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Rapaglia J. (2017) Rn-222 Surveys for the Detection of Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Why did the Tracer Fail in the Eckernförde Bay?
Scholten J, Kreuzburg M, Petermann E, Paiva M, Koehler D, Schlueter M, Rapaglia J & Schubert M
(2017) Radon Tracers of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Jamaica
Paulino S, Gordon-Smith D-A, Buddo D, Bokuniewicz H, Rapaglia J & Zaggia L
(2011) The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Salt Water Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers
Rapaglia J, Bokuniewicz H, Vafeidis A & Pick T

Rapaille C. (2006) Trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb-Os evidence for a lithospheric mantle source for the European CAMP basalts
Rapaille C, Marzoli A, Reisberg L & Bertrand H
(2002) Geochemistry and Age of the European CAMP Basalts
Rapaille C, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Feraud G, Reisberg L & Fontignie D

Raphaël B. (2015) Factors Controlling Development of Microbialites in Past and Ancient Environments
Vennin E, Bouton A, Raphaël B, Pace A, Brayard A, Olivier N, Thomazo C, Visscher P, Dupraz C & Désaubliaux G

Rapien Maria (2002) Neo-Natal Porphyry Copper System at White Island, New Zealand
Bodnar R, Rapien M, Simmons S, Szabo C, Wood P & Sutton S

Rapien Mh (2003) The Embryonic Porphyry Copper System at White Island, New Zealand
Rapien M, Bodnar R, Simmons S, Szabó C & Sutton S

Rapin A. (2017) Key Role of Iron Oxides in the Mobility of Sedimentary P in Dam-Reservoir Context
Rapin A, Rabiet M, Grybos M, Mourier B & Deluchat V

Rapin W. (2015) Diversity of Igneous Rocks At Gale, Mars
Cousin A, Sautter V, Mangold N, Fabre C, Forni O, Rapin W, Fisk M, Gasnault O, Lanza N, Lasue J, Meslin P-Y, Newsom H, Ollila A, Payre V, Wiens R & Maurice S

Raponi A. (2015) Composition of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Refractory Crust as Inferred from VIRTIS/ROSETTA
Quirico E, Moroz L, Beck P, Schmitt B, Arnold G, Bonal L, Filacchione G, Capaccioni F, Leyrat C, Bockelée-Morvan D, Erard S, Tosi F, Ciarnello M, Raponi A, Di Capria MT, De Sanctis M-C, Piccioni G, Barucci A, Drossart P & Virtis Team T

Raposeiro P.M. (2019) Tracking Human and Regional Climate Changes in Lake Sediment Records from Flores Island, the Azores
Richter N, Russell JM, Amaral-Zettler L, DeGroff W, Raposeiro PM, Gonçalves V, de Boer EJ, Rull V, Pla-Rabes S, Hernández A, Sáez A, Bao R & Giralt S

Raposio R. (2022) Strategies for Reducing the Waste Generated from Medical Radioisotope Production: Towards a Sustainable Future
Thorogood GJ, Rozenfeld A & Raposio R

Rapp H.T. (2009) Discovery of the Loki’s Castle Vent Field at the Ultra-Slow Spreading Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge
Pedersen RB, Thorseth IH, Lilley MD, Früh-Green GL, Barriga F, Rapp HT, Baumberger T, Flesland K & Joergensen SL

Rapp I. (2019) Spatial Variability of 234Th-Derived Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Export in the Peruvian OMZ
Xie RC, Le Moigne FAC, Rapp I, Lüdke J, Dengler M, Liebetrau V, Gledhill M & Achterberg EP
(2019) Iron Sources and Cycling in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone Assessed Using Iron Isotopes
Rapp I, Sieber M, Scholz F, Hopwood M, Conway T, Xie RC, Frank M, Vance D & Achterberg EP
(2017) Iron Biogeochemistry in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone during the 2015/16 El Niño
Rapp I, Schlosser C, Gledhill M, Browning TJ, Le Moigne FAC & Achterberg EP
(2017) Direct Experimental Evidence for Nutrient Co-limitation from the South Atlantic GA08 GEOTRACES Expedition
Browning TJ, Achterberg EP, Rapp I, Engel A, Bertrand EM & Moore CM

Rapp Jennifer (2016) Melting of the Primive Mercurian Mantle, Insights into the Origin of its Surface Composition
Boujibar A, Righter K, Rapp J, Ross D, Pando K, Danielson L & Fontaine E
(2016) Metal-Silicate-Sulfide Partitioning of U, Th, and K: Implications for the Budget of Volatile Elements in Mercury
Habermann M, Boujibar A, Righter K, Danielson L, Rapp J, Righter M, Pando K, Ross D & Andreasen R
(2015) Lunar Magma Ocean Crystallization: Constraints from Fractional Crystallization Experiments
Rapp J & Draper D
(2014) Expanding the REE Partitioning Database for Lunar Materials
Rapp J & Draper D
(2014) Investigating Lunar Crustal Melting: Implications for Genesis of Silicic Volcanism on the Moon
Gullikson A, Hagerty J, Reid M, Rapp J & Draper D
(2012) Fractional Crystallization of the Lunar Magma Ocean
Rapp J & Draper D
(2009) High Field Strength Element Mobility in Metamorphic Fluids
Klemme S & Rapp J
(2009) Experimental Constraints on HFSE Partitioning and Ti Mobility in Saline Fluids
Rapp J, Klemme S & Scherer E
(2008) Experimental Studies on Rutile Solubility
Rapp J, Klemme S & Harley S
(2008) Experimental Constraints on the Behaviour of High Field Strength Elements in Melts and Fluids
Klemme S & Rapp J

Rapp Josephine (2017) The Ubiquitous SAR202 Chloroflexi and their Role in Deepsea Sediments
Carvalho V, Offre P, Rapp J, Pala C, Bach M & Boetius A

Rapp R. (2016) Mantle Metasomatism by Sediment-Derived Melts: An Experimental Study
Lowczak J, Rapp R & Campbell I
(2016) Reaction between Hydrous, Sediment-Derived Melts and Peridotite at the Base of the Mantle Transition Zone
Rapp RP
(2008) Sanukitoids: Transition from Felsic Melt- to Fluid-Dominated Mantle Metasomatism in Subduction Zones
Martin H, Moyen J-F & Rapp R
(2007) A New, Comprehensive Set of Bulk Distribution Coefficents (D's) Governing Partial Melting of Hydrous Metabasalt
Rapp RP, Yaxley G & Norman MD
(2006) Experimental insights into slab-mantle interactions in subduction zones: melting of adakite-metasomatized peridotite and the origin of the 'arc signature'
Rapp RP, Laporte D, Martin H & Shimizu N
(2004) Recycling of Continental Sediments into the Deep Mantle: Experimental Constraints at 15-25 GPa
Rapp R, Irifune T & Shimizu N
(2002) A Genetic Relationship between Archean TTG Granitoids and Eclogitic and Peridotitic Xenoliths from the Subcratonic Mantle? Experimental Evidence at 2-4 GPa
Rapp RP & Shimizu N
(2000) A Reassessment of the Origins of Silicic Magmas in Subduction Zones
Rapp RP

Rappé M. (2020) Phylogenomic Analysis of Viral Genomes Assembled from Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank Basalt-Hosted Crustal Fluids
Spotkaeff C, Rappe M, Jungbluth S, Steward G & Nigro O
(2014) Microbial Functions in the Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank Crustal Deep Biosphere Revealed Through Single Cell Genomics
Orcutt B, Carr S, Jungbluth S, Rappé M & Wheat CG
(2009) The Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Deep Sediment-Buried Basement Biosphere: Juan de Fuca Ridge Flanks
Cowen J, Lin H-T, Glazer B, Rappe M, Matzinger M, Youngbluth S, Jones R, Olson E, Albert D & Amend J

Rapprich V. (2023) Fate of Li in pre-Variscan Subduction of Western Bohemian Massif
Magna T, Pohlner JE, Kachlik V, Stedra V & Rapprich V
(2023) Incorporation of Subduction-Modified Mantle Xenoliths into Extrusive Cenozoic Alkaline Rocks of the Bohemian Massif – Lithium Isotope Evidence
Rapprich V & Magna T
(2022) Mass-Dependent Titanium Isotope Variations of Global Carbonatites
Kommescher S, Magna T, Rapprich V, Fonseca ROC, Kynický J, Tappe S & Giebel RJ
(2022) Stable Zirconium Isotope Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Carbonatites
Tian S, Magna T, Rapprich V, Moynier F & Giebel RJ
(2022) Constraints on the Chlorine and Fluorine Inventory of Carbonatites
Magna T, Barnes JD, Rapprich V & Giebel RJ
(2022) Carbonatites: Evolution of High-Grade REE Mineralization and Subsequent Processes Driving Economic Exploration
Kynický J, Magna T, Chakhmouradian A, Vašinová Galiová M, Krmíček L, Rapprich V, Song W, Brtnický M, Urubek T, Smith M & Xu C
(2022) Combined Noble Gas, Fluid Inclusion and Clumped Isotope Analysis of Carbonatites from Sevattur and Samalpatti, South India
Benkó Z, Molnar K, Magna T, Rapprich V, Czuppon G, Palcsu L, Rinyu L, Kiss G & Aradi LE
(2020) Stable Cr Isotope Systematics of Carbonatites from the East African Rift
Frei R, Magna T & Rapprich V
(2020) Mantle Metasomatism and Crustal Contamination in Carbonatites the East African Rift – A Case Study of Sukulu and Tororo (Uganda)
Benkó Z, Magna T, Molnár K, Rapprich V, Palcsu L, Czuppon G & Čejková B
(2020) Spatial and Temporal Sr–Nd–Pb Isotope Variability of Cenozoic Alkaline Volcanism in the Bohemian Massif (Central Europe)
Erban Kochergina Y, Rapprich V, Magna T, Erban V, Míková J, Ackerman L & Stracke A
(2020) VNIR–SWIR Laboratory Remote Sensing Investigation of Carbonatites in Various Tectonic Settings: Implications for Critical Metals
Kopačková V, Rapprich V, Magna T, McLemore V & Pour O
(2020) Lu–Hf Isotope Systematics of Carbonatites
Polák L, Ackerman L, Magna T, Bizimis M & Rapprich V
(2020) Post-Emplacement Hydrothermal Remobilization and Nb–V Enrichment in Amba Dongar Sövites
Rapprich V, Magna T, Viladkar S, Pour O, Hopp J & Čejková B
(2017) Stable Cr Isotope Systematics in Carbonatites from S India
Andronikov A, Magna T & Rapprich V
(2017) Calcium Isotope Composition of Carbonatites – A Case Study of Sevattur and Samalpatti, S India
Magna T, Wittke A, Gussone N, Rapprich V & Upadhyay D
(2017) Hafnium Isotope Systematics of Carbonatites and Alkaline Silicate Rocks from South and West India
Ackerman L, Slama J, Haluzova E, Magna T, Rapprich V, Kochergina Y & Upadhyay D
(2017) Sulfur Isotope Systematics in Carbonatites from Sevattur and Samalpatti, S India
Magalhaes N, Magna T, Rapprich V, Kratky O & Farquhar J
(2017) Noble Gases in Indian Carbonatites
Czuppon G, Magna T, Benko Z, Rapprich V & Ott U
(2017) Age Disparity for Spatially Related Sevattur and Samalpatti Carbonatite Complexes
Rapprich V, Pecskay Z, Magna T & Mikova J
(2017) The Late- to Post-Collisional Teplice Rhyolite, Central-European Variscides (German-Czech Border): Unraveling Processes and Evolution of A-Type Granitic Melts
Casas-García R, Rapprich V, Breitkreuz C, Schulz B, Haser S & Lapp M
(2016) Highly Siderophile Element (HSE) Geochemistry of Carbonatites and Associated Alkaline Rocks from Tamil Nadu, India
Polák L, Ackerman L, Rapprich V, Magna T & Upadhyay D
(2015) Evidence for the Progressive Alkalinization of the Closed Basin Lakes in the Ethiopian Rift Valley
Farkas J, Rapprich V, Demewez A, Mitiku A, Abraham S, Jackova I, Buzek F, Rohovec J, Matouskova S & Tyler J
(2015) Geochemistry of the Highly Alkaline Loučná Intrusive Complex (Krušné Hory Mts., Czech Republic)
Erban V, Magna T, Rapprich V, Jiránek J & Bláha V
(2015) Element Flows during Fenitization of Amphibole-Rich Pyroxenite by Carbonatite Intrusion
Haloda J, Magna T, Rapprich V & Upadhyay D
(2014) Continental Alkaline Volcanism from Li–O Isotope Perspective
Magna T, Rapprich V & Pack A
(2014) Hf–Os Isotopes in Cenozoic Alkaline Basalts from the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic
Kochergina Y, Magna T, Ackerman L, Erban V, Rapprich V, Münker C & Marien C
(2014) Towards Depleted Sr–Nd Isotopology from Western to Central Cenozoic Volcanic Europe
Erban V, Magna T, Rapprich V & Mikova J
(2013) Noble Gas Signature of Tertiary Alkaline Basalts and Xenoliths from Central Europe
Kochergina Y, Niedermann S, Rapprich V & Magna T
(2007) Petrogenesis of the Basic Volcanism Behind the Volcanic Front (Cinotepeque Range, El Salvador)
Erban V, Janousek V & Rapprich V

Rapti-Caputo D. (2010) Reno River, Northern Italy: Geochemical Composition of Water and Suspended Sediments
Rapti-Caputo D, Pavanelli D & Vaccaro C

Rapuc W. (2023) Human and Climate Impacts on the Critical Zone Dynamic over the Past 10, 000 Years in the French Alps
Rapuc W, Guinoiseau D, Bouchez J, Dellinger M, Poulenard J, Sabatier P, Arnaud F & Gaillardet J
(2023) Understanding the Effect of Hydrology on Chemical Weathering in the European Alps with Li and Sr
Praharaj A, Bouchez J, Rapuc W, Hilton R, Ogric M, Le Bouteiller C & Dellinger M
(2021) Quantitative Evaluation of Human and Climate Forcing on Erosion over the Last 2000 Years in Northern Italy
Rapuc W, Bouchez J, Sabatier P, Genuite K, Poulenard J, Gaillardet J & Arnaud F

Raputa V. (2007) Dust and Aerosol Pollution from Stationary Man-Caused Sources in Novosibirsk City: Geochemical Aperiodicities and Numerical Models
Devyatova A, Bortnikova S & Raputa V

Raquin A. (2008) He, Ne and Ar Systematics in Single Vesicles: Mantle Isotopic Ratios and Origin of the Air Component in Basaltic Glasses
Raquin A, Moreira M & Guillon F
(2008) Are Noble Gases Subducted in the Deep Mantle ?
Moreira M & Raquin A
(2007) Coupling Crushing and Laser Ablation in Submarine Glasses Provide New Constraints on Noble Gases Composition of Earth's Mantle
Raquin A, Moreira M & Kurz M
(2006) He, Ne and Ar systematic on the scale of vesicle: implication for noble gases behavior in the mantle.
Raquin A, Guillon F & Moreira M

Rard J. (2005) Chemical Environment at Waste Package Surfaces in a High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
Carroll S, Alai M, Craig L, Gdowski G, Hailey P, Nguyen QA, Rard J, Staggs K, Sutton M & Wolery T
(2005) Dust Salts and Deliquescence on Waste Packages in an Unsaturated-Zone Repository
Wolery T, Peterman Z, Carroll S, Jove-Colon C, Sutton M, Rard J & Wijesinghe A

Rarick J. (2018) Exoplanet Mineralogy, and Related Issues of Bulk Earth and Solar Compositions
Putirka K & Rarick J

Rasa I. (2015) The Occurrence of Gold in Pyrite from the from the Senjedeh Gold Deposit Muteh Mining District
Nourian ramsheh Z, Yazdi M, Rasa I & Masoudi F
(2011) Semi Detail Orientation Survey in Semi Arid Conditions and Mineral Influensed Basin, Case Study in Southestern Iran
Kazemi Mehrnia A & Rasa I
(2010) Introducing of Alteration Zones Related to Mineralization in Darreh-Zar Area, Kerman, Iran
Karimi M, Yazdi M, Rasa I & Nezampour H
(2010) Introducing of Base Metals Mineralization in the Silica Veins and Porphyritic Dikes in Gueen Area, Kerman, Iran
Yazdi M, Karimi M, Rasa I & Nezampour H
(2010) An Investigation on Au Mineralization in Khuni Mining Area, Anarak, Iran
Heydarian N, Moghaddasi SJ & Rasa I
(2009) Heavy Mineral Exploration in Gueen Area, Sirjan, S of Iran
Karimi M, Yazdi M, Rasa I & Nezampour MH
(2008) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Qoll-E-Anaroo Deposit in the East of Iran
Rasa I, Nezampour MH & Pourhaji MH
(2008) Application of Statistical Methods in Geochemical Anomalies Identification, Baidjan Area, North of IRAN
Rasa I, Bokharaei S & Nezampour MH
(2008) Mineralization Properties of Chah Sorb Deposit, Central Iran
Rasa I, Nezampour MH & Pourabdollahi A
(2007) Application of Statistical Methods in Geochemical Anomalies Identification, Baidjan Area, North of IRAN
Rasa I, Bokharaei S & Nezampour MH

Rasamimanana S. (2016) Which Phase Drives Adsorption of Organic Acids on Sedimentary Rocks?
Rasamimanana S, Dagnelie R & Lefèvre G

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