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Pétré M-A. (2023) Occurrence of PFAS in Groundwater and Surface Water of an Urban Watershed (River Vantaa, Southern Finland)
Turtiainen H, Pétré M-A & Korkka-Niemi K

Petrella L. (2022) Nanoparticle Suspensions Elucidate High-Grade Gold Mineralisation Processes
Petrella L, Thebaud N, Fougerouse D, Tattitch B, Martin LAJ, Turner S, Suvorova A & Gain S
(2019) Controls on Ultra-High-Grade Gold Vein in Orogenic-Gold Deposit, Learnings from the Callie Deposit
Petrella L, Thebaud N & LaFlamme C

Petrelli Maurizio (2009) Metasomatism of Continental Crust during Subduction: The UHP Whiteschists from the Dora-Maira Massif (Italian Western Alps)
Ferrando S, Frezzotti ML, Petrelli M & Compagnoni R

Petrelli Maurizio (2015) Determination of End-Member Proportions for Syn-Eruptive Magma Mixing of 2010 Eyjafjalljökull Eruption by High-Resolution Geochemical Mapping of Volcanic Ash
Laeger K, Petrelli M, Andronico D, Scarlato P, Cimarelli C, Del Bello E, Misiti V, Tadeucci J & Perugini D
(2015) Magma Mixing and Crystallization between Basaltic and Rhyolitic Melts
Morgavi D, Arzilli F, Pritchard CJ, Petrelli M, Larson PB, Dingwell DB & Perugini D
(2015) Thermo-Chemical Constrains of Magma Mixing: Implications for Timescale and Lifetime in Magmatic Systems
Petrelli M, El Omari K, Le Guer Y & Perugini D

Petrelli Maurizio (2016) Optimised Performance Characteristics of an Active 2-Volume Cell for Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Asogan D, Stremtan C, Jackson S, Petrelli M, Winship P & Lay C
(2016) Trace Element Contents of Spinels from African Mantle Xenoliths
Lenaz D, Musco ME, Petrelli M, Caldeira R, de Ignacio C, De Min A, Marzoli A, Mata J, Perugini D, Princivalle F, Boumehdi MA & Youbi N
(2016) Concentration Variance Decay during Magma Mixing: A Volcanic Chronometer
Perugini D, De Campos C, Petrelli M & Dingwell D

Petrelli Maurizio (2017) Trace Element Diffusion during Mixing of Rhyolitic and Shoshonitic Magmas
González-García D, Petrelli M, Behrens H, Vetere F, Morgavi D & Perugini D
(2017) Chemical Exchanges during Chaotic Magma Mixing Experiments of Rhyolitic and Latitic Melts from Vulcan Island (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
Rossi S, Morgavi D, Petrelli M, Vetere F & Perugini D

Petrelli Maurizio (2019) The Nature and Reactivation Time of the Magma Storage beneath the Long-Dormant Late Pleistocene Ciomadul Volcano (Eastern-Central Europe)
Harangi S, González-García D, Petrelli M, Bachmann O & Lukács R

Petrelli Maurizio (2020) A Dry Origin of 4-Vesta Estimated by the Water Content in Pyroxenes from the HED
Nazzareni S, Pauselli C, Skogny H, Murri M, Domeneghetti MC, Alvaro M, Stalder R, Petrelli M, De Sanctis MC, Formisano M & Federico C
(2020) Trace-Element Behavior in UHP Fluid Inclusions: Indicator of the Petrological and Geochemical Evolution of the Slab-Released Fluids
Ferrando S, Petrelli M & Frezzotti ML
(2020) Trace Element Partitioning between Clinopyroxene and Alkali Basaltic Melts: Investigation at High Pressure on a Composition from the Campi Flegrei Volcanic District (Italy)
Bonechi B, Perinelli C, Gaeta M, Fabbrizio A, Petrelli M & Strnad L
(2020) Capturing the P-T Evolution of Magmas in Volcanic Plumbing Systems by Machine Learning
Petrelli M, Caricchi L & Perugini D
(2020) Understanding Basaltic Plinian Activity at Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua
Bamber EC, Arzilli F, Polacci M, La Spina G, Petrelli M, Hartley ME, Di Genova D, Fellowes J, Chavarria D, Saballos JA, De' Michieli Vitturi M & Burton MR

Petrelli Maurizio (2021) A Combined Petrological and Numerical Approach to Investigate Basaltic Plinian Eruptions at Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua
Bamber EC, Arzilli F, Burton MR, Polacci M, La Spina G, de' Michieli Vitturi M, Hartley ME, Petrelli M, Fellowes J, Chavarría D & Saballos JA
(2021) Proximal to Distal Correlation of Campania Tephra in the Last 200 ka: Insights from Two Successions Drilled in the Campania Plain
Totaro F, Arienzo I, D'Antonio M, Di Vito MA, Giaccio B, Iovine RS, Petrelli M, Petrosino P, Santangelo N, Santo A & Zanchetta G
(2021) Chemical and Isotopic (87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd) Fingerprinting of a Stratigraphic Sequence from the Acerno Lacustrine Basin (Southern Apennines, Italy)
Iovine RS, Totaro F, Petrosino P, Arienzo I, Zanchetta G, Giaccio B, Petrelli M & D'Antonio M
(2021) Apparent Selective Elemental Disequilibrium between Melt and Mineral Phases of the Haramul Mic Lava Dome
Pánczél E, Petrelli M, Lukács R, Bachmann O & Harangi S
(2021) The Evolution of the Plumbing System of Nevado de Toluca (Mexico) over 1.5 Million Years
Caricchi L, Petrelli M, Simpson G & Arce JL

Petrelli Maurizio (2022) Machine Learning Thermo-Barometry for Volcanic Systems
Petrelli M, Lopez MA, Perugini D & Caricchi L

Petrelli Maurizio (2023) The 1631 a.D. Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Investigating the Dynamics and the Timescales of the Feeding System
Arienzo I, De Lucia M, Mormone A, Nave R, Marfè B, Cariddi B, Doronzo D, Pelullo C, Sparice D, Vertechi E, Di Vito MA, de Vita S, Carandente A, Nazzari M, Forlenza G, Montagna C, D'Oriano C, Colucci S, Petrosino P, Di Renzo V, D'Antonio M, Morgavi D, Petrelli M, Arzilli F, Balcone-Boissard H, Chakraborty S, Cecere D, Monaco A, Varriale G, Cioni R & Moretti R
(2023) Pre-Eruptive Dynamics and Timescales Estimates at the Campi Flegrei Caldera
Petrelli M, Ágreda López M, Pisello A & Perugini D
(2023) Machine Learning Thermo-Chemo-Barometry in Volcanic Systems
Ágreda López M, Petrelli M, Musu A & Caricchi L

Petrenko I. (2015) Estimation of Chemical Element Resources in the Gas Phase of the Condensation Waters in the Gas and Gas-Condensate Deposits of Russia
Petrenko V & Petrenko I

Petrenko Vasilii (2013) Radiometric 81Kr Dating Reveals 120, 000 Year Old Ice at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
Buizert C, Baggenstos D, Jiang W, Purtschert R, Petrenko V, Brook E, Lu Z-T, Mueller P & Severinghaus J

Petrenko Vasily (2015) Estimation of Chemical Element Resources in the Gas Phase of the Condensation Waters in the Gas and Gas-Condensate Deposits of Russia
Petrenko V & Petrenko I

Petrescu L. (2023) Assessment of Geochemical Mobility of Natural Lanthanides, U and Th from a Former Uranium Mine (Bistrita Mountains, Romania)
Petrescu L
(2022) Carbonate Platforms Subducted into the Upper Mantle
Petrescu L, Ducea M, Currie C, Balica C, Lazar I & Mallik A
(2021) A Zircon Petrochronologic View on Granitoids and Continental Evolution
Ducea M, Petrescu L, Balica C, Gehrels G, Triantafyllou A & Roban R
(2020) Remnants of ”nelsonitic” Apatite as a Possible Source of Phosphorous from Epithermal and Porphyry Copper Deposits of Carpathians (Romania)
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Ghinescu E, Iatan EL, Berbeleac I & Petrescu L
(2020) Adakites in Relatively Thin Crust Above Continental Collisional Zones: Products of Continental Subduction-Related Melting
Petrescu L, Ducea M, Galiceanu R & Barla A
(2019) Evidence of Microbial and Chemical Signatures in Middle Jurassic Ferruginous Stromatolites from the Southern Carpathians, Romania
Gradinaru M, Petrescu L, Lazar I & Ducea M
(2019) Clathrasil Compound Evidence in Fluid and Brine Inclusions by Microthermometry and Raman Spectroscopy
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Nutu-Dragomir ML, Iatan EL, Berbeleac I, Petrescu L & Ghinescu E
(2018) Micro-Inclusions in Ag-Bearing Sulphosalts Assemblages – Possible Key to Estimate the Ore Fluid Evolution in Dealul Crucii Ore Deposit, Romania
Udubasa SS, Petrescu L & Udubasa G
(2018) Impact of an Historic Mercury Mine and Hg Processing Plant on the Surrounding Surface Soils (Apuseni Mts., Romania)
Petrescu L, Jianu D & Udubasa SS
(2016) Bioaccumulation of Uranium in Shrubs and Spontaneous Flora Grown within Mining Dumps (Crucea Uranium Deposit, Romania)
Petrescu L & Bilal E
(2013) Mercury Speciation in a Historic Hg-Mining and Smelting Area, Apuseni Mts., Romania
Petrescu L, Jianu D & Milu C
(2010) Mercury in Contaminated Soils from the Zlatna Mining District (Apuseni Mountains, Romania)
Petrescu L, Denisa J & Milu C
(2009) Assessment of Metal Availability in Mining Dump Soils Using Chemical Extractions (Zlatna Area, Romania)
Petrescu L & Jianu D
(2009) Natural Actinides in the Sediments Associated with the Crucea Uranium Mine (East Carpathians, Romania)
Petrescu L, Bilal E & Iatan LE
(2009) Nanoparticles and Bioavailability of Minerals and Metals
Petrescu L, Udubasa SS & Udubasa G
(2008) Nanogold and its Bearing on “Invisible Gold” in Sulfides
Udubasa SS, Petrescu L, Constantinescu S, Popescu-Pogrion N & Udubasa G
(2007) Sequential Extraction of Radioactive Metals in Soils from Crucea Uranium Mine (Romania)
Petrescu L & Bilal E
(2006) Speciation of natural uranium and thorium in surface waters around a uranium mine (Bistrita Mts., Romania)
Petrescu L & Bilal E

Petret C. (2013) A Multi-Isotope (H, O, C, S, B, Mg, Ca, Ba) Approach to Study Diagenesis in Black Sea-Type Sediments
Böttcher ME, Lapham L, Gussone N, Struck U, Buhl D, Immenhauser A, Möller K, Petret C, Nägler T, Dellwig O, Schnetger B, Huckriede H, Halas S & Samankassou E

Petri B. (2023) Modes and Impact of Crustal Contamination: Example of the Sondalo Gabbroic Complex (Central Alps, SE Switzerland – N Italy)
Morin M, Petri B & Ulrich M
(2013) Intrusion Mechanisms of Mafic Plutons in the Middle Crust: Insights from the Permian Sondalo Gabbroic Complex (Central Alps)
Petri B, Mateeva T, Mohn G, Manatschal G, Schulmann K & Skrzypek E

Petri M. (2006) Iodine speciation and redox cycling in limnic systems: Case studies from Lake Constance and the Mummelsee
Gilfedder B, Petri M & Biester H

Petri P.L. (2022) Alkali Depletion as a Trigger for Degassing of Hydrous Melts in Magma Injection Processes
Petri PL, Allabar A & Nowak M

Petrič M. (2019) Non-Traditional Isotopes as Tracers of Water-Rock Interactions in a Complex Karst Aquifer: Case Study of Ljubljanica, Slovenia
Lojen S, Rovan L, Zuliani T, Kanduč T, Štrok M, Petrič M & Rusjan S

Petricca E. (2015) Orogenic Volcanism in Kurdistan Province of Iran
Agostini S, Rahimzadeh B, Petricca E, Masoudi F & Lustrino M

Petrick B. (2017) Indian Ocean Circulation Changes over the Middle Pleistocene Transition
Petrick B, Auer G, De Vleeschouwer D, Christensen B, Reuning L, Martinez-Garcia A, Gallagher S, Fulthorpe C, Bogas K & Haug G

Petrides B. (2006) Cation-exchange as a control on Sr isotopes in groundwater from the SE Murray Basin, Australia
Cartwright I, Weaver T & Petrides B

Petriglieri J.R. (2019) Fibrous Antigorite from New Caledonia. An Environmental Health Hazard?
Petriglieri JR, Turci F, Tomatis M, Avataneo C, Fubini B, Gazzano E, Aldieri E & Laporte-Magoni C

Petrik J.M. (2018) The Combined Effects of Soil Type and Acid Rain on Tagetes Erecta
Ally RR, Naska AM, Petrik JM, Blickstein JIB & Blackwell BAB

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