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Rao Lakshminarayana (2021) Assessment of the Carbonate Weathering Carbon Sink Potential of Indian Ecosystems for the 21st Century
Chakraborty A, Muddu S & Rao L

Rao Linfeng (2021) NEA-Tdb Update Book on U, Np, Pu, Am and Tc: Overview, Systematic Trends and Datagaps of Relevance to Nuclear Waste Disposal
Gaona X, Grenthe I, Plyasunov A, Rao L, Runde W, Grambow B, Konings R, Smith AL & Moore E

Rao M. Someshwar (2015) Stable Isotopes and Major Ion Chemistry of Discharging Groundwater to the Bay of Bengal: Implications to Strontium Flux
Debnath P, Mukherjee A, Rokade P, Joshi G, Rao MS & Krishan G

Rao M.s.
(2018) Hydro-chemical and Stable Isotope (δ18O and δD) to Study Groundwater Contamination in the Overexploited Aquifers of Indo-Gangetic Plain, a Part of NCR, Delhi
Kumari R, Datta PS, Rao MS & Mukherjee S

Rao N.V.C. (2020) Petrogenesis of Ultrapotassic Lamprophyre in Central Indian Tectonic Zone, Madhya Pradesh: An Insight to Petrogenesis of Lamprophyres of Central India
Giri R & Rao NVC
(2020) Implication of Mineralogical Attributes to Define the Provenance Geology of Sediments Deposited in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
Gupta R, Pandey M, Rao NVC, Pant NC & Arora D
(2017) Subduction Zone Influence in Manipur Ophiolite Complex, Indo-Myanmar Range: Constraints from 143Nd/144Nd and Elemental Concentrations
Kingson O, Bhutani R, Dash JK, Srinivasan B, Pandit D & Rao NVC
(2009) The PGE Geochemistry of the On-Craton Kimberlites from Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Roy P, Vysetti B & Rao NVC

Rao P.H. (2013) Integrated Geo-Microbial and Adsorbed Soil Gas Studies with Seismic Data Interpretation for Successful Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Resource Potential
Rasheed MA, Santosh D, Zaheer Hasan S, Kumar B & Rao PH
(2013) Application of Geochemistry in Shale Gas Exploration: A Case Study from Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India
Annapurna B, Rasheed MA, Zaheer Hasan S, Rao PH & Kumar B

Rao Q. (2017) Molecular Simulation Studies of H2O- CO2-CH4 Complex in Swelling Clays
Rao Q & Leng Y

Rao Shilpa (2013) Exploring Synergies of Aerosol and Climate Mitigation Strategies
Klimont Z, Amann M, Rao S & Dentener F

Rao Shrikant R (2009) Mantle Xenoliths from the Kodamali Kimberlite Pipe, Bastar Craton, Central India: Evidence for Decompression Melting and Crustal Contamination in the Mantle Source
Babu EVSSK, Bhaskar Rao YJ, Mainkar D, Pashine JK & Rao SR

Rao T. (2004) The Gadag Greenstone Belt, Western Dharwar Craton: Evidence of Plume Related and Enriched Magmas
Charan S, Sarma D, Bundi U, Rao T & Sekhar V
(2004) Pb-Isotope Ratio Analysis in Geological Samples by Q-ICP-MS and Comparision with TIMS
Rao T, Vysetti B & Kumar A

Rao U (2005) Incorporation of <+>129<$>I from Nuclear Sources into Lacustrine Sedimentary Organic Matter: A Case Study in the Great Lakes
Rao U, Muramatsu Y, Kruge M & Elmore D
(2004) Factors Influencing the Global Distribution of Iodine-129 in the Environment: A Look at the Iodine Cycle in Surface Reservoirs
Snyder G, Fehn U, Muramatsu Y, Sultana M, Moran J & Rao U

Rao Usha (2022) Exploring the Bioremediation Potential of Mammalian Hemoglobin and Myoglobin in the Degradation of Toxic Azo Industrial Dyes
Rao U, Reynolds MF, Pogash S, Saul A & Barry D
(2022) Turning Heme Proteins Green: A Study of the Degradation of Anthraquinone Textile Dyes Using Mammalian Hemoglobin and Myoglobin and H2O2
Reynolds MF, Rao U, Pogash S, Saul A & Barry D

Rao Wanxiang (2013) Mineral Compositions of Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation, Sichuan Basin, China
Hu P, Shen J & Rao W

Rao Wenbo (2019) Seasonal Variations of Phosphorus Species in Surface Sediments of the Three Gorges Reservoir
Wang S, Rao W, Zhang W & Jin K
(2019) Chemical Speciation of Phosphorus in Surface Sediments from the China Coast, Yellow Sea: Controlling Factor and Bio-Availability
Mao C, Rao W, Song Y & Tang Z
(2018) Strontium Isotopic Characteristics and Water-Rock Interaction of Shallow Groundwater in an Arid Desert Area
Jin K, Rao W, Zhang W & Zheng F
(2017) Modern Radial Sand Ridges in the Southern Yellow Sea Sediment: Sources and Transport Trajectories
Mao C, Tang Z & Rao W
(2016) Modern Radial Sand Ridges in the Southern Yellow Sea Sediment: Sources and Transport Trajectories
Tang Z, Mao C & Rao W
(2014) The Potential Sources and Transport Pathways of Recent Surface Sand Ridges Sediments in the Southern Yellow Sea
Mao C, Rao W, Wang Y, Wang X, Balsam W & Ji J
(2014) Isotope Compositions of Modern Precipitation in the Ordos Desert Area, China
Jin K & Rao W
(2013) Nd-Sr Isotopic Constraints on the Source of the Hexi Corridor Loess
Pan Y, Rao W & Wu W
(2009) Geochemical Features of Heavy Metals in Estuary Sediments of the Pearl River
Li T & Rao W
(2009) The Chemical Weathering of Carbonates in Eolian Substances
Li H, Wang Y & Rao W
(2009) Soil Water Movement in a Unsaturted Soil in the Xining Basin Traced by Isotopic and Chemial Methods
Jiang S, Chen J & Rao W
(2008) H, O, Sr Isotopic Constraint on Evolution of the Oilfield Brines in the Western Qaidam Basin, China
Tan H, Rao W, Li B, Li T & Xu J
(2008) Isotopic Interpretations for Abundant Carbonates in the Tertiary Red Clay of the Chinese Loess Plateau
Rao W, Tan H & Chen J
(2007) &epsilon;Nd(0) Values of Different Grain Sizes of Eolian Sand and Dust, China
Rao W, Chen J & Ji J
(2006) Quantification of silicate weathering in Chinese Loess Plateau
Rao W & Sheng X
(2006) Variations of 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Lingtai profile in the Chinese Loess Plateau during the past 7 Ma
Wang Y, Yang J, Chen J, Zhang K & Rao W
(2005) The Red-Clay-Type Gold Deposit in China
Gao Z, Yu Y, Yang Z & Rao W
(2002) Paleoclimate Record of Variation of the Organic Carbon in Chinese Loess Section Since 0.15Ma B.P
Rao W

Rao X. (2019) Constraining Diagenetic Barium Cycling with Pore-Water Stable Barium Isotopes
Cao Z, Rao X, Hong Q, Hathorne E, Siebert C, Ehlert C, Kasten S & Frank M

Rao Yanning (2012) Erosion of Organic Matter in a Tropical Mountain Catchment: Implications for Carbon Delivery from the Andes to the Amazon River
Clark KE, Hilton RG, West AJ, Malhi Y, Grocke DR, Bryant C, Robles A, Rao Y & New M

Rao Yingxue (2013) Geochemical Assessment in Environmental Assessment of Human Settlements
Dai D, Rao Y & Cheng S

Rao Zhiguo (2013) Tetraether Records for the Last 60 kyr from a Loess-Paleosol Sequence in the Western Chinese Loess Plateau
Jia G, Rao Z, Zhang J, Li Z & Chen F
(2012) On the Timing and Mechanisms of Heinrich Stadials: A Speleothem Study from Southern Brazil
Wang X, Rao Z, Cai Y, Kong X, Auler A, Cheng H & Edwards RL

Rao Zhu (2009) Subsurface Gas Geochemistry and its Implication to Possible Gas Hydrates in the Qinghai-Tibet Permafrost
Lu Z, Wu B, Rao Z, Zhu Y, Luo X & Bai R

Rao Zixuan (2018) Quantitative Reconstructions of Past Lake Level Changes from Tufas and Paleoshorelines in the Central Andes
Chen CY, Rao Z, McGee D & Quade J

Rao Zixuan C. (2022) Rise in the 15N-To-14N Ratio of Otolith-Bound Organic Matter Associated with Late Cretaceous Cooling
Rao ZC, Lueders-Dumont JA, Stringer GL, Martinez-Garcia A, Haug GH & Sigman DM
(2022) Cenozoic Evolution and Extinction of Megatooth Sharks from Stable Isotope Ratios in Bioapatite
Griffiths ML, Flores R, Kast ER, Kim SL, McCormack J, Akhtar AA, Shimada K, Becker M, Maisch Iv H, Rao ZC, Higgins JA, Neumann A, Clarke C, Tripati AE, Chan R, Karnes M, Sigman DM & Eagle RA
(2020) A Seasonally Resolved Coral Nitrogen Isotope Record from the Florida Keys: Implications for the Impact of Anthropogenic Nitrogen on the Gulf of Mexico
Wang Y, Wang XT, Flannery JA, Toth LT, Richey JN, Chen Y-C, Rao ZC, Ren HA & Sigman DM

Raoof A. (2021) Quantifying Transient, Reaction-Induced Permeability during Fluid-Rock Interaction: A Multi-Resolution Imaging and Multi-Scale Pore Network Modelling Approach
Amiri H, Raoof A & Plümper O
(2021) The Contribution of Hydrodynamic Processes to Calcite Dissolution Rate Spectra: Measurements and Simulations
Wolthers M, Agrawal P, Bollermann T, Iliev O, Fischer C & Raoof A
(2017) Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2 in Carbonate Rocks: Single Pore Model
Agrawal P, Koskamp J, Raoof A & Wolthers M
(2012) Multi-Scale Modeling of Transverse Reactive Mixing in a Coastal Aquifer
M.Nick H, Raoof A, Thullner M & Regnier P

Raoof B. (2023) Impacts of Polystyrene Nanoplastics on the Cell Surface Properties of Picocyanobacteria Synechococcus and Microalgae Spirulina
Kokilathasan N, Raoof B & Dittrich M
(2011) Origin of Iron Layer in Sediment of Lake Superior: Abiotic vs. Biotic
Dittrich M, Gordon J, Raoof B, Chesnyuk A, Quazi S, Fulthorpe R, Bollmann J & Katsev S

Raoult Y. (2023) Groundwater Noble Gas Paleothermometry Record of 9℃ LGM Cooling in Eastern France
Bekaert DV, Blard P-H, Raoult Y, Pik R, Kipfer R, Seltzer AM, Legrain E & Marty B

Rap A. (2013) The Climate Impacts of Natural Aerosol
Spracklen D, Scott C & Rap A
(2011) Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Constraint on the Global Secondary Organic Aerosol Budget
Spracklen D, Jimenez J, Carslaw K, Worsnop D, Evans M, Mann G, Zhang Q, Canagaratna M, Allan J, Coe H, Mcfiggans G, Rap A & Forster P

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