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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Ratnayake S. (2019) Speciation of Thorium in Soils from Sri Lanka
Ratnayake S, Lützenkirchen J, Schild D, Finck N & Geckeis H

Ratouis T. (2021) Carbfix: CO2 Storage Through Carbon Mineralisation
Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Helgason K, Marieni C, Clark DE, Ratouis T, Voigt M, Oelkers EH, Gislason SR & Aradottir ES
(2020) Full-Scale Three Dimensional Reactive Transport Modelling at the CarbFix2 Reinjection Site, Hellisheiði Geothermal Power Plant, SW-Iceland
Ratouis T, Voigt M & Snæbjörnsdóttir S
(2019) Reactive Transport Modelling at the CarbFix2 Reinjection Site, Hellisheiði Geothermal Power Plant, SW-Iceland
Ratouis T, Marieni C & Snæbjörnsdóttir S

Ratschbacher B. (2018) Magma Addition Rates in Continental Arcs: A New Protocol of Calculation and Global Implications
Ratschbacher B, Paterson S & Fischer TP
(2018) A Geochemical and Seismic Search for Deep, Active MASH Zones
Delph J, Shimizu K, Rasmussen D, Ratschbacher B & Pu X
(2015) Eudialyte-Group Minerals as Monitors of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes in Peralkaline Rocks
Marks M, Lindhuber M, Ratschbacher B, Giehl C, Nowak M & Markl G
(2014) Arc Magmatic Tempos
Paterson SR, Ratschbacher B, Memeti V & Clausen BL
(2014) Segregation of Felsic Melts from a Mafic Crystal Mush in a Shallow-Level Magma Reservoir: Implications for Continental Crust Formation
Ratschbacher B, Putirka K & Paterson S
(2011) Mineral Compositions Indicate Magma Recharge Processes in the Ilímaussaq Complex, Greenland
Ratschbacher B, Marks M, Pfaff K & Markl G

Ratschbacher L. (2021) Insight into REE Systematics and Age Records of Metamorphosed Garnet from High-Resolution Trace-Element Mapping
Smit M, Guilmette C, Kielman-Schmitt M, Kooijman E, Tual L, Ratschbacher L, Scherer EE & Mezger K
(2021) Apatite Fission-Track Analysis: Progress by Effective Track Etch Time
Lucie N, Jonckheere R, Wauschkuhn B & Ratschbacher L
(2020) High-Resolution Fission-Track Modelling of the German Naab
Novakova L, Jonckheere R, Wauschkuhn B & Ratschbacher L
(2017) An Investigation of the α-Recoil-Track Dating Method
Wauschkuhn B, Jonckheere R & Ratschbacher L
(2017) Micro-Raman Dating of Zircon: A Possible Thermochronometer?
Jonckheere R, Heinz D, Hacker B, Rafaja D & Ratschbacher L
(2015) Continental Thickening vs. Flat Subduction – The Cause for Cretaceous Magmatism in the Pamir
Malz N, Pfänder JA, Ratschbacher L, Münker C, Mezger K, Jung S, Garbe-Schönberg D & Hauff F
(2015) Lu-Hf and U-Pb Geochronology, and Thermometry Link Slab Break-Off to Regional Heating in the Pamir
Smit M, Ratschbacher L, Kooijman E & Stearns M
(2015) Dating Deformation along Major Pamir Shear Zones with the Ar-Ar in situ Technique
Schneider S, Worthington J, Pfänder JA & Ratschbacher L
(2013) Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Garnet Geochronology: Closure Revisited and New Applications in Lithosphere Studies
Smit M, Scherer E, Mezger K, Ratschbacher L, Kooijman E & Hacker B
(2013) Combined Accessory Mineral Micro-Analysis: The Strength of a Multi-Phase Approach
Kooijman E, Hacker B, Kylander-Clark A, Ratschbacher L & Minaev V
(2013) What Causes the Rapid Change of Cenozoic Magma Sources in the Pamir?
Malz N, Ratschbacher L, Pfänder JA & Münker C
(2011) Partial Melting and its Role in Elemental Recycling: Insight from Pamir Metasedimentary Xenoliths
Gordon SM, Kelemen P, Hacker BR, Luffi P & Ratschbacher L
(2008) Origin of Mafic Melts in the Pamir Mountains – Evidence from Trace-Element and Isotopic Data of Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks
Pfänder J & Ratschbacher L
(2005) Geodynamic Implications of Rapid Denudation of the Granitoids at About 50 and 20<!s><$>Ma in the Eastern Pontides, Turkey: Apatite Fission-Track Results
Boztug D, Jonckheere RC, Enkelmann E, Ratschbacher L & Wagner GA

Rattanachongkiat S. (2003) Seasonality in Arsenic Biogeochemistry: Pak Panang Bay, Southern Thailand
Utoomprurkporn W, Millward G, Foulkes M, Rattanachongkiat S, Taiyagupt M & Tantichodok P

Rattenbury M.S. (2015) Trends in the Inorganic Species Budget of New Zealand Soils (Southern South Island): Natural Versus Anthropogenic Change
Martin AP, Rattenbury MS, Turnbull RE & Christie AB

Rattray Jayne (2020) Reactive Transport Constraints on Early Diagenesis in Two Soda Lakes of the Cariboo Plateau, Canada
Tutolo B, Paquette A, Zhou Y, Bossaer S, Arizaleta M, Schroeder S, Mott E, Novotnik B, Gillis T, Vadalamani A, Rattray J, Nightingale M, De La Hoz Siegler H, Lauer R & Strous M
(2017) Ancient Archaeal Community Successions in Lateglacial Lake Sediments
Ahmed E, Agren R, Unneberg P, Schenk F, Rattray J, Han L, Yamoah K, Muschitiello F, Pedersen M, Smittenberg R, Parducci L, Slotte T & Wohlfarth B
(2015) Putative Biogenic Signature found in Extremely REE Enriched Black Substance, Ytterby Mine, Sweden
Sjöberg S, Rattray J, Callac N, Allard B, Skelton A, Dupraz C, Ivarsson M, Karlsson S & Sjöberg V

Rattray Jayne E (2020) Dipicolinic Acid as a Tracer for Thermophilic Endospores and Hydrocarbon Seeps in Deep Water Marine Sediments
Rattray JE, Elizondo G, Chakraborty A, Bernhard B, Brooks J, MacDonald A, Campbell C, Normandeau A, Fowler M, Webb J & Hubert CR

Ratulowski J. (2011) Collection and Measurements of Reservoir Fluids Properties – ‘Today and Tomorrow’
Stankiewicz A, O'Keefe M, Mostowfi F, Ratulowski J, Atkinson M & Sharma S

Ratzov G. (2021) The Trace Element Signature of Ecuadorian Magma: Slab or Crustal Origin
Narváez DFF, Samaniego P, Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Hidalgo S & Ratzov G
(2021) First Identification, Geochemical Characterization, and Land-Sea Correlations of Holocene Marine Distal Tephra from the Ecuadorian Arc
Bablon M, Nauret F, Samaniego P, Devidal J-L, Ratzov G, Michaud F, Saillard M, Orange F, Proust J-N, Le Pennec J-L, Liorzou C, Vallejo S, Mothes P & Hidalgo S
(2019) Spatial Variability of Radiocarbon Content in Organic Carbon of Surface Sediment Offshore Eastern Taiwan
Wang S-L, Su C-C, Wang P-L, Lin L-H, Liou SY-H, Babonneau N, Ratzov G, Shyu JBH & Hsu S-K

Rau C. (2016) Diagenesis Determined by Synchrotron X-Ray CT – Insights from the Ontong Java Plateau
Read E, Branson O, Redfern S, Rau C & Elderfield H
(2013) Geochemical Proxy Nanostructure of Foraminifera by X-Ray Imaging: STXM and Tomography
Redfern S, Branson O, Elderfield H, Tylisczak T & Rau C

Rau Garbiel (2014) Use of Fluorescence in Conjunction with Radon Activity to Monitor Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a System Under Stress
Rutlidge H, Andersen M, Rau G, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Unland N, Hofmann H, Gilfeddder B, Atkinson A, Cartwright I, Halloran L & Baker A
(2014) Water Oxygen Isotope Systematics from Source to Stalagmites
Baker A, Acworth RI, Andersen M, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Jex C, Mariethoz G, Marjo C, Markowska M, Rau G, Roshan H, Rutlidge H & Treble P

Rau Greg (2019) Decreasing Acid Deposition Increases Carbon Dioxide Removal in a Silicate-Treated Forested Watershed
Taylor L, Driscoll C, Groffman P, Rau G, Blum J & Beerling D
(2011) Electrochemical Enhancement of Carbonate and Silicate Weathering for CO2 Mitigation
Rau G & Carroll S
(2001) Enhanced Carbonate Dissolution as a Means of Sequestering Carbon Dioxide
Rau GH & Caldeira K

Raub Theresa (2009) The Lomagundi-Jatuli Event, Louis Pasteur, and the Geological Record of Aerobic Respiration
Kirschvink J, Nash C, Raub T, Raub T, Kopp R & Hilburn I

Raub Tim (2018) Cascading State Shifts in the Paleoproterozoic Biosphere, Atmosphere, and Lithosphere
Spencer C, Partin C, Kirkland C, Raub T & Liebmann J

Raub Timothy (2019) The Copper Isotope Composition of the Continental Crust
Savage P, Brown E, Stow M, Raub T & Stephens E
(2016) Trace Metals and Isotopes in Estonian Black Shales: Cambro-Ordovician Shallow Water Anoxia on the Baltica Shelf?
Johnson S, McGoldrick P, Systra Y, Meffre S, Large R, Raub T, Boyce A & Lyons T
(2016) Phosphate Assemblage in the Cold Bokkeveld CM Chondrite Records Complex Geologic Evolution of the CM Parent Body
Farsang S, Raub TD & Grady MM
(2016) Distinguishing Biogenic from Abiotic Manganese Minerals Using EPR Spectroscopy
Farsang S & Raub TD
(2016) Sediment Melt and the Highest Recorded δ18O in sub-Moho Granitoids of the Oman-UAE Ophiolite
Spencer CJ, Raub TD, Cavosie AJ, Miller JD, Rollinson H & Jeon H
(2015) Trace Element Partitioning during the Pyrite to Pyrrhotite Reduction
Johnson S, Large R, Meffre S & Raub T
(2014) Archean ‘Whiffs of Oxygen’ Tied to Post-Depositional Processes
Fischer W, Slotznick S, Johnson J, Webb S, Rasmussen B, Raub T & Kirschvink J
(2013) Sr and Mg Isotopes of Marinoan Cap Dolostones: Implication for Glacial Lake Harland?
Liu C, Macdonald F, Wang Z & Raub T
(2012) Archean 'Whiffs of Oxygen' go Poof!
Kirschvink J, Raub T & FIscher W
(2011) A Dynamic Archean Sulfur Cycle
Fischer W, Fike D, Guan Y, Eiler J, Kirschvink J & Raub T
(2010) 17O Anomalies in Sedimentary Silica and Oxides
Levin N, Raub T, Dauphas N & Eiler J
(2009) The Lomagundi-Jatuli Event, Louis Pasteur, and the Geological Record of Aerobic Respiration
Kirschvink J, Nash C, Raub T, Raub T, Kopp R & Hilburn I

Rauch F. (2005) Quartz Hydration Dating: A New Mineral Geochronological Technique
Ericson JE, Rauch F & Dersch O

Rauch I. (2014) Foraging on the Host: Uncovering Metabolic Host-Gut Microbiota Interactions at the Single Cell Level
Berry D, Stecher B, Schintlmeister A, Reichert J, Rauch I, Decker T, Wild B, Wanek W, Richter A, Loy A & Wagner M

Rauch S. (2019) Anthropogenic Ir and Os in Surficial Environments
Rauch S
(2017) A 6000 Year Record of Iridium and Osmium Accumulation at a Remote Peat Bog in NW Spain
Rauch S

Rauch U. (2023) Tracing Wastewater Input into the North Sea Using Anthropogenic Gd Anomalies: Evidence for Widespread MRI Contrast Agent Contamination of River Estuaries of Elbe, Ems and Weser and the Southern North Sea Including the German Bight
Kraemer D, Katja S, Klimpel F, Ernst DM, Rauch U, Koschinsky A & Bau M
(2015) Urban Geochemistry of the City of Aschersleben, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Birke M, Rauch U & Keilert B

Raucsik B. (2023) Trace Elements and Zircon Ages to Unravel Late Palaeozoic Igneous Episodes and Variscan Geodynamic Processes in the Tisza Mega-Unit (Carpathian–Pannonian Region)
Szemerédi M, Varga A, Lukács R, Dunkl I, Seghedi I, Kovács Z, Raucsik B, Harangi S, Kosztolányi É & Pál-Molnár E
(2019) Connecting Low-Grade Deformation and Temperature Data in Neotethyan (Meta)sediments
Obbágy G, Kövér S, Raucsik B, Molnár K, Fodor L & Benkó Z
(2011) Proxies for Chemical Weathering: Plio/Pleistocene Red Clay Deposits from Hungary
Kovács J, Raucsik B, Újvári G, Varga A & Varga G
(2000) Geochemistry of Lower Jurassic Organic-Rich Sediments from the Mecsek Mountains, Southern Hungary
Raucsik B, Tolnai B, Horváth T, Szilágyi V & Hetényi M

Raudsepp Maija (2023) Ni Recovery by Precipitation of Amorphous Ca-, Ca-Mg- and Mg-Carbonates and their Crystalline Transformation Products
Patel AS, Wilson S, Harrison A & Raudsepp M
(2023) New Recipes for CO2 Mineralization: Accounting for Crystal Chemistry and Crystallization Pathway
Wilson S, Vessey CJ, Raudsepp M, Patel AS, Harrison A, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML, Morgan B, Turvey CC, Power I & Mavromatis V
(2022) Crystallization of Amorphous Ca-, Ca-Mg, and Mg- Carbonates in Water-Limited Systems
Patel AS, Raudsepp M, Wilson SA & Harrison A
(2022) Constraining the Role of Poorly Crystalline Mg-Phyllosilicates in Carbonate Precipitation in Lacustrine Environments
Arizaleta ML, Zeyen N, Raudsepp M & Wilson SA
(2022) Fractionation of Oxygen Isotopes and Trace Metals during Ca‑Mg Carbonate Transformation in Diagenetic Conditions
Vessey C, Li Y, Raudsepp M, Brazier J-M, Harrison A, Wilson SA & Mavromatis V
(2021) Humidity-Controlled Phase Transitions of Amorphous Ca-Mg Carbonates (ACMC)
Patel A, Wilson S, Raudsepp M & Harrison A
(2021) Partitioning of Fe during Carbonation of Fe-Rich Brucite
Vessey C, Wilson S, Raudsepp M & Harrison A
(2020) Non-Classical Crystallization of Anhydrous Ca and Mg Carbonates from the Coorong Lakes, Australia
Raudsepp M, Wilson S, Morgan B & Fallon S
(2020) The Amorphous-To-Crystalline Transition in the Ca–Mg–carbonate System as a Function of Composition, Time and Temperature
Cheng J, Wilson S & Raudsepp M
(2020) New Perspectives on Carbonate Mineral Behaviour for Carbon Accounting and Carbon Utilization
Wilson S, Turvey C, Morgan B, Cheng J, Raudsepp M, Hamilton J, Power I, Zeyen N, Fallon S, McCutcheon J & Southam G
(2020) Carbonation of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback and Produced Water for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Zhu B, Wilson SA, Zeyen N, Raudsepp M, Wang B, Rostron B, Snihur K, von Guten K, Harrison A & Alessi D
(2018) Anaerobic Methanotrophy Coupled to Ferric Iron Reduction in an Australia Coal Mine
Raudsepp M, Evans P, Tyson G, Golding S, Wilson S & Southam G
(2016) Effect of Bituminous Coal on Methanogenesis
Raudsepp M, Gagen E, Tyson G, Golding S & Southam G
(2015) Biogenic Methane Cycling in a Laboratory Model of an Abandoned Bituminous Coal Mine
Raudsepp M, Tyson G, Golding S & Southam G
(2012) Archean Laboratory Models Possessing Photosynthetic Microbial Mats
Raudsepp M, Banerjee N & Southam G

Raudsepp Mati (2008) Mineral Transformations in Tailings from Active Mines: Implications for Acid Neutralization Potential and Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Wilson SA, Dipple GM, Raudsepp M, Oliver SL, Gabites JE, Power IM & Southam G

Raulin F. (2012) Low Temperature Alkaline pH Hydrolysis of Oxygen-Free Titan Tholins
Brasse C, Raulin F, Coll P, Poch O, Ramirez SI & Buch A
(2010) MOMA: Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer: Instrument Concept and Results
Becker L, Richardson C, Chaicharoen K, Cornish T, Antione M, VanAmerom F, Pinnick V, Cotter R, Goesmann F, Raulin F & Ehrenfruend P
(2009) MOMA-LDMS: Instrument Concept and Results
Becker L, Cornish T, Antione M, Cotter R, Evans-Nguyen T, Doroshenko V, Goesmann F, Raulin F & Ehrenfreund P
(2005) The Astrobiological Aspects of Titan: A New Vision from Cassini-Huygens
Raulin F, Israel G, Niemann H & Owen T
(2004) Amino and Carboxylic Acids in a Mars Soil Analogue from the Atacama Desert
Buch A, Glavin D, Szopa C, Cabane M, Sternberg R, Raulin F, Navarro-Gonzalez R & Mahaffy P
(2001) Geochemistry and Organic Chemistry on the Surface of Titan
Lunine JI, Beauchamp P, Beauchamp J, Dougherty D, Welch C, Raulin F, Shapiro R & Smith M

Rausch S. (2011) Calcium Carbonate Veins in Ocean Crust Record a Threefold Increase of Seawater Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in the Past 30 Million Years
Rausch S, Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Klügel A & Bach W
(2011) Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Dolomite Formation
Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Fietzke J, Rausch S, Klügel A & Bach W
(2011) Fractionation of 238U/235U during Weathering and Hydrothermal Alteration
Noordmann J, Weyer S, Sharma M, Georg B, Rausch S & Bach W
(2009) Calcium Isotope Systematics of Low Temperature Alteration Carbonates in the Ocean Crust
Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Rausch S, Bach W & Klügel A
(2009) Carbonate Veins as Recorder of Seawater-Crust Interaction
Rausch S, Klügel A, Bach W & Böhm F
(2008) Low Temperature Alteration Carbonates in the Ocean Crust and their Importance for CO2 Uptake and the Global Ca Cycle
Böhm F, Rausch S, Eisenhauer A, Bach W & Klügel A

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