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Reagan Mark K. (2017) Fingerprinting the Mantle during Subduction Initiation Using Re-Os Isotopic Systematics of Izu-Bonin-Mariana Forearc Boninites
Nelson W, Reagan M, Pearce J, Niles D, Leierzapf J & Walker R
(2017) Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution at Subduction Initiation- the Case of Izu-Bonin-Mariana-
Ishizuka O, Tani K, Harigane Y, Umino S, Hickey-Vargas R, Yogodzinski G, Kusano Y, McCarthy A, Savov I, Arculus R, Reagan M & Stern R
(2016) Isotopic Constraints on Subduction Initiation and Evolution: IODP Exp. 352 (Bonin Forearc)
Prytulak J, Li H, Taylor R, Godard M, Ryan J, Mangler M, Shervais J, Reagan M & Pearce J
(2016) Volcanic Glasses from Exp. 352 Cores
Reagan M, Brounce M, Almeev R, Shimizu K, Ryan J & Pearce J
(2016) Identifying Pyroxenite in the Mantle Source for Jan Mayen Island and Northern Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins LJ, Scott SR, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Reagan M, Devey CW, Hamélin C & Pedersen RB
(2015) Timescales of Magma Transfer, Degassing and Crustal Assimilation at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
Gertisser R, Handley H, Reagan M, Preece K, Berlo K, Barclay J & Herd R
(2015) Making New Oceanic Crust in a Subduction Initiation Setting: New Results from Bonin Forearc Drilling (IODP Exp. 352)
Pearce J, Reagan M & Petronotis K
(2014) Geodynamic Implications of Amphibolites from the Mariana Forearc
Heywood L, Reagan M, Andreasen R, Righter M, Lapen T, Michibayashi K, Jicha B & Goff K
(2012) Magmatic Degassing in Contrasting Volcanic Systems of the Vanuatu Arc: Constraints from Uranium-Series Isotopes
Handley H, Turner S, Reagan M, Girard G & Cronin S
(2011) Juvenile Glass Fragments in Phreatic Explosion Debris from Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
Reagan M, Rowe M, Duarte E & Hernandez E
(2011) Processes and Timescale of Subduction Initiation and Subsequent Evolution of Izu-Bonin Mariana Island Arc
Ishizuka O, Tani K, Reagan MK, Kanayama K, Umino S, Harigane Y, Sakamoto I, Miyajima Y, Yuasa M & Dunkley DJ
(2011) Uranium Series Analysis of 2006 Augustine Volcanics: An Investigation into the Timescales of Magmatic Processes
Thompson J & Reagan M
(2011) Time Scales of Metasomatism, Differentiation and Degassing at Volcán de Colima
Reubi O, Sims KWW, Eikenberg J, Reagan M, Varley N & Bourdon B
(2011) Do 226Ra-230Th Isochrons Provide Realistic Crystallization Ages?
Sims KWW, Pichat S, Reagan M, Kyle P, Dunbar N & Blichert-Toft J
(2009) Nb in Basalts from Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica Revisited
Reagan M & Rowe M
(2008) Origin of Adakitic Lavas in the Mariana Forearc
Woods M, Ishizuka O, Reagan MK, Kelley KA, Kimura J-I, Ohara Y & Stern RJ
(2007) 238U- and 232Th-Decay Series Constraints on the Timescales of Generation and Degassing for Phonolite Erupted in 2004 Near Tristan da Cunha
Reagan M, Turner S, Legg M, Sims K & Hards V
(2006) A 210Pb-226Ra-230Th-238U study of Klyuchevskoy and Bezymianny volcanoes, Kamchatka
Turner S, Sims K & Reagan M
(2005) U-Series Crystal Ages in Mt St Helens Lavas, 2000 Ybp-2004 AD
Cooper K, Reid M, Donnelly C & Reagan M
(2005) Degassing and Crystallization Time-Scales Implied by <+>210<$>Po-<+>210<$>Pb-<+>226<$>Ra Activities for Lavas from Anatahan, Arenal, and Mount St. Helens
Reagan M, Tepley F, Gill J, Cooper K & Garrison J
(2005) Magma Differentiation and Storage at Katmai-Novarupta 1912: Comparing U-Series Time Scales with Thermal Models
George R, Turner S, Reagan M, Sandiford M, Hawkesworth C & Hildreth W

Reagan Mary (2016) In situ Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Hydroxyl in Mantle Phases at High Pressure
Thompson E, Liu Z, Reagan M & Campbell A
(2014) Iron Isotope Fractionation Factors at High Pressure
Shahar A, Mao W, Gleason A, Reagan M & Sano-Furukawa A

Reagan Matthew (2009) Interrelationship of Dissociating Oceanic Hydrates and Global Climate: Methane Hydrate Response to Rising Water Temperatures
Moridis G & Reagan M

Real E. (2009) Impact of the Aerosols on the Photolysis Rates at Regional Scale
Real E, Sartelet K, Roustan Y, Bey I & Schlager H

Réal F. (2021) Complexation of Cm(III) and Eu(III) with Aqueous Phosphates at Elevated Temperatures
Jordan N, Huittinen N, Jessat I, Réal F, Vallet V, Starke S & Eibl M

Reale M. (2023) How Will Climate Change Affect Mercury Biogeochemistry in the Ocean? Projected Changes for the Mediterranean Sea Under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 Emission Scenarios
Rosati G, Canu D, Lazzari P, Reale M & Solidoro C

Reaman D. (2018) Equations of State and Phase Diagram of SiO2 to Lower Mantle Conditions
Fischer R, Campbell A, Chidester B, Reaman D, Thompson E, Pigott J, Prakapenka V & Smith J
(2013) Phase Diagrams of FeO and Fe-Si Alloys
Fischer R, Campbell A, Reaman D, Heinz D, Dera P & Prakapenka V

Reano D. (2023) Introducing WORM!
Boyer G, Robare J, Park N, Debes V, Clayton Z, Reano D, Simon MN & Shock EL

Reardon C. (2010) Microbial Fuel Cell Study of the Role of OmcA and MtrC in Electron Transfer from Shewanella oneidensis to Oxide Electrodes
Jani R, Colberg P, Eggleston C, Shi L & Reardon C

Reardon E. (2012) Review of Issues Associated with Evaluation of Pitzer Interaction Parameters
Christov C, Zhang M, Talman S, Reardon E & Yang T
(2008) Potential and Limitations of MCM-41 in Dechlorination Reactions
Guthrie C, Reardon E, Peemoeller H & Vogan J

Reardon P. (2016) Fate of Particulate Phosphorus in River Estuaries in the Chesapeake Bay
Li J, Bear K, Reardon P, Washton N & Jaisi D

Reason C. (2013) Wintertime Nitrate Isotope Dynamics in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean
Smart S, Sigman D, Fawcett S, Thomalla S, Weigand A & Reason C

Reategui K. (2007) Carbon Isotopes vs Temperature: Contact Metamorphism in Graphitic Metapelites at Western Venezuela
Reategui K, Martinez M, Melendez W & Marrero S

Reátegui Klembergth E. (2021) Geochemical Assessment of Local Limestone Rocks for Using as Neutralization Cover Material in a Mine Waste Pile, Peru
Palomino-Ore SB, Quesada Oloriz P, Samanez M, Morales Espiritu W & Reátegui Klembergth E

Reay A. (2006) Lithospheric Removal: The Cause of Widespread Cenozoic Intraplate Volcanism on Zealandia?
Hoernle K, White J, Van Den Bogaard P, Hauff F, Coombs D, Werner R, Timm C, Garbe-Schönberg D, Reay A & Cooper A

Rebadulla R.

Rebaubier H. (2023) Rapid Determination of a Fundamental Aspect of the Biomineralisation Process of Diverse Marine Calcifying Organisms via Sequential Dissolution Experiments
Evans D, Fuchs J, Morsbach S, Rebaubier H, Erez J & Gray WR
(2023) Glacial Carbonate Compensation in the Pacific Ocean Constrained from Paired Oxygen and Carbonate System Reconstructions
Trudgill M, Gray WR, Bouttes N, Munhoven G, Roche D, Colle N, Rae JWB, Michel E, Dapoigny A, Rebaubier H, Richard P & Manssouri F
(2021) The Contribution of the Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Ratio, Clumped and Conventional Stable Isotope Paleothermometers Combination for Palaeoceanographic Studies
Peral MY, Bassinot F, Daëron M, Blamart D, Bonnin J, Jorissen F, Kissel C, Michel E, Waelbroeck C, Rebaubier H & Gray WR

Rebaza A.M. (2023) Nitrogen Subduction Efficiency via Metabasic Rocks: Case Study from a Tectonic Mélange in Central Tibet
Mallik A, Rebaza AM, Li L, Du Y, Al Shams A, Kapp P & Cooperdock EHG

Rebecca N. (2012) Iron Isotope Variations in Icelandic Soil Profiles and Fractionation of Fe Isotopes during Weathering
Williams H, Opfergelt S, Siebert C, Rebecca N & Burton K

Rebecchi M. (2022) Mafic Recharge and Diffusive Re-equilibration of Mafic Elements in the Lead-Up to the World’s Youngest Basaltic Plinian Eruption: The 2019 Eruptive Sequence at Ulawun Volcano, Papua New Guinea
Rebecchi M, Schipper I & Werner C

Rebeix R. (2012) Contribution of Natural Tracers (Cl, He) to Development of 3D Basin Model. Paris Basin, France
Rebeix R, Benabderrahmane H, Le Gal La Salle C, Lavielle B, Lavastre V, Jean Baptiste P, Fourre E, Vinsot A, Landrein P, Matray JM, Pagel M & Michelot JL
(2010) A Case-Study of 3He-3H Dated Groundwaters to Reconstruct Atmospheric 36Cl Inputs
Rebeix R, Le Gal La Salle C, Mayer A, Finkel R & Simler R
(2010) A Multi Tracer Study of Groundwater Origin and Transit-Time in the Fore Deep Basin of the Southern Alps
Mayer A, Sueltenfuss J, Travi Y, Rebeix R, Conchetto E, Le Gal La Salle C, Miche H, Purtschert R & Claude C

Rebelo Monteiro L. (2018) Potentially Toxic and Alloy Elements in an Impounded Vehicle Scrapyard
Neves Lange C, Graciano Figueiredo AM, Enzweiler J & Rebelo Monteiro L

Reber K. (2022) Reactivity of Chloroacetamides Toward Sulfide + Black Carbon: Insights from Structural Analogues and Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy
Xu X, Gujarati P, Okworb N, Sivey J, Reber K & Xu W

Reber R. (2015) Precipitation Dependent Erosion Rates along the Western Peruvian Margin
Reber R, Litty C, Madella A, Akçar N, Delunel R & Schlunegger F

Rebiscoul D. (2019) The Interfacial Layer Properties in Nanoconfinement: An Experimental and Modelling Approach
Rebiscoul D, Baum M, Tardif S, Siboulet B, Wang K, Dufreche J-F & Rieuotrd F
(2017) Effects of Microstructural Changes Associated with Silicate Dissolution on (Bio)weathering Rates
Wild B, Daval D, Guyot F, Fernandez-Martinez A, Remusat L, Bernard S, Rébiscoul D, Micha J-S, Narteau C, Rozier O & Imfeld G
(2017) Distribution of Ions in SiO2 Nanochannels: An Experimental and Modelling Approach
Hocine S, Baum M, Rebiscoul D, Siboulet B, Rieutord F & Dufrêche J-F
(2017) Effect of Secondary Phases on the Evolution of Glass Alteration
Gentaz L, Lombardo T, Chabas A, Loisel C, Neff D & Rebiscoul D
(2017) Relation between Structure and Dynamics of Water with BaCl2 Confined in Nanoporous Silica and the Dissolution of the Silica Nanoconfinement
Baum M, Rebiscoul D, Juranyi F & Rieutord F
(2017) Drivers of Water Transport in Glass: Chemical or Topological Effect of the Glass Network?
Rebiscoul D, Mansas C, Delaye J-M, Charpentier T, Bruguier F, Bouty O, Penelon B & Arena H
(2014) Contribution of Water Transport Through Basaltic Glass to the Long-Term Alteration Rate
Parruzot B, Rebiscoul D, Jollivet P, Gin S & Fournier M
(2011) Glass Composition Impact on Water Reactivity at the Glass Surface
Rebiscoul D, Bruguier F, Magnin V & Gin S

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