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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Rebodos R. (2010) Effects of Oxidation on Nanomagnetite Magnetization, Aggregation, and Sedimentation
Vikesland P & Rebodos R
(2005) Effects of Co-solutes on Bioaugmented Granular Iron Systems
Rebodos R & Vikesland P

Rebois R. (2023) Nanoscale Mineralogy and Organics in Ryugu Samples Investigated with AFM-Ir
Beck P, Phan VTH, Rebois R, Noguchi T & Sand Team H2
(2022) Nanoscale Mineralogy and Organic Structure in Carbonaceous Chondrites Studied with AFM-Ir Spectroscopy
Phan VTH, Rebois R, Beck P, Quirico E, Bonal L & Noguchi T
(2021) Chemical Functional Characterization of Coals and Extraterrestrial Materials Using Infrared Spectroscopy: From Bulk Toward to Nanoscale
Phan VTH, Rebois R, Beck P, Quirico E, Noguchi T & Takase M

Rebotim A. (2023) Climate Change Impacts on Cold-Water Coral Thermal Range: A Paleoceanographic Perspective
Barre G, Douville E, Frank N, Salgueiro E, Rebotim A & Matos L
(2023) A Multiproxy Approach to Reconstruct Carbon Production and Export at the Iberian Margin
Matos L, Salgueiro E, Rebotim A, Douville E, Barre G, Frank N, Lopes C & Abrantes FF

Reboul G. (2020) Life Limits and Biomorph Formation along Polyextreme Gradients in the Geothermal Area of Dallol (Ethiopia)
Lopez-Garcia P, Belilla J, Benzerara K, Lopez-Garcia JM, Jardillier L, Reboul G, Bertolino P, Lopez-Archilla AI & Moreira D

Reboulet E.C. (2014) Recharge in the High Plains Aquifer: Physical and Chemical Data
Stotler RL, Katz BS, Butler JJ, Whittemore DO, Reboulet EC, Hirmas DR, Smith JJ & Ludvigson GA

Reboussin L. (2015) Recent Results of the Chemistry In Disks Consortium
Chapillon E, Dutrey A, Henning T, Guilloteau S, Hersant F, Pietu V, Reboussin L, Semenov D, Teague R & Wakelam V

Rebreanu L. (2007) Dissolution of Biogenic Silica in the Sediments of the Scheldt Continuum
Rebreanu L, De Bodt C, Clip G & Chou L

Rebsvech N.P. (2015) Oxygen in the OMZ: In situ Measurement and Biological Transformations
Garcia-Robledo E, Tiano L, Paulmier A, Ward B, Stewart F, Klimant I, Ulloa O, Borisov S & Rebsvech NP

Recalcati C. (2023) Stochastic Modeling of Calcite Dissolution Rates from Microscale Observations
Recalcati C, Siena M, Riva M & Guadagnini A

Récalde N. (2023) Geodynamic Control on Melting in 3D Mantle Convection Models
Récalde N, Davies JH, Panton J, Porcelli D & Andersen MB

Recalde S. (2023) Living in a Ghost Town: Iron-Cycling Bacteria in the New Jersey Pine Barrens
Seyler L, DeCicco E, Figueroa K, Jabin I, Recalde S, Hood D, Rivera N, Santos G, Straut A & Verna R

Recanti A. (2017) Possible Influence of Alpha Recoil Track Percolation on Helium Diffusivity in Apatite
Ketcham R, Gautheron C, Recanti A & Rahn M
(2017) Helium Trapping in Apatite Damage: Insights from Overly Dispersed (U-Th-Sm)/He Dates
Recanati A, Gautheron C, Barbarnd J, Missenard Y, Gallagher K & Pinna R
(2014) Formation of Geopolymers during Early Diagenesis: The Example of the Montceau-Les-Mines Lagerstätte
Bernard S, Recanati A, Germain D, Charbonnier S & Robert F
(2013) STXM Characterization of Fossil Organic Matter from the Montceau-Les-Mines Lagerstätte (France)
Recanati A, Bernard S, Germain D, Charbonnier S & Robert F

Recasens C. (2018) New Zealand as a Potential Source of Mineral Dust to the Atmosphere and Ocean during Glacials
Koffman B, Goldstein S, Winckler G, Kaplan M, Bolge L, Cai Y, Recasens C & Koffman T
(2014) Dust in the Southern Hemisphere – From Source to Sink
Winckler G, Borunda A, Koffman B, Recasens C, Pavia F, Kaplan M, Goldstein S, Schwarz R, Anderson R, Lamy F, Gersonde R & Pahnke K

Recber A. (2004) Nature of Listwaenite: Eskisehir (Yunusemre) Turkey
Recber A & Kadioglu Y

Recchia S. (2020) Dissolution of Subducted Ocean Carbonates and Organic Matter Controls the Carbon Isotopic Signature of the Mantle Wedge
Tumiati S, Recchia S, Remusat L, Tiraboschi C, Sverjensky D & Poli S
(2016) Experimental Contraints on the CO2 Content of Fluids Interacting with the Subduction Mélange
Tumiati S, Tiraboschi C, Pettke T, Recchia S, Ulmer P & Poli S
(2013) Composition of COH Fluids up to 2.4 GPa: A Multi-Method Approach
Tiraboschi C, Tumiati S, Ulmer P, Recchia S, Pettke T, Fumagalli P & Poli S

Rech J (2005) The Onset of Hyper-Aridity in the Atacama Desert: Nitrate D<+>17<$>O as a Tracer of Soil Moisture
Michalski G, Rech J & Thiemens M

Rech Jason (2016) Perchlorate, Nitrate, and Iodate Co-occur in Four Deserts on Earth
Lybrand R, Bockheim J, Ge W, Graham R, Hlohowskyj S, Michalski G, Prellwitz J, Rech J, Wang F & Parker D

Recham N. (2021) Biomineralization of Electroactive Mn-Oxides by the Mn(II) Oxidizer Pseudomonas putida for Electrochemical Energy Storage
Galezowski L, Recham N, Miot J, Skouri-Panet F, Larcher D & Guyot F
(2019) Biomineralization of Electroactive Mn-Oxides by the Mn(II) Oxidizer Pseudomonas putida Starin MnB1
Galezowski L, Miot J, Recham N, Skouri-Panet F, Larcher D & Guyot F
(2015) Formation of Reduced Carbon Compounds Using Natural Catalysts in Hydrothermal Experiments
Martinez I, Vacquand C, Vigier de Oliveira K, Audemar M, Recham N & Brunet F
(2013) Textural Control over Electron Transfer and Reaction with Li<sup>+</sup> of Biomineralized Fe-Oxides
Miot J, Recham N, Larcher D, Guyot F & Tarascon J-M

Rechberger M.V. (2023) Glyphosate Adsorption on Allophane and Halloysite
Rechberger MV, Remlinger VI, Lenhardt KR, Rennert T, Rennhofer H, Tunega D, Willinger M, Zehetner F & Gerzabek M

Reche J. (2023) Transient Feedbacks Betwen Fluid Flow, Metamorphic-Metasomatic Mineral Changes, and Deformation Style (Osor LP/HT Complex; Guilleries Massif, Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Spain)
Reche J, Martínez F & Leoz G
(2013) On Some Feedback-Coupling Relations between Fluid Flow, Igneous Intrusion, Metamorphic / Metasomatic Events and Deformation during Low-P High-T Regional Thermal Metamorphism. An Example from the Osor High-Grade Complex (Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Iberia)
Reche J & Martínez F
(2011) Mineral Metastability and Effective Bulk Composition: The Effect of Grain Sizes and Modal Mineral Amounts
Verdecchia SO, Reche J, Baldo EG, Segovia-Diaz E & Martínez FJ

Reche Estrada J. (2019) Micropetrology of Melt and Fluid Inclusions: Evidence of Incipient Melting in Presence of Fluid in HT/LP Metapelites
Leoz Munte G, Ferrero S, Reche Estrada J & Martínez F
(2019) An Equilibrium Phase Diagram Model to Study the Metamorphism Experienced by the Parent Asteroid of Villalbeto de la Peña Ordinary Chondrite
Herrero-Pérez MJ, Reche Estrada J & Trigo Rodríguez JM
(2019) Phase Equilibria Thermobarometry of Grenvillian Granulites from Oaxacan Complex (Mexico)
Culí Verdaguer L, Reche Estrada J & Solé Viñas J

Rechsteiner R. (2009) Hot Spots for Biogeochemical Transformations in a Restored Riparian Groundwater System
Peter S, Durisch-Kaiser E, Lehmann M, Tockner K, Rechsteiner R & Wehrli B

Recio C. (2016) Noble Gas Evolution in Submarine Volcanoes: New Forecasting Perspectives
Álvarez-Valero AM, Burgess R, Bárcena MÁ, Fraile-Nuez E, Ban M, Flores JA, Recio C, Ruzie L, Geyer A, Giralt S, Recio G & Jordan R

Recio G. (2016) Noble Gas Evolution in Submarine Volcanoes: New Forecasting Perspectives
Álvarez-Valero AM, Burgess R, Bárcena MÁ, Fraile-Nuez E, Ban M, Flores JA, Recio C, Ruzie L, Geyer A, Giralt S, Recio G & Jordan R

Reckhardt A. (2015) The BEACHES Project Initiative: First Results of a Multidisciplinary Study of Sandy Beaches from the Southern North Sea (NW Germany)
Brumsack H-J, Beck M & Reckhardt A

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