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Perrier R. (2011) Deglaciation Pattern during the Late-Glacial / Holocene Transition in the Southern French Alps. Chronological Data from the Clarée Valley (Durance Catchment, S. France)
Cossart E, Bourles D, Braucher R, Fort M, Perrier R & Siame L

Perrier S. (2023) OH Formation from Excited Triplet States
Petersen-Sonn EA, Perrier S & George C
(2023) Revealing the Chemical Processes Governing the Evolution of Particle Oxidation Products from Naphthalene OH Initiated Oxidation
Sari Doré F, Zhang Y, Top J, Carstens C, Dubois C, Perrier S, El Haddad I, Bell D & Riva M

Perrier T. (2002) Biogeochemical Behaviour of Americium in the Rhizosphere
Perrier T, Martin-Garin A, Mustin C & Leyval C

Perrière L. (2023) New Methodological Developments in the Measurement of Pb, Fe and Cu Isotopes in Ancient Gold for the Purpose of Provenance Studies
de Palaminy L, Baron S, Poitrasson F, Blet-Lemarquand M & Perrière L

Perrillat J-P. (2023) Reactive Transport of Carbonatite Melts: Constraints from ex- and in situ High PT Experiments
Perrillat J-P, Giovenco E, Boulard E, Le Godec Y, King A, Henry L & Guignot N
(2021) Migration of Carbonatite Melts: Insights from 4D Tomography Experiments Under Extreme Conditions
Giovenco E, Perrillat J-P, Boulard E, King A, Guignot N & Le Godec Y
(2017) In situ Viscometry of Primitive Lunar Magmas at High Pressure and High Temperature
Rai N, Perrillat J-P, Mezouar M, Colin A, Petitgirard S & van Westrenen W
(2017) Interaction between Carbon- and H-Bearing Iron Phases in the Deep Earh
Boulard E, Guyot F, Menguy N, Corgne A, Auzende A-L, Perrillat J-P & Fiquet G
(2014) Kinetics of Serpentinization in Aluminium- and Carbonate-Rich Hydrothermal Fluids
Pens M, Andreani M, Daniel I, Perrillat J-P, Hernandez J-A & Cardon H
(2014) Kinetics and Mechanism of Dehydration of Lawsonite and Blueschist
Daniel I, Perrillat J-P & Reynard B
(2012) The Density of Carbonate and Silicate Melts in the Upper Mantle
Sanchez-Valle C, Ghosh S, Malfait W, Seifert R, Petitgirard S & Perrillat J-P
(2011) Compressibility Change in Fe-Rich Melt and Implications for Core Formation Models
Sanloup C, van Westrenen W, Dasgupta R, Maynard-Casely H & Perrillat J-P
(2011) Experimental Investigation of the Stability of Fe-Rich Carbonates in the Lower Mantle
Boulard E, Menguy N, Auzende A-L, Benzerara K, Bureau H, Antonangeli D, Corgne A, Morard G, Siebert J, Perrillat J-P, Guyot F & Fiquet G
(2010) Experimental Evidence for Perovskite and Post-Pv Coexistence throughout the Whole D" Region
Andrault D, Munoz M, Bolfan-Casanova N, Guignot N, Perrillat J-P, Aquilanti G & Pascarelli S

Perrin A.S. (2006) Impact of nitrogen fertilizers on natural weathering processes: evident role on CO2 consumption
Perrin AS, Probst A & Probst JL

Perrin Jean-Christophe (2010) Application of X-Ray CT and High Resolution Modeling for Elucidating Multiphase Flow Phenomena in CO2 Sequestration
Benson S, Krevor S, Perrin J-C, Krause M & Kuo C-W
(2010) Rapid Detection and Characterization of Surface CO2 Leakage Through the Real-Time Measurement of 13C Signatures in CO2 Flux from the Ground
Krevor S, Benson S, Rella C, Perrin J-C, Esposito A & Crosson E

Perrin Jerome (2012) Simulating Fluoride Evolution in Groundwater Using a Reactive Multicomponent Transient Transport Model
Pettenati M, Perrin J, Pauwels H & Ahmed S

Perrin Jonathan (2021) Organic/Inorganic Interfaces in Calcium Carbonate Biominerals: The Case of Pinna Nobilis Shell (Bivalvia, Pteriomorphia)
Khurshid B, Thoury M, Jackson DJ, Broussard C, Perrin J & Marin F

Perrin M. (2023) Hydrometallurgical Process for Selective Recovery of Copper and Zinc from the Fine Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ashes
Perrin M, Aizpurua U, Svecova L & Deseure J

Perrin Z. (2023) Optical Properties of Aerosol Haze Analogs: Implications for Future Observations with the James Webb Space Telescope
Drant T, Perrin Z, Vettier L & Garcia-Caurel E

Perring C. (2002) Emplacement of Komatiite Flow Fields: An Inflationary Model Based on Field Evidence and Modern Mafic Analogues
Hill R, Barnes S, Dowling S, Perring C & Thordarson T

Perrino C. (2013) Aerosol Modifications Observed at Mt. Cimone (Italy) during the Eyjafjallajokull Eruption in 2010
Sandrini S, Giulianelli L, Decesari S, Cristofanelli P, Marinoni A, Chiari M, Calzolai G, Canepari S & Perrino C
(2011) Chemical and Mineralogical Profile of the Local Wind-Blown Surface Soil Contribution to Respirable Airborne PM in Rome (Italy)
Pietrodangelo A, Salzano R, Pareti S, Rantica E & Perrino C
(2009) Determination of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Adsorbed on the Surface of Suspended Particulate Matter
Canepari S, Catrambone M & Perrino C

Perritt S. (2020) Is Diamond Depth Distribution Systematic?
Nimis P, Preston R, Perritt S & Chinn I

Perron A.M.E. (2021) Thermal Analyses of Biocarbonates as Part of the Search for Traces of Life on Mars
Perron AME, Stalport F, Chevillot-Biraud A, Derenne S, Anquetil C, Borensztajn S, Nowak S, Bürckel P, Lecourt L & Menez B

Perron K. (2023) Radioactive 90Sr Uptake by the Green Microalga Tetraselmis Chui and its Potential Application as a Bioremediation Agent
Segovia Campos I, Kanellakopoulos A, Barroso I, Fock-Chin-Ming E, Baxarias Fontaine A, Pallada S, Triscone G, Perron K, Filella M & Ariztegui D

Perron M. (2019) Quantifying Anthropogenic and Natural Iron Deposition Across Australia
Strzelec M, Proemse B, Gault-Ringold M, Boyd P, Perron M & Bowie A
(2017) Evaluation of Labile Iron Processing in Atmospheric Models
Ito A, Myriokefalitakis S, Kanakidou M, Mahowald N, Baker A, Jickells T, Sarin M, Bikkina S, Gao Y, Shelley R, Buck C, Landing W, Bowie A, Perron M, Meskhidze N, Johnson M, Feng Y & Duce R

Perron N. (2009) Fossil and Non-Fossil Sources of Carbonaceous Aerosols from 14C
Szidat S, Fahrni S, Perron N, Prevot ASH, Ruff M, Wacker L & Baltensperger U
(2009) Fossil and Non-Fossil Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol
Prevot A, Szidat S, Perron N, Lanz V, Alfarra R, Peter D, Mohr C & Baltensperger U
(2009) Proof of Biogenic Origin of Marine Aerosol by 13C and 14C Analysis
Ceburnis D, O'Dowd CD, Garbaras A, Remeikis V, Rinaldi M, Szidat S, Fahrni S, Prevot ASH, Perron N, Wacker L & Leinert S

Perron T. (2012) A Thermal and Erosional History of Cratonic Lithosphere over Billion-Year Time Scales
Blackburn T, Bowring S, Perron T, Mahan K & Dudas F
(2011) A Long-Term Record of Continental Lithosphere Exhumation via U-Pb Thermochronology of the Lower Crust
Blackburn T, Bowring S, Perron T, Mahan K & Dudas F

Perrone Maria Grazia (2009) Chemical Characterisation of the Organic Fraction of PM for an Urban, Rural and Remote Site of the North of Italy
Perrone MG, Sangiorgi G, Lo Porto C, Ferrero L, Ferrini B, Lazzati Z, Daresta B, De Gennaro G & Bolzacchini E
(2009) PM Transport Events and Chemical Composition Changes along Vertical Profiles in Milan
Bolzacchini E, Ferrero L, Ferrini BS, Lazzati Z, Lo Porto C, Perrone MG, Petraccone S & Sangiorgi G

Perrone Maria Rita (2009) Direct Radiative Effects by Saharan Dust
Bergamo A, De Tomasi F & Perrone MR

Perrone T. (2023) Reconstructing a River Temporal Trajectory Through the Metal Composition of Historical Floodplain Deposition (Upper Rhine)
Euzen C, Schmitt L, Rixhon G, Preusser F, Eyrolle F, Perrone T, Badariotti D & Chabaux F
(2023) Rock Alteration in Cold Climate: Implications from Geochemical Analysis of River and Soil Samples from the Kerguelen Archipelago
Chabaux F, van der Woerd J, Perrone T, Pelt E, Aubert A, Boutin R, Fourtet C, Jeanneau L, Schmitt A-D, de Saint Blanquat M & Guillaume D
(2022) Unexpected Fast and Massive Release of Minor and Trace Elements during Silicate/Water Interactions
Lemarchand D, Perrone T, Boutin R & Daval D
(2021) Combining Geochemistry with Geochronology and Hydromorphology to Unravel Human Impacts in the Upper Rhine over the Two Last Centuries
Euzen C, Schmitt L, Chardon V, Rixhon G, Perrone T, Preusser F, Badariotti D & Chabaux F
(2020) Unexpected Fast and Massive Release of Minor and Trace Elements during Silicate/Water Interactions
Lemarchand D, Perrone T, Boutin R, Saint-Lys R & Daval D
(2017) U and Sr Isotopic Ratios in Surface and Deep Waters of the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, France)
Ranchoux C, Viville D, Perrone T, Granet M & Chabaux F
(2016) Water Residence Time by Coupling Anthropogenic Gases (CFC, SF6) and Isotopic Ratios (234U/238U, 87Sr/86Sr) in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, Eastern France)
Viville D, Chabaux F, Ackerer J, Chatton E, Labasque T, Pierret M-C, Granet M, Perrone T & Aquilina L

Perrot M.G. (2021) Attempts to Constrain the Fluid Flow Associated with Uranium Mineralization in the Athabasca Basin Using Detrital Zircons
Perrot MG, Davies JHFL, Reimink JR, Ledru P & Chemillac R

Perrot Vincent (2013) Hg Isotope Fractionation Among Atmospheric Mercury Species Above a Coastal Suburban Environment (Pensacola, Florida, USA)
Perrot V, Eller V, Landing W & Salters V
(2012) Hg Stables Isotopes Assessing Methylmercury Bioaccumulation, Sources, and Metabolization in the Pelagic Food Web of Lake Baikal (Russia)
Perrot V, Pastukhov M, Epov V, Amouroux D & Donard O
(2012) Hg Methylation and Demethylation Kinetics in Aquatic Environments: Role of Biotic and Abiotic Pathways on Hg Isotopic Fractionation
Amouroux D, Perrot V, Jimenez-Moreno M, Bridou R, Guyoneaud R & Monperrus M
(2011) Comparison of Mercury Bioacumulation within a Trophic-Web for Pristine and Anthropogenically Contaminated Aquatic Ecosystems
Epov V, Pastukhov M, Perrot V, Husted S, Alieva V, Amouroux D, Grebenshchikova V & Donard O
(2010) New Kinetic Studies on the Abiotic Methylation of Inorganic Mercury by Methylcobalamin
Jimenez-Moreno M, Perrot V, Monperrus M & Amouroux D
(2009) Investigation of Mercury Methylation Routes Combining Species-Specific Isotopic Tracers and Isotopic Fractionation Measurements
Perrot V, Bridou R, Tessier E, Rodriguez-Gonzalez P, Epov V, Monperrus M, Guyoneaud R & Amouroux D
(2009) Speciation and Isotopic Signatures of Hg in the Lake Baikal – Angara River Food-Web
Epov V, Pastukhov M, Perrot V, Tessier E, Grebenshchikova V, Sonke J, Amouroux D & Donard O
(2009) Development of a Hyphenated Technique (HG-ICP-MS/HG-MC-ICP-MS) for Isotopic Study of Germanium Species
Escoube R, Epov V, Berail S, Tessier E, Amouroux D, Perrot V, Rouxel O & Donard O

Perrot Vincent (2015) Understanding Bio-Volatilization Pathways of Trace Metal(loid)s (Hg, Se, Sn, …) in Aquatic Environments: Field and Lab Approaches
Amouroux D, Tessier E, Lanceleur L, Perrot V & Bueno M

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