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Raymo M. (2019) K Isotopic Responses to Silicate Weathering and Global K Cycling
Li W, Li S, Beard B, Raymo M, Chen Y & Chen J
(2018) The Deep Ocean Carbon System Across the Mid-Pleistocene
Haynes L, Hönisch B, Farmer J, Clementi V, Ford H, Raymo M, Goldstein S, Pena L, Yehudai M, Bickert T & Lea D
(2013) Field Evidence, Modeling Results, and New Investigative Strategies Shed Light on the Timing and Amplitude of Sea Level Change during Past Interglacials
Raymo M, Rovere A, Mitrovica J, O'Leary M, Hearty P & Inglis J
(2008) Accurate Chronology of Antarctic Climate and Greenhouse Gas Changes over the Past 470 ky
Kawamura K, Aoki S, Nakazawa T, Matsushima H, Ishidoya S, Sugawara S, Lisiecki L, Raymo M & Severinghaus J
(2007) Orbital Forcing, Timescales, and the Pacing of Global Glaciations
Raymo M, Lisiecki L, Kawamura K & Costanza B

Raymond A. (2010) Nd Isotopes as Indicator of Glacio-Eustasy, Mid-Carboniferous Boundary Arrow Canyon, NV
Woodard S, Thomas D, Grossman E, Olszewski T, Yancey T, Raymond A & Miller B

Raymond C (2004) Variations in Argon Retention of Metamorphic Amphiboles from the Adirondack Lowlands, NY (USA)
Miller M, Dahl P, Foland K & Raymond C

Raymond Carol (2016) Insight into Ceres’ Chemical and Physical Evolution from Surface Mineralogy
Castillo J, Neveu M, McSween H, Toplis M, De Sanctis C, Raymond C & Russell C

Raymond J. (2013) Giving Microbial Communities a Solar Supercharge: Does the Transition to Photosynthesis in Extreme Environments Drive Taxonomic, Biochemical, and Metabolic Novelty?
Raymond J, Alsop E & Kellom M
(2013) Hot Spring Environments as Accessible Portals into the Metabolic Underpinnings of the Deep Hot Biosphere
Boyd E, Alsop E, Shock E & Raymond J
(2009) Merging Geochemical and Metagenomic Data to Predict C and N-Fixation Pathways in Hydrothermal Microbial Communities
Havig J, Raymond J, Meyer-Dombard D, Zolotova N & Shock E
(2008) Merging Isotopic and Metagenomic Data to Predict Carbon and Nitrogen-Fixation in Hydrothermal Biofilms
Havig J, Meyer-Dombard D, Raymond J, Zolotova N & Shock E
(2006) Biogeochemistry of Silicious Biofilms in Hydrothermal Ecosystems
Meyer-Dombard D, Bradley A, Havig J, Raymond J, Amend J, Shock E & Summons R

Raymond K. (2019) Numerical Modeling of Mass Loadings from Waste Rock Piles Affected by Heterogeneity and Structure
Raymond K, Mayer U, Seigneur N & Su D

Raymond O. (2021) International Database on the Abundance of Critical Minerals in Ores: Relevance to Research and Development of Critical Mineral Resources
Hofstra AH, Bastrakov E, Champion DC, Czarnota K, Emsbo P, Gadd MG, Granitto M, Huston DL, Lauziere K, Lawley C, Lisitsin V, Raymond O & VanDerWielen S

Raymond Pete (2012) Anthropogenic Alteration of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Fluxes from Watersheds
Raymond P
(2006) Source, fate and turnover of terrestrial organic matter in rivers and estuaries
Raymond PA
(2004) Factors Controlling the Ages, Character, Reactivity, and Associated Scales of Variability of Organic Carbon Transported by Rivers to the Ocean
Bauer J, Raymond P, McCallister S, Caraco N & Cole J

Raymond Peter (2023) Carbon and Strontium Isotope Insights on Bedrock Chemical Weathering: Implication for CO2 Removal via Natural Water Alkalinization
Sun F, Wang J, Rioux R, Zacharias Q, Planavsky NJ, Raymond P & Saiers JE
(2022) The Importance of Hydrology in Routing Terrestrial Carbon to the Atmosphere via Global Streams and Rivers
Liu S, Kuhn C, Amatulli G, Aho K, Butman D, Allen G, Lin P, Pan M, Yamazaki D, Brinkerhoff C, Gleason C, Xia X & Raymond P
(2020) Watersheds as Reactors
Raymond P, Maavara T, Liu S & Hosen J
(2018) In situ Optical Sensors Reveal Dissolved Organic Carbon Export Dynamics in Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont, USA
Ryan K, Shanley J, Stubbins A, Raymond P & Hosen J

Raymond Peter A. (2016) The Global Riverine Li Budget to the Ocean
Gaillardet J, Henchiri S, Bouchez J, Dellinger M, Louvat P & Raymond PA
(2016) The Experimental Flow to the Colorado River Delta: Effects on Carbon Cycling
Bianchi T, Butman D, Raymond P, Ward N, Kates R, Flessa K, Zamora H, Ramirez J & Rodriguez E

Raymond Peter. A. (2019) Methane Emissions Across Aquatic Systems – From Headwater Streams to the Open Ocean
Rosentreter J, Borges A, Duarte C, Raymond P, Del Giorgio P, Prarie Y, Olefeldt D & Eyre B
(2019) A day in the Lithium Cycle – or How Big Storm Events Affect the Rivers’ Lithium Content?
Kalderon-Asael B, Raymond P & Planavsky N
(2019) A Smoking gun for Carbon Cycle Change in the Canadian Arctic?
Schwab MS, Hilton RG, Raymond PA, Haghipour N & Eglinton TI

Raymond Sean (2017) Mantle Composition Constraints on Different Planet Formation Scenarios
Jacobson S, Rubie D, Morbidelli A, Izidoro A & Raymond S
(2014) Dynamical Transport of Volatiles to the Terrestrial Planet Region
Raymond S
(2014) Formation of Hot Super-Earths, the most Common Terrestrial Planets in the Galaxy
Raymond S
(2011) How Jupiter’s Two-Phase Gas-Driven Migration Shaped the Inner Solar System
Raymond S, Walsh K, Morbidelli A, O'Brien D & Mandell A
(2009) Accretion, Chemical Evolution, and Differentiation of the Terrestrial Planets
O'Brien D, Raymond S, Morbidelli A, Bond J & Nimmo F

Raymond Sean N. (2019) Collisional Erosion of the Earth’s Primordial Crust: Consequences on the Bulk Silicate Earth Composition
Allibert L, Siebert J, Charnoz S & Raymond SN

Raynal J-C. (2020) Biomonitoring of Airborne Micro-Particles Released by Aluminum Industry by Using Naturally Occuring Radionuclides
Pourcelot L, Masson O, Leprieur M, Cagnat X, Boulet B, Noack Y & Raynal J-C

Raynaud D. (2013) A Precise Climatic Sequencing of the Penultimate Glacial Termination
Landais A, Dreyfus G, Capron E, Jouzel J, Masson-Delmotte V, Roche D, Prié F, Caillon N, Chappellaz J, Leuenberger M, Lourantou A, Parrenin F, Raynaud D & Teste G
(2013) Improvements of the Coherent and Precise Ice Core Dating Tool Datice: New Data and Parameterization
Bazin L, Landais A, Durand G, Ritz C, Montagnat M, Lemieux-Dudon B & Raynaud D
(2005) &#948;<+>13<$>C of Carbon Dioxide in Ancient Air from Ice Core Samples
Lavric JV, Barnola J, Chappellaz J, Leuenberger MC, Fischer H & Raynaud D

Raynaud X. (2023) Dissolved Organic Matter Molecular Composition Among Arctic Ecosystems: A Successful Example of Fourier-Transform Mass Spectrometry Application to Environmental Studies
Allain A, Alexis MA, Bridoux MC, Potier HMG, Raynaud X & Rouelle M

Rayner M.J. (2005) Archean Mantle beneath the Halls Creek Mobile Zone, W. Australia Revealed by Re-Os Isotopes
Luguet A, Pearson DG, Jaques AL, Bulanova GP, Smith CB, Roffey S & Rayner MJ

Rayner N. (2022) Evidence for a Neoarchean to earliest-Paleoproterozoic Mantle Metasomatic Event Prior to Formation of the Mesoproterozoic-Age Strange Lake REE Deposit, Canada
Mohammadi N, Corrigan D, Sappin A-A & Rayner N
(2019) Constraints on the Assembly of the North Atlantic Craton Segment in Labrador, Canada
Rayner N & Corrigan D
(2012) Speckled Zircon from Mafic Granulite: Mechanism and Meaning
Rayner N, Moser D & Sanborn-Barrie M
(2008) Polyphase Tectonometamorphic History in the Upper Plate of Trans-Hudson Orogen (Southern Baffin Is.)
Rayner N, St-Onge M, Berman R, Sanborn-Barrie M & Wodicka N
(2002) A Method of Determining Uraninite U-Pb Ages by SHRIMP II Ion Microprobe
Stern RA, Rayner N, Davis W, Amelin Y, Annesley I & Bonli T

Rayson M.J.

Raza A. (2006) Re-evaluating low temperature apatite thermochronology in slowly cooled terranes
Kohn B, Gleadow A, Raza A, Kohlmann F & Brown R
(2006) Cenozoic exhumation history of the Oman margin of Arabia based on low-T thermochronology
Gray D, Kohn B, Gregory R & Raza A
(2006) Fission Track Analysis and the Problematic (U-Th)/He Thermochronology of the Shandong Province, NE China - a Rifted Cratonic Margin
Spencer S, Kohn B, Gleadow A, Hu S & Raza A
(2006) The effect of long-term low-temperature exposure on fission track stability and helium diffusion in apatite
Spiegel C, Kohn B, Donelick R, Belton D, Raza A & Gleadow A
(2005) The Potential of Monazite for Fission-Track Dating
Gleadow A, Raza A, Kohn B & Spencer S
(2003) Low-Temperature Thermochronology of Fundamental Structures in the Gulf Extensional Province, Baja California, Mexico
Gleadow A, Kohn B, Fletcher J, Brown R & Raza A

Raza Mohd Baqar (2022) Petrogenesis and SHRIMP U-Pb Geochronology of Neoarchean TTG Gneisses from Bundelkhand Craton, North Central India: Implications for Tectonic and Crustal Evolution at the Archean-Proterozoic Transition
Raza MB, Nasipuri P & Yi K

Raza Mohd. Baqar (2019) In situ U-Th-Pbtotal Analysis of Monazites from Bundelkhand Craton, India and Geodynamic Significance
Raza MB, Rahman H, Alfimova N, Nasipuri P, Saha L & Pati JK

Raza S.

Razakamanana Theodore (2015) Stenian-Tonian Arc Magmatism in West-Central Madagascar
Archibald D, Collins A, Foden J, Payne J, Holden P & Razakamanana T

Razakamanana Théodore (2019) Diffusion and Fluid-Interaction in Itrongay Pegmatite (Madagascar): The Results of in situ Ar-Ar Dating of Gem-Quality Alkali Feldspar and U-Pb Dating of Apatite Inclusions within it
Popov D, Spikings R, Scaillet S, O'Sullivan G, Chew D, Badenszki E, Daly S, Razakamanana T & Davies J

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