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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Razakamanantsoa A. (2020) Leaching Assessment of Soil Stabilised with Hydraulic Binders
Deneele D & Razakamanantsoa A

Razavi B. (2021) Bio-Chemical Imaging of Phosphorus-Related Maize Rhizosphere Processes in the Field
Oburger E, Hummel C, Bilyera N, Daudin G, Razavi B, Santangeli M, Spielvogel S, Bertrand I, Lippold E, Schlueter S & Vetterlein D

Razavi M.H. (2007) Geochemical Investigation of Kuhe – Dom Volcanic Rocks, Central Iran
Baranpourian N, Razavi MH & Emami MH

Razionale D. (2022) Support for a Revised Interpretation of the Lomagundi-Jatuli Event and Oxygenation after the GOE
Blättler C, Bryant RN, Razionale D, Todes J & Mwinde C
(2021) A Reevaluation of the Petrogenetic Relationships Among HED Meteorites with Ca Isotopes
Valdes MC, Blättler C, Razionale D & Heck PR

Razo Flores E. (2019) Complete Degradation of Acetate and Selective Precipitation of Cu+2 and Zn+2 by a Sulfate-Reducing Consortium at Low pH in a Continious Stir Reactor
Campos Quevedo NG, Sánchez Andrea I, Celis Gracía MDLB, Razo Flores E & López Lozano NE

Rcheulishvili A. (2019) Uptake of K, Cs and Rb and their Influence on Accumulation and Reduction Capacity of Cr(VI) by Highly Resistant Arthrobacter Species
Rcheulishvili O, Rcheulishvili A, Ginturi E, Tugushi L, Metreveli N, Holman H-Y, Gurielidze M & Lomidze L

Rcheulishvili O. (2019) Uptake of K, Cs and Rb and their Influence on Accumulation and Reduction Capacity of Cr(VI) by Highly Resistant Arthrobacter Species
Rcheulishvili O, Rcheulishvili A, Ginturi E, Tugushi L, Metreveli N, Holman H-Y, Gurielidze M & Lomidze L

Rddad L. (2023) Implications of Multiple Fluids in the Deposition of the Amensif Zn-Cu (Pb-Ag-Au) Distal Skarn Deposit in the Western High Atlas, Morocco: Evidence from O, C, S Isotopes
Jinari A, Rddad L, Mouguina EM, Idbaroud M & Ouadjou A

Rea D. (2007) History of Seafloor Hydrothermal Activity in the SW Pacific Bare Zone Using Fish Teeth Strontium Isotope Dating of Metalliferous Sediments
Stancin A, Gleason J, Owen R, Rea D & Blum J
(2005) The Stuttering Greenhouse and Cenozoic Carbonate Compensation Depth
Lyle M, Olivarez Lyle A, Rea D & Backman J
(2004) Downcore 40Ar/39Ar Provenance of Cenozoic Eolian Dust in the Central North Pacific
Gleason J, Hall C, Rea D, Moore T, Owen R & Blum J
(2002) Calibrating Eolian Dust Accumulation Rates in the Central North Pacific Pelagic Clay Province
Gleason J, Johnson T, Rea D, Moore T, Owen R & Blum J
(2000) Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic Variations in Deep-Sea Clays, Kerguelen Drift: A 7 Ma Record of Fluctuations in the Antarctic Ice-Sheet?
Gleason J, Rea D, Joseph L, Owen R, Blum J, Klaue A & Klaue B

Rea L.T. (2023) Developing Sulfur Radio- and Stable Isotope Approaches to Determine Changes to the Terrestrial Sulfur Cycle
Hinckley E-LS, Hermes AL & Rea LT

Rea Maria Angelica (2019) Terraced Iron Formations: Biogeochemical Processes Contributing to Microfossil Preservation
Shuster J, Rea MA, Etschmann B, Brugger J & Reith F

Rea Maria Angelica Delrosario (2017) Cultured Bacterial Communities from Australian and African Gold Grains
Sanyal SK, Rea MAD, Shuster J & Reith F
(2017) Microbial Gold (Trans)formation: Examples from Europe and Asia
Rea MA, Bissett A & Reith F

Rea P. (2018) Tracing Gypsiferous White Sands Aerosols in the Shallow Critical Zone at White Mountain, New Mexico Using Sr/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr Ratios
Rea P, Ma L, Gill T, Gardea-Torresdey J, Tamez C & Jin L

Read D. (2017) Retention Mechanisms for Safety Relevant Radionuclides in Cementitious Materials
Lange S, Isaacs M, Klinkenberg M, Read D, Bosbach D & Deissmann G
(2007) Fingerprinting of a Thin Secondary Mineral Film on DU
Baumann N, Arnold T, Foerstendorf H, Read D, Black S & Massanek A
(2007) Mobilisation and Speciation of Depleted Uranium in Water and Soils
Geipel G, Baumann N, Arnold T, Bernhard G, Gerstmann U, Schimmack K & Read D
(2004) Characterization of Radioactive Hg-Pb Deposits found in Natural Gas Production Installations
Ceccarello S, Black S, Read D, Hodson M & Weiss H
(2004) Secondary Phase Formation on Depleted Uranium Metal in Soil
Trueman E, Black S, Read D & Hodson M
(2003) Alteration of Depleted Uranium Metal
Trueman E, Black S, Read D & Hodson M
(2003) Suppression of Radium Uptake in Barite Crystals by Introduction of Competing Ions (E.g. Sr)
Ceccarello S, Black S, Read D & Hodson M

Read E. (2017) Sodium in Foraminiferal Calcite
Read E, Branson O, Tyliszczak T & Redfern S
(2017) Rare Earth Elements and Authigenic ‘coatings’ in the Service of Palaeoceanography: A Microanalysis Approach
Skinner L, Sadekov A, Brandon M, de la Fuente M, Read E, Gottschalk J, Ureta-Souanef S & Greaves M
(2016) Diagenesis Determined by Synchrotron X-Ray CT – Insights from the Ontong Java Plateau
Read E, Branson O, Redfern S, Rau C & Elderfield H

Read G. (2022) Mesoproterozoic Diamond Formation in the Root of the Sask Craton: A Link to the MacKenzie Large Igneous Event?
Milne SE, Timmerman S, Read G, Pearson DG, Banas A & Stachel T
(2019) A Diamondiferous Palaeoproterozoic Mantle Root beneath the Sask Craton (Western Canada)
Czas J, Pearson DG, Stachel T, Kjarsgaard BA & Read G
(2016) Diamond Formation beneath the Sask Craton – Insights from Diamondiferous Microxenoliths
Czas J, Stachel T, Pearson G, Stern R & Read G

Read H. (2006) Investigating biogeochemical signatures in lichens, soil, bark and historical herbarium samples as indicators of global climate change
Purvis OW & Read H

Read M. (2011) Atomistic Simulation of Oxygen Transport in Actinide Oxides and at their Interfaces
Williams N, Parker S, Devey A & Read M
(2009) Using Atomistic Simulation to Study the Interaction of Water and Carbonate with Oxide Surfaces
Allen J, Parker S & Read M

Read S. (2002) Nontronite Formation in Rhyolitic Ignimbrite
Reyes AG & Read S

Reading A. (2010) Multi-Element Laser Mapping of Geological Materials: Improving Data Collection, Image Production and Analysis Using Time Series and Innovative Inference Techniques
Reading A, Danyushevsky L, Meffre S & Gilbert S
(2006) Precambrian terranes in West Australia and East Antarctica: seismic structure and implications for continental formation and evolution.
Reading A

Reading M. (2019) Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Associated Nutrient Inputs into an Urban Estuary (Sydney Harbour, Australia)
Correa RE, Santos I, Sanders C, Tait D, Tucker J, Reading M, Harrison D & Conrad S

Readman J.w. (2010) The Influence of Irradiation and Aging on Nano-Iron Versus its Bulk Analogue in Natural Seawater
Kádár E, Lead J, Mitov S, Widdicombe S & Readman JW

Readman Jenny (2008) Removal of Radionuclides into Biogenic Metal Phosphate Matrices: A Novel Remediation Strategy
Macaskie L, Mennan C, Paterson-Beedle M, Readman J & Hriljac J

Reagan Mark (2020) U-Series Histories of Magmatic Volatile Phases and Enclave Development at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
McGee L, Reagan M, Handley H, Turner S & Sparks S
(2020) Investigating Nb & Ta Anomalies at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
Spitz B, Reagan M, Peate D, Duarte E & Rowe M
(2019) The Oxidation States of Iron and Volatile Compositions of Expedition 352 Glasses
Brounce M, Reagan M, Coulthard D, Kelley K & Cottrell E
(2019) Magma Source Evolution after Subduction Initiation Implied by Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in IODP Expedition 352 Glasses
Reagan M, Bindeman I, Coulthard D & Brounce M
(2019) Tracking Subduction Initiation via Re-Os Isotopes and Highly Siderophile Elements: A Case Study of Izu-Bonin-Mariana Forearc Lavas
Nelson WR, Reagan M, Pearce J & Shervais J

Reagan Mark K (2023) Copper Isotope Analysis of Fore-Arc Basalt and Boninite Glasses from the Bonin Fore-Arc System, IODP Expedition 352
Pring OT, McGee L, Prytulak J & Reagan MK
(2022) Nascent along Arc Magmatism is Consistently Hydrous as Revealed by H Concentrations in Orthopyroxene Phenocrysts: A Study of Boninites from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Intraoceanic Arc
Coulthard D, Zellmer GF, Brahm R, Kuritani T, Reagan MK, Sakamoto N, Sano T, Tani K & Yurimoto H

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