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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Petts Duane C. (2017) The Source and Paleofluid Evolution of Secondary Minerals in Low-Permeability Ordovician Limestones of the Michigan Basin
Petts DC, Diamond LW, Aschwanden L, Jautzy JJ, Al TA & Jensen M
(2017) Fluid Induced Transition from Banded Kyanite- to Bimineralic Eclogite and Implications for the Evolution of Cratons
Sommer H, Jacob D, Stern R, Petts D, Mattey D & Pearson G
(2010) Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Trace Element Chemistry of Lower Crustal Xenoliths, Western Churchill Province of the Canadian Shield
Petts DC, Moser DE, Davis WJ & Longstaffe FJ

Pétursdóttir S. (2015) The Vonarskard Geothermal System, Central Iceland: An Oasis in the Desert
Keller NS, Stefánsson A, Kaasalainen H, Björnsdóttir S, Pétursdóttir S, Gunnarsson Robin J, Hreggvidsson GÓ, Jóhannesson H & Fridleifsson GÓ

Petzke L. (2005) Characterizing Microbial Ureolytic Activity in Groundwater for the Potential to Facilitate Calcite Precipitation for Remediation of Strontium-90
Fujita Y, Petzke L, Taylor M, Taylor J, Tyler T & Smith R

Peuble S. (2013) CO2 Mineralization in Percolated Olivine-Rich Rocks: Control of Olivine Crystallographic Orientation and Fluid Flux
Peuble S, Andreani M, Godard M, Van De Moortele B & Gouze P
(2011) CO2 Sequestration in Olivine Rich Basaltic Aquifers: A Reactive Percolation Experimental Study
Peuble S, Godard M, Gouze P & Luquot L

Peucat J (2005) A New Geochemical Tool to Separate Basaltic from Metamorphic Blue Sapphires
Peucat J, Ruffault P, Fritsch E, Simonet C, Lasnier B & Bouhnik-LeCoz M

Peucat Jean-Jacques (2020) Re-evaluation of Leonian and Liberian Events in the Geodynamical Evolution of the Man-Leo Shield (West African Craton)
Koffi GR-S, Kouamelan AN, Allialy ME, Coulibaly Y & Peucat J-J
(2018) Reevaluation of Leonian an Liberian Events in the Geodynamical Evolution of the Man Rise (West African Craton)
Kouamelan AN, Koffi GR-S, Paquette J-L, Poujol M, Allialy ME & Peucat J-J

Peucker-Ehrenbrink B. (2022) Constraining the Origin and Evolution of Organic Carbon-Mineral Interactions within a Fluvial System
Gallarotti N, Bröder L, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Voss B, Haghipour N & Eglinton TI
(2022) Iron Sources and Cycling over the Cenozoic: Evolution of the Iron Cycle in the South Pacific and Southern Ocean
Tegler LA, Horner T, Nielsen SG, Severmann S, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Dunlea A
(2019) Controls on Temporal Variations in the Dissolved 87Sr/86Sr of Large Rivers: Evidence from the Ganga and Brahmaputra
Boral S, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Hemingway J, Sen I & Galy V
(2018) Potassium Isotopes in Major World Rivers: Implications for Weathering and the Seawater Budget
Lee H, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Chen H, Hasenmueller E & Wang K
(2018) Silicate vs Carbonate Weathering: Isotopic Co-variability in the Fraser River, Canada
Bitterwolf K, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Eisenhauer A, Santiago-Ramos D, Higgins J & Paytan A
(2017) Sulfur Isotopes in Rivers: Insights into Global Pyrite Oxidation and the Modern Sulfur Cycle
Burke A, Adkins J, Gaillardet J, Holmes RM, McClelland J, Paris G, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Spencer R & Voss B
(2017) Relationship between Indian Summer Monsoon and Melting Himalayan Glaciers
Boral S, Sen IS, Ghosal D, Sinha R, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hemingway JD
(2017) The Barium Isotopic Composition of the Global Groundwater Flux
Bitterwolf K, Horner T, Auro M, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Paytan A
(2017) How Natural is the Dissolved Inorganic Composition of Mississippi River Water?
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Johnson S, Meaux SJ, Brown K, Blum MJ, Allison MA, Halder J, Wassenaar LI, Cuesta A, Norris ES & Wang R
(2017) How Significantly are We Disturbing Near-Surface Element Cycles?
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B
(2016) Hydrological Dependence of Ganges River on Himalayan Cryosphere
Boral S, Sen I, Sinha R, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Ghosal D
(2015) Climate Control on the Timescales and Pathways of Carbon Export from the Terrestrial Biosphere
Eglinton T, Galy V, Feng X, McIntyre C, Schefuss E, Tao S, Zhao M, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hughen K
(2015) Isotopic Constraints on Riverine Sulfur Sources: A Global Perspective
Burke A, Adkins J, Gaillardet J, Paris G, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Voss B, Spencer R, Holmes RM & McClelland J
(2015) Chromium Isotope Effects Induced by Metamorphic, Weathering, and Hydrothermal Alterations
Wang X, Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Zou H, Ague J, Wu Y & Peucker Ehrenbrink B
(2014) Systematic Biases in Estimates of Continental 87Sr/86Sr Runoff
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Fiske G
(2014) A Global Perspective on Riverine Export of Terrestrial Organic Carbon to the Ocean
Galy V, Eglinton T & Peucker-Ehrenbrink B
(2014) Residence Time of Sedimentary Organic Matter in the Fraser River Basin, B.C., Canada
Voss B, Eglinton T, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Galy V, Venditti J & Haught D
(2013) Constraining the Modern Riverine Sulfur Isotopic Budget
Burke A, Adkins J, Gaillardet J, Holmes M, McClelland J, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Robinson L & Voss B
(2012) Can Submarine Groundwater Discharge Balance the Oceanic Strontium Isotope Budget?
Beck A, Charette M, Cochran JK, Gonneea M & Peucker-Ehrenbrink B
(2012) Prediction and Observation of Dissolved Geochemistry of the Fraser River, British Columbia
Voss B, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Eglinton T, Marsh S, Gillies S, Fiske G, Wollheim W, Stewart R, Alamwala M, Bennett M, Downey B, Fanslau J, Fraser H, Herbert J, Macklam-Harron G & Wiebe B
(2012) The Osmium Isotope Record of Seawater: 20 Years of Research
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Ravizza G
(2011) Tracing Molecular Proxy Signals from Biological Source to Sedimentary Sink
Eglinton T, Galy V, Feng X, Voss B, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Ponton C, Giosan L, Schefuss E, Montlucon D, Douglas P, Pagani M, Wu Y & Drenzek N
(2011) Human Impact on Global Element Cycles
Sen I & Peucker-Ehrenbrink B
(2010) Rhenium Isotope Variations in Modern Environments
Neubert N, Miller C, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Schubert M
(2010) Land-Sea Transport of Terrestrial Carbon in the Fraser River, British Columbia
Voss B, Montlucon D, Eglinton T, Pal S & Peucker-Ehrenbrink B
(2010) Platinum Group Element and Re-Os Isotope Systematics of Cryogenian Glacial Terminations
Waters C, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hoffman P
(2010) Flux and 87Sr/86Sr of Land-Derived Sr to Seawater – Interpreting the Marine Sr Isotope Record
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B
(2010) Strontium Isotopes in Chilean Rivers: The Flux of Unradiogenic Continental Sr to Seawater
Fiege K, Miller CA, Robinson L, Figuero R & Peucker-Ehrenbrink B
(2009) Continental Sources of Nd to Seawater – Past and Present
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Jeandel C & Arsouze T
(2009) Impact of the Boundary Processes on Si, Ca and Mg Inputs to the Ocean
Jeandel C, Godderis Y, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Lacan F & Arsouze T
(2009) Ocean Sr-Budget from Paired δ88/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr*-Ratios
Krabbenhoeft A, Eisenhauer A, Vollstaedt H, Augustin N, Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Nolte N, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hansen BT
(2008) Rhenium-Osmium and Platinum Group Elements in Oceanic Crust – Oman and DSDP/ODP 504B
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Hanghoj K & Kelemen P
(2008) Rhenium Isotopes in Natural Systems
Miller CA, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Ball L
(2007) Carbonate and Anhydrite Veins from Altered Gabbroic Oceanic Crust (Atlantis Massif, MAR 30°N)
Rosner M, Bach W, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Erzinger J & Plessen B
(2007) Natural Rhenium Isotope Variations
Miller C, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Ball L
(2007) Paleogeology of Continental Drainage
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B
(2006) Marine 87Sr/86Sr Record Mirrors the Evolving Upper Continental Crust
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Miller MW
(2006) Sedimentary PGE Anomalies at Snowball Earth Terminations
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hoffman PF
(2005) Low-Level <+>187<$>Os/<+>188<$>Os Analysis by Laser Ablation, Multi-Ion-Counting ICPMS
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Ball L, Bouman C & Schwieters J
(2004) Osmium in the Tonga Subduction Zone: Slab Versus Lithosphere
Bach W, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Abbruzzese T & Worthington T
(2004) Osmium Isotopic Compositions and PGE Abundances in Volcanic Emissions from Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
Sims K, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Gauthier P
(2004) River Chemistry and Drainage Basin Geology
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Miller M
(2004) Flood Basalt Volcanism and the Marine Os Isotope Record
Ravizza G, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Abbruzzese T
(2003) Os Isotope Evidence of a Causal Link between Eruption of the Deccan Flood Basalts and Latest Cretaceous Warming
Ravizza G & Peucker-Ehrenbrink B
(2002) Os, Ir, Pt, Pd and Re in Hole 504B
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Bach W & Hart SR
(2002) The Marine Os Isotope Record of the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
Ravizza G & Peucker-Ehrenbrink B
(2001) Dating Weathering of Organic-Rich Shales with U-Series Disequilibrium
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Sims KWW, Jaffe LA, Petsch S & Shimizu N

Peugeot C. (2023) 17O-Excess of Tropical Forest and Savanna Phytoliths Record Diurnal Atmospheric Relative Humidity of the Growing Season: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions and Model-Data Comparisons
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Peugeot C, Grippa M, Ndiaye O, Vallet-Coulomb C, Aleman J, Landais A, Sonzogni C, Au Yang D, Mazur J-C, Voigt C, Ouani T, Afouda S, Wubda M, Mougin E, Soumaguel N, Tagesson T & Fensholt R
(2021) The Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Phytoliths, a Proxy of Relative Humidity: Impact of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Soil Water and Vegetation Type
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Vallet-Coulomb C, Peugeot C, Afouda S, Couapel M, Landais A, Mazur J-C, Sonzogni C, Ouani T & Wubda M

Peuget S. (2019) Evidence for Alpha Self-Healing in Monazite by Double Beam in situ TEM Experiments: The Reason Why Natural Monazite Never Becomes Amorphous
Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Deschanels X, Baumier C, Weber W & Peuget S
(2013) Swelling Induced by Alpha Decay in Monazite and Zirconolite Ceramics: A XRD and TEM Comparative Study
Deschanels X, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Magnin V, Mesbah A, Tribet M & Peuget S
(2011) Molecular Scale Origin of Nuclear Waste Glass Properties
Calas G, Cormier L, Delaye J-M, Galoisy L, Jollivet P & Peuget S

Pevear D. (2005) Clay Mineral Control of Organic Carbon Deposition and Preservation in Petroleum Source Rocks
Kennedy M & Pevear D

Peverelli V. (2023) Tracking the Migration and Conversion of Metamorphic H2 and Reduced Carbonic Fluids in Orogenic Belts
Vitale Brovarone A, Boutier A, Olivieri OS, Ressico F, Giuntoli F, Siron G, Pastore Z & Peverelli V
(2023) Dating the Migration of High-Pressure H2-/CH4-bearing Fluids in Subduction Zones
Peverelli V, Vitale Brovarone A, Olivieri OS & Piccoli F
(2023) Mapping Metamorphic Methane Distribution and δ13C Across an Orogenic, Partially Serpentinized Massif: Insights into Abiotic CH4 Generation and Pathways for Fluid Migration in Subduction Zones
Olivieri OS, Vitale Brovarone A, Fiebig J, Boutier A, Van Baalen M, Ressico F & Peverelli V
(2021) U–Pb Geochronology and Isotopic Signatures of Epidote in Hydrothermal Veins: Evidence for Eo-Alpine Fluid Circulation in the Albula Area (Eastern Swiss Alps)
Peverelli V, Berger A, Wille M, Rubatto D, Putlitz B, Pettke T & Herwegh M
(2016) Halogens, Barium and Uranium in Mantle Fluid Inclusions
Villa IM, Peverelli V, Oglialoro E & Frezzotti ML

Pevitt E. (2004) Sulphate-Oxygen Isotope Records from Carbonate Associated Sulphate
Newton R, Pevitt E, Wignall P & Bottrell S

Pevzner B. (2004) Helium in Quartz Crystals and Pore Fluids: Equilibrium – Concentration Concept and Helium Residence Times
Gannibal M, Tolstikhin I, Tarakanov S, Pevzner B & Lehmann B

Pevzner M. (2021) Origin of Magmatism of the Sredinny Range, Kamchatka, Constrained by Noble Gas Isotopes
Fukagawa M, Volynets A, Sumino H, Churikova T, Pevzner M & Taran Y

Peycheran C. (2009) U, Th and Pb Systematics in Petroleum Systems: First Analyzes of Petroleum Source Rocks by fs-LA-ICP-MS
Gourlan AT, Ricard E, Peycheran C, Prinzhofer A & Donard OFX
(2009) Direct Determination of Uranium, Thorium and Lead Isotopes Ratios in Crude Oils by fs-LA-ICP-MS
Ricard E, Gourlan AT, Peycheran C, Prinzhofer A & Donard OFX

Peycheva I. (2001) U/Pb-, Hf-Zircon and Isotopic Investigations for Timing and Ore Genesis of “Elatsite” PGE Porphyry Copper Deposit, Srednogorie Zone, Bulgaria
Von Quadt A, Peycheva I, Kamenov B, Fanger L, Driesner T, Heinrich CA & Frank M

Peyravi S. (2011) Removal Pb2+ from Water Sample, by Using Natural Zeolites of Aftar Mine (Semnan, Iran)
Peyravi S, Zahiri R & Moradi K

Peyron O. (2021) BrGDGTs and Isotopic Records for Lake Ayrag: Implications for Climate, Vegetation and Human Impact History of the Mongolian Plateau
Dugerdil L, Ménot G, Peyron O, Jouffroy-Bapicot I, Develle A-L, Antheaume I, Ansanay-Alex S, Vannière B, Boldgiv B, Makou M, Grossi V, Unkelbach J, Behling H, Magail J, Robles M & Joannin S
(2019) Upper Holocene Palaeoclimate and Palaeoenvironment from Mongolia: Calibration of GDGTs, Dung Fungal Spore and Pollen Records for Ayrag Lake (Akhanghai, Mongolia)
Dugerdil L, Joannin S, Peyron O, Jouffroy-Bapicot I, Antheaume I, Makou M, Grossi V & Ménot G

Peyrot D. (2019) Monazite, Xenotime, and Anatase Associated with Exceptional Cellular Preservation in Early Neoproterozoic Lakes
Sirantoine E, Wacey D, Saunders M & Peyrot D

Peyrotty G. (2023) Can We Date Marine Carbonates at High(er) Precision with U-Pb ID-TIMS Method?
Ovtcharova M, Müller IA, Samankassou E, Guillong M, Messori F, Peyrotty G, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K, Merino-Tomé O & Nuriel P
(2022) Can U-Pb Dating on Carbonates add to Improved Time Constraints on the Ediacaran Metazoan Ecosystem in the Nama Group, Namibia?
Müller IA, Messori F, Guillong M, Peyrotty G, Samankassou E, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K & Ovtcharova M

Peysson Y. (2016) Solute Transport in Porous Media during Drying: The Chlorine Isotopes Point of View
Bernachot I, Garcia B, Ader M, Peysson Y, Rosenberg E, Bardoux G & Agrinier P

Peytcheva Irena (2014) U/Pb Dating of CA and non-CA Treated Zircons Obtained by LA-ICP-MS and TIMS Techniques: Impact for their Geological Interpretation
von Quadt A, Gallhofer D, Guillong M, Peytcheva I & Waelle M
(2013) Fertile Magmatism in a Changing Compression and Extension Regime on the Central Balkan Peninsula
Peytcheva I, Georgiev S, Grozdev V, Marchev P & von Quadt A
(2013) Subduction-Related to Post-Arc Magmatism and Cu-Au-Te Metallogeny in the Carpathian Orogen, Romania
Gallhofer D, von Quadt A, Peytcheva I, Seghedi I & Heinrich CA
(2013) CA-U-Pb Zircon Dating Obtained by the LA-ICP-MS System: Impact for their Interpretations
von Quadt A, Gallhofer D, Waelle M, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2011) Alkaline Mantle Melts Pinpoint Late Triassic Thinning of the Southern Alpine Lithosphere (Ivrea Zone, Italy)
Schaltegger U, Müntener O, Ulianov A, Ovtcharova M, Peytcheva I, Antognini M & Girlanda F
(2010) Zircon Crystallization and the Life-Times of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Systems
Heinrich C, Martinek K, Erni M, von Quadt A & Peytcheva I
(2010) Zircon and Titanite Geochemical and Age Constraints on Ore-Related Magmas
Peytcheva I, von Quadt A & Tacheva E
(2009) Au-Ag±W Mineralization Related to the Collisional Granitoids of the Composite Lutzkan Magmatic Complex, Bulgaria
Peytcheva I, von Quadt A, Dyulgerov M & Nedialkov R
(2009) Uncertainties of LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Ages Caused by the Use of Different Data Reduction Software
von Quadt A, Guillong M & Peytcheva I
(2009) A Missing Link in the Formation of the Porphyry-Cu Belt in Eastern Europe: New U/Pb Zircon Ages in the Timok Magmatic Complex (E-Serbia)
Moll M, von Quadt A, Peytcheva I & Heinrich C
(2009) Primitive High-K Ankaramites and the Evolution of the Eastern Srednogorie Arc in SE Europe
Georgiev S, Marchev P, von Quadt A, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2008) Single-Grain and/Or in situ U-Pb and Hf-Isotope Study to Unravel Long-Lived Calc-Alkaline Magma Complex
Peytcheva I, von Quadt A, Schaltegger U, Tacheva E & Heinrich C
(2008) In situ Hf Isotope Analyses within Individual Zircon Growth Zones
von Quadt A, Peytcheva I, Reynolds B & Heinrich C
(2008) Geochemistry and Isotope Tracing of the Subduction Related Volcanism in the Timok Magmatik Complex, East Serbia
Moll M, von Quadt A, Peytcheva I & Heinrich CA
(2008) The Growth of Plutons: How Precisely and Accurately can We Date Incremental Melt Emplacement with U-Pb Zircon (Adamello Intrusion, Northern Italy)?
Schaltegger U, Brack P, Ovtcharova M, Peytcheva I, Schoene B, Stracke A & Bargossi G
(2007) A New U/Pb-Spike (233-235U/202-205Pb) for High Precision Zircon Dating: First Results of Standard Zircons, Precision and Accuracy
von Quadt A, Georgiev S & Peytcheva I
(2007) Resolving the Evolution of a Subduction Zone: Eastern Srednogorie, SE Europe
Georgiev S, Von Quadt A, Marchev P, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2006) Timing and magma evolution in Medet Cu-porphyry deposit, SE Europe: controversial or coinciding isotope data?
Peytcheva I, Von Quadt A, Nedyalkov R, Heinrich C & Frank M
(2006) In-situ measurements (U-Pb, Lu-Hf, trace elements) in zircons to unravel the record of magmatic evolution within a Cretaceous ABTS belt
Von Quadt A, Peytcheva I & Heinrich C
(2006) Sources And Magma Evolution Of Eastern Srednogorie, SE Europe: Conventional And In Situ Isotope Data
Georgiev S, Von Quadt A, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2005) Isotopic Investigations on the Magmatism in Eastern Srednogorie
Georgiev S, von Quadt A, Peytcheva I & Heinrich C
(2005) Cretaceous Magmatism and Cu-Au Mineralization in the Region of the Apuseni – Banat – Timok – Sredno-Gorie Belt – Constrains from U-Pb Zircon and Re-Os Molybdenite Dating
von Quadt A, Peytcheva I, Bolz V & Heinrich C
(2005) How Gabbro Zircons Contain More U Than Zircons from the Co-mingled Granodiorite – Lessons from U-Pb and Hf-Zircon Isotope Investigations
Peytcheva I, von Quadt A, Frank M, Georgiev N, Ivanov Z & Heinrich C
(2004) Subduction Related Rocks in Medet Cu-Porphyry Deposit: Sources and Magma Evolution
von Quadt A, Peytcheva I, Frank M, Nedialkov R, Kamenov B & Heinrich C
(2004) The Subcontinental Lithosphere beneath Central Srednogorie (Bulgaria): U-Pb and Hf-Zircon, Nd and Sr Whole Rock Constraints
Peytcheva I, Von quadt A, Frank M, Kamenov B & Heinrich C
(2004) U-Pb Dating of Zircon and Monazite from Granitoids and Migmatites in the Core and Eastern Periphery of the Central Rhodopean Dome, Bulgaria
Ovtcharova M, Von Quadt A, Cherneva Z, Sarov S, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2003) Dating of Ore Forming Processes in Copper-Porphyry Deposits: Is U-Pb Zircon the Only Suitable Method?
von Quadt A & Peytcheva I
(2002) Life Span of a Cu-(Au-Pge) Porphyry Deposit Using High-Precise U-Pb Single Zircon Dating, Example: Elatsite, Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
von Quadt A, Peytcheva I & Heinrich C
(2002) Migmatitic Geochronology and Geochemistry &#8211; A Key to Understanding the Exhumation of the Madan Dome (Bulgaria)
Ovtcharova M, Cherneva Z, von Quadt A & Peytcheva I
(2002) New Insight into Petrology, Geochemistry and Dating of the Vejen Pluton
Kamenov B, von Quadt A & Peytcheva I

Peytcheva Irena (2015) High-Precision Zircon U-Pb Dates Obtained Using New 1013 Ohm Resistor Current Amplifiers by TIMS
vonQuadt A, Buret Y, Large S, Trinquier A & Peytcheva I
(2015) Geochronology, Geochemistry and Isotope Systematics of a Mafic-Intermediate Dyke Complex in the İstanbul Zone, Northern Turkey
Aysal N, Keskin M, Peytcheva I, Duru O & Akgündüz S
(2015) Geochemical, Geochronological and Isotopic Data from Permo-Triassic Plutons in Western Pontides, NW Turkey
Yılmaz-Şahin S, Aysal N, Güngör Y & Peytcheva I
(2015) Using Zircon Petrochronology to Constrain Timescales of Porphyry Cu Formation: An Example from Bajo de la Alumbrera, NW Argentina
Buret Y, von Quadt A, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I

Peytcheva Irena (2017) Early-Middle Devonian Magmatism in The Sakarya Zone: Lower Crustal Melts at a Consuming Plate Margin
Aysal N, Ustaömer T, Öngen S, Keskin M & Peytcheva I
(2017) Origin of the Igneous Rocks from Ruen Zone (SE Europe): Geochemistry, Isotope Data and Analysis of the Zircon Population
Grozdev V, Peytcheva I, von Quadt A, Vassileva R & Georgiev S

Peytcheva Irena (2018) How Long Does it Take to Make a Giant Porphyry Copper Deposit? Advances in High-Precision Geochronology and Modelling of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Processes
von Quadt A, Large S, Peytcheva I & Heinrich C

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