eilertsen MH, Sass K, Stokke R, Steen IH & Ribeiro PA
(2023) Mobility of Fluoride in Fluids Influenced by Hydrothermal Alteration of Sediment
Voje TJT, Pereira SI, Viflot TØ, Scheffler J, Seewald JS, Gartman A, Beinlich A & Reeves EP
(2023) Production and Destruction of Novel Organic Species during Simulated Hydrothermal Alteration of Seafloor Sediment
Viflot TØ, Pereira SI, Boonnawa C, Voje TJT, Leth Jørgensen S, Beinlich A, Hansen CT, Schubotz F, Dittmar T & Reeves EP
(2019) Tracing Fluid-Rock Interactions in Acid-Sulfate Vent Fluids from Back-Arc Basins and Island Arcs with Mg, Li and B Isotope Ratios
Wilckens FK, Reeves EP, Kleint C, Bach W, Koschinsky A & Kasemann SA
(2019) Conductive Cooling and Microbial Carbon Transformations in Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids at Loki’s Castle
Viflot T, Reeves E, Vulcano F, Seewald E, Roerdink D, Steen I & Barreyre T
(2019) Tracing Subsurface Iron Cycling in the Sediment-Influenced Loki’s Castle Hydrothermal Vent Field with Stable Fe Isotopes
Roerdink D, Wilborn H, Reeves E, Scheffler J & Jamieson J
(2019) Diverse Hydrothermal Fluid Chemistries at 12–15°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Irinovskoe, Semenov-2, Azhadze II and Logatchev 1
Reeves E, Bach W, Jamieson J, Scheffler J, Mørkved PT & Hamelin C
(2019) Boron Isotope Behavior in Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems: Nature vs. Experiment
Hansen C, Schlicht L, Reeves E, Meixner A, Kasemann S & Bach W
(2016) Clumped Isotopologue Constraints on the Origin of Methane in Basalt- and Ultramafic-Hosted Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Fluids
Wang DT, Reeves EP, Seewald JS, McDermott JM & Ono S
(2015) Boron and Lithium Isotope Compositions of Acid-Sulfate Fluids from the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
Wilckens FK, Kasemann SA, Bach W, Reeves EP, Meixner A & Seewald JS
(2014) An Emerging Link between Low Sulfate Oceans and Large Igneous Province Driven Mass Extinction?
Newton R, Witts J, Wignall P, Francis J, Bottrell S, Kafousia N & Reeves E
(2011) Phase Separation, Degassing and Anomalous Methane at the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field
Reeves E, Prieto X, Hentscher M, Rosner M, Seewald J, Hinrichs K-U & Bach W
(2010) Fluid-Mineral Equilibria in Subseafloor Reaction Zones beneath Eastern Manus Basin Vent Fields
Seewald J, Bach W & Reeves E
(2010) Stable Isotope Studies of Manus Basin Hydrothermal Vent Fluids and Deposits
Shanks WCP, Ono S, Seewald J, Reeves E, Tivey M & Craddock P
(2009) Chemical Equilibria Involving Aqueous Carbon Compounds in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems
Seewald J & Reeves E
(2009) Methanethiol: A Geochemical Link between Carbon and Sulfur in Hydrothermal Systems?
Reeves E & Seewald J
(2008) The Marine Sulfate-Oxygen Isotope Record of the Early Toarcian Anoxic Event
Newton RJ, Kafousia N, Reeves E, Wignall P & Bottrell S
(2007) Rapid Hydrogen Isotopic Exchange between Aqueous Hydrocarbons and Water Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Reeves E, Seewald J & Sylva S
(2006) Questioning the global nature of the Toarcian carbon isotope excursions.
Newton R, Reeves E, Kafousia N, Wignall P & Bottrell S

Refaey E.

Refait P. (2017) Formation and Transformation of Fe(II-Iii) Hydroxysalts (GRs) in Marine Environments
Refait P, Jeannin M, Sabot R, Remazeilles C & Grolleau A-M
(2017) Transformation of Siderite/Magnetite Corrosion Bilayers to Mackinawite and Greigite by Nitrate-Reducing Bacteria (Klebsiella mobilis)
Etique M, Romaine A, Ruby C, Refait P & Jorand FPA

Refran J. (2017) Insights on Mantle Lithologic Variability in the Source of Plio-Pleistocene Intraplate EMORB Magmatism in Palawan, Philippines
Arcilla C, Refran J & Codillo E

Refson K. (2020) Stabilities of MgCO3 Polymorphs up to 150 GPa
Binck J, Bayarjargal L, Lobanov SS, Morgenroth W, Luchitskaia R, Pickard CJ, Milman V, Refson K, Jochym DB, Byrne P & Winkler B
(2016) Transition Metal Incorporation into Layer Type FeS
Kwon K, Refson K & Sposito G
(2015) Ab Initio Atomistic Thermodynamics of Water Vapor-Pyrophyllite (010) Surface
Kwon K, Newton A, Refson K & Sposito G

Regalbuto J. (2005) Resonant Anomalous X-Ray Reflectivity: A New Structural and Spectroscopic Probe of Metal Adsorption at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Park C, Fenter P, Sturchio N & Regalbuto J

Regan S.P. (2023) Roadblocks and Speed Limits to Volatile Transport in Active Continental Faults Revealed by Warm Spring 3He/4He Data Patterns along the Denali Fault, Alaska
Newell DL, Benowitz JA, Regan SP & Hiett CD

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