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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Perry A. (2013) Improved Dust Representation in the Community Atmosphere Model
Albani S, Mahowald N, Perry A, Scanza R, Zender C, Heavens N, Maggi V, Kok J & Otto-Bliesner B

Perry Chris (2007) Temporal Increase in Iron Oxide Inputs into a Shallow Marine Carbonate Sediment System: A Sediment, Porewater and Geomicrobiological Study
Taylor K, Perry C, Machent P & Greenaway A
(2006) Upper-Mantle Velocity-Temperature Conversions and Composition at Regional and Continental Scales
Perry C, Jaupart C, Mareschal J, Forte A & Shapiro N
(2006) Crustal evolution in North America recorded in heat production.
Mareschal J-C, Jaupart C & Perry C
(2005) Impacts of Fe-Rich Sediment Input Upon Chemical Diagenesis of Shallow Marine Tropical Carbonates: Discovery Bay, Jamaica
Taylor K & Perry C

Perry Claire (2011) Geoneutrino Observations and the Earth Energy Budget
Mareschal J-C, Phaneuf C, Perry C & Jaupart C
(2011) Crustal Contribution to the Geo-Neutrino Flux at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNOLAB)
Phaneuf C, Mareschal J-C, Perry C & Jaupart C

Perry E (2006) The oxygen isotopic composition of Precambrian cherts
Perry E & Lefticariu L
(2004) The Gypsum/Anhydrite Transition: A Source of Water during Diagenesis?
Perry E & Lefticariu L
(2003) Correlation of 13C/12C and Molecular Compositions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in New York/New Jersey Harbor Complex
Yan B, Abrajano T, Bopp R, Benedict L & Perry E

Perry Emily (2018) Rare Earth Element Partitioning in Calcite as a Vector of Hydrothermal Processes in Mineral Deposits
Perry E & Gysi A

Perry Emma T (2022) Dissolution of Mixed Uranium, Thorium Dioxide in Groundwater Under Anoxic Conditions with Hydrogen Peroxide Additions
Perry ET & Farnan I

Perry K. (2007) Using Isotopes to Track Intercontinental Dust Transport: Building a Bridge from Hefei, China to California, Spring 2002
Christensen J, Cliff S, VanCuren R, Perry K & DePaolo D

Perry R. (2008) Comparison of Laboratory and Whole-Ecosystem Weathering in Early Post-Glacial Environments
Perry R, Norton S & Koons P

Perry Samuel (2020) Mineral Affinity Analysis: Predicting Unknown Mineral Occurrences with Machine Learning
Morrison SM, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Narkar S, Fox P, Golden JJ, Downs RT, Perry S, Burns PC, Ralph J & Hazen RM
(2018) Experimental Thermochemistry of Neptunium Compounds
Zhang L, Dzik E, Perry S, Hickam S, Sigmon G, Szymanowski J, Navrotsky A & Burns P

Perry Stephanie (2011) Apatite Fission Track and (U-Th)/He Dating in the World’s Youngest UHP Terrane: The Woodlark Rift of Southeastern Papuan New Guinea
Fitzgerald P, Baldwin S, Miller S, Little T, Webb L, Metcalf J & Perry S

Perry T. (2006) Alginic Acid Conformations and the Calcite-Water Interface
Cygan R, Perry T & Mitchell R

Persa D. (2019) Geochemical and Mineralogical Characteristics of the Thermal Mineral Waters from Harsova, Romania
Simion C, Dumitras D-G, Baltres A, Persa D & Ghinescu E

Persano C. (2006) How long has the HIP been cool? The misunderstood youth of the Hebridean Igneous Province
Dobson KJ, Stuart FM, Dempster TJ, Persano C & Bell BR
(2005) Constraining Denudation in Scotland by Using a Combination of Low Temperature Thermochronometers
Persano C, Stuart F, Barfod D, Bishop P & Brown R
(2005) Apatite Fission Track and (U-Th)/He Thermochronometers Contraints on the Development of Two High Elevation Passive Margins
Stuart F, Persano C, Balestrieri ML & Bishop P
(2002) Low–T Thermochronology Constraints on the Development of the Australian Great Escarpment
Persano C, Stuart F & Bishop P
(2000) Actinide-Helium Thermochronology; Progress and Promise
Barfod DN, Stuart FM, Persano C, Botor D & Gallagher K

Persans P. (2003) A Laboratory Investigation of the Photochemical Generation of a Polymeric Haze in Titan’s Atmosphere
Ferris J, Tran B, Joseph J, Vuitton V, Persans P & Chera J

Persaud B. (2022) Global Trends in Timing and Rates of Chlorophyll-A Increase in Cold-Temperate and Temperate Lakes
Adams H, Ye J, Persaud B, Slowinski S, Kheyrollah Pour H & Van Cappellen P

Persiantseva N. (2015) Smoke Aerosol Characteristics of Russian Peat Bog Fires
Engling G, Popovicheva O, Ku I-T, Persiantseva N, Kireeva E & Shonija N

Persikov E. (2017) Interaction of Orthopyroxenes with Carbonates at the Earst’s Crust and Mantle Conditions
Persikov E, Bukhtiyarov P, Nekrasov A & Sokol A
(2015) Viscosity of Kimberlite and Basaltic Magmas during Origin, Ascent and Volcanic Eruption
Persikov E, Bukhtiyarov P, Sokol A & Palyanov Y

Persing H.M. (2000) Late Pleistocene Zircons from Cascades Arc Volcanoes Dated by U-Th Analysis with SHRIMP RG
Bacon CR, Lowenstern JB, Persing HM, Wooden JL & Donnelly-Nolan JM

Person M. (2020) The Hydrogeochemical Evolution of Basinal Fluids in the Paradox Basin: Implications for Sources, Flowpaths, and Residence Time
Kim J-H, Noyes C, Dell'Oro A, Tyne R, Ferguson G, Person M, Ma L, Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ballentine C, Reiners P & McIntosh J
(2010) Semipermeability and Solute Transport in Groundwater
Neuzil C & Person M
(2008) Investigating the Source and Timing of Freshwater Recharge into Saline Aquifers in the Glaciated Illinois Basin
Schlegel M, McIntosh J, Person M, Ballentine C & Zheng Z
(2003) Holocene Climate History and Watershed Dynamics of the Crow Wing Watershed, North Central Minnesota as Interpreted from δ18O and δD in Lake Sediments
Zabielski V, Ito E, Wright H, Person M, Huan Y & Stevanova I
(2001) Phase Separation and Two Phase Flow in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: Geophysical Modeling in the NaCl/H2O System
Berndt ME, Person ME & Seyfried Jr. WE

Persson H. (2010) Solute Transport and Bioturbation Models of the Downward Migration of Radionuclides in Soils
Matisoff G, Ketterer M, Rosen K, Mietelski W, Vitko L, Persson H & Lokas E

Persson I. (2017) Mobilization of Particulate, Colloidal and Dissolved Pb and Fe in Contaminated Soils – Effect of Metal Speciation and Soil Type
Löv Å, Larsbo M, Cornelis G, Sjöstedt C, Persson I, Gustafsson J-P & Berggren Kleja D
(2013) Chromium(III) and Bismuth(III) Complexation to Organic Matter: EXAFS Spectroscopy and Equilibrium Modelling
Gustafsson JP, Geranmayeh Odomieh A, Sjöstedt C, Persson I & Berggren Kleja D
(2012) Phosphate Effects on Copper and Lead Sorption to Ferrihydrite
Tiberg C, Gustafsson JP, Sjoestedt C & Persson I
(2012) Vanadate Complexation to Ferrihydrite: X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and CD-MUSIC Modeling
Larsson M, Gustafsson JP, Sjoestedt C & Persson I
(2010) Iron Phases in Soils and Softwater Lakes as Determined by EXAFS Spectroscopy
Sjöstedt C, Gustafsson JP, Persson I, Berggren Kleja D, Hassellöv M & Borg H
(2007) Mechanisms of iron(III) Binding to Organic Matter and its Competitive Effect on Trace Metals
Gustafsson JP, van Schaik JWJ, Berggren Kleja D & Persson I

Persson K.

Persson L.-Å. (2009) Temporal and Seasonal Variation in Tubewell Water Arsenic Concentrations in Matlab, Bangladesh
Jakariya M, Rahman SN, Bhattacharya P, Rahman M, von Brömssen M, Persson L-Å & Vahter M

Persson P. (2020) Kinetics of DNA Adsorption and Desorption from Goethite
Jelavić S, Quesada Sanz J, Persson P & Sand KK
(2017) High Stability of Riverine Iron along Salinity Gradients – The Role of Iron Speciation
Herzog S, Persson P, Conrad S, Ingri J & Kritzberg E
(2017) Mn Coordination and Distribution in Foraminiferal Calcite Under Varying Environmental Conditions
Quintana Krupinski N, Webb S, Persson P, Seidenkrantz M-S, Toyofuku T & Filipsson H
(2017) Metabolite-Mineral Reactions as a Source of Reactive Oxygen Species
Persson P, Krumina L, Lyngsie G & Tunlid A
(2017) Fractionation and Competitive Adsorption of DOM Components at the Water-Goethite Interface
Tian Z, Wang T, Lyngsie G & Persson P
(2017) Varved Sediments as Records of Past Changes in Fe Dynamics?
Björnerås C, Ojala A, Hammarlund D, Persson P, Herzog SD & Kritzberg ES
(2015) Phosphorus Triggers CaCO3 Biomineralization by Affecting Synechoccocus Cells Surfaces
Paulo C, Kenney J, Persson P & Dittrich M
(2015) Fenton Reactions in Presence of Fungal Metabolites and Iron Oxides
Lyngsie G, Krumina L & Persson P
(2015) Desorption Mechanisms of Phosphate from Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Krumina L, Kenney J, Loring J & Persson P
(2015) Natural Organic Matter Adsorption on Iron Oxides: Surface Composition as a Function of Time, pH and Concentration
Tian Z, Lyngsie G & Persson P
(2014) Complexation and Precipitation Reactions in the Ternary P(V)/As(V)-Fe(III)-NOM (Natural Organic Matter) Systems
Persson P, Sundman A, Karlsson T & Sjöberg S
(2013) Molecular Properties of Anion-Mineral Surface Complexes Probed with Infrared Desorption and Temperature-Excursion Experiments
Persson P
(2013) Adsorption of Natural Organic Matter at the Water/Gibbsite Interface
Andersson K, Kenney J, Persson P & Karlsson T
(2013) Interactions between As(V), Fe(III) and Natural Organic Matter
Sundman A, Karlsson T & Persson P
(2013) Cryo-Xps Monitoring of Cell Wall Compositional Changes for Bacillus subtilis as a Function of pH and Zn2+ Exposure
Ramstedt M, Leone L, Shchukarev A & Persson P
(2013) Spectroscopically Visualising the Availability of Goethite-Sorbed Phosphate to Soil Microorganisms
Kenney J, Giesler R & Persson P
(2012) Spectroscopic Study of Aluminum and Gallium Complexation by Aquatic Organic Matter
Andersson K, Persson P & Karlsson T
(2012) The Effect of Extracellular Polysaccharides on the Mobility of Phosphates Bound to Iron Oxides
Kenney J & Persson P
(2012) EXAFS Studies of Fe Speciation in Natural Stream Waters
Sundman A, Karlsson T & Persson P
(2011) Spectroscopic Characterization of U(IV)-Biomass Complexes
Alessi D, Lezama-Pacheco J, Stubbs J, Janousch M, Persson P, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R
(2011) Comparing the Surface-Promoted Hydrolysis of Phosphate Mono- and Diesters on Goethite
Kenney J & Persson P
(2011) Enzymatic and Abiotic Hydrolysis of Glucose Phosphate Adsorbed on Goethite
Olsson R, Giesler R, Loring JS & Persson P
(2011) Adsorption of Organophosphorous Compounds on Well-Characterized Iron Mineral Nanoparticles
Mäkie P, Persson P & Österlund L
(2011) Molecular-Level Studies of Fe(III) in Aquatic Systems
Karlsson T, Persson P & Skyllberg U
(2010) Hydrolysis of Desferrioxamine-B at the Surface of Goethite in the Dark at pH 6
Simanova AA, Persson P & Loring JS
(2009) Competitive Adsorption between Phosphate and Carboxylic Acids: Quantitative Effects and Molecular Mechanisms
Lindegren M & Persson P
(2009) Enzymatic and Abiotic Hydrolysis of Glucose-1-Phosphate Adsorbed on Goethite: Kinetics and Molecular Mechanisms
Olsson R, Giesler R & Persson P
(2009) Time-resolved Oxalate Speciation at the Surface of Gibbsite (α-Al(OH)3) Using Infrared Spectroscopy
Hellström A, Loring JS & Persson P
(2009) Proton and Ligand Promoted Dissolution of Apatites
Bengtsson Å, Persson P, Shchukarev A & Sjöberg S
(2009) Macroscopic and Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of the Dissolution of Goethite in the Presence of Desferrioxamine-B
Simanova A, Persson P & Loring J
(2009) Speciation of Fe(III) in Natural Organic Matter (NOM) Studied by EXAFS Spectroscopy
Karlsson T & Persson P
(2009) Coordination Chemistry of Carboxylic Acids at the Water-Mineral Interface
Persson P
(2008) Arsenate Forms Monodenate Complexes at the Surface of Goethite
Loring J, SandStröm M, Norén K & Persson P
(2007) Molecular Scale Study of the Synergism between Oxalate and desferrioxamine-B on Goethite Dissolution
Loring J, Simanova A & Persson P
(2007) Macroscopic and Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of the Synergistic Effect between Small Organic Ligands and desferrioxamine-B on the Dissolution of Goethite
Simanova A, Persson P & Loring J
(2007) Surface Complexation and Proton Promoted Dissolution in Aqueous Apatite Systems
Bengtsson A, Persson P, Shchukarev A & Sjöberg S
(2007) Abiotic Hydrolysis of Glucose-1-Phosphate Adsorbed at the Water-Goethite Interface
Olsson R, Giesler R & Persson P
(2007) Competitive Adsorption between Tricarboxylic Acids and Phosphate
Lindegren M, Tingström D & Persson P
(2007) EXAFS and XPS Study of Arsenate Adsorption on Manganite (p-Mnooh) Surfaces
Banerjee D, Nelson H & Persson P
(2007) Modeling Glyphosate and Metal-Glyphosate Speciation at Solution-Mineral Interfaces
Jonsson C, Loring J, Persson P & Sjöberg S
(2005) A Comparative Study of the Dissolution of Hydroxyapatite and Fluorapatite in the Absence and Presence of Organic Ligands
Bengtsson Å, Lövgren L, Sjöberg S & Persson P
(2005) Citrate Adsorption at the Water-Goethite Interface: A Spectroscopic Evaluation of Surface Complexes
Lindegren M, Loring J, Redden G & Persson P
(2004) Competitive Adsorption of Phosphate and Organic Acids: A Quantitative and Spectroscopic Approach
Kaski M, Loring J & Persson P
(2004) A Kinetic and Spectroscopic Study of Fluorapatite Dissolution
Bengtsson Å, Persson P, Shchukarev A, Boström D & Lövgren L
(2004) Adsorption of Acetate and Benzoate to the Goethite Surface
Zivkovic K & Persson P
(2004) Metal-Glyphosate Complexation in Solution and at the Goethitesolution Interface
Norgren C, Lützenkirchen J, Persson P & Sjöberg S
(2004) Combined Infrared and Potentiometric Titrations of Mineral Suspensions
Loring J, Sjöberg S & Persson P
(2000) Surface Complexes: Copper (II) and Glyphosate on Boehmite and Goethite Surfaces
Sheals J, Persson P & Hedman B

Persson S. (2009) Seven Years Record of 127I and 129I in Precipitation
Aldahan A, Persson S, Possnert G & Hou X

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