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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Redolfi M. (2013) Peloid Mud Maturation, a Mineralogical and Health Hazard Point of View
Redolfi M

Redon P-O. (2017) Radium Distribution and Mobility in Forest Soils
Lascar E, Rihs S, Pelt E, Pourcelot L, Calmon P, Redon P-O, Galy C, Turpault M-P & Chabaux F
(2016) Influence of Soil Type and Precipitation Level on the Water Balance in a Forest Ecosystem
Kirchen G, Redon P-O, Granier A & Turpault M-P
(2016) The Biogeochemical Cycle of B and δ11B in a Forest Ecosystem
Roux P, Lemarchand D, Kirchen G, Redon P-O & Turpault MP
(2016) Comparative Repartition of 226Ra, 238U, 234U and 230Th in Soils Taken in the Vicinity of ANDRA Underground Research Laboratory (Bure, France)
Pourcelot L, Calmon P, Chabaux F, Conil S, Galy C, Granet M, Lascar E, Leclerc E & Redon P-O
(2015) Influence of Soil Type on the Canopy Effect and Leaf Translocation in a Forest Ecosytem
Kirchen G, Turpault M-P & Redon P-O
(2015) Regional Control over B Concentration and δ11B Atmospheric Input
Roux P, Turpault M-P, Redon P-O & Lemarchand D
(2015) Productivity of Forest Stands Developed on a Soil Succession with Different Mineral Weathering Rate: A Complex Relationship
Calvaruso C, Saint-Andre L, Kirchen G, Redon P-O & Turpault M-P

Redon R. (2017) Technology-Critical Elements (Sb, Ta, Te, In, Ga) and Organic Matter Interactions by Fluorescence Quenching
Mounier S, Filella M, Ayoub N, Redon R, Hajjoul H & Garnier C

Redou V. (2013) Subseafloor Biosphere of the Canterbury Basin
Ciobanu M-C, Burgaud G, Dufresne A, Breuker A, Redou V, Ben Maamar S, Gaboyer F, Trambouze O, Lipp J, Schippers A, Vandenkoornhuyse P, Barbier G, Jebbar M, Godfroy A & Alain K

Redwine James (2020) Mechanisms and Stability of Arsenic Fixation by Biogenic Sulfides during in situ Groundwater Remediation
Vlassopoulos D, Redwine J, Lee M-K & O'Day P

Redwine James C (2021) Novel Subsurface Reactive Zones Containing Mn-Fe Oxides and Hydrotalcite for in situ Groundwater Remediation of Multiple Inorganic Contaminants
Vlassopoulos D, Kanematsu M, Dalton-Atha A, Redwine JC & Hensel B

Redwine Jim (2012) Bioaccessibility of Arsenic in Soil: Method Evaluation, Comparison to in Vivo Primate Data, and Influence of Soil Chemistry
Redwine J, Basta N, Donahoe R, McLearn M & Richey J
(2006) Surface Ages and Paleoenvironmental Information from U-series Measurements of Pedogenic Opal
Maher K, Redwine J, Mazdab F & Wooden J

Redwood S. (2019) Magmatic Changes in Central Panama as an Indicator of Subduction Dynamics and Breakup of Farallon Plate
Wang J, Buchs D, Kerr A, Coombs H, Miranda R, Coronado M, Rios X, Chichaco E & Redwood S

Ree J-H. (2009) Timing of Brittle Deformation in the Deokpori – Gakdong Thrust Zone, South Korea
Han R, Ree J-H & Zwingmann H

Reeburgh W. (2011) Methane Geochemistry's "Stealth" Process: Microbial Oxidation
Reeburgh W
(2009) Methane Oxidation Rates by AMS
Pack M, Heintz M, Reeburgh W, Trumbore S, Valentine D & Xu X

Reece Jimmy (2013) Guyana: The Lost Hadean Crust of South America?
Nadeau S, Wei C, Reece J, Lachhman D, Ault R, Faraco MT, Fraga LM, Reis NJ & Betiollo L

Reece Julia (2023) Evolving MORB Compositions between 61 and 7 Ma along the South Atlantic Transect (SAT: IODP Expeditions 390 and 393): Shipboard Data Insights into Source and Process
Ryan JG, Belgrano TM, Jonnalagadda M, Kempton PD, Coggon RM, Teagle DAH, Reece J, Sylvan JB, Williams T, Estes ER & Expedition 390 & 393 Scientists SAT
(2023) 61 Ma Basalts from IODP Expedition 390 Site U1556: Evidence for Plume-Ridge Interaction during Opening of the South Atlantic?
Kempton PD, Ryan J, Belgrano TM, Jonnalagadda M, Coggon RM, Teagle DAH, Estes ER, Sylvan JB, Reece J, Williams T & Expedition 390 & 393 Scientists SAT

Reece Margaret (2022) Crystal Chemistry and Thermodynamics of HREE (Er, Yb) Mixing in Xenotime Solid Solution
Strzelecki AC, Reece M, Zhao X, Yu W, Benmore CJ, Ren Y, Alcorn C, Migdisov AA, Xu H & Guo X
(2022) The Non-Ideal Mixing Thermodynamic Effects on REE Formation and Fractionation in Natural Hydrothermal Systems
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Goncharov VG, Zhao X, Reece M, Nisbet H, McCloy JS, Dacheux N, Xu H & Migdissov A
(2022) Surface Thermodynamics of Yttrium Titanate Pyrochlore Materials
Reece M, Zhao X, Zhang X, Li J, Liu J, Zhang Q, Wu D, Wen J & Guo X

Reece Margaret E. (2023) Thermodynamics of Materials and Minerals Under Confinement: From Ionic and Organic Solids to Refractory Ceramics
Hawkins MR, Zhang X, Cockreham C, Strzelecki AC, Reece ME, Goncharov VG, Sun H, Qi J, Guo X, Saunders SR, Ha S, Wang Y, Xu H & Wu D
(2023) Experimental Modeling of Complex Rare Earth Element Phosphate Solid Solutions
Reece ME, Carlsen E, Strzelecki AC, Yaw N, Hurtig NC, King G, Benmore CJ, Gysi AP, Migdisov AA & Guo X
(2023) The Solubility of Nd-Fluorbastnäsite in Carbonate-Bearing Hydrothermal Solutions
Reece ME, Nisbet H, Strzelecki AC, Gysi AP, Guo X & Migdisov AA

Reed B. (2016) How did Ferruginous Archean Oceans Make Methane?
Glass J, Bray M, Wu J, Reed B, Kretz C, Stewart F, DiChristina T, Brandes J, Fowle D & Crowe S

Reed Daniel (2015) Phosphorus Dynamics in Coastal Marine Sediments: New Insights in the Role of Fe-P Phases
Slomp C, Egger M, Dijkstra N, Jilbert T, Behrends T, Reed D & Kraal P
(2014) A Gene-Centric Approach for Integrating Environmental Genomics and Biogeochemical Models
Algar C, Reed D, Huber J & Dick G
(2010) Seasonal to Decadal Dynamics of Phosphorus Cycling in the Baltic Sea: The Role of Sediments
Jilbert T, Slomp C, Gustafsson B & Reed D
(2009) Reconstructing Phosphorus and Carbon Cycling during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events: Why We Need Modern Analogues
Slomp C, Kraal P, Reed D & Tsandev I
(2005) Biosorption of Neptunium (IV) and Neptunium (V) on Soil Bacteria
Reed D, Rittmann B & Songkasiri W
(2003) Microbiology of Hydrates: Searching for the Methane Source Term
Colwell F, Delwiche M, Reed D, Boyd S, Nunoura T & Takai K

Reed David
(2019) Natural Analogue Evaluation of the Fate of Hydrogen Sulfide from a Leaking Carbon Sequestration Site
Smith R, Fujita Y, Neupane G, Reed D, Conrad M & McLing T
(2019) Impacts of Rare Earth Elements on Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Microorganisms
Salmon O, Vanzin G, Walton M, Reed D, Dohnalkova A, Munakata Marr J & Fujita Y
(2018) Extraction of Rare Earths from Coal Ash by Organic Acids
Fujita Y, Reed D, Fisher J, Park D, Jiao Y, Margaret L & Anderko A
(2018) Applying Biosorption for Rare Earth Element Recovery from Low-Grade Sources
Jiao Y, Park D, Jin H, Brewer A, Chang E, Lammers L, Reed D & Sutherland J
(2018) Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Low-Grade Feedstocks Using Engineered Bacteria
Park D, Brewer A, Chang E, Lammers L, Reed D & Jiao Y

Reed Don

Reed Donald (2017) The Influence of Microorganisms on Subsurface, Salt-Based Nuclear Waste Repositories
Swanson J, Cherkouk A, Bader M & Reed D
(2012) Neptunium (V) Adsorption to a Halophilic Bacterium at 2 and 4 M Ionic Strength: Surface Complexation Modeling in High Ionic Strength Systems
Ams D, Swanson J, Szymanowski J, Fein J, Richmann M & Reed D

Reed E. (2018) The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Assessing Impact of Skeletal Density and Transect Quality on Geochemistry in Sub-Fossil Corals from the Galápagos Islands
Reed E, Thompson D, Cole J, Lough J, Vetter L, Snyder M, Jimenez G, Tudhope S, Edwards L & Cantin N

Reed L. (2005) Effect of Al/B Ratio on the Dissolution of Nepheline Glass, Na3(Al, B)1-4Si4O16
Pierce E, Reed L, Shaw W & Icenhower J

Reed Mark (2020) Modern and Ancient Hydrosphere-Rock Interactions Constrained from Triple Oxygen Isotope and in situ δ18O Measurements
Zakharov D, Tanaka R, Butterfield D, Reed M, Palandri J, Bindeman I, Bouvier A-S & Marin-Carbonne J
(2017) Effects of Weathering a Volcanic Rock on Mars 3.7 Billion Years ago
Coleman M, Schieber J, Bish D, Reed M, Hausrath E, Cosgrove J, Gupta S, Minitti M & Malin M
(2016) Ti in Hydrothermal Quartz
Acosta M, Watkins J & Reed M

Reed Mark H. (2019) Syncing TitaniQ: Towards Reconciling Experimental Calibrations of the Titanium-in-Quartz Geothermobarometer
Acosta MD, Watkins JM & Reed MH
(2018) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Hydrothermal Systems: Insights into Ancient Meteoric Waters and Paleoseawater
Zakharov D, Bindeman I, Tanaka R, Friðleifsson GO & Reed M
(2018) Strain-Induced Quartz Recrystallization in Butte Porphyry Cu Deposit Produces Mottled Cathodoluminescent Textures and Preserves Minimum Ti Concentrations of Dark Euhedral Bands
Acosta MD, Reed MH & Watkins J
(2018) Geochemical Modeling of Water-Rock Interaction in the Biliran Geothermal Project, Biliran Island, Philippines
Mendoza JP, Balangue-Tarriela MIR & Reed M
(2014) The Ascent of a Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluid Recorded in Zoned Alteration Mineral Assemblages in Butte, Montana, USA
Reed M
(2014) Timescales of Porphyry Cu Deposit Formation: Insights from Titanium Diffusion in Quartz
Mercer CN, Reed MH & Mercer CM
(2008) Quartz Crystal Connections between Magmatic, Plutonic, and Hydrothermal Environments
Mercer CN & Reed MH
(2001) Geochemical Challenges in Geothermal Energy
Reed MJ

Reed R. (2017) Aerosol Properties in the Remote North Pacific Boundary Layer
Royalty T, Phillips B, Dawson K, Reed R, Meskhidze N & Petters M
(2014) Hunting Nanoparticles in the Environment: The Case of Nano-TiO2 from Sunscreens
von der kammer F, Gondikas A, Reed R & Hofmann T
(2013) Detection of Engineered Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles in the Environment
von der Kammer F, Neubauer E, Reed R, Ranville J & Hofmann T

Reed S.P. (2023) New Constraints on the Melting Conditions during the Northeast Atlantic Breakup: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 396
Hartley A, Cunningham EH, Lambart S, Guo P, Chatterjee S, Tegner C, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Jones MT, Longman J, Millett JM, Mohn GTF, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Andrews G, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferre EC, Nakaoka R & Wang M
(2023) The Northeast Atlantic Breakup (IODP Exp. 396): A Case Study for Modeling the Evolution of Mantle Source Mineralogy during Continental Rifting
Cunningham EH, Lambart S, Guo P, Chatterjee S, Tegner C, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Jones MT, Longman J, Millett JM, Mohn GTF, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Andrews G, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferré EC, Nakaoka R & Wang M
(2023) Crust-Mantle Interactions during Continental Break-Up: Insights from an Early Eocene Dacitic Unit within the Norwegian Margin Collected during IODP Expedition 396
Morris AM, Lambart S, Guo P, Jones MT, Mohn GTF, Andrews G, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Chatterjee S, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Longman J, Millett JM, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferre EC, Nakaoka R, Tegner C & Wang M

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