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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Peterse F. (2022) Influence of Mineral Associations on Terrestrial Particulate Organic Carbon Preservation and Transport in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Yedema Y, Eefting DD, Nierop KGJ, van Leeuwen AWE, Trabucho Alexandre J, Vonk J, Sangiorgi F & Peterse F
(2022) A Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of East Asian Monsoon Precipitation Dynamics on the Western Chinese Loess Plateau over the Past 140, 000 Years
Fuchs L, Guo J, Schefuß E, Sun Y, Dong J, Ziegler M & Peterse F
(2022) Exploring Systematic Bias in UK’37 in the Mediterranean Sea Through Alkenone Flux and Coccolith Clumped Isotope Measurements in a 28-Year Sediment Trap Record
Rice A, Bouwmans D, van Boxtel A, Peterse F, Ziegler M, Stoll H, Bernasconi SM, de Lange GJ & Sluijs A
(2021) Spatial Distribution of Lipid Biomarkers, Dinoflagellate Cysts and Pollen in Coastal Marine Surface Sediments in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Yedema Y, Sangiorgi F, Sluijs A, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Peterse F
(2021) Identifying the Drivers of Vegetation Change on the Western Chinese Loess Plateau over the Last 70, 000 Years
Fuchs L, Haan, K.E. de K, Schefuß E, Guo J, Sun Y & Peterse F
(2021) Reconstructing 130, 000 Years of East Asian Air Temperature Variability Using Branched Tetraether Membrane Lipids and Clumped Isotopes of Land Snail Shells from the Chinese Loess Plateau
Guo J, Ziegler M, Vreeken M, Mishra S, Fuchs L, Dong J, Sun Y & Peterse F
(2018) A North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction for the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
van der Ploeg R, Cramwinckel MJ, Kocken IJ, van der Meer AE, Müller IA, Ziegler M, Leutert TJ, Meckler AN, Sexton PF, Bohaty SM, Wilson PA, Peterse F, Schouten S, Reichart G-J, Middelburg JJ & Sluijs A
(2018) Hypoxia in the Stockholm Archipelago over the Past 3 ka: A Natural Phenomenon or Human-Induced?
van Helmond N, Vollebregt A, Lougheed B, Peterse F, Fontorbe G, Conley D & Slomp C
(2017) Transport of Organic Carbon and Mineral Associations from Soil to Sea in the Godavari River Basin (India)
Kirkels F, Usman M, Zwart H, Basu S, Martes C, Lupker M, Eglinton T & Peterse F
(2017) Holocene Climate- and Anthropogenically-Driven Mobilization of Terrestrial Organic Matter from the Godavari River Basin, India
Usman M, Ponton C, Kirkels F, Zwart H, Basu S, Peterse F, Lupker M, Giosan L & Eglinton T
(2017) Soil Branched GDGTs Measured along an Icelandic Temperature Gradient Change Only When the Bacterial Community Changes
De Jonge C, Peterse F, Radujkovic D, Weedon J & Janssens I
(2017) A Compound Specific Carbon Isotope Record for the Late Permian to Early Triassic
van Soelen E, Peterse F & Kurschner W
(2016) Transport of Soil Organic Carbon in the Upper Catchment of the Amazon River Traced by Branched GDGTs
Kirkels F, Ponton C, Feakins S, West J & Peterse F
(2016) Identifying Drivers of Past Vegetation Change in East Asia Using Molecular Climate Proxies
Peterse F, Zhou B, Magill C & Eglinton T
(2015) A Source-To-Sink Study of Terrestrial Biomarkers along the Modern Danube River System
Freymond C, Peterse F, Giosan L, Filip F & Eglinton T
(2014) Branched GDGTs in Arctic Lake Sediments: Sources and Implications for Paleothermometry at High Latitudes
Peterse F, Vonk J, Holmes RM, Giosan L, Zimov N & Eglinton T
(2014) Assessing Soil Bacterial Tetraether Lipids as Tracers for Land-Sea Soil Organic Carbon Transfer
Peterse F, Moy C & Eglinton T
(2008) Tracking Soil Organic Matter Export Across the Continent-Ocean Interface: A Case Study of the NW Mediterranean Using the BIT Index
Kim J-H, Buscail R, Bzarzycka B, Kerhervé P, Peterse F, Schouten S, Ludwig W & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2007) Development and Application of Novel Organic Proxies
Schouten S, Weijers J, Peterse F, van der Meer M & Sinninghe Damste J

Petersen D. (2012) Single Cell Genomics of Uncultured Subsurface Archaea
Lloyd K, Schreiber L, Petersen D, Richter M, Kjeldsen K, Lever M, Lenk S, Kleindienst S, Schramm A & Jorgensen BB

Petersen E. (2014) Arsenic Chemistry, Mineralogy, Speciation, and Bioavailability/Bioaccessibilty in Soils and Mine Waste from the Empire Mine, CA, USA
Foster A, Alpers C, Burlak T, Blum A, Petersen E, Basta N, Whitacre S, Casteel S, Kim C & Brown A

Petersen Jade (2017) Groundwater Ages of Saharan and Sahelian Aquifers: The 36Cl Perspective
Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Bouchez C, Hadj Ammar F, Mahamat Nour A, Petersen J, Poulin C, Goncalves J & Vallet-Coulomb C

Petersen Jade Oriane (2012) Multi Tracer Study (36Cl, 234U/238U, 14C) of the Tunisian Continental Intercalaire: Inferring Recharge Areas and Groundwater Ages
Petersen JO, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Goncalves J, Massault M, Michelot J-L & Zouari K
(2011) Investigation of 36Cl Distribution in the North-Western Sahara Aquifer System
Petersen J, Hadj Ammar F, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Goncalves J, Zouari K, Guendouz A & Michelot J-L
(2004) Anammox and the Marine N Cycle
Thamdrup B, Dalsgaard T, Jensen M & Petersen J

Petersen Jassin (2023) Barium Incorporation of Benthic Foraminifera – High Resolution Proxy Calibration from the Natural Laboratory of the Northern Aegean Sea
Petersen J, Schleinkofer N, Raddatz J, Bahr A, Mojtahid M, Pross J, Jorissen F, Schmiedl G & Grunert P
(2021) Calibration of Foraminiferal Ba/Ca for Reconstructing Mediterranean Sapropel Formation
Petersen J
(2017) Mn/Ca Ratios as Proxy for Benthic Ecosystem Oxygenation: Culturing Study and Field Observations of Ammonia Tepida
Petersen J, Barras C, Mouret A, Nardelli MP, Metzger E, Bézos A, La C, Filipsson HL, de Nooijer LJ, Meysman FJR & Jorissen FJ

Petersen K (2006) Types of fluid compositions and evolution at the St Ives Gold Camp
Petersen K, Neumayr P, Walshe J & Hagemann S
(2006) Camp-scale alteration dispersion: indicators for multiple fluids and pathways
Neumayr P, Walshe J & Petersen K

Petersen Kenni (2018) Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inversion of Mantle Temperature and Composition beneath Iceland
Brown E, Petersen K & Lesher C

Petersen M. (2020) Sulfide, Sulfite, and Sulfate Production from Organic Sulfur in Archean Oceans and Modern Lakes
Katsev S, Fakhraee M, Hyde E, Petersen M, Sheik C & Schreiner K

Petersen N. (2023) Stable Isotopes of Modern Water (δ2H and δ18O) Across the Pacific Northwest, USA: A Framework for Understanding Past, Present, and Future Climate
Bershaw J, Jimenez A, Greenwood C, Petersen N, Saslaw M & Mygatt C

Petersen Sierra (2014) Temperature Change Across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition Using the Carbonate Clumped Isotope Paleothermometer on Foraminifera
Petersen S & Schrag D
(2007) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Mollusks and its Applications to Pleistocene Gastropod Fossils from South Dakota
Ghosh P, Eiler J & Petersen S

Petersen Sierra (2015) Subtropical Warming in the Late Cretaceous Inferred from Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
Meyer K, Lohmann K & Petersen S

Petersen Sierra (2017) Late Cretaceous Volcanism and Climate Change Inferred from THg in Marine Invertebrate Fossils
Meyer K, Petersen S, Lohmann K, Blum J, Washburn S & Winkelstern I

Petersen Sierra V (2021) Survivorship vs. Extinction at the KPg Boundary: An Isotopic Look at Vital Effects in Bivalves
Petersen SV, Curley AN, Edie SM, Mohr RC, Oliphant E & Tobin T

Petersen Sierra V. (2019) Calcium Isotope Evidence for Environmental Change Before and Across the K-Pg Extinction
Linzmeier B, Jacobson A, Sageman B, Hurtgen M, Ankney M, Petersen S & Tobin T
(2019) Thermal and Paleoceanographic Responses to OAE2 from Δ47 Geochemistry and a Refined Chronostratigraphy
Jones MM, Petersen SV, Sageman BB, Selby D, Jacobson AD, Singer BS & Jicha BR
(2018) Linking Deccan Volcanism and the Bolide Impact with Ca Isotope Stratigraphy from the Late Maastrichtian of Seymour Island, Antarctica
Linzmeier BJ, Jacobson AD, Sageman BB, Hurtgen MT, Ankney ME, Petersen SV & Tobin TS
(2018) Isotope Schlerochronology and Tropical Seasonality during the Mid Miocene Climatic Optimum
Scholz SR, Petersen SV, Escobar J, Jaramillo C, Hendy A, Allmon WD, Moreno F, Curtis JH, Anderson BM, Hoyos N, Restrepo JC & Perez N

Petersen Sven (2023) Low-Temperature Venting and Microbial Iron Deposit Formation in the First Observed Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields in the Red Sea Rift
van der Zwan FM, Augustin N, Petersen S, Altalhi SM, Schultz J, Peixoto RS, Follmann J, Anker A, Benzoni F, Garcia Paredes ER, Al Malallah MY, Shepard L, Ouhssain M, Jägerup BS, Jones BH & Rosado AS
(2023) Hydrothermal Fluids at Continental Breakup – Insights from Sulfide Trace Elements and Fluid Inclusions from the South China Sea Continent-Ocean Transition
Follmann J, van der Zwan FM, Frische M, Hansteen TH & Petersen S
(2022) Hydrothermal Mineralization at Continental Breakup – Geochemical Insights from Sulfide Minerals from the South China Sea
Follmann J, van der Zwan FM, Petersen S & Frische M
(2021) The Sequestration of Trace Elements in Pyrite from Modern and Ancient Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulfide Deposits
Grant HLJ, Hannington MD & Petersen S
(2020) Detachment Tectonics and Hydrothermal Circulation Pattern beneath TAG, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Ruepke L, Guo Z, Petersen S, German C, Ildefonse B, Fuchs S & Hasenclever J
(2020) Subseafloor Alteration of a Modern Mafic-Volcaniclastic Hosted Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit
Anderson M, Hannington M, McConachy T, Jamieson J, Hansteen T & Petersen S
(2019) Microplate Rotation Triggers Post-Subduction Metal Endowment
Brandl PA, Hannington MD, Geersen J, Petersen S & Gennerich H-H
(2019) From the Deposit to the Nano-Scale: Advancing our Understanding of Gold Ore-Formation
Fuchs S, Schumann D, Petersen S, Schwarz-Schampera U & Hannington MD
(2019) Assessing the Regional Geology of the Rodriguez Triple Junction and Associated Hydrothermalism
Klischies M, Petersen S, Hannington MD, Graber S & Schwarz-Schampera U
(2018) Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Distribution of Gold and Silver in Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits
Fuchs S, Hannington M & Petersen S
(2017) Geologic Mapping Reveals Structural Limitations on Hydrothermal Vent Locations
Klischies M, Petersen S & Hannington MD
(2017) Fe-Rich Cap Lithologies in the TAG Hydrothermal Field: Implications for the Preservation of Extinct Seafloor Massive Sulphide Deposits
Stobbs I, Lusty P, Petersen S & Murton B
(2017) AUV-Based Exploration of the TAG Segment at 26°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Implications for Resource Assessment and Metal Fluxes
Petersen S, Yeo I, Jamieson J, Szitkar F, Graber S, Augustin N & Rothenbeck M
(2017) Insights into Three Extinct Seafloor Massive Sulphides Mounds at TAG, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Lehrmann B, Lusty PAJ, Petersen S & Murton BJ
(2017) Preliminary Geochemical Data of High Cu Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments from the TAG Area
Martins S, Barriga F, Milinovic J & Petersen S
(2017) Deposit-Scale Studies of Deep-Seafloor Mineral Deposits
Murton B, Petersen S, Lusty P & Lee M
(2015) On the Behavior of Sb and As in Hydrothermal Systems from the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
Blaauwbroek N, Keith M, Petersen S & Bach W
(2013) Trace Element Systematics of Pyrite from Submarine Hydrothermal Vents
Keith M, Häckel F, Haase K, Schwarz-Schampera U, Klemd R & Petersen S

Petersen-Sonn E.A. (2023) OH Formation from Excited Triplet States
Petersen-Sonn EA, Perrier S & George C

Peterson Brent (2013) Dunefield Chronology in the Simspson Desert, Central Australia, Revealed by Cosmogenic Nuclide and Luminescence Dating
Fujioka T, Nanson G, Tooth S, Craddock R, Price D, Peterson B & Mifsud C

Peterson Brian (2019) Does Natural Gas Form in Isotopic Equilibrium?
Thiagarajan N, Xie H, Ponton C, Kitchen N, Peterson B, Lawson M, Formolo M, Xiao Y & Eiler J
(2018) Hydrogen Isotope Equilibria in C1-C5 Alkanes
Xie H, Formolo M, Lawson M, Peterson B, Sattler A, Sessions A & Eiler J
(2017) Site-Specific D/H in Natural Propanes: A New Tool for Constraining Thermal History of Petroleum Systems
Ponton C, Xie H, Lawson M, Formolo M, Peterson B, Sattler A & Eiler J
(2014) Calculating Isotopic Equilibria: Clumped Isotopes in H2O and CH4
Peterson B, Lawson M, Stolper D & Eiler J

Peterson Brook (2010) Isotope Separation by Diffusion: Competing Effects of Chemical and Isotopic Exchange
Watkins J, Peterson B & DePaolo D

Peterson C. (2013) Deglacial Change in Terrestrial Carbon Storage Estimated by Benthic δ13C
Peterson C & Lisiecki L

Peterson D. (2020) Modern Water-Microbe-Mineral Feedbacks within a Subsurface Banded Iron Formation
McDermott JM, Gralnick J, Santelli CM, Bond DR, Sheik C, Kang PK, Peterson D, Lee W, Hsu D, Schuler CJ, Alexander SC, Noren A & Toner BM

Peterson E. (2013) Assesing Iron and Oxygen Isotope Homogeneity in Garnets
Urosevic M, Nebel O, Peterson E, Padrón-Navarta JA & Rubatto D

Peterson H. (2018) Geochemical Controls on Mine Waste Drainage Quality: Long-Term Monitoring of Waste Rock Weathering at the Antamina Mine, Peru
Vriens B, Peterson H, Laurenzi L, Smith L, Mayer U & Beckie R

Peterson Jacqueline (2016) The Geochemistry & Microbiology Behind Arsenic Cycling within Riverbank Aquifers in Bangladesh
Jewell K, Myers K, Knappett P, Berube M, Datta S, Hossain S, Peterson J & Ahmed K

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