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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Peytcheva Irena (2019) U-Pb Dating of Columbite-Bearing Ores with a New Columbite Reference Material
von Quadt A, Guillong M, Laurent O, Peytcheva I, Galliski M & Bermudez A
(2019) LIPs Timing by U-Pb ID-TIMS Dating of Calcic Garnets
Stifeeva M, Salnikova E, Chaknmouradian A, Kotov A, Arzamastsev A & Peytcheva I

Peytcheva Irena (2021) Depositional Setting of the Deep-Sea Sediments from an Area of High Nodule Occurrence in the Clarion-Clipperton Fractures Zone, NE Pacific
Milakovska Z, Stoyanova V, Hikov A, Abramowski T, Stefanova E, Peytcheva I, Chavdarova S & Stavrev M

Peyton B. (2016) Selenium Biomineralization Applied to Mine Facility Design
Bithell Kirk L, Hwang C, Ertuna C, Kennedy C & Peyton B
(2013) Biological Diversityand Potential in Geothermal Systems
Peyton B & Lee H
(2012) Uranium Association and Interaction with Redox Boundary in Rifle Surface Seep Sediments
Stewart B, Nico P & Peyton B
(2010) Modeling UO2 Bioprecipitation and Reoxidation by Fe(III) (Hydr)oxides
Spycher N, Issarangkun M, Stewart B, Sengor S, Ginn T, Sani R & Peyton B
(2010) Mechanisms of Biogenic Uraninite Oxidation in the Presence of Fe(III)(hydr)oxides
Stewart B & Peyton B
(2009) Elucidating Dominant Mechanisms of Nanocrystalline Uraninite Reoxidation by Fe(III)(hydr)oxides
Stewart B & Peyton B
(2009) Geomicrobiological Control of Selenium Solubility in Subsurface Phosphate Overburden Deposits
Kirk LB, Childers SE, Peyton B, McDermott T, Gerlach R & Johnson TM
(2007) Interactions of Uranium with Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides Under Sulfate Reducing Conditions
Sani R, Peyton B, Ginn T & Dohnalkova A
(2005) Microbial Transformation of AQDS, Fe(III), Cr(VI), and U(VI) by a Novel Clostridiales, Strain UFO1
Ray A, Connon S, Neal A, Sivaswamy VS, Peyton B, Cummings D, Fujita Y & Magnuson T
(2005) Reoxidation of Biologically Reduced Uranium with Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides Under Sulfate-Reducing Conditions
Sani R, Peyton B, Dohnalkova A & Amonette J

Peyton L. (2008) Secondary Weathering Phases and Apatite (U-Th)/He Ages
Reiners P, Thomson S, Tipple B, Peyton L, Rahl J & Mulch A

Peyve A. (2023) Variable Depletion Signatures in the Oceanic Upper Mantle
Sani C, Sanfilippo A, Peyve A, Genske F & Stracke A
(2022) Genesis of Oceanic Oxide Gabbros and Gabbronorites during Reactive Melt Migration at Transform Walls (Doldrums Megatransform System; 7-8°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Basch V, Sanfilippo A, Skolotnev S, Ferrando C, Muccini F, Palmiotto C, Peyve A, Ermolaev BV, Okina OI & Ligi M
(2019) Anciently Depleted Mantle at Knipovich Ridge?
Sanfilippo A, Sokolov S, Salters V, Stracke A & Peyve A
(2009) Alkali Volcanism of the Carter Seamount (Central Atlantic)
Peyve A

Pezard P. (2022) Initial Results from the Oman Drilling Project Multi-Borehole Observatory: Petrogenesis and Ongoing Alteration of Mantle Peridotite in the Weathering Horizon
Kelemen P, Leong JA, de Obeso JC, Matter J, Ellison ET, Templeton AS, Nothaft DB, Eslami A, Evans K, Godard M, Malvoisin B, Coggon JA, Warsi N, Pezard P, Cho S, Teagle D, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E & Al Sulaimani Z

Pezdir V. (2022) Characterization of Dry Atmospheric Deposition Following a Dust Event and its Importance for Ombrotrophic Peatlands
Pezdir V, Gaberšek M & Gosar M
(2021) SEM/EDS Characterization of Atmospheric Solid Particles Deposited on Peatland
Pezdir V, Gaberšek M & Gosar M
(2020) Peat Morphology and Geochemistry of Šijec Bog (Slovenia)
Pezdir V, Čeru T & Gosar M

Pezzetta E. (2010) Isotopic Evidence of Possible Cr(III) Oxidation in an Early Contaminated Site from NE Italy
Petrini R, Lutman A, Cavazzini G, Slejko F & Pezzetta E
(2010) Iron Isotope-Fractionation in Coastal Aquifers from the Grado-Marano Lagoon, Adriatic Sea (Italy): Preliminary Results
Castorina F, Lutman A, Pezzetta E & Petrini R

Pezzino A. (2017) Making Unusual Granites: Just add Water Under or after Cooking
Fiannacca P, Cirrincione R & Pezzino A
(2009) Identifying Cadomian Events Through SHRIMP Geochronology: Ediacaran Magmatism in the Peloritani Mountains (S Italy)
Fiannacca P, Williams IS, Cirrincione R, Lo Giudice A & Pezzino A
(2007) The Use of Campanian Pumices in the Roman Mortars of Messina Area (Sicily) as Indicator of Technological Tradition
Barone G, La Russa MF, Mazzoleni P, Pezzino A & Tigano G
(2002) Sample Preparation and Multi-Element Analysis of Geological Materials by HR-ICP-MS: An Application to the Building Stones of the Roman Theatre in Catania (Italy)
Punturo R, Censi P, Lo Giudice A & Pezzino A
(2002) Zircon U-Pb Ages of Porphyroids of the Peloritan Mountains (NE Sicily): Constraints on the pre-Variscan Evolution of the Peloritan Microplate
Trombetta A, Cirrincione R, Corfu F, Mazzoleni P & Pezzino A

Pezzoti S. (2020) Simulation Predictions of non-Linear Optics at Solid-Liquid Interfaces
Předota M, Kroutil O, Biriukov D, Pezzoti S, Marchioro A, Bischoff M, Gaigeot M-P & Roke S

Pezzotta F. (2023) The Origin of Anatectic Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum Pegmatites
Magnani L, Farina F, Pezzotta F, Dini A & Mayne MJ
(2022) Anatectic Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum Pegmatites Formation during Low Pressure Metamorphism of Metapelites
Magnani L, Farina F, Pezzotta F, Dini A, Mayne MJ & Bartoli O
(2021) Peraluminous Magmas and the LCT Pegmatitic Li Paradox
Dini A, Caricchi L, Farina F, Kouzmanov K & Pezzotta F

Pezzotti S. (2019) VSFG Spectrum from Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Alumina (0001) and Fluorite (111) Surfaces
Kroutil O, Gaigeot M-P, Pezzotti S & Předota M
(2017) SFG Spectroscopy of Silica/water Interfaces by DFT-Md Simulations
Pezzotti S, Galimberti D & Gaigeot M-P
(2017) Water at Silica/ and Alumina/Liquid Water Interfaces Investigated by DFT-Md Simulations: Structure & SFG Vibrational Signatures Revealed
Pezzotti S, Galimberti D, Pfeiffer-Laplaud M, Potier L, Cimas A & Gaigeot M-P

Pf‰nder J. (2002) In Search of a Superchondritic Nb/Ta Reservoir: High-Precision Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in Ocean Island and Intraplate Basalts
Pf‰nder J, M¸nker C, Mezger K & Hofmann AW

Pfaff K. (2022) Automated Mineralogy to Characterize Residence of Lead in Fine Grained Sediment along a River Impacted by Historic Lead Mining in Southeast Missouri, USA
Mills C, Stricker C, Buckley C, Pfaff K, Livingston K, Schumacher J, Morrison J, Kane T & Campbell KM
(2020) Distribution of Ore Minerals in Banded Epithermal Veins: Results of micro–X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping
Tharalson ER, Kelly NM, Monecke T, Pfaff K, Reynolds TJ & Zeeck L
(2018) Hydrothermal Evolution of Au-Bearing Pyrite Veins and their Association to Base Metal Veins in the Central City District, CO, USA
Alford L, Gysi A, Monecke T, Pfaff K & Hurtig N
(2011) Mineral Compositions Indicate Magma Recharge Processes in the Ilímaussaq Complex, Greenland
Ratschbacher B, Marks M, Pfaff K & Markl G
(2010) Tectonothermal History of the Black Forest (Germany): A Triple Dating Approach on a Single Apatite Sample
Danisik M, Pfaff K, Evans N, Manoloukos C, Staude S, McDonald B & Markl G
(2007) Fractionation Processes in the Layered Ilimaussaq Nepheline Syenite
Pfaff K, Krumrei T, Rudolf T & Markl G

Pfaffenberger L. (2011) Discrimination of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Different Sources
Heringa M, Chirico R, Platt S, Pfaffenberger L, Barmet P, Slowik J, DeCarlo P, Dommen J, Prévôt A & Baltensperger U

Pfahl T. (2011) Lithium and Its Isotopes in Central European Rivers
Wiechert U, Ullmann C, Uhlig D, Pfahl T, Ricking M & Becker H

Pfahler V. (2011) Where Life Meets Rocks: Understanding P Cycling during the Early Phases of Soil Formation
Tamburini F, Bernasconi SM, Pfahler V, Buenemann E & Frossard E

Pfänder Jörg (2019) The Subduction Zone Signal in Continental Basalts
Pfänder J, Jung S, Klügel A, Münker C, Romer R, Sperner B & Kroner U
(2018) Precise but Off? Do We Need Improved Irradiation Procedures and/Or New Monitors in 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology?
Pfänder J, Sperner B, Schulz B & Jonckheere R
(2017) Formation of LCT Pegmatites in Archean Cratons: Constraints from 40Ar/39Ar Mica, U-Th-Pb Monazite and U-Pb Tantalite/Columbite Dating
Dittrich T, Seifert T, Schulz B, Pfänder J & Gerdes A

Pfänder Jörg A. (2015) Chronology of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes Related to Plagiogranite Formation in the Oman Ophiolite: Insights from High-Resolution 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and Trace Element Geochemistry
Herrmann M, Pfänder J, Schulz B & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2015) Continental Thickening vs. Flat Subduction – The Cause for Cretaceous Magmatism in the Pamir
Malz N, Pfänder JA, Ratschbacher L, Münker C, Mezger K, Jung S, Garbe-Schönberg D & Hauff F
(2015) Dating Deformation along Major Pamir Shear Zones with the Ar-Ar in situ Technique
Schneider S, Worthington J, Pfänder JA & Ratschbacher L
(2013) Correlated Chemical and Temporal Evolution of Cenozoic Magmatism in SE-Germany (Heldburg Region)
Pfänder J, Klügel A, Jung S & Rohrmüller J
(2013) Monitoring the 40Ar/39Ar Irradiation Parameter ‘J’ Without Using Geological Age Standards
Rutte D, Unterricker S, Pfänder J & Jonckheere R
(2013) What Causes the Rapid Change of Cenozoic Magma Sources in the Pamir?
Malz N, Ratschbacher L, Pfänder JA & Münker C
(2011) Dating Granites from the Erzgebirge by Different Methods – A Comparison
Tichomirowa M & Pfänder J
(2011) Dating Crocidolite Deposits Using the Argon-Argon-Method
Häring M, Pfänder J & Gutzmer J
(2011) Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Age of Greisen Mineralization in the Li-Rb-Cs-Sn-W Deposit Zinnwald, Erzgebirge, Germany
Seifert T, Atanasova P, Gutzmer J & Pfänder J
(2011) Geochronological and Thermochronological Evolution of the Southern Gaoligongshan Metamorphic Belt, Yunnan (China)
Eroglu S, Siebel W, Danisik M, Pfänder J & Chen F
(2008) Sources of Alkaline and Tholeiitic Volcanic Rocks from the CEVP (Vogelsberg, Germany) Inferred from Hf, Pb, and Os Isotopes
Jung S, Pfänder J, Brauns M & Maas R
(2008) Origin of Mafic Melts in the Pamir Mountains – Evidence from Trace-Element and Isotopic Data of Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks
Pfänder J & Ratschbacher L
(2008) Magma Generation in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) and Afar
Kersten F, Pfänder J & Gloaguen R
(2007) Geochemistry of Quaternary Lavas from the Main Ethiopian Rift-Constraints on Continental Breakup and Rifting
Kersten F, Pfänder J & Gloaguen R
(2007) High-Field Strength Elements (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) in Continental Basalts from the CEVP – Implications for the HFSE Budget of the Lithospheric Mantle and the Global Nb Budget
Pfänder J, Jung S, Münker C & Mezger K
(2002) MPI-Ding Reference Glasses for in situ Microanalytical Techniques: New Trace Element and Isotope Data
Stoll B, Jochum KP, Hofmann AW, Raczek I, Pfänder J & Meixner A
(2000) Trace Element and Nd Isotope Characteristics of the Bayankhongor Ophiolite, Central Mongolia: Heterogeneous Mantle or Single Contaminated Source?
Buchan C, Pfänder J, Brewer T, Cunningham D & Windley B
(2000) Tracing Ancient Mantle Sources: Origin of Gabbros and Peridotites from the ATC Ophiolite in Central Asia – Petrological, Trace Element and Isotopic Constraints
Pfänder J, Jochum KP, Todt W & Kröner A

Pfannkuche O. (2009) Benthic Respiration and Energy Transfer in Cold Seep Habitats
Sommer S, Linke P, Pfannkuche O, Niemann H, Treude T & Haeckel M
(2007) High Sea Bed Methane Emission Rates at Hikurangi Margin (New Zealand) Associated with Extremely Dense Populations of Ampharetid Polychaetes
Sommer S, Linke P, Pfannkuche O, Bowden DA, Greinert J & Haeckel M

Pfarrmaier C. (2018) Solubility Consideration on the Amorphous Calcium Magnesium Carbonate System
Purgstaller B, Goetschl K, Mavromatis V, Pfarrmaier C & Dietzel M

Pfeffer C. (2013) Distribution of Metabolic Activity and Current Production along Conductive Cable Bacteria
Pfeffer C, Larsen S, Damgaard LR, Nielsen LP & Risgaard-Petersen N
(2011) Biogeoelectric Networks in Marine Sediments – A ‘First Cut’ Study
Pfeffer C, Risgaard-Petersen N & Nielsen LP

Pfeffer M. (2022) Rapid Source Shifting of a Deep Magmatic System Revealed by the Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
Halldorsson SA, Marshall E, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Bali E, Rasmussen M, Ranta E, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Guðfinnsson GH, Sigmarsson O, Maclennan J, Jackson M, Whitehouse MJ, Jeon H, van der Meer QHA, Mibei G, Kalliokoski M, Repczynska M, Rúnarsdóttir R, Sigurdsson G, Pfeffer M, Scott S, Kjartansdóttir R, Kleine BI, Clive O, Aiuppa A, Ilyinskaya E, Bitetto M, Giudice G & Stefánsson A
(2016) Environmental Pressure from the 2014-15 Eruption of the Bardarbunga Volcano, Iceland
Gislason S, Eiriksdottir E, Galeczka I, Stefánsdóttir G, Pfeffer M, Barsotti S, Johannsson T, Bali E, Sigmarsson O, Stefansson A, Keller N, Sigurdsson A & Gudmundsson M
(2015) Environmental Pressure from the 2014–15 Eruption of Bárðarbunga Volcano, Iceland
Gislason S, Stefansdottir G, Pfeffer M, Barsotti S, Jóhannsson T, Galeczka I, Bali E, Sigmarsson O, Stefansson A, Keller N, Sigurdsson A, Bergsson B, Galle B, Jacobo V, Arellano S, Aiuppa A, Eiriksdottir E, Jakobsson S, Gunnarsson H & Gudmundsson M

Pfeifer H-R. (2009) Adsorption of 90Sr and 239Pu on Natural Colloïds of Alpine Soil Solution
Luisier F, Steinmann P, Loizeau J-L, Krachler M, Pfeifer H-R & Froidevaux P
(2006) Stable Isotope Composition of Waters from Porphyry Copper Mine Tailings in Different Climatic Environments, Chile
Spangenberg JE, Dold B, Vogt M-L & Pfeifer H-R
(2002) Contrasting Mantle Sources for the Permian Mafic Magmatism in the Alps: Insight from the Mont-Collon Gabbro (Dent-Blanche Nappe, Western Alps)
Monjoie P, Bussy F, Schaltegger U, Lapierre H & Pfeifer H-R
(2002) Arsenic in Deep Groundwater of Switzerland and their Environmental Impact and Health Risk
Pfeifer H-R & Zobrist J
(2002) Arsenic in Spring Waters and Soils in Southern Switzerland: Evidence of Complex Weathering and Re-deposition Processes
Temgoua E & Pfeifer H-R

Pfeifer K. (2007) The Reconstruction of Changes in the Seep Activity of a Pockmark Site Using Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca Ratios in the Sediments of the Lower Congo Fan
Pfeifer K & Kasten S
(2007) Geochemistry of Barium in Sediments of the Western Black Sea
Kasten S, Bogus K, Jones M, März C, Pfeifer K & Seifert R
(2004) Iron Diagenesis within and Below the Zone of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Riedinger N, Pfeifer K, Kasten S, Garming J, Vogt C & Hensen C
(2002) Direct Versus Indirect Determination of Biogenic Barium as a Proxy for Productivity
Reitz A, Pfeifer K, de Lange GJ & Klump J
(2000) Modeling of Subsurface Calcite Dissolution Regarding Respiration and Re-oxidation Processes in the Equatorial Upwelling off Gabon
Pfeifer K, Wenzhöfer F, Hensen C, Strotmann B, Adler M & Schulz HD
(2000) Interpretation of Pore Water Profiles Affected by Intense Lateral Sediment Advection: Examples from the Argentinean and Uruguayan Continental Slope
Hensen C, Schulz HD, Pfeifer K, Zabel M & Kasten S

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