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Rastogi G. (2016) Environmental Impacts on Chilika Lake, India, Evaluated Using a Sedimentologic, Chemical and Isotopic Approach
Vennemann T, Decrouy L, Bourgeois G, Delavy K, Ecuyer M, Lange P, Rastogi G, Pattnaik A & Suar M

Rastogi N (2017) Brown Carbon Radiative Forcing over Indo-Gangetic Plain Through Real-Time Measurements
Tripathi S, Shamjad PM, Satish RV, Thamban NM & Rastogi N
(2017) Brown Carbon Aerosols over North India Through Real-Time Measurements
Rastogi N, Satish R, Shamjad P, Thamban N & Tripathi S

Rastogi Neeraj (2015) Mass Absorption Efficiency of Light Absorbing WSOC from a Source Region of Biomass Burning in the Indo-Gangetic Plain
Rastogi N & Srinivas B
(2013) Diurnal Chemical Characteristics of PM<sub>2.5</sub> over a Source Region of Biomass Burning Emissions in the Indo-Gangetic Plain
Rastogi N, Singh A & Singh D

Rastrullo R. (2019) Geochemical Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soil, Sediment and Surface Water of Abandoned Mercury Mine Area, Palawan, Philippines
Gibaga CR, Costa MA, Rastrullo R, Tanciongco A & Samaniego J

Rasuk C. (2017) Arsenic in Living Microbial Mats: Distribution, Redox State and (Bio)geochemical Implications
Sancho-Tomás M, Medjoubi K, Bergamaschi A, Philippot P, Visscher PT, Van Driessche AES, Rasuk C, Contreras M, Farias ME & Somogyi A
(2016) Arsenic and Sulfur Cycling in Microbialites of La Brava, Atacama: Analog-Extraordinaire for Precambrian Biogeochemistry?
Visscher P, Philippot P, Sancho-Thomas M, Somogyi A, Farias M, Gonzalez A, Rasuk C & Contreras M

Rasul N.M.A. (2021) The Lowermost Subcontinental Mantle Sampled by Cenozioc Volcanic Pipes in Northern Arabia
Sani C, Sanfilippo A, Rasul NMA, Vigliotti L, Windinly N, Khorshedd M & Ligi M

Rasul S. (2010) Evaluation of Water Quality from Deep Wells in Bangladesh
Zheng Y, Van Agthoven A, Hakim A, Morsheda E, Rasul S, Huq I & Ghosh S

Ratajczack A. (2009) Spontaneous D-H Exchange between Water Ice and Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) in Protostellar Environments
Ratajczack A, Quirico E, Faure A, Schmitt B & Ceccarelli C

Ratajeski K. (2005) Teaching Mineralogy with Crystal Structure Databases and Visualization Software: A Digital Resource Collection
Ratajeski K, Mogk D & Downs R

Ratcliffe C.I. (2010) A New Structure of Xenon Clathrate Hydrate
Yang L, Tulk CA, Klug DD, Moudrakovski IL, Ratcliffe CI, Ripmeester JA, Chakoumakos BC, Ehm L, Martin CD & Parise JB

Rate A.
(2017) Detecting Anomalous Metal Concentrations in the Regolith Using Cross‒compositional Detrending
de Caritat P & Rate A
(2015) Rare Earth Element Cycling Associated with Acid Sulfate Soils from their Source and Sink
Xu N, Rate A & Morgan B
(2012) In situ Remediation and Pedogenesis in Bauxite Residue ('Red Mud')
Santini T, Fey M & Rate A
(2011) Modifying the Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Technique for the Geochemical Exploration of Gold
Lucas A, Rate A, Salmon U & Zhang H
(2011) Translocation and Fractionation of Rare Earth Elements in Intensely Weathered Lateritic Profiles in Western Australia
Du X, Rate A & Gee M
(2010) In situ Neutralisation of Bauxite Residue ('Red Mud') by Cross Layer Leaching with Carbonated Mud
Santini T, Hinz C, Rate A, Gilkes RJ & Carter C

Ratefiarimino A. (2009) A Dismembered Late-Archean Anorthositic to Charnockitic Suite in the Andriamena Greenstone-Belt, Madagascar
Ohnenstetter M, Reisberg L, Paquette JL, Ratefiarimino A & Rakotomanana D
(2008) Bimodal Magmatism in the Andriamena Belt, Madagascar. Implication for Continental Crust Evolution in Neoproterozoic Times
Ohnenstetter M, Ratefiarimino A & Rakotomanana D

Raterron P. (2004) Rheology of Olivine at Mantle Pressures and Temperatures
Raterron P, Chen J, Li L, Weidner D & Cordier P

Rath D. (2017) Drought Mitigation Through Carbon Management: Improved Understanding of the Role of Soil Aggregates in Agriculture
Ying S, Avila CC, Berhe A, Bogie N, Brodiee E, Dubinsky E, Ghezzehei T, Marklein A, Nico P, Parikh S, Rath D, Riley W, Schaefer M, Scow K & Torn M

Rathbone A. (2020) Identifying Long-Distance Transport of Archaeological Obsidian Across the Ancient North American Landscape
McMillan R, Weis D, Amini M & Rathbone A

Rathi Baskher (2020) Arsenic Mobilization and Retention Mechanisms along an Iron Mineral Dominated Redox Gradient in Delta Sediments of Van Phuc, Vietnam
Schneider M, Stopelli E, Glodowska M, Rathi B, Eiche E, Kontny A, Berg M, Kappler A, Göttlicher J, Winkel L, Bostik B, Nghiem A & Neumann T

Rathi Bhasker (2021) Arsenic Mobilization by Anaerobic Iron-Dependent Methane Oxidation
Kappler A, Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Schneider M, Rathi B, Straub D, Vu D, Pham T, Pham V, Lightfoot AK, Kipfer R, Berg M, Jetten M & Kleindienst S
(2020) Model-Based Quantifiation of As Mobility within the Redox Transition Zones (RTZs) Marking the Interface of Holocene/Pleistocene Aquifers
Rathi B, Wallis I, Sun J, Jamieson J, Cirpka O & Prommer H
(2019) Potential Role of CH4 Oxidation Coupled to Fe(III) Mineral Reduction for As Mobilization in a Groundwater Aquifer in Hanoi, Vietnam
Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Rathi B, Berg M, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2019) Hydrochemical Investigations on Arsenic (Im)mobilisation in Groundwater: Example of Van Phuc, Vietnam
Stopelli E, Vu Thi D, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Glodowska M, Rathi B, Trang PK, Viet PH, Winkel L & Berg M
(2019) Iron Mineralogy along Redox Gradients in an Arsenic Contaminated Aquifer in Van Phuc, Vietnam
Schneider M, Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Rathi B, Eiche E, Kontny A, Berg M, Winkel L, Kappler A, Viet P & Neumann T
(2019) A Process-Based Model for Iron Mineral Transformation
Jamieson J, Carr J, Sun J, Salmon U, Siade A, Rathi B & Prommer H
(2019) Arsenic Sorption on Holocene and Pleistocene Aquifer Sediments
Rathi B, Sun J, Stopelli E, Barron A, Schneider M, Vu D, Eiche E, Pham VH, Bostick B, Prommer H, Cirpka OA & Berg M
(2018) Interdisciplinary Approach to Understand As Mobilization in the Groundwater of Hanoi, Vietnam
Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Patzner M, Kipfer R, Winkel L, Berg M, Cirpka O, Eiche E, Kontny A, Neumann T, Rathi B, Prommer H, Pham Hung V, Vu D, Vi Mai L, Pham T, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2017) Multiscale Characterization and Quantification of Arsenic Mobilization during Injection of Treated Coal Seam Gas Co-produced Water into Deep Aquifers
Rathi B, Siade A, Donn M, Helm L, Morris R, Davis J, Berg M & Prommer H
(2016) Modeling of As Fate Governed by Naturally Occurring Mn-Oxides Under Varying Geochemical Conditions
Rathi B, Prommer H & Sun J
(2016) Model-Based Analysis of Injection Trials in Deep Aquifers to Predict Large-Scale Impacts of CSG Product Water Reinjection
Prommer H, Helm L, Rathi B & Morris R
(2015) Determination and Quantification of Arsenic Sorption Characteristics in the Pleistocene Aquifer of Hanoi, Vietnam
Rathi B, Neidhardt H, Berg M, Davis JA & Prommer H

Rathi M. (2004) Stream Sediment Geochemical Survey Across MCT Zone in Garhwal Himalaya: Prospects for Uranium and Thorium Mineralization
Mukherjee P, Khanna P, Saini N, Purohit K & Rathi M

Rathnayake Kankanamge N.S. (2016) Improving our Understanding of Sediment Biogeochemistry and Heterogeneity by Using in Situ, Two-Dimensional, High Resolution Measurement Techniques
Rathnayake Kankanamge NS, Teasdale P, Welsh D & Bennett W

Rathore S. (2023) A Multiscale Model for Reactive Transport in River Networks
Painter SL, Le P & Rathore S

Ratié G. (2023) Speciation of Pharmaceutical Products and Trace Metals within the Aqueous/Sediment/Colloidal Fractions in a Suburban Watershed with Both Lab-Experimental and Field Approaches (Egoutier, France)
Humbrecht A, Simonneau A, Bernier-Turpin G, Thiebault T, Ratié G, Freslon N, Le Milbeau C, Boscardin R, Hatton M & Le Forestier L
(2023) Application of Iron-Based Nanoparticles in French Wetland Ecosystems: Reactivity, Iron Transformation and Pharmaceutical Removal
Veselská V, Ratié G, Simonneau A, Baragaño D, Kašlík J & Filip J
(2023) Coupling of Dissolved Silicon and Carbon in Temperate Wetlands
Court M, Moquet J-S, Simonneau A, Freslon N, Bouchez J, Derry LA, Ratié G, Mazeron J & Humbrecht A
(2023) Antimony Cycle in Wetland Under Climatic Events: Role of Fe Oxyhydroxides and Organic Matter
Ratié G, Battaglia-Brunet F, Freslon N, Vantelon D & Tournassat C
(2019) Isotopic Fractionation of Cd and Zn onto Humic Acid at Low and High Ionic Strength
Ratié G, Michálková Z, Chrastný V, Marsac R, Alessi D & Komárek M
(2019) XAS Assessment of Cr Release from Sukinda Mining Overburden
Quantin C, Gelabert A, Ratié G, Bolanos-Benitez V, Vantelon D, Subramanian S & Sivry Y
(2017) Riverbank as Major Control of Trace Metal Flux between River and Wetland: Role of Ferric Deposits
Ratié G, Vantelon D, Davranche M & Gruau G
(2017) Nickel-Hyperaccumulating Plants from the Serpentine Soils of Brazil: Vegetation Control on Ni Isotope Fractionation
Quantin C, Ratié G, Garnier J & Maia de Freitas A
(2015) Nickel Isotope Fractionation during Smelting and Refining: A New Way to Trace the Sources of Ni in Soils
Ratié G, Garnier J, Jouvin D, Ettler V, Sivry Y & Quantin C
(2014) Nickel Isotopes Fate in an Ultramafic Complex
Ratié G, Jouvin D, Garnier J, Rouxel O, Miska S, Guimaraes E, Sivry Y, Emmanuelle M-P, Zelano I & Quantin C

Ratnakar J. (2019) Evidence for Magma Mixing and Mingling Processes in a Granitic Pluton: An Example from Sirsilla Granite Pluton, Southern India
Ashok C, Babu E & Ratnakar J

Ratnarajah L. (2021) Evaluating the Impact of Heterotrophic Bacteria on Ocean Iron Cycling
Pham AL-D, Aumont O, Ratnarajah L & Tagliabue A

Ratnayake N. (2003) Higher Plant Biomarkers and their δ13C in Deep Sea Sediments from Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean
Ratnayake N, Suzuki N & Sawada K

Ratnayake R.M.D.M. (2023) Development of a Sequential Ion Exchange Chromatography Method to Separate Geochemically Important Tracers for Isotope Measurements
Ratnayake RMDM, Tanaka R & Nakamura E

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