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Perkins Ernie (2010) Geochemical Monitoring and Geochemical Modeling of the CO2CRC Otway Project CO2 Storage Pilot, Victoria, Australia
Kirste D, Perkins E, Boreham C, Stalker L, Schacht U & Underschultz J

Perkins G. (2014) Stable Isotopic Identification of Nitrate Sources in a Tundra Ecosystem, Barrow, AK
Heikoop J, Newman B, Throckmorton H, Perkins G, Gard M, Iversen C, Wilson C & Wullschleger S

Perkins J. (2014) Interpreting the Topographic Record Etched into River Canyons
Finnegan N, Johnson K & Perkins J

Perkins K. (2017) Selective Solid Phase Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Aqueous Solutions
Callura J, Perkins K, Noack C, Washburn N, Dzombak D & Karamalidis A
(2016) Selective Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements from Geothermal Brines
Callura JC, Noack CW, Perkins K, Washburn NR, Dzombak DA & Karamalidis AK

Perkins Matt (2014) The Microbial Response to the Deepwater Horizon Deep-Sea Plume
Kleindienst S, Grim S, Seidel M, Ziervogel K, Perkins M, Allen A, Passow U, Crespo-Medina M, Field J, Dittmar T, Medeiros P, Sogin M & Joye SB

Perkins Michael E. (2007) Hydrogen Isotope Variations in Hydrated Volcanic Glass as Tracers of Late Cenozoic Precipitation Patterns in the Western United States
Mulch A, Sarna-Wojcicki AM, Perkins ME & Chamberlain P
(2005) The Yellowstone Hotspot in Space and Time: Evidence from Silicic Volcanism
Nash B & Perkins M

Perkins Robert (2017) Geochemistry of Breitenbush Hot Springs, Oregon, USA
Perkins R, Malkemus D & Palmer C
(2012) Mobility of Trace Elements from the Sunbury Shale, Eastern Kentucky
Perkins R, Mason C & Piper D
(2008) Mineralogical Changes in Oil Shale from Hydrous Retorting
Perkins R, Grathoff G, Palmer C & Mattson E

Perkins Rupert (2019) The Response of Calcifying Cyanobacteria to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
Gore S, Gill S, Renforth P, Perkins R & Rickaby R

Perkins W T (2006) Bioadsorption in remediation of metal mine drainage: the use of dealginated seaweed in the BIOMAN project
Perkins W, Hartley S, Pearce N, Dinelli E, Edyvean R & Sandlands L
(2006) Accelerated precipitation of ochre for mine water remediation
Bearcock JM & Perkins WT

Perkins William (2020) Rare Earth Elements as Process Indicators for Metal and Metaloid Contaminated Groundwater
Dean J, Srivastava P, Mitchell A & Perkins W
(2020) High Performance Simulation of Dynamic Hydrologic Exchange and Implications for Surrogate Flow and Reactive Transport Modeling in a Large River Corridor
Fang Y, Song X, Ren H, Perkins W, Shuai P, Hou J, Bao J, Chen X & Scheibe T
(2013) The Reactivity of Microbially-Reduced Goethite: Assessing the Potential of a Naturally Occurring Waste Material for Mine Drainage Remediation
Blackwell N, Perkins W, Edwards A, Johnson B, Hallberg K, Griffith G, Bearcock J & Palumbo-Roe B

Perko J.
(2014) Benchmark for Reactive Transport Codes with Application to Concrete Alteration
Bildstein O, Claret F, Perko J, Jacques D & Steefel C
(2013) Relevance of Model Complexity for Assessing Contaminant Leaching from a Fractured Degrading Concrete Structure
Govaerts J, Perko J, Jacques D & Seetharam S

Perkola N. (2021) Metrology for Monitoring of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Under the EU Water Framework Directive
Steinhaeuser L, Lardy-Fontan S, Piechotta C, Heath E, Balzamo S, Gardia-Parège C, Gökcen T, Budzinski H & Perkola N

Perks H. (2018) Orientation Maps for Copper Cathodes with Defect Growth: An EBSD Study
Perks H, Cook N, Ciobanu C, Ehrig K & Basak A

Perl Scott (2020) Groundwater Upwelling Occludes Pores Compared to Top-Down Infiltration at the Burns Formation, Mars
Perl S & Melwani Daswani M
(2019) Studying Habitability of Redox-Active Hydrothermal Systems on Earth and Ocean Worlds
Barge L, Jones J-P, Sobron P, Perl S & Chin K

Perl Scott M (2023) Radiolysis-Driven Evolution of an Ancient Subsurface Habitable Brine in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
Nisson DM, Kieft TL, Drake H, Warr O, Sherwood Lollar B, Ogasawara H, Perl SM, Friefeld BM, Castillo J, Whitehouse M, Kooijman E & Onstott TC

Perlman D.H. (2013) Discovery and Characterization of Contrasting Siderophores Produced by Related Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Using High Resolution LC-Ms
Baars O, Perlman DH, Kraepiel AML & Morel FMM

Perlov A. (2015) Raman Spectroscopy on Pressure-Induced Spin Transitions in Garnets
Friedrich A, Winkler B, Morgenroth W, Koch-Mueller M, Rhede D, Ruiz-Fuertes J, Perlov A & Milman V

Perlwitz Jan (2012) Atmospheric Iron from Crustal Sources: Prognostic Aerosol Composition in GISS/ModelE
Perlwitz J, Perez C, Miller R & Rodriguez S

Perlwitz Jan. P (2013) Constraining the Mineral and Elemental Composition of Dust Aerosol
Pérez C, Miller R, Perlwitz JP & Rodríguez S

Permal A-S. (2017) Are Lipids Better Preserved in Earth-Worm Casts Compared to Soils? a Mesocosm Experiment with 13C-Labeled Litter
Nguyen Tu TT, Vidal A, Quénéa K, Mendez-Millan M, Canolle E, Permal A-S & Derenne S

Perminova T. (2013) Geochemistry of Mineral Springs Ecosystems of Baikal Region
Baranovskaya N, Soktoev B, Rikhvanov L & Perminova T

Permyakov Y. (2007) Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionation Factors for Magnetite from Moessbauer Spectroscopy and Inelastic Nuclear Resonant X-Ray Scattering Data
Mineev S, Polyakov V & Permyakov Y

Perna M.G. (2020) Nudged Elastic Band Calculations of the Hydrogarnet Defect in Forsterite
Poe BT & Perna MG

Perner M. (2023) Uncovering the Hydrogen Utilization Potential of the Microbial Dark Matter in Seafloor Habitats
Adam-Beyer N & Perner M
(2023) Tapping into the Unknown: Functional Screening for CO2 Reducing Enzymes Gives Unprecedented Insights into the Uncultured Microbial Majority
Boehnke S, Zarzycki J, Baehrle R, Enderle M, Paczia N, Englhard J, Bachmann J, Erb T & Perner M
(2022) Iron Oxidation by Hydrogenovibrio Isolated from Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents
Perner M, Laufer-Meiser K, Adam-Beyer N & Schippers A
(2018) Iron, Sulfide and Hydrogen Cycling in Kermadec Arc Hydrothermal Fluids: Microbial Turnover Rates Coupled to Transcriptomics Give Insight into Biogeochemical Processes
Sass K, Böhnke-Brandt S & Perner M
(2011) Geo-Bio Interactions in Hydrothermal Fluids and their Potential Role for Hydrothermal Metal Fluxes
Koschinsky A, Sander S, Klevenz V & Perner M
(2011) Controls on Microbes in an Actively Venting Chimney and in Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids
Perner M & LaRoche J
(2009) Energetics of Catabolic Reactions in Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids – Clues to Subseafloor Microbial Metabolism
Hentscher M, Bach W, Perner M, Koschinsky A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Amend JP
(2009) The Effects of Amino Acids on Cu Toxicity for Hydrothermal Vent Microbes
Klevenz V, Perner M, Sander S & Koschinsky A

Pernet-Coudrier B. (2017) On the Nature of Dissolved Copper Ligands in the Early Mixing Zone of Hydrothermal Vents
Cotte L, Omanovic D, Waeles M, Laes A, Cathalot C, Pernet-Coudrier B, Sarradin P-M & Riso R

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