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Petrov R. (2017) Seasonal Variations in the Sources and Formation of Fe-Bearing Particles in the Lena River Basin; Evidence from Iron Isotopes
Hirst C, Andersson P, Mörth M, Kutscher L, Murphy M, Schmitt M, Petrov R, Maximov T & Porcelli D

Petrov S. (2017) Geochemical and Mineralogical Factors for Geometallurgy Applications for Complex Platinum Ores of Viksha Deposit (Karelia, Russia)
Borozdin A, Petrov S, Oleynik I, Roslyakov S, Agapov I & Anisimov I

Petrov Valeriy (2015) Application of Layered Double Hydroxides for 99Tc Immobilization
Shcherbina N, Franzen C, Foerstendorf H, Walther C & Petrov V

Petrov Victor (2006) µ-EDXRF tracing of uranium redistribution in volcanic rocks
Wittenberg A, Petrov VA, Kocks H & Hammer J
(2002) Metalliferous Black Shales in Precambrian of Siberian Platform
Petrov V

Petrov Vladimir (2019) Sorption Behaviour of di- and Trivalent Radionuclides on Oxidesurfaces at High Salt Concentrations
García D, Lützenkirchen J, Petrov V, Siebentritt M, Huguenel M, Camels L, Schild D, Lefèvre G, Rabung T, Altmaier M, Kalmykov S, Duro L & Geckeis H
(2016) Sorption Behavior of Np(V) onto Different Clays
Romanchuk A, Vlasova I, Verma P, Krupskaya V, Petrov V, Mohapatra P & Kalmykov S

Petrov Vladimir G. (2021) Distribution of Radionuclides in Heterogeneous Systems of Mineral Phases Typical for Crystalline Rocks of the Russian Underground Research Laboratory
Rodionova AA, Vlasova IE & Petrov VG

Petrov Vladisslav (2007) Isotopic Tracing of Water Filtration in Oxidizing, Fractured Porous Media
Dubinina E, Petrov V & Golubev V

Petrova D. (2015) Diversity of Microbial Communities and Degradation of Diatoms in the Deepwater Sediments of Lake Baikal
Kurilkina M, Zakharova Y, Galachyants Y, Bashenkhaeva M, Petrova D & Likhoshway Y

Petrova L.

Petrova M. (2017) Study of the Chemical Fluxes Associated with SGD in Several Hotspots along the French Mediterranean Coastline
van Beek P, Tamborski J, Bejannin S, Petrova M, Souhaut M, Lacan F, Stieglitz T, Radakovitch O, Claude C, Pujo-Pay M, Conan P, Crispi O, Garcia-Orellana J & Heimburger L-E

Petrova V. (2021) Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediments of Salt Marshes and Littoral Zones from the Russian Coast of the Barents Sea
Kursheva A, Morgunova I, Petrova V, Litvinenko I, Maltseva A & Golikova E
(2018) Hydrocarbon Molecular Markers in Carbonate Sediments of Hydrothermal Vent Sites of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Morgunova I, Petrova V, Litvinenko I, Kursheva A, Cherkashev G & Narkevsky E
(2017) Natural and Anthropogenic Sources of Hydrocarbons in Bottom Sediments in Areas of Possible Petroleum Contamination (Peter the Great Gulf, Sea of Japan)
Litvinenko I, Morgunova I, Petrova V, Kursheva A & Shcherbakov V
(2016) Organic Matter in the History of Pliocene-Quarternary Sedimentation in the Chukchi Sea (Shallow Drilling Results)
Litvinenko I, Petrova V, Kursheva A & Morgunova I

Petrovic J. (2019) Effect of Hydrous Ferric and Aluminum Oxides for Transport of As, Cd and Pb in the Rivers Acidicied by the Kusatsu Thermal Waters in Japan
Ogawa Y, Ishiyama D, Đorđievski S, Petrovic J & Milivojevic M

Petrović Marija (2021) Metalloid Mobility of Aged Landfill – The Negative Impact of the Forgotten
Petrović M, Fiket Ž, Dolenec M, Čermelj B, Medunić G & Ivanić M

Petrovic Mira (2019) Occurrence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Natural Springs
Mas-Pla J, Gros M, Celic M, Menció A & Petrovic M
(2013) Modeling the Fate of the Pharmaceuticals in an Urban Aquifer. Besòs River Delta Case Study (Barcelona, Spain)
Jurado A, Vázquez-Suñé E, Carrera J, Pujades E, López-Serna R, Petrovic M & Barceló D

Petruccioli M. (2019) Microbial Community and Antibiotic Resistance Genes within Reactive Barriers for Artificial Aquifer Recharge
Amalfitano S, Luprano ML, Zoppini A, Petruccioli M, Melita M, Valhondo C, Carrera J & Levantesi C

Petrunic B. (2008) Secondary Minerals in Tungsten Mine Tailings: Mount Pleasant, New Brunswick, Canada
Petrunic B & Al T
(2005) Arsenopyrite Weathering in Tungsten Mine Tailings: A TEM Analysis
Petrunic B & Al T

Petrunin A. (2011) Modeling Relationships between a Mantle Plume, a Large Igneous Province and a Mass Extinction
Sobolev S, Sobolev A, Kuzmin D, Krivolutskaya N, Petrunin A, Arndt N, Radko V & Vasiliev Y
(2011) Modeling Reconciles Observations for Traps in East and West Siberia
Petrunin A & Sobolev S

Petrus Joseph (2021) Development of an Extended Matrix-Matched Calibration Protocol for Fast, High-Resolution, Quantitative Chemical Mapping of Major and Trace Elements of Polymineralic Samples by Laser-Ablation Coupled to Time-Of-Flight-Mass-Spectrometry (LA-Icp-TOF-MS)
Savard D, Dare SAS, Bédard LP, Barnes S-J & Petrus J
(2019) LA-ICPMS Image Mapping and its Applications to Geochronology
Chew D, Drost K & Petrus J
(2019) LA or ID? Exploring the Limits of in situ U-Pb Carbonate Geochronology Using Speleothems
Woodhead J & Petrus J
(2019) U-Pb, Trace Element, and Hafnium Isotope Composition of the Maniitsoq Zircon: A Potential New Archean Zircon Reference Material
Marsh J, Jørgensen T, Petrus J, Hamilton M & Mole D
(2017) Deciphering Element Paragenesis, Element Associations and Multi-Stage Mineralizing Processes in Orogenic Gold Deposits with LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Sulfides
Gourcerol B, Kontak D, Thurston P & Petrus J
(2017) Volatility-Related Element Loss during Large Impact Events: New Pb and Zn Insight from the Sudbury Basin
Kamber B, Guyett P, Schoenberg R, Kenny G, Petrus J & Ames D
(2017) Dating Impact Events with Shocked Zircon: Insights from the Sudbury Impact Crater, Ontario, Canada
Kenny G, Whitehouse M, Petrus J, Morales L & Kamber B
(2017) A New Approach to Laser Ablation ICP-MS Using the Flexible Map Interrogation Tool 'Monocle'
Petrus J, Chew D, Leybourne M & Kamber B
(2017) Fast (>50 Hz) U-Pb LA-ICPMS Spot Dating of U-Bearing Minerals Using an Aerosol Rapid Introduction System
Chew D, Drost K & Petrus J
(2017) LA-ICPMS U-Pb Carbonate Dating Based on Image Mapping
Drost K, Petrus J, Chew D & Woodhead J
(2015) High-Resolution U-Pb LA-Q-ICPMS Age Mapping of Zircon
Chew D, Petrus J, Kamber B, Ubide T & McKenna C
(2015) On the Track of the Elusive Sudbury Impactor
Petrus J, Ames D & Kamber B
(2013) U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Dating of Common Pb-Bearing Accessory Minerals Using VizualAge/Iolite
Chew D, Petrus J & Kamber B
(2013) A Novel 2D LA-ICP-MS Data Analysis and Visualization Solution
Petrus J & Kamber B
(2011) VisualAge: A Novel Approach to U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Geochronology
Petrus JA & Kamber BS

Petrus Joseph A (2023) Progress Towards micrometer-3D Analysis Using a femtosecond-La-Icp-TOF-MS System
Savard D, Dare S, Bedard LP, Barnes S-J & Petrus JA
(2021) Fully Quantitative Major and Trace Element Laser Ablation ICP Mapping of Heterogeneous Samples
Tomlinson EL, Riegler T, Petrus JA, McClenaghan SH & Chew DM

Petrusevksi B. (2009) IHE-Adart An Innovative Dutch Arsenic Removal Technology
Petrusevksi B, Slokar Y, van der Meer WG & Schippers JC

Petryshyn Victoria (2018) Builders, Tenants and Squatters: Organic Matter Preservation and its Relationship to Stromatolite Formation
Petryshyn V, Bailey J, Stamps B, Spear J, Stevenson B & Corsetti F
(2017) Evidence for Strong Seasonality in the Shallow Tethys Across the End-Triassic Mass Extinction
Greene S, Petryshyn V, Farnsworth A, Gammariello R, Ibarra Y, Lunt D, Bottjer D, Tripati A & Corsetti F
(2015) Clumped Isotope Systematics in Lacustrine and Fluvial Carbonates: A Tool for Paleohydrology, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, and Paleoaltimetry
Tripati A, Mering J, Petryshyn V, Mitsunaga B, Wilson J, Eagle R, Kaufman D, Cohen A, Dunbar R, Russell J & Oviatt C

Petryshyn Victoria A (2023) Micro-Elemental Analysis of Stromatolites Reveal Fe as Potential Biosignature and Remnant of a Lithification Mechanism
Cassady VC, Levene DR, Celestian AJ, Petryshyn VA, Berelson WM, Rasmussen K, Stevenson BS, Spear J & Corsetti FA
(2022) Biogenic Stromatolites as Lacustrine Oxygen Oases ~2.7 Ga: Synthesizing Textural and Geochemical Data
Wilmeth DT, Lalonde SV, Berelson WM, Petryshyn VA, Celestian AJ, Beukes N, Awramik S, Spear J, Mahseredjian T & Corsetti FA
(2022) Examining Fe-Cycling in Microbial Mats as a Lithification Mechanism and Possible Stromatolite Biosignature
Petryshyn VA, Berelson WM, Spear J, Cassady VC, Stevenson BS, Rasmussen K, Yang S-C, John SG & Corsetti FA

Petsch Steven (2022) Using Rhenium, δ187Re, and RPO-14C to Trace the Fate of Rock Organic Carbon in the Critical Zone
Grant KE, Dellinger M, Nowell GM, Petsch S, Galy V & Hilton R
(2021) Using Rhenium and δ187Re to Trace the Fate of Rock Organic Carbon in the Critical Zone
Grant KE, Dellinger M, Nowell GM, Petsch S & Hilton RG
(2017) Weathering of Ancient Sedimentary Organic Matter in the Geochemical Cycles of Carbon and Oxygen
Petsch S

Petsch Steven T. (2015) Current and Future River Organic Carbon Export Using Discharge and Constituent Load Data Archives
Petsch S & Armfield J
(2011) Biogeochemistry of Devonian Shale Gas Resources of the Midwest USA: Antrim and New Albany Shales
Martini A, Petsch S, McIntosh J, Kirk M, Schlegel M, Damashek J & Miller S
(2011) Compound-Specific Isotopic Evidence of Paleoenvironmental Change Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia
Wilkie K, Petsch S, Burns S & Brigham-Grette J
(2010) Microbial Community Structure and Geochemistry of the New Albany Shale (Illinios Basin) and its Potential to Produce Biogenic Methane
Damashek J, Miller S, Kirk M, McIntosh J, Schlegel M, Petsch S & Martini A
(2009) Signatures of Anaerobic Hydrocabron Biodegradation in Sulfidic and Methanic Environments
Formolo M, Petsch S, Martini A & Ferdelman T
(2009) Effect of Natural Gas Production on Geochemistry and Microbiology in a Fractured Organic-Rich Shale
Kirk M, Martini A, McIntosh J, Petsch S & Takacs-Vesbach C
(2007) Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Variability in Organic Matter Sources in Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Siberia
Wilkie KMK, Petsch ST & Brigham-Grette J
(2007) Continental Paleotemperature Reconstructions: Distribution of GDGTs in a Variety of Lakes
Zhang Z, Bradley R & Petsch S
(2001) Evidence for Microbial Activity in Black Shale Weathering Environments
Petsch ST, Edwards KJ & Eglinton TI
(2001) Dating Weathering of Organic-Rich Shales with U-Series Disequilibrium
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Sims KWW, Jaffe LA, Petsch S & Shimizu N
(2000) Microbes that Utilize Kerogen: Degradation of Ancient, Refractory Organic Matter during Black Shale Weathering
Petsch S, Edwards K & Eglinton T

Petschacher N. (2015) Ambiguous Pore Plugging during Geothermal Reinjection: 3D-Sandstone Characterization and Experimental Simulations
Petschacher N, Hippler D, Böchzelt B & Dietzel M

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