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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pervushin K. (2021) Synchronisation of Nanofibrils with CaCO3 Crystallisation – Vaterite Mineralization by Megabalanus Rosa Cement Protein (MrCP) 20
Mohanram H, Pervushin K & Miserez A

Peryt T (2006) Sulfate starved subbasins: Implications for Permian seawater composition
Cendon Sevilla DI, Pueyo JJ, Ayora C, Taberner C & Peryt T

Peryt Tadeusz M. (2017) New Evidence from Halogen and Boron Isotopes for Multiple Sources of Middle Miocene Badenian Evaporites, Carpathian Mountain Region
Zhao Y, Wang Y-J, Wei H-Z, Jiang S-Y, Eastoe CJ & Peryt TM

Perzan Zach (2020) Redox Interfaces Produce Halos of Altered Biogeochemical Reactivity in Alluvial Groundwater Sediments
Boye K, Babey T, Kumar N, Noel V, Perzan Z, Engel M, Tolar B, Bargar J & Fendorf S

Perzan Zachary (2019) Uranium Mobilization Across Saturated-Unsaturated Interfaces
Roycroft S, Boye K, Perzan Z, Johnson R, Dam W, Noel V, Fendorf S & Bargar J

Pesar E. (2022) Insights into the Iron Isotopic Composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth from Fresh and Fertile Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from Tariat, Mongolia
Pesar E, Elardo SM, Kamenov G & Conway TM

Pesce Giacomo (2014) Potassium in the Earth’s Core: New Experiments in a Deep Magma Ocean
Bouhifd MA, Andrault D, Pesce G, Petitgirard S & Rivard C
(2013) Electrical Conductivity of Partially Molten CI-Chondritic Mantle at High Pressures
Pesce G, Manthilake G & Andrault D

Pesce Giovanni (2017) Dissolution of Calcium Hydroxide Surfaces from Simulations and Experiments
Molinari M, Pesce G, Grant J, Ball R & Parker S
(2016) Computational Modelling of the Role of Water and CO2 on Adsorption at Oxide Mineral Surfaces
Parker S, Grant J, Molinari M, Ball R, Pesce G & Tse J
(2015) Atomistic Simulation of the Structure and Reactivity of Hydroxylated Mineral Surfaces in Aqueous Conditions
Parker S, Grant J, Molinari M, Pesce G & Ball R

Pesce S. (2020) Long-Term Inheritance of Pb in Soils of Former Mining Sites: The Peisey-Nancroix Pb-Ag Mine (1644-1866, French Alps)
Rossi M, Spadini L, Martins J, Foulquier A, Pesce S, Paimbou-Ouenne P, Guillevic F & Poulenard J

Pesch M-L. (2011) Competitive Ligand Exchange between Cu-Humate Complexes and Methanobactin
Pesch M-L, Christl I, Kraemer SM & Kretzschmar R

Pesch R. (2001) MC-ICPMS — High Resolution Isotope Ratio Measurements of Fe and Ca
Weyer S, Schwieters J, Hamester M, Jung G, Pesch R & Rottmann L
(2000) Neptune: A New High Precision Multicollector ICP Mass Spectrometer
Schwieters J, Hamester M, Jung G, Pesch R, Rottmann L, Tuttas D & Wills J
(2000) Full Mass Range, Multi-Elemental Analysis with a Rapid Scanning Single Collector Sector Field ICP-MS for Laser Ablation Analysis
Hamester M, Wills J, Pesch R & Schwieters J

Peschel S. (2015) Sorption of Trivalent Rare Earth Elements on Calcite
Peschel S, Schmidt M, Hofmann S, Stubbs J & Eng P

Peshek C. (2022) Using Triple Oxygen Isotopes to Distinguish Mantle Metasomatism in Eclogite Xenoliths
Peshek C, Sharp Z, McGunnigle J, Cano E, Aulbach S, Viljoen F, Pearson DG & Hardman MF

Peskleway C.D. (2002) Carboxylate Ions and Nordstrandite Growth: AFM Surface Observations
Peskleway CD, Henderson GS & Wicks FJ

Peslier Anne (2023) Comparing Analysis of Hydrogen Concentration in Astromaterials Nominally Anhydrous Minerals by Multiple SIMS
Dudley J-M, Peslier A & Nagashima K
(2022) Location, Location: Deciphering the Significance of in situ Hydrogen Analyses of Martian Meteorite Phases
Peslier A, Dudley J-M & Hervig R
(2021) First in situ Nitrogen Isotope Measurements in Martian Meteorites
Deligny C, Füri E, Deloule E & Peslier A
(2020) Magmatic Degassing of Trace Elements in Martian Meteorites
Yang S, Humayun M, Irving T, Righter K, Peslier A, Zanda B & Hewins R
(2020) Depletion, Metasomatism and Water Distribution in the Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle
Bizimis M, Ashley A, Beunon H, Patterson S, Doucet L, Peslier A & Nadine M
(2019) Martian Magma Evolution from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in Shergottites Using MELTS Models
Ferdous J, Brandon A & Peslier A
(2019) Distribution of Fe3+ and H in Minerals during Partial Melting and Metasomatism of Spinel Peridotite
Peslier A, Schaffer L, Brandon A, Kilgore M, Agresti D, Morris R, Graff T, Lamb W, Armytage R & Harvey J
(2019) Magmatic H2O Contents and D/H Ratios in Olivine, Pyroxene and Melt Inclusions from Martian Meteorite RBT 04262
Dudley J-M, Peslier A & Hervig R
(2017) Evaluating Crustal Contamination Effects on the Lithophile Trace Element Budget of Shergottites
Brandon A, Ferdous J & Peslier A
(2017) Heterogeneous Water Distribution in the Mantle Lithosphere beneath Hawaii
Bizimis M, Peslier A & Clague D
(2016) Effect of Shock on H in Martian Meteorite Pyroxene via Analogue Impact Experiments
Peslier A, Cintala M, Cardenas F & Montes R
(2016) Water of the Canadian Cordillera and Slave Craton Lithospheric Mantle
Gelber M, Peslier A, Brandon A & Kopylova M
(2016) Why are Mantle Melting Residues Still Hydrous?
Schaffer L, Peslier A, Brandon A, Bizimis M & Matney M
(2015) Water Distribution in the Continental and Oceanic Upper Mantle
Peslier A, Doucet L, Bizimis M, Hui H & Schaffer L
(2014) Recycling of Oceanic Lithosphere: Water, fO2 and Fe-Isotope Constraints
Bizimis M, Peslier A, McCammon C, Keshav S & Williams H
(2014) H Diffusion in Olivine and Pyroxene from Peridotite Xenoliths and a Hawaiian Magma Speedometer
Peslier A & Bizimis M
(2013) Constraining the History of the Mojavian Lithosphere with Sr, Nd, Hf, and Os Isotopes of Peridotite Xenoliths from Dish Hill, California
Armytage R, Brandon A, Peslier A & Lapen T
(2013) Water Content of the Oceanic Lithosphere at Hawaii from FTIR Analysis of Peridotite Xenoliths
Peslier A & Bizimis M
(2012) Metasomatic Control of Water in Garnet and Pyroxene from Kaapvaal Craton Mantle Xenoliths
Peslier AH, Woodland AB, Bell DR, Lazarov M & Lapen TJ
(2010) Controls of H Incorporation in Pyroxenes and Garnets from FTIR Data on Kaapvaal Craton Xenoliths
Peslier A, Woodland A & Lazarov M
(2008) Petrology of New Martian Meteorite LAR06319, an Olivine-Pheric Basaltic Shergottite
Peslier A, Brandon A, Lapen T & Lee C-T
(2008) Trace Element Analysis and Petrology of Martian Meteorite RBT04262
Dalton H, Lee C-T, Peslier A & Brandon A
(2008) Age and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of RBT04262 and Implications for the Sources of Enriched Shergottites
Lapen T, Brandon A, Beard B, Peslier A, Lee C-T & Dalton H
(2007) Low Water Contents in Minerals from Gakkel Ridge Abyssal Peridotites, Arctic Ocean
Peslier A, Snow J, Hellebrand E & Von Der Handt A
(2006) Estimating Alkali Basalt and Kimberlite Magma Ascent Rates Using H Diffusion Profiles in Xenolithic Mantle Olivine
Peslier A, Luhr J, Woodland A, Wolff J & Meen J
(2005) Water Contents in Anhydrous Minerals from the Upper-Mantle (Peridotites and Eclogites)
Peslier AH & Luhr JF
(2004) Iron Isotope Fractionation and the Oxygen Fugacity of the Mantle
Williams H, McCammon C, Peslier A, Halliday A, Teutsch N, Levasseur S & Burg J
(2002) Melt-Rock Reaction in Canadian Cordillera Mantle Xenoliths
Peslier AH, Brandon AD, Francis D & Ludden J

Peslier Anne H. (2018) Water Content of the Oceanic Mantle Lithosphere at Ridges
Peslier AH, Bizimis M, Snow J & Von der Handt A
(2018) Water Systematics in the Samoan Lithosphere
Ashley A, Bizimis M, Peslier A, Jackson M & Konter J

Pesnin M. (2023) Study of Bryozoan Mineralogic Polymorphisms and Isotopic Signature: From the Individual Scale to that of the Whole Colony
Pesnin M, Thaler C, Medjoubi K, Daëron M, Nomade S & Rollion-Bard C
(2023) Validating the Use of VCOF-Crds for Precise & Accurate Triple Oxygen Isotope Analyses of CO2, H2O and Carbonates
Chaillot J, Daëron M, Pesnin M, Clauzel T, Casado M, Landais A & Kassi S

Pesquera A. (2013) Trace-Elements Distribution in Tourmaline, Micas and K-Feldspar from the Berry-Havey Pegmatite (Maine, USA): Implications for the Pegmatitic Evolution
Roda-Robles E, Simmons W, Pesquera A, Gil-Crespo P-P, Nizamoff J & Torres-Ruíz J
(2013) Evolution of AFM Mineral Assemblages in the Jálama Granitic Pluton
Gil-Crespo P-P, Torres-Ruíz J, Pesquera A & Roda-Robles E
(2013) Tourmaline Breakdown in High-Grade Metamorphic Rocks from the Alamo Complex (Central Iberian Zone, Spain): Implications for Evolution of Boron during Crustal Anatexis
Pesquera A, Torres-Ruíz J, Gil-Crespo P-P & Roda-Robles E
(2013) Characterization of Complex Fe-Mn Phosphates by LA-ICP-MS Methods
García de Madinabeitia S, Roda-Robles E, Pesquera A, Sánchez ME & Gil Ibarguchi JI
(2009) Evidence for Mobilization and Recycling of Boron in the Continental Crust of the Central Iberian Zone (Spain)
Pesquera A, Roda-Robles E, Gil PP & Torres-Ruiz J
(2009) Mica as a Recorder of Pegmatite Evolution: The Fregeneda-Almendra Pegmatite Field (Spain and Portugal)
Roda-Robles E, Vieira R, Pesquera A & Lima A

Pessah M. (2018) Probing the Protosolar Disk Using Dust Filtering Induced by the Gas Giants in the Early Solar System
Haugboelle T, Weber P, Wielandt D, Benitez-Llambay P, Bizzarro M, Gressel O & Pessah M

Pessenda L. (2007) Chemostratigraphy and Lead Isotopic Composition of a Sediment Core Profile from a Small Pond in a Remote Equatorial Island
Oliveira S, Pessenda L, Gouveia S, Babinski M & Favaro D

Pessoa I. (2022) Trace Metal Analysis of Coral Skeletons: Anthropogenic Influences on Corals in Ilha Grande Bay (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Pessoa I, Paytan A, Wood M, Pit S, Antonioli L & Geraldes M
(2021) The Future of Coral Reefs is a Joint Project
Pessoa I, Geraldes M & Antonioli L
(2020) Trace Metal Analysis of Coral Skeletons: Anthropogenic Influence on Corals at Ilha Grande Bay (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Pessoa I, Geraldes M & Antonioli L
(2019) A Practical in situ Approach for Analysis of Lead Isotopes in Biological Carbonate Matrices Using LA-MC-ICP-MS
Pessoa I, Geraldes M & Antonioli L

Pessoa R. (2014) High δ18O Oceanic Crust-Derived Diorites in the High-K Quartz Monzonite Tavares Batholith, Northeastern Brazil
Ferreira V, Valley J, Sial A, Pessoa R & Spicuzza M

Pester M. (2019) Pyrite Formation from FeS and H2S: A Novel Microbial Energy Metabolism
Thiel J, Byrne J, Kappler A, Schink B & Pester M
(2011) Sulfate Reduction in Peatlands – Ecophysiology of a Rare Microorganism that Contributes to a Process with Increasing Importance for the Global Climate
Pester M, Hausmann B, Deevong P, Wagner M & Loy A

Pester Nicholas (2023) How Fast can CO2 be Mineralized in Basalt? Results from Hydrothermal Experiments on Mixtures of Plagioclase and Clinopyroxene
DePaolo DJ, Pester N, Mito-adachi S & Xue Z
(2019) Experimental Perspectives on Hydrothermal Vent Fluid Chemistry at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Seyfried W, Scheuermann P, Pester N & Tan C
(2019) 2D Reactive Transport Models of Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems
DePaolo D, Sonnenthal E & Pester N
(2019) Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Fluids and Solids from Hydrothermal Systems
Lloyd M, Ibarra D, Chamberlain P, Pester N, Seyfried W & Stolper D
(2018) Radiogenic 40Ca in Modern Seawater
Antonelli M, DePaolo D, Brown S & Pester N
(2018) Effects of Sea Level Change on the Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Flux of Transition Metals to the Ocean
Pester N
(2017) Kinetics of D/H Fractionation between H2O and Dissolved H2 at Hydrothermal Conditions
Pester N, Conrad M & Knauss K
(2017) Effects of Seawater Ca/SO4 and Mg on Sr Isotope Exchange in MOR Hydrothermal Systems
Antonelli M, DePaolo D, Pester N & Brown S
(2015) Abiotic Hydrocarbon Synthesis Using a Hydrothermal Flow Reactor: Implications of the C1/C2 Ratio
Pester N & Seyfried W
(2014) Experimental Constraints on Hydrothermal Circulation in Mid-Ocean Ridges
Pester N, Schaen A, Ding K & Seyfried W
(2014) Geochemical Controls on the Composition of Hydrothermal Vent Fluids at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Seyfried W, Pester N & Ding K
(2012) Experimental Vapor-Liquid Partitioning of Transition Metals in NaCl Dominated Fluids
Pester N, Ding K & Seyfried, Jr. W
(2011) Abiogenic Formation of Carbon Species at Hydrothermal Conditions Using a Novel Flow Apparatus
Pester N & Seyfried W
(2010) A New Approach for Deducting in situ pH Value of Hydrothermal Fluid in the Reaction Zone at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Ding K, Seyfried W, Pester N & Seyfried E
(2010) Phase Equilibria Controls on Mass Transfer Reactions in the Rainbow Hydrothermal System
Pester N, Rough M, Ding K & Seyfried W
(2007) The Chemistry of Diffuse-Flow Vent Fluids on the Galapagos Rift (86°W): Temporal Variability and Subseafloor Phase Equilibria Controls
Pester N, Butterfield D, Foustoukos D, Roe K, Ding K & Seyfried, Jr. W

Pester Nicholas J (2021) Experimental Determination of Mg Removal Rates from Seawater-Like Fluids due to Reaction with Plagioclase and Clinopyroxene at 200℃ and 32.5 MPa
DePaolo DJ, Pester NJ, Sonnenthal EL & Christensen JN

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