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Pestle W.J. (2022) Plumb Unlucky: Anthropogenic Lead Exposure during Unmitigated Industrialization in 18th and 19th Century England
McGuire SA, Hubbe M, Pestle WJ, Sharifi A & Pourmand A

Pestunova O. (2009) Composition and Functioning of Microbial Communities Depending on Geochemical Conditions
Bryanskaya A, Lazareva E, Barkhutova D, Pestunova O, Zhmodik S & Repin V
(2009) Modern Thermofilic Cyanobacterial Mats: Geochemical Features
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Zhmodik S, Pestunova O, Ponomarchuk V, Semionova D, Barkhutova D & Melgunov M

Peta K. (2023) Respiration Partitioning Across the Yakima River Basin
Kaufman M, Delgado D, Barnes M, Boehnke B, Chen X, Cornwell K, Forbes B, Fulton S, Garayburu-Caruso V, Goldman A, Gonzalez B, Grieger S, Hammond G, Jiang P, Laan M, Li B, Li Z, McKever S, Mudunuru M, Muller K, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Pelly A, Peta K, Regier P, Renteria L, Roebuck A, Scheibe T, Son K, Torgeson J, Hall R, Zheng J & Stegen J

Petach Tanya N (2023) Climate-Driven Increases in Stream Metal Concentrations in Mineralized Headwater Catchments throughout the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA
Manning A, Petach TN, Runkel RL & McKnight DM

Petach Trevor (2010) Understanding Ediacaran Environmental Change
Johnston DT, Macdonald FA, Poulton SW, Gill BC, Petach T, Halverson GP, Schrag DP & Knoll AH

Petaev Michael (2013) An Isotopically Homogeneous Inner Terrestrial Planet Region
Jacobsen S, Petaev M, Huang S & Sasselov D
(2012) Enstatite Chondrites and the Composition of the Earth
Jacobsen S, Petaev M & Huang S
(2011) O-Isotope Compositions of Ferroan Olivine in Ngawi (LL3-6) Breccia
Krot A, Nagashima K & Petaev M
(2009) The First Law of Cosmochemistry
Jacobsen S, Remo J, Petaev M & Sasselov D
(2008) Hf-W Equilibration in a Magma Ocean at Very High P and T
Jacobsen S, Remo J, Petaev M & Sasselov D
(2007) Accretion and Early Differentiation History of the Earth Based on Extinct and Long-Lived Chronometers
Jacobsen S, Ranen M, Petaev M, Remo J & Yin Q
(2003) Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates in Carbonaceous Chondrites: Records of Nebular and Asteroidal Processes
Krot A, Petaev M, Itoh S, Fagan T, Yurimoto H & Russell S

Petaev Michail (2018) Testing Models of Lunar Origin
Jacobsen S, Petaev M, Stewart S & Lock S
(2018) Atom Probe Tomography of Allende CAI Opaque Assemblage
Parman S, Jacobsen S, Petaev M & Akey A
(2018) Growth Model Interpretation of Planet Size Distribution
Zeng L, Jacobsen S, Sasselov D, Vanderburg A, Lopez-Morales M, Perez-Mercader J, Petaev M & Mattsson T
(2016) Mass-Dependent Stable Isotopic Constraints on the Moon Formation Giant Impact Model
Huang S, Petaev M, Wang W, Sedaghatpour F, Lock S, Wu Z, Stewart S & Jacobsen S
(2014) High-Precision Al-Mg Systematics in Forsterite-Bearing Type B CAIs
Bullock E, Nakashima D, Tenner T, Kita N, MacPherson G, Ivanova M, Krot A, Petaev M & Jacobsen S

Krot AN, Nagashima K, Dunn T, Petaev MI, Ma C & Zipfel J
(2023) Calcium Isotope Fractionation in CAIs Arising from Thermal Processing in the Solar Nebula
Parendo CA, Jacobsen SB & Petaev MI

Petäjä T. (2011) How do Plant VOC Emissions Affect Atmospheric Nanoparticle Formation?
Dal Maso M, Mentel TF, Kiendler-Scharr A, Kleist E, Tillmann R, Sipilä M, Petäjä T, Hakala J, Liao L, Lehtipalo K, Kulmala M & Worsnop D

Petala E. (2023) Nanoremediation the Tannery Wastewater: A Case Study from the Upper Basin of the Bogotá River (Colombian)
Vasquez Y, Galvis J, Filip J, Agudelo F, Franco J, Vasquez J, Cardenas G, Petala E & Herrera O

Petavratzi E. (2022) Cobalt Deportment and Supply Potential from Ore and Mine Waste of Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits in Europe
Horn S, Naden J, Shaw R & Petavratzi E

Petcovic H. (2010) Development of a Problem-Based, Service-Learning Environmental Field Geochemistry Course
Koretsky C, Block K & Petcovic H

Petecki Z. (2020) 3D Geological-Geophysical Model and Chronological Rock Sequence of the Suwałki Anorthosite Massif – NE Poland
Petecki Z, Rosowiecka O, Wiszniewska J & Krzeminska E
(2020) Geophysical and Petrological Constraints for Ultramafic-Alkaline-Carbonatite Magmatism in the Tajno Intrusion, NE Poland
Wiszniewska J, Krzeminska E, Petecki Z, Grabarczyk A & Demaiffe D
(2017) Central European Carbonatites Under Cover: Insights for Mineral Exploration from the Tajno Alkaline Intrusions, NE Poland
Wiszniewska J, Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Kusiak MA, Petecki Z & Legras M

Peteet D. (2019) 14C Ages of ‘Hand-Picked’ Foraminifera and More from the AMS Facility at ETH Zurich
Hajdas I, Clark E, Klas M, Trumbore S, Ivy Ochs S, Peteet D, Hemming S, McManus J, Liu T, Severignhaus J, Putnam A & Bonani G
(2019) Sensitivity of the Earth’s Climate in the Tropics and Subtropics during the Last Glacial Period
Stute M & Peteet D
(2018) Postglacial Paleoclimate Preserved in Pan-Pacific Peatlands
Nichols J, Peteet D, Moy C, Heusser L, Massa C, Beilman D, Vandergoes M & Curtin L

Petelet-Giraud E. (2021) Investigating Nitrate Heterogeneity in a Basement Aquifer: A NO3 Isotopes, CFCs-Sf6, Microbiological Activity, Geophysics and Hydrogeology Approaches in the Critical Zone
Petelet-Giraud E, Baran N, Vergnaud V, Portal A, Michel C, Joulian C & Lucassou F
(2017) Life Cycle of a Catchment from Weathering to Human Impact Traced by Lead Isotopes
Negrel P, Petelet-Giraud E, Guerrot C & Millot R
(2017) Isotopic Tracing of Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions in Alluvial Contexts
Petelet-Giraud E & Negrel P
(2017) Tracing the Orgin of Guiana Beachsands Through Multi-Elementary Heavy Mineral Finger Printing
Lach P, Negrel P & Petelet-Giraud E
(2014) Dynamic of Groundwater Circulation and Source of Salinity in Large Sedimentary Aquifers (Adour-Garonne District, SW France): Sulfate and Strontium Isotopes Constraints
Petelet-Giraud E, Négrel P, Brenot A, Malcuit E & Millot R
(2014) B-Li Isotope Characterization to Design a Frame of Hydrogeological Functioning of a Wetland System (Massif Central, France)
Négrel P, Guerrot C, Millot R & Petelet-Giraud E
(2014) Water-Rock Interaction and Groundwater Salinity in Large Sedimentary Basins: An Inverse Modeling Approach
Négrel P, Millot R, Petelet-Giraud E, Malcuit E & Brenot A
(2014) Chemical and Multi-Isotope Fingerprinting to Constrain Groundwater Salinization of a Coastal Mediterranean Multilayer Aquifer (the Roussillon Basin, France)
Petelet-Giraud E, Négrel P, Aunay B, Ladouche B, Bailly-Comte V, Guerrot C & Dorfliger N
(2013) How Isotopic Hydrogeochemical Tools can Help Policy Makers to Target Priority Area for Drinking Water Preservation?
Brenot A, Gourcy L, Petelet-Giraud E & Négrel P
(2012) Geochemical Characterization of Mineralized Groundwaters in the Aquitaine Basin (SW France): Lateral and Vertical Variability of the Eocene Formations, Hydrodynamic and Geochemical Processes of Acquisition of the Mineralization
Malcuit E, Negrel P, Petelet-Giraud E, Atteia O, Franchesci M & Dupuy A
(2012) B-Sr-U Isotope Systematics and 14C Dating of Groundwaters from Southwestern France
Innocent C, Malcuit E, Flehoc C, Guerrot C, Kloppmann W, Petelet-Giraud E & Negrel P
(2009) Multi-Isotope Approaches for Identification of Metal Contamination Sources in Environmental Systems
Bullen T, Widory D & Petelet-Giraud E
(2004) Boron Isotopes Behaviour during Weathering of Silicate Rocks
Casanova J, Négrel P, Petelet- Giraud E, Kloppmann W & Millot R
(2002) Constraining the Sr Isotopes Signature in Surface Waters Draining Granite-Gneiss by Atmospheric and Anthropic Inputs Correction
Petelet-Giraud E, Negrel P & Casanova J
(2002) Rare Earth Elements and Neodymium Isotopic Systematic in the Groundwaters of French Guiana
Negrel P & Petelet-Giraud E
(2001) Surficial and Ground Water Relations in the Loire Catchment (France). An Isotopic Characterization Focuses on a Wetland in the Upper Basin
Petelet-Giraud E, Négrel P, Barbier J & Gautier E

Peter D. (2009) Fossil and Non-Fossil Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol
Prevot A, Szidat S, Perron N, Lanz V, Alfarra R, Peter D, Mohr C & Baltensperger U

Peter Jan (2016) VMS Exploration: Oxygen Isotope Mapping from Top to Bottom
Taylor B, Peter J, Laakso K & Rivard B

Peter Jan M. (2019) Lithogeochemical and Sulfur Isotope Indicators of Environment of Formation and Genesis of the Moss Hyper-Enriched Black Shale Showing, Yukon
Gadd MG & Peter JM

Peter K. (2007) How Fast do the Alps Erode? A Cosmogenic Nuclide Study on Central Alpine River Basins
von Blanckenburg F, Wittmann H, Tina K, Kevin N & Peter K

Peter L. (2020) Transformation of Organic Matter in Arctic Ocean Sediments Across the Redox Interface
Stevenson M, Faust J, Luiza A, Freitas F, Neil G, Tait K, Henley S, Peter L, Papadaki S, März C, Abbott G, Hilton RG & Hendry KR

Peter M. (2022) The Surtsey Subsurface Observatory: Surface Mineral Reactions in Natural Hydrothermal Environments
Peter M, Luttge A, Bach W & Turke A
(2019) A Kinetic Monte Carlo Approach to Study Plagioclase Dissolution Mechanisms
Peter M, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A
(2017) Interaction of Dislocations during Mica Dissoultion- a Kinetic Monte Carlo Study
Peter M, Schabernack J, Macke E, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Luttge A
(2017) Kinetic Monte Carlo Study on Dissolution Kinetics of Different Sheet Silicate Octahedral Structures
Schabernack J, Macke E, Peter M, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Luttge A
(2017) Dissolution Kinetics of the Annite – Phlogopite System: A Kinetic Monte Carlo Approach
Macke E, Peter M, Schabernack J, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Lüttge A

Peter Simone (2009) Hot Spots for Biogeochemical Transformations in a Restored Riparian Groundwater System
Peter S, Durisch-Kaiser E, Lehmann M, Tockner K, Rechsteiner R & Wehrli B

Peter Statham (2017) Iron Isotopes Track the Uptake and Exchange of Iron Across an Oxic Shelf
Lough A, Jessica K, Rachael J, Douglas C, William H, James M & Peter S

Peter T. (2023) Electrodynamic Balance–mass Spectrometry Reveals Impact of Oxidant Concentration on Product Composition in the Ozonolysis of Oleic Acid
Krieger UK, Müller M, Mishra A, Peter T & Berkemeier T
(2019) The Impact of Emission Trends and Interannual Climate Variability on Selenium Deposition Patterns
Feinberg A, Stenke A, Peter T & Winkel L
(2014) Influence of Physical State on Shikimic Acid Ozonolysis
Steimer S, Krieger U, Lampimäki M, Peter T & Ammann M
(2013) Temperature Dependence of Water Activity in Organic Aerosols
Ganbavale G, Marcolli C, Zuend A, Krieger U & Peter T
(2011) Phases and Phase Transitions of Tropospheric Aerosols
Marcolli C, Song M, Ciobanu G, Zuend A, Ganbavale G, Zobrist B, Luo B, Soonsin V, Krieger U & Peter T
(2011) State-Dependent Chemistry of Model Atmospheric Aerosol
Huisman A, Krieger U & Peter T
(2009) The Vapor Pressures of Dicarboxylic Acids Reconsidered: The Physical State of the Aerosol
Soonsin V, Zardini A, Krieger U, Marcolli C & Peter T
(2009) Organic Aerosols: Liquids or Glasses?
Marcolli C, Zobrist B, Krieger U, Luo B, Soonsin V, Peter T, Pedernera A & Koop T

Péter Szabó B. (2015) Experimental Study of the CO2 Saturated Water – Clay System at 70-180 Bars and 80-100℃
Sendula E, Páles M, Kovács I, Udvardi B, Kónya P, Besnyi A, Freiler Á, Péter Szabó B, Király C, Székely E, Szabó C & Falus G

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