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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Petschnig P. (2021) Experimental Clumped Isotope Reordering in Dolomite
Petschnig P, Looser N, Bernasconi SM & Schmidt MW

Pett-Ridge Jennifer (2015) Reuse and Recycling: Resource Allocation by Cyanobacteria in Microbial Mats
Stuart R, Mayali X, Lee J, Everroad RC, Lipton M, Boaro A, Bebout B, Pett-Ridge J, Weber P & Thelen M
(2015) Carbon Transformations in the Rhizosphere: The Critical Role of Microbial Functional Capacity
Pett-Ridge J, Shi S, Nuccio E, Herman D, He Z, Wu L, Brodie E, Zhou J & Firestone M
(2015) Stable Association?: The Influence of Mineralogy, Microbiology, and Plant Growth on the Fate of Soil Carbon
Neurath R, Whitman T, Nico P, Pett-Ridge J & Firestone M
(2014) Not all SOM is Created Equal
Pett-Ridge J
(2014) Insights into the Activity and Metabolic Capabilities of Planktonic Marine Archaea Using NanoSIMS
Dekas A, Mayali X, Weber P & Pett-Ridge J
(2014) From Imaging to Understanding: Frontiers in Chemical Imaging of Soil Carbon Dynamics
Keiluweit M, Kleber M, Bougoure J, Weber P, Pett-Ridge J & Nico P
(2013) Mapping Soil Carbon from Cradle to Grave: C Transformations from Roots to Organo-Mineral Associations
Pett-Ridge J, Keiluweit M, Shi S, Nuccio E, Bougoure J, Weber P, Brodie E, Mayali X, Kleber M, Nico P & Firestone M
(2013) Coupled Spectromicroscopic Investigations for Improved Conceptual Models of Soil Carbon Cycling
Nico P, Keiluweit M, Pett-Ridge J, Weber P & Kleber M
(2013) Biogeochemical Mechanisms Underlying the Manganese Dependence of Litter Decomposition
Keiluweit M, Nico P, Harmon M, Liu S, Filley T, Pett-Ridge J & Kleber M
(2012) Examining the Root Exudate-Induced Cycling of Reactive Maganese Species in the Rhizosphere
Keiluweit M, Nico P, Bougoure J, Pett-Ridge J & Kleber M
(2012) Metals and Microbes: Imaging Organic Matter-Mineral Relationships at High Resolution with STXM/NanoSIMS
Pett-Ridge J, Keiluweit M, Bougoure J, Nico PS, Weber PK, Zeglin L, Myrold DD & Kleber M
(2011) Association of Amino Sugars (Chitin) with Fe Oxyhydroxides in Mycorrhizal Mat Soils – A STXM/NanoSIMS Investigation
Pett-Ridge J, Keiluweit M, Bougoure J, Nico P, Weber P, Zeglin L, Myrold D & Kleber M
(2011) A Poor Man’s Enzyme? Effects of Reactive Mn(III)-Oxalate Complexes on Structurally Intact Plant Cell Walls
Keiluweit M, Bougoure J, Nico P, Summering J, Kleber M & Pett-Ridge J
(2011) Isotopic Analysis of Microarrays to Link Microbial Identity and Function
Mayali X, Weber PK, Brodie EL, Mabery S, Hoeprich PD & Pett-Ridge J
(2010) NanoSIP: Combining Stable Isotope Probing and High Resolution Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to Identify Diazotrophs in Stratified Marine Microbial Communities
Singer S, Woebken D, Burow L, Prufert-Bebout L, Bebout B, Hoehler T, Pett-Ridge J, Spormann A & Weber P
(2010) Visualizing Organic Matter Biogeochemistry at the Microaggregate Scale: Lessons from STXM-SIMS
Pett-Ridge J, Keiluweit M, Kleber M, Myrold D, Nico P & Weber P
(2010) C and N Dynamics in Soil Microstructures: A Joined STXM/NEXAFS and NanoSIMS Approach
Keiluweit M, Nico PS, Zeglin LH, Pett-Ridge J, Weber P, Myrold DD & Kleber M

Pett-Ridge Jennifer (2016) Soil Iron Reduction and Carbon Mineralization in Reconstructed Aggregates during Redox Fluctiations
Barcellos D, Silver W, Pett-Ridge J & Thompson A
(2016) Directing Traffic in the Rhizosphere: How Microbes Shape the Flow and Fate of Root Carbon
Pett-Ridge J, Nuccio E, Shi S, Neurath R, Whitman T, Brodie E, Lipton M, Zhou J & Firestone M
(2016) Rhizosphere Control of Soil Carbon Association with Fresh Minerals
Neurath R, Whitman T, Nico P, Pett-Ridge J, Zhou J, Lipton A, Weber P & Firestone M

Pett-Ridge Jennifer (2017) Redox Fluctuation Shapes Microbial Community Structure and Mineral-Organic Relations in a Humid Tropical Soil
Pett-Ridge J, Campbell A, Bhattacharyya A, Gross A, Lin Y, Tfaily M, Nico P & Silver W
(2017) Coupled Iron and Carbon Redox Dynamics in Tropical Forest Soils of Puerto Rico
Bhattacharyya A, Campbell A, Kukkadapu R, Weber P, Nico P & Pett-Ridge J
(2017) Dead or Alive: Comparing Organo-Mineral Assoications in the Rhizosphere and Detritosphere
Neurath R, Whitman T, Zhou J, Lipton A, Weber P, Nico P, Pett-Ridge J & Firestone M

Pett-Ridge Jennifer (2018) The Impact of Redox Fluctuations on Mineral-Organic Matter Associations and Microbial Carbon Transformations in Tropical Forest Soils
Bhattacharyya A, Campbell A, Lin Y, Tfaily M, Silver W, Weber P, Nico P & Pett-Ridge J
(2018) Planting Carbon in Soil: How Mineral Interaction with Plant-Derived Carbon May Lead to Carbon Persistence
Neurath R, Whitman T, Chu-Jacoby I, Lipton A, Zhou J, Weber P, Nico P, Pett-Ridge J & Firestone M

Pett-Ridge Jennifer (2019) Length of Oxygen Perturbation Determines Anaerobic Rates of Iron Reduction and Methane Production
Barcellos D, Campbell A, Pett-Ridge J & Thompson A
(2019) Endowed Biogeochemistry Lecture 2019 Impacts of Dynamic Soil Redox on Biogeochemical Transformations and Soil Microbiomes
Pett-Ridge J

Pett-Ridge Jennifer (2020) Vulnerability of Paleosol Carbon Decomposition to Root-Derived Carbon Inputs
de graaff M-A, McMurtry A, Szymanski L, Dolui M, Pett-Ridge J, Behre A, Mason J & Marin-Spiotta E
(2020) Ecohydrologic Implications of Deeply Rooted Grasses
Oerter E, Nuccio E, Slessarev E, Min K, Kan M, Visser A, McFarlane K, Asefaw Berhe A & Pett-Ridge J
(2020) The Impact of Redox Fluctuations on Soil Organic Matter Decomposition in Tropical Forest Soils
Bhattacharyya A, Campbell A, Hestrin R, Lin Y, Tfaily M, Silver W, Weber P, Nico P & Pett-Ridge J

Pett-Ridge Jennifer (2021) Molecular Dynamics and Spectroscopic Insights into iron(III) Stabilization of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides
Zarzycki P, Bhattacharyya A, Dewey C, Pett-Ridge J & Nico PS
(2021) Testing the Relationship between Carbon-Use Efficiency and Soil Carbon Formation in Rhizosphere and Detritusphere Microbial Communities
Sokol N, Foley M, Hungate B, Firestone M, Blazewicz S, Slessarev E, Estera-Molina K, Greenlon A & Pett-Ridge J
(2021) Life in an Uncertain World: How a Characteristically Dynamic Environment Forges a Resilient Microbiome and Differential Fates of Soil Carbon
Pett-Ridge J, Campbell A, Hestrin R, Bhattacharyya A, Kimbrel JA, Trubl G, Brisson VL, Lin Y, Silver W, Weber PK, Blazewicz SJ & Nico PS
(2021) Assessing Soil Organic Matter Features Under Drought and Normal Conditions Using Direct Infusion High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and LC-Ms/MS Feature Based Molecular Networking
DiDonato N, Rivas Ubach A, Clendinen C, Sokol N, Tolic N, Adhikari D, Martinez CE, Pett-Ridge J & Pasa Tolic L

Pett-Ridge Jennifer (2022) Belowground Allocation and Dynamics of Recently Fixed Plant Carbon and Soil Organic Matter in a California Annual Grassland
Pett-Ridge J, Fossum C, Estera-Molina K, Yuan M, Herman D, Jacoby I, Nico PS, Morrison K & Firestone M

Pett-Ridge Jennifer (2023) The Cost of Cultivating Cooling: Quantifying the Contributions of Financial Incentives for Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture to Reducing Global Surface Temperatures
Mayer A, Dumortier J, Pett-Ridge J & Slessarev E
(2023) Linking Microbial Assimilation of Carbon and Microbial Biomarkers to Soil Organic Matter Persistence
Finstad KM, Grant KE, Morrison K, Nuccio E, Pett-Ridge J & Mcfarlane K
(2023) Redox Conditions and Root Exudate Composition Affect Soil Carbon Cycling in Mineral and Organic Salt Marshes
Spivak A, Guo B & Pett-Ridge J

Pett-Ridge Julie (2022) Geochemistry of Weathering Profiles in Contrasting Small Mountainous Rivers in the Pacific Northwest, USA: Controls on the Oxidation of Petrogenic Carbon
Ghazi L, Goñi M, Haley BA & Pett-Ridge J
(2020) Pedogenesis via Rock-‘eating’ Trees
Pett-Ridge J, Nord M & Perakis S
(2018) Determining Rates and Mechanisms of Geologic Respiration at Watershed Scales
Pett-Ridge J, Goni M & Haley B
(2016) Tracing Metal Processing in Soil with Molybdenum Isotopes
Pett-Ridge J, King E, Marks J & Trierweiler A
(2014) Investigating Molybdenum Availability Across a Hawaiian Climate Gradient
King E, Thompson A, Hodges C & Pett-Ridge J
(2014) Controls on African Dust Deposition Across the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
McClintock M & Pett-Ridge J
(2014) Distribution of Soil Molybdenum Across a Soil Nitrogen Gradient
Marks J, Pett-Ridge J & Perakis S
(2012) Investigating Controls on Chemical Weathering in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon
Pett-Ridge J, Krett W, Curcio N & Kleber M
(2011) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation during Soil Formation: A New Proxy?
Siebert C, Pett-Ridge J, Opfergelt S, Burton K & Halliday A
(2009) Investigating Soil Processes Across the Hawaiian Islands Using U-Series Nuclides
Pett-Ridge J, Henderson G & Chadwick O
(2008) Calibrating U-Series Tools for Weathering Rate and Duration on a Soil Sequence of Known Ages
Keech A, Pett-Ridge J, West J & Henderson G
(2008) Molybdenum Isotopes as Proxy for Redox Conditions during Weathering
Pett-Ridge J, Siebert C & Halliday A
(2007) Quantifying Mineral Aerosol Inputs and the Mobility of "Immobile" Elements in Weathering Studies
Pett-Ridge J, Derry L & Kurtz A
(2006) U-series disequilibrium investigation of a weathering profile in a tropical granitoid watershed, Luquillo, Puerto Rico
Pett-Ridge J & Derry L
(2005) Solute Sources in a Tropical Granitoid Watershed, Luquillo, Puerto Rico
Kurtz A, Pett-Ridge J, Lugolobi F, Derry L & Troester J
(2004) A Ge/Si, 234U/238U, and 87Sr/86Sr Investigation of Weathering Reactions and Flowpaths in a Tropical Granitoid Watershed
Pett-Ridge J, Kurtz A, Derry L & Troester J

Pett-Ridge Julie Christine (2023) Understanding the Phase Associations and Weathering Behavior of Rhenium to Assess the Use of Re as a Tracer of Georespiration
Ghazi L, Goñi M, Haley BA & Pett-Ridge J
(2023) Interactions between Nitrogen Enrichment, Weathering of Rock-Derived Nutrients, and Logging: Consequences for Nutrient Limitation and Sustainability in Forests
Pett-Ridge JC, Perakis S, Siah K & van der Heijden G

Petta R.A. (2013) Evaluation of the Influence of Radon Carried by Evapotranspiration of Equatorial Forests (Northeastern of Brazil) in the Formation of Atmospheric Aerosols
Campos T, Hoelzemann J & Petta R
(2009) The Halmyrolisis Effects on the Mantle Derived Rocks in Productive Water on St. Paul´s Rocks, Equatorial Atlantic
Campos T & Petta RA
(2007) Anthropogenic Signatures in Sediments of the Fast Growing Urban Area of Natal (NE-Brazil) – A Study of Heavy Metals and Organic Components
Sindern S, Schwarzbauer J, Petta R, Lima R & Oskierski H

Pettenati M. (2012) Simulating Fluoride Evolution in Groundwater Using a Reactive Multicomponent Transient Transport Model
Pettenati M, Perrin J, Pauwels H & Ahmed S
(2011) Redox Conditions in Infiltration Basins of a Large Scale Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) of Effluent
Goren O, Gavrieli I, Burg A, Negev I, Guttman J, Kraitzer T, Cikurel H, Kloppmann W, Guerrot C & Pettenati M

Pettenkofer C. (2001) Electronic Structure and Morphology of Thin Films of Layered Dichalcogenides, a Photoemission Study
Pettenkofer C

Petters M. (2017) Aerosol Properties in the Remote North Pacific Boundary Layer
Royalty T, Phillips B, Dawson K, Reed R, Meskhidze N & Petters M
(2014) UV Broadband Aerosol Extinction Measurements during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS)
Attwood A, Washenfelder R, Subramanian R, Saha P, Khlystov A, Nguyen TK, Brock C, Petters M, Suda S, Carlton A & Brown S
(2014) Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions during SOAS Through Multiphase Chemistry
Carlton A, Weber R, Petters M, Ng NL, Nenes A, Nguyen TK, Xu L, Guo H & Suda S
(2013) Effect of Atmospheric Organics on Iron Bioavailability
Meskhidze N, Johnson M, Hurley D & Petters M
(2013) The Influence of Functional Groups on Organic Aerosol Hygroscopicity
Petters M, Suda S, Yeh G, Matsunaga A, Strollo C, Ziemann P & Kreidenweis S
(2011) Cloud Droplet Activation of Organic Aerosols: The Role of Molecule Size, Polarity, and Functional Group Composition
Petters M, Ziemann P, Kreidenweis S, Suda S, Carrico C, Faulhaber A, Matsunaga A, Sullivan R, Minambres L & Prenni A

Petterson M. (2011) Fractionation of a Hydrous Arc Magma: The Origin of Adakitic and Alkaline Signatures at Savo Volcano, Solomon Islands
Smith D, Petterson M, Saunders A, Jenkin G & Naden J
(2006) Origin of fluids in the shallow geothermal environment of Savo, Solomon Islands
Smith DJ, Jenkin GRT, Boyce AJ, Naden J & Petterson MG

Pettersson L.G.M. (2017) Combining Spectral and Scattering Data to Determine Water Structure
Pettersson LGM & Nilsson A

Pettibone J. (2014) Tracing the Fate and the Transformation of Silver Nanoparticles in the Environment
Gigault J, Pettibone J & Hackley V

Pettijohn J.C. (2016) A Model-Data Fusion Approach for Assessing Volcanic Unrest
Pettijohn JC & Gregg PM

Pettitt E. (2019) New Constraints on Ancient Atmospheric Oxygen Concentrations in the Late Triassic and the Rise of the First North American Dinosaurs
Schaller M, Pettitt E, Knobbe T & Breecker D
(2018) A Potential New Proxy for Paleo-Atmospheric pO2 from Soil Carbonate-Hosted Fluid Inclusions
Schaller M, Pettitt E, Knobbe T & Breecker D

Pettke T. (2023) Revisiting Barium Isotope Systematics at the Tongan Subduction Zone: Implications for Deep Mantle Recycling
Ahmad Q, Wille M, König S, Rosca C, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2023) Titanium Isotopes of Arc-Derived Calc-Alkaline Rocks
Storck J-C, Greber ND, Müller A, Vilela N, Pettke T & Müntener O
(2023) Distinct Magmatic Mantle and Oceanic Hydration Histories of Subducted Ultramafic Rocks from the Central European Alps
Pettke T, Vieira Duarte JF & Hermann J
(2023) Multistage Serpentinisation at the Ocean Floor Revealed by in situ Analysis
Vesin C, Rubatto D, Pettke T & Deloule E
(2023) Serpentine Dehydration and Continental Crust Formation
Hermann J, Tamblyn R, Ganade C, Rubatto D & Pettke T
(2023) Hydration and Metamorphism of Komatiites as a Source of Water for TTG Formation in the Archean
Tamblyn R, Hermann J, Hasterok D, Sossi PA, Pettke T & Chatterjee S
(2022) Insights into the REE Characteristics and Formation Conditions of Southeastern Mediterranean Seep Carbonates
Weidlich R, Bialik OM, Pettke T, Rüggeberg A, Grobéty B, Vennemann T, Makovsky Y & Foubert A
(2021) U–Pb Geochronology and Isotopic Signatures of Epidote in Hydrothermal Veins: Evidence for Eo-Alpine Fluid Circulation in the Albula Area (Eastern Swiss Alps)
Peverelli V, Berger A, Wille M, Rubatto D, Putlitz B, Pettke T & Herwegh M
(2021) Textural and Geochemical Evidence for Magnetite Production Upon Antigorite Breakdown during Subduction
Vieira Duarte JF, Piccoli F, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2021) Trace Element in Metamorphic Olivine: Implications for Geothermometry in Ultramafic Rocks
Kempf E, Piccoli F, Hermann J & Pettke T
(2021) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics at the Tonga Subduction Zone: The Role of the Metasomatized Forearc Mantle
Ahmad Q, Wille M, König S, Rosca C, Hensel A, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2021) The Fate of Ore Metals with Progressive Magma Evolution
Kaufmann AKC, Pettke T & Baumgartner LP
(2021) Titanium Isotopic Compositions of Bulk Rocks and Mineral Separates from the Kos Magmatic Suite: Insights into Fractional Crystallization and Magma Mixing Processes
Greber ND, Pettke T, Vilela N, Lanari P & Dauphas N
(2021) Molybdenum Isotope Budget of Arc Derived Differentiates and Cumulates
Storck J-C, Greber ND, Tiepolo M & Pettke T
(2021) Improving our Understanding of LIP Emplacement Ages Using Petrology, Thermal Modelling, and Geochemistry of Zircon Crystals: A Case Study from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
Davies JHFL, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Youbi N, Ernesto M, Greber ND, Ackerson M, Simpson G, Bouvier A-S, Baumgartner LP, Pettke T, Farina F & Schaltegger U
(2020) Composition of the Geothermal Fluid at 4500 M Depth in the Hottest Geothermal Borehole in Iceland
Bali E, Aradi L, Szabó Á, Zierenberg R, Diamond L, Pettke T, Guðmundur G, Guðmundur Ómar F & Csaba S
(2019) The Potential Global Contribution of Marine Aerosol to the Mo Cycling in the Critical Zone
Nägler TF, Pierret M-C, Voegelin AR, Pettke T, Aschwanden L & Villa IM
(2019) Redox Conditions Across the Antigorite Dehydration Reaction Constrained by Sulfide-Oxide-Silicate Mineral Geochemistry
Vieira Duarte J, Piccoli F, Hermann J & Pettke T
(2019) Reduced Fluids Released at Sub-Arc Depth from Subducting Ultramafic Rocks
Piccoli F, Kempf E, Viera Duarte JF, Hermann J, Pettke T & Connolly J
(2019) The Influence of Oceanic Oxidation on Serpentinite Dehydration during Subduction
Pettke T, Bretscher A & Hermann J
(2018) Element Partitioning at the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition in a Shallow Plutonic System
Kaufmann A, Pettke T & Baumgartner L
(2018) Stepwise Brittle Deformation at 80 km Depth by Multiple-Source Fluid Circulation (Monviso Eclogitic Breccias, W. Alps)
Locatelli M, Verlaguet A, Agard P, Pettke T & Federico L
(2017) Titanium Isotopic Compositions of Rocks from the Aegean Arc
Greber N, Dauphas N, Ptáček M, Gfeller L & Pettke T
(2017) Antigorite Dehydration Fluid-Mineral Element Distribution
Pettke T & Bretscher A
(2016) U-Th-Pb Cycling from Ocean to Mantle and the HIMU Endmember Source
Pettke T, Kodolanyi J & Kamber BS
(2016) Fluid-Rock Interactions in Serpentinites Subducted to 60-80 km Depth
Peters D, John T, Scambelluri M & Pettke T
(2016) Experimental Contraints on the CO2 Content of Fluids Interacting with the Subduction Mélange
Tumiati S, Tiraboschi C, Pettke T, Recchia S, Ulmer P & Poli S
(2015) Evaluation of Bulk Rock Nanoparticulate Pressed Powder Pellet LA-ICP-MS Analysis Employing a Binder
Peters D & Pettke T
(2015) Fluid Transport and Metasomatism along the Subduction Interface: Insights from W. Alps High-Pressure Ophiolites
Angiboust S, Pettke T, De Hoog CJ, Glodny J & Oncken O
(2013) Experimental Partitioning Behavior of MORB in Subduction Zones at 2 and 3 GPa
Luginbuehl S, Ulmer P & Pettke T
(2013) Composition of COH Fluids up to 2.4 GPa: A Multi-Method Approach
Tiraboschi C, Tumiati S, Ulmer P, Recchia S, Pettke T, Fumagalli P & Poli S
(2013) Magmatic and Linked Hydrothermal Processes Fractionate Mo Isotopes
Greber ND, Voegelin AR, Pettke T & Nägler TF
(2013) LA-ICP-MS: A Success Story of in situ Element & Isotope Ratio Analysis
Pettke T
(2013) Genesis of Quartz-Rich Geodes from Peculiar Aqueous Fluids in a Cu-Zn-Pb Skarn (Temperino Mine, Italy) and Relations with Ore Bodies
Garofalo P & Pettke T
(2012) Using Melt Inclusions to Constrain Magma Evolution and Pre-Eruptive Plumbing System Architecture of Mutnovsky Volcano, Russia
Simon A, Robertson K, Pettke T, Smith E, Kiryukhin A, Selyangin O, Mulcahy S & Walker D
(2012) Extremely High Iodine and Noble Gas Abundances in Forearc Serpentinites
Kendrick M, Honda M, Pettke T & Phillips D
(2012) The Geochemistry of Aqueous Fluids and Hydrous Melts in Subduction Zones
Luginbuehl S, Ulmer P & Pettke T
(2011) LA-ICP-MS Sr Isotope Ratio Analysis of Individual Fluid Inclusions
Pettke T, Oberli F & Hanley JJ
(2011) Fluid Inclusion Analysis by Laser Ablation ICPMS: How Consistent are Element Ratios?
Guillong M, Pettke T & Danyushevsky L
(2011) Origin of Early Hydrothermal Fluids Associated with the Sudbury Structure Deduced from Individual Fluid Inclusion Sr Isotope Analysis
Hanley J, Oberli F & Pettke T
(2011) Chromium Mobility in Hydrous Fluids at Upper Mantle Conditions
Klein-BenDavid O, Pettke T & Kessel R
(2011) Marine Mo Isotope Inventory: The Role of Igneous Rock Weathering
Voegelin AR, Nägler TF, Neubert N, Pettke T, Steinmann M & Pourret O
(2010) LA-(MC-)ICP-MS Element and Isotope Ratio Analysis of Fluid Inclusions in Minerals
Pettke T, Oberli F & Hanley J
(2010) Experimental and Natural Constraints on the Composition of UHP Metamorphic Fluids
Spandler C, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2009) Origin of U-Mineralizing Brines in the Athabasca Basin, Canada
Richard A, Cathelineau M, Boiron M-C, Cuney M, Banks D, Boulvais P, France-Lanord C & Pettke T
(2009) Serpentine Dehydration Recorded by Garnet Peridotites and Chlorite Harzburgites from Cima di Gagnone
Scambelluri M, Rampone E & Pettke T
(2009) Gold-Rich Epithermal Liquid by Contraction of Magmatic Vapor
Heinrich CA, Pudack C & Pettke T
(2009) Trace Element Records of Hydration and Dehydration Reactions in Ultramafic Rocks
Kodolányi J, Pettke T, Spandler C, Scambelluri M, John T, Kamber B & Gméling K
(2009) Deep Subduction Fluids and their Interaction with the Mantle Wedge
Scambelluri M, Pettke T & Van Roermund HLM
(2009) The Composition of Serpentinite Dehydration Fluids in Subduction Zones: An Experimental Study
Spandler C, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2009) The Source of Copper, Gold and Molybdenum in Giant Porphyry-Type Ore Deposits from Western North America
Pettke T, Oberli F & Heinrich CA
(2008) Olivine-Ti-Clinohumite Veins and their Relation to Partial Dehydration of High Pressure Serpentinites
Kodolányi J, Spandler C, John T, Scambelluri M & Pettke T
(2008) Precise and Accurate Lead Isotopic Analysis of Fast Transient Signals by Laser-Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Pettke T, Oberli F, Audetat A, Wiechert U, Harris C & Heinrich C
(2008) Adakite-Like Magmas and Cu-Au Porphyry Deposits Derived from an Inherited Subduction Component, Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Harris C, Pettke T, Kleine T, Heinrich C, Rosu E & Woodland S
(2008) New Constraints on the High-Field-Strength Element Concentration of NIST SRM 610 and 612 Glasses
Spandler C, Pettke T, Berger A & Magee C
(2007) Geochemistry of Ocean-Floor Serpentinites: Implications for Subduction Zone Inventory
Kodolanyi J, Spandler C & Pettke T
(2007) Mass Transfer during Volatile Exsolution in Magmatic Systems: Insights from the Analyses of Silicate Melt and Magmatic Fluid Inclusions
Zajacz Z, Halter W, Pettke T & Guillong M
(2007) The Role of Fluid Immiscibility in the Formation of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
Audétat A, Pettke T & Heinrich C
(2007) Melt-Rock Reaction and Late-Stage Melting in Peridotite Xenoliths from Marsabit (Kenya)
Kaeser B, Kalt A, Pettke T & Ludwig T
(2007) Using Pb Isotopic Analyses of Fluid and Melt Inclusions to Trace Sources of Cu-Au Porphyry Deposits
Harris C, Pettke T, Heinrich C & Kleine T
(2006) Gold and Arsenic Partitioning at Magmatic Conditions.
Simon A, Pettke T, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2006) Determination of fluid/melt partition coefficients by LA-ICPMS analysis of co-existing fluid and silicate melt inclusions
Zajacz Z, Halter W, Pettke T & Guillong M
(2006) Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopes and geochemistry of Miocene magmas in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Harris C, Rosu E, Pettke T, Kleine T, Woodland S, Heinrich C & Seghedi I
(2006) Fluid origin and evolution at the Sweet Home Mine, Alma, Colorado
Lüders V, Romer RL, Gilg HA & Pettke T
(2005) Ore Metal Transport by Hydrocarbon Vapour in the Footwall of the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Canada
Hanley J, Mungall J, Pettke T, Spooner E & Bray C
(2005) Bingham: A Mesothermal Cu-Au Deposit Dominated by Vapor Transport of Metals?
Landtwing M, Heinrich C, Pettke T & Halter W
(2005) The Effect of Volatile Sulfur on Metal Partitioning at Magmatic Conditions
Simon A, Pettke T, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2005) High-P-T Fluids in Diamond Trap Experiments Analyzed Frozen with LA-ICPMS: The Technique
Pettke T, Kessel R, Schmidt M & Ulmer P
(2005) Fluid and Melt Compositions Coexisting with Eclogite at High Pressure and Temperature
Kessel R, Schmidt M, Pettke T & Ulmer P
(2005) Magma Genesis and Cu-Au Ore Formation (Apuseni Mountains, Romania) in Light of Pb, Sr and Nd Isotopic and Chemical Trends
Harris C, Pettke T, Rosu E, Seghedi I & Heinrich C
(2005) Brachiopod Shell Biomineralization – Structural and Chemical Characteristics
Schmahl W, Griesshaber E, Neuser R, Pettke T & Brand U
(2004) Petrogenesis of Cumulate Xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field: Results from Olivine Hosted Melt Inclusions
Zajacz Z, Kovács I, Szabó C, Halter W & Pettke T
(2004) Does Zircon Trace Element Chemistry Monitor the Magmatic-Tohydrothermal Crystallization History?
Pettke T, Audétat A, Schaltegger U & Heinrich C
(2004) The Chemical Inhomogeneity of Brachiopod Shell Calcite – A Spatial High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Investigation
Griesshaber E, Pettke T, Job R, Veizer J & Schmahl W
(2003) Can Accurate Pb Isotopic Compositions be Determined on Single Fluid Inclusions?
Pettke T, Wiechert U, Audétat A, Günther D & Heinrich C
(2002) Melting and Melt/Rock Reaction in Extending Mantle Lithosphere: Trace Element and Isotopic Constraints from Passive Margin Peridotites
Muntener O, Desmurs L, Pettke T & Schaltegger U
(2002) Advantages and Limitations of Quantifying Melt Inclusion Chemistry by LA-ICPMS, EMP and SIMS
Pettke T, Webster J, Halter W, Heinrich C, Aigner-Torres M & De Vivo B
(2002) Boron and Chlorine Cycling in the Subducted Hydrous Oceanic Mantle
Scambelluri M, Muentener O, Ottolini L, Pettke T & Vannucci R
(2002) Magmatic Anhydrite in the Cu-Porphyry-Related Magma at Santa Rita, New Mexico (U.S.A.)
Audétat A, Pettke T, Dolejs D & Bodnar RJ
(2002) Sulfide Melts and the Origin of Cu/Au Ratios in Porphyry Deposits
Halter WE, Pettke T & Heinrich CA
(2002) Fluid Evolution at the Bingham Cu-Au-Mo-Ag Porphyry Deposit
Landtwing MR, Heinrich CA, Halter WE, Pettke T, Redmond PB & Einaudi MT
(2002) The Zn-Pb-Ag San Cristobal District, Central Peru: Isotope and Fluid Inclusion Constraints
Beuchat S, Moritz R & Pettke T
(2002) Metamorphic Pb-Ag Mineralization at Albrunpass (Central Alps)
Klemm L, Graeser S, Mullis J, Pettke T & Heinrich C
(2002) PTX Properties of a Natural Au-Bearing Hydrothermal Fluid from a Multidisciplinary Study of Fluid Inclusions (Sigma Deposit – Canada)
Garofalo PS, Heinrich CA, G¸nther D & Pettke T
(2001) Microanalysis of Crystallized Melt Inclusions
Audétat A, Pettke T, Thomas R & Bodnar RJ
(2001) Characterization of the Magmatic-To-Hydrothermal Transition in Barren vs. Mineralized Granites
Audétat A, Pettke T, Thomas R & Bodnar RJ
(2001) Laser-Ablation ICP-MS Analysis of Melt Inclusions: Applications to Various Host Minerals
Halter WE, Pettke T & Heinrich CA
(2001) Six Fluids in Ore-Forming Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Heinrich CA, Halter WE, Pettke T, Audétat A, Ulrich T, Landtwing M & ̧nther DG
(2001) The Porphyry to Epithermal Link: Preliminary Fluid Chemical Results from the Apuseni Mountains, Romania, and Famatina, Argentinian Andes
Pettke T, Halter WE, Driesner T, Von Quadt A & Heinrich CA

Petton C. (2019) Fractures Sustain Dynamic Microbial Hot Spots in the Critical Zone
Bochet O, Bethencourt L, Dufresne A, Farasin J, Pedrot M, Labasque T, Chatton E, Lavenant N, Petton C, Abbott B, Aquilina L & Le Borgne T

Petts A. (2023) Laser Based S Isotope Analysis of Weathered ‘super-Heavy’ Neoproterozoic Sulphides and Rb–Sr Dating of Illite from Kapunda, South Australia
Woolston Z, Farkas J, Gilbert S, McGee L, Petts A, Fabris A & Krapf C

Petts Duane (2019) Enrichment of U-Y-Zr in Basinal Brines of the Athabasca Basin – Implications for U and REE Mineralization
Chi G, Chu H, Petts D, Potter E, Jackson S & Williams-Jones A
(2019) Rae Impact Spherules: Aftermath of a ca. 2.1 Ga Exoplanet Strike
Percival J, Davis B, Petts D, Jackson S, Berman R, Shalchi B, Harrison M & Bell E
(2014) A Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation Factor between Diamond and Fluid Derived from Detailed SIMS Analysis of an Eclogitic Diamond
Petts D, Stern R, Stachel T, Chacko T & Heaman L

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