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Rakhmonkulova S. (2011) Geochemical and Mineralogical Features of Coal Combustion Wastes (CCW) of Angren Thermal Power Station (TPS) and Possible Ways of their Recycling, Uzbekistan
Rakhmonkulova S & Shukurov N

Rakocinski Michal (2018) The Late Devonian Mass Extinction: New Geochemical and Geochronological Insights
Percival L, Davies J, Selby D, Schaltegger U, Rakocinski M, Racki G, Bond D, Spangenberg J, Adatte T & Föllmi K

Rakociński Michał (2020) Volcanic Related Methylmercury Poisoning as the Possible Driver of the End-Devonian Mass Extinction
Rakociński M, Marynowski L, Pisarzowska A, Bełdowski J, Siedlewicz G, Zatoń M, Perri MC, Spalletta C & Schönlaub HP

Rakoczy J. (2013) Elevated Pressure of Carbon Dioxide Affects Growth of Thermophilic <i>Petrotoga</i> sp
Rakoczy J, Gniese C, Schippers A, Schlömann M & Krüger M

Rakotoarisoa O. (2011) Solid Speciation of As, Pb and Sb-Rich Anthropogenic Residues
Courtin-Nomade A, Rakotoarisoa O, Bril H, Kunz M & Tamura N
(2011) Antimony and Arsenic Behaviour Upon Microbial Dissolution of Mining Waste
Grybos M, Kierczak J, Rakotoarisoa O, Courtin-Nomade A & Bril H

Rakotomanana D. (2009) A Dismembered Late-Archean Anorthositic to Charnockitic Suite in the Andriamena Greenstone-Belt, Madagascar
Ohnenstetter M, Reisberg L, Paquette JL, Ratefiarimino A & Rakotomanana D
(2008) Bimodal Magmatism in the Andriamena Belt, Madagascar. Implication for Continental Crust Evolution in Neoproterozoic Times
Ohnenstetter M, Ratefiarimino A & Rakotomanana D

Rakotonandrasana T. (2013) Igneous Sapphirine in Ambatomena, Southern Madagascar
Arima M, Kimoto K, Rakotondrazafy R, Rakotonandrasana T & Ranaivoson M

Rakotondravelo K.M. (2021) Origin and Mantle Source Characteristics of Quaternary Volcanism in the Central Highlands of Madagascar
Rasoazanamparany C, Widom E, Kuentz D, Raharimahefa T, Rakotondravelo KM & Rakotondrazafy AFM

Rakotondrazafy A.F.M. (2021) Origin and Mantle Source Characteristics of Quaternary Volcanism in the Central Highlands of Madagascar
Rasoazanamparany C, Widom E, Kuentz D, Raharimahefa T, Rakotondravelo KM & Rakotondrazafy AFM

Rakotondrazafy R. (2013) Igneous Sapphirine in Ambatomena, Southern Madagascar
Arima M, Kimoto K, Rakotondrazafy R, Rakotonandrasana T & Ranaivoson M

Rakotonimaro Tsiverihasina (2015) East Sullivan Mine Site Restoration: Current Success and Perspectives
Rakotonimaro T, Lacroix R, Trudel S & Neculita CM

Rakotonimaro Tsiverihasina Vavaka (2019) Peat Valorization Potential as Organic Cover for the Reclamation of Gold Mine Tailings
Rakotonimaro TV, Guittonny M, Neculita CM, Bussière B, Villeneuve M, Trépanier F & Pépin G

Rakovan J. (2020) REE Analysis of Fluorite from the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District
Bergbower J, Dietsch C, Singer J & Rakovan J
(2017) High-Resolution Raman Spectroscopy of Apatite along the F-Oh, F-Cl, and Cl-Oh Binary Joins
Ashley K, Harlov D, Hughes J, Rakovan J, Balhouse B, Steele-MacInnis M & Bodnar R
(2015) Monazite, Xenotime and Apatite Chemistry and Textures: Clues to Understanding Geochronologic Discrepancies in the Llallagua Tin Deposit, Bolivia
Betkowski W, Rakovan J & Harlov D
(2014) Hydrothermal Mineral Replacement Reactions for an Apatite-Monazite Assemblage in Alkali-Rich Fluids
Betkowski W, Harlov D & Rakovan J
(2010) Crystal Chemistry of Uranium and Thorium in Apatites
Luo Y, Rakovan J & Hughes J
(2010) Simultaneous Immobilization of As and Pb in Contaminated Soils
Marchlewski T & Rakovan J
(2010) Investigation of Ca-Pb-P-As Solid Solutions in Apatite
Taylor A, Marchlewski T & Rakovan J
(2010) Formation of Precursor Phases during Crystal Growth of Apatite Under Contaminated Earth-Surface Conditions
Borkiewicz O, Rakovan J & Cahill C
(2005) Source of Fluorine and Petrogenesis of the Rio Grande Rift Type Barite-Fluorite-Galena Deposits
Partey F, Lev S, Casey R, Widom E, Lueth V & Rakovan J
(2005) Structural State of Th in Fluoroapatite Determined by Single Crystal XRD and EXAFS
Rakovan J, Luo Y, Elzinga E, Pan Y, Lupulescu M & Hughes J
(2005) Investigating the Site Preference of U and Th in Cl, F, Sr Apatites Using Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction
Luo Y, Rakovan J, Hughes J & Pan Y
(2001) The Use of WDS in Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence and Spectroscopy: Case Studies Involving Heterogeneous Reactivity at the Mineral-Water Interface
Rakovan J, Sutton S, Newville M & Lanzirotti A
(2001) An AFM Study of the Palygorskite/Sepiolite to Smectite Transformation in the Meigs-Attapulgas- Quincy District
Hammerly E, Rakovan J & Guggenheim S
(2001) Surface Structurally Controlled Sectoral Zoning of REE in Fluorite from Long Lake, N.Y. And Bingham, N.M.: Implications for Trace Element Heterogeneity in Minerals from Hydrothermal Deposits
Bosze SL & Rakovan J
(2001) Color, Its Cause, and Relation to REE Chemistry and Paragenesis of Fluorites from the Hansonburg Mining District in Bingham, NM
Wright CL & Rakovan J

Rakowski A. (2003) Changes of Carbon Isotopic Composition in Modern Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) Tree Rings from Central Japan
Rakowski A & Nakamura T

Rakshit S. (2010) Sorption of Oxytetracycline on Magnetite-Water Interface
Rakshit S, Punamiya P, Datta R & Sarkar D

Ralf D. (2020) A Combined Diffusion and Fractional Condensation Model for the Chemical and Isotopic Zoning in FeNi-Metal
Ralf D, Jutta Z & Stefan W

Rallakis D. (2018) Uranium-Sulphides-Organic Matter-Dolomite Low Temperature Diagenetic Interplay in Cretaceous Continental Unconsolidated Sediments (Mongolia)
Rallakis D, Cathelineau M, Michels R, Brouand M & Parize O

Ralph D. (2020) The Creation and Evolution of Porosity during Mineral-Fluid Interactions: A Combined USANS/SANS, Microscopy, and Synchrotron PXRD Study
Kartal M, Xia F, Adegoke IA, Ralph D, Mata J & Sokolova A

Ralph J. (2022) Evidence for Phanerozoic Crustal Oxidation from the Evolution of Manganese Minerals
Hummer DR, Golden JJ, Hystad G, Downs RT, Eleish A, Liu C, Ralph J, Morrison SM, Meyer MB & Hazen RM
(2020) Mineral Affinity Analysis: Predicting Unknown Mineral Occurrences with Machine Learning
Morrison SM, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Narkar S, Fox P, Golden JJ, Downs RT, Perry S, Burns PC, Ralph J & Hazen RM
(2017) Carbon Mineral Network Analysis: A Big Data Geobiology Study
Hazen R, Eleish A, Liu C, Morrison S, Meyer M, Fox P, Hummer D, Downs R, Golden J, Pires A, Hystad G & Ralph J
(2017) Network Analysis Applications: Exploring Geosphere and Biosphere Co-evolution with Big Data Techniques
Morrison SM, Eleish A, Liu C, Hummer DR, Giovannelli D, Meyer MB, Fox P, Downs RT, Golden JJ, Pires A, Hystad G, Ralph J & Hazen RM
(2011) Mineral Evolution: What's New?
Hazen R, Downs R, Golden J, Grew E, McMillan M, Ralph J & Sverjensky D

Ralston S.j. (2018) Interpreting Observations of Amorphous and Poorly Crystalline Materials on Mars: A Combined Field, Laboratory, and Modeling Approach
Hausrath E, Ralston SJ, Bamisile T, Luu N, Rampe E, Peretyazhko T & Gainey S

Ralston Silas (2020) Examining Formation and Dissolution of Fe-Rich Incipient Weathering Products Using Field, Laboratory, and Reactive Transport Modeling Approaches
Hausrath E, Feldman A, Luu N, Peretyazhko T, Provow A, Ralston S, Rampe E & Sanchez A

Ram F. (2020) Understanding the Palaeo-Environment of Rann of Kachchh, Western India Through Holocene: Implications to Harappan Civilization
Ram F

Ram K. (2023) Characterization of Microplastics in Commercially Valued Gangetic Fishes and its Exposure Assessment on Humans
Kumar A & Ram K

Ram Rahul (2020) Transport of Ions at the Mineral Fluid Interface: Insights from the Copper Sulfide System
Chaudhari A, Frierdich A, Brand H, Paterson D, Ram R, Etschmann B & Brugger J
(2020) Anomalous Stability of U(IV) Species in Sulfate-Bearing Hydrothermal Solutions
Migdisov A, Van Hartesveldt N, Kalintsev A, Nisbet H, Alcorn C, Strzelecki A, Ram R, Boukhalfa H, Xu H, Gabitov R, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Jove-Colon C, Matteo E, Caporuscio F, Roback R & White J
(2020) Uranyl Speciation up to 250 ºC in Near-Neutral to Basic Solutions: The Carbonate – Hydroxy Interplay
Kalintsev A, Migdisov A, Xu H, Roback R, Brugger J & Ram R
(2020) Sequential Sodic and Potassic Alterations Through a Kinetic Controlled Fluid-Mineral Interaction Process
Duan G, Brugger J, Ram R, Xing Y & Etschmann B
(2020) Hot Potato: Characterising Pu Particles from Maralinga, Australia
Cook M, Etschmann B, Ram R, Brugger J, Ignatyev K, Gervinskas G, Conradson S, Cumberland S & Wong V
(2020) Tellurium Biogeochemistry in the World’s Richest Tellurium Hotspot
Missen O, Brugger J, Mills S, Etschmann B, Ram R & Shuster J
(2019) Deciphering a Million-Dollar Reaction – The Mineral Replacement of Chalcopyrite by Digenite/Covellite
Chaudhari A, Brugger J, Frierdich A, Ram R & Etschmann B

Ram Roi (2023) New Insights into Groundwater Dating from Paired 14C, 4He, and High-Precision 40Ar Measurements in the Columbia River Basalt Aquifer System
Tyne RL, Warr O, Cheng A, Kulongoski JT, McIntosh J, Johnson HM, Hudak MR, Ram R, Ben-Nun Levanon H, Reznik IJ, Adar EM, Ng J & Seltzer AM
(2023) Unraveling the Paleo-Hydrology of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer Using Dissolved Noble Gases
Ram R, Seltzer AM, Adar EM, Solomon DK, Yokochi R, Purtschert R, Yechieli Y, Burg A, Aeschbach W, Zappala JC, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P & Reznik IJ
(2022) A Multi-Tracers Mixing-Cells Model Identified and Quantified Active Recharge into a Deep Nubian Sandstone "Fossil" Aquifer
Adar EM, Atencio B, Ram R, Burg A, Yokochi R, Yechieli Y, Purtschert R, Lu Z-T & Jiang W
(2016) Field Degassing as a New Sampling Method for 14C Analyses in Groundwater
Bernier R, Yokochi R, Yechieli Y, Purtschert R, Adar E, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P, Ram R & Zappala J

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