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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pérez-Tribouillier H. (2023) Tracing the Pathways of Atlantic Waters in the Santa Anna Trough Using 129I, 236U and Neodymium Isotopic Composition
Pérez-Tribouillier H, Casacuberta Arola N, Jaccard SL, Christl M, Wefing A-M & Vockenhuber C
(2018) Simultaneous Pre-Concentration of Thorium and Neodymium from Seawater: Method Development and Application to the Kerguelen Plateau
Perez-Tribouillier H, Chase Z, Noble T, Townsend A & Bowie A
(2014) Reconstructing Historical Trends in Hypoxia in a Coastal Marine System: Alfonso Basin, La Paz Bay, Southwestern Gulf of California
Choumiline K, Pérez-Tribouillier H, Shumilin E, Lyons TW & Pérez-Cruz L

Pérez-Villatoro F. (2017) Archaeal Communities at Gas-Venting Shallow Basins in the Northern Gulf of California (Wagner and Consag Basins)
Pérez-Villatoro F, DÁVILA1 S, Prol-Ledesma RM & Juarez K

Perez-Zarate D. (2022) Spatial and Temporal Soil Gas Flux Measurements at Acoculco Geothermal Area, Mexico: Period 2015-2018
Perez-Zarate D, Santoyo PDE, Guevara M, Yáñez-Dávila D & Santos-Raga G

Perfect Ed (2010) Neutron Imaging of Fluids in Plant-Soil-Rock Systems Using the ORNL/HFIR CG-1 Beamline
Bilheux H, Horita J, Warren J, Perfect E & Kang M
(2010) Organic Matter Preservation due to Pore-Scale Interactions between Organic Matter and Water in Soil Microaggregates
Zhuang J, McCarthy J & Perfect E

Perfect Edmund (2020) Neutron Imaging of Soil Rhizosphere & Root Water Dynamics
Warren J, Bilheux H, Perfect E, DeCarlo K, Marcacci K & Bilheux J-C

Perfetti E. (2007) Hydrothermal Stability of Adenine Under Controlled Fugacities of N2, CO2 and H2
Franiatte M, Richard L, Elie M, Nguyen-Trung C, Perfetti E & LaRowe D
(2004) Modelling of P-V-T Properties of Water by a Peng-Robinson-Saft Equation of State
Perfetti E, Dubessy J & Thiery R

Perfit Michael (2022) Using Platinum-Group Element Geochemistry to Constrain Mid-Ocean Ridge Magmatic Processes
Hao H, Campbell I, Arculus R & Perfit M
(2022) Testing Models for Three-Component Mantle Heterogeneity as Recorded in Compositions of Lavas from the Off-Axis 8°20’ N Seamount Chain
Anderson M, Perfit M, Graham DW, Kamenov G, Forte A & Johnston G
(2022) “Probing” Mantle Source Compositions and Melt Evolution beneath the Northern East Pacific Rise Using Olivine Geochemistry
Jiang P, Perfit M, Anderson M, Kamenov G & Trucco A
(2020) The Critical Role of Subduction in Earth’s Halogen Distribution
Ruzie-Hamilton L, Burgess R, Clay P, Joachim-Mrosko B, Chavrit D, Hilton D, Perfit M & Ballentine C
(2020) Precious Metals in Mid-Ocean Ridge Chambers: Quantifying the Mass Proportions of Recharge, Eruption and Fractionation
Hao H, Campbell I, Arculus R & Perfit M
(2018) The Role of Melt-Rock Interaction on the CO2/Ba Ratio of Depleted MORBs
Shimizu K, Saal A, Hauri E, Perfit M & Hékinian R
(2018) Petrogenesis of Siquieros FZ & Off-Axis Seamounts: Os Isotopic and Trace Element Constraints
Shirey S, Perfit M, Wanless D, Gregg P, Fornari D & Ridley W

Perfit Michael R. (2015) How Melting, Mixing and Mush Cause 4D Variability in MORB Compositions
Perfit M, Rubin K & Wanless D
(2014) Magma Dynamics from Temporal and Spatial Compositional Variations within and between Eruptions
Rubin K, Michael P, Perfit M & Sinton J
(2014) Assessing Stable Isotope Fractionations during Differentiation Through Spatial Sampling
Lundstrom C, Zambardi T, Gajos N, Huggett N, Kehoe K & Perfit M
(2014) The Plume Source As Characterized by Trace Elements in Olivine
Putirka K, Tao Y, Hari KR & Perfit M
(2014) Petrogenesis and Tectonic Significance of High-Silica MOR Lavas
Perfit M, Wanless D, Lundstrom C, Ridley I & Clague D
(2014) Elemental Discrimination between Peridotite and Pyroxenite Melting in MORB and Hawaiian Glasses
Yang S, Humayun M, Salters V, Clague D & Perfit M
(2012) Siqueiros Transform MORB; Characteristics of a S-Saturated Suite
McNeill A, Danyushevsky L, Klimm K, Ariskin A & Perfit M
(2010) Geochemical Evidence for Crustal Assimilation at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Wanless D, Perfit M, Ridley WI, Klein E, Wallace P, Valley J & Grimes C
(2009) Evolution of MORB at Fast-Spreading Ridges
Ridley I, Perfit M & Wanless D
(2008) Is Plume Shape Variability Real? Evidence from Tristan-Gough-Discovery
Class C, le Roex AP, Rollins N, Long D, Goldstein SL, Cai Y, van de Flierdt T & Perfit MR
(2008) Petrogenesis of Dacites from the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge
Perfit M, Schmitt AK, Ridley WI, Rubin K & Valley J
(2008) Evidence for a Heterogeneous Mantle at 9º30'N EPR
Waters C, Sims K, Perfit M, Blichert-Toft J, Blusztajn J & Fornari D
(2008) Relationships between Mantle and Crust Melt Distribution and Surficial Geology and Geochemistry at the 9° 03'N Overlapping Spreading Center, East Pacific Rise
Klein E, Nunnery A, Perfit M, Wanless D & White S
(2007) Magmatic Architecture and Geochemical Variability at the 9°N Segment of the East Pacific Rise
Maclennan J, Perfit M, Fornari D, Ridley I & Soule A
(2006) Progressive melting of a heterogeneous mantle source beneath 9-10°N EPR.
Sims KWW, Perfit M, Blichert-Toft J, Fornari D, Blustajn J, Ball L & Waters C
(2002) An Alternative Hypothesis for the Origin of the High 226Ra Excess in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts ("Invited")
Saal AE, Van Orman JA, Hauri EH, Langmuir CH & Perfit MR
(2002) Degassing & Preliminary Assimilation Histories of Selected on- and Off-Axis EPR MORB Glasses (8-10ºN, 12-14ºN, & 15-16ºN)
le Roux P, Shirey SB, Hauri EH, Perfit MR & Mock T
(2002) Vapor Undersaturation in Primitive Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt and the Volatile Content of the Earth‚s Upper Mantle. ("Invited")
Saal AE, Hauri EH, Langmuir CH & Perfit MR
(2000) Melting beneath the East Pacific Rise, 9-10 N: Implications from Combined Nd-Hf-Sr-Th Isotopic Measurements
Sims KW, Blichert-Toft J & Perfit M

Perfit Mike (2017) Halogens and Water in MORB and OIB and the Origin of HIMU
Kendrick M, Hemond C, Kamenetsky V, Danyushevsky L, Devey C, Rodemann T, Jackson M & Perfit M

Perg L. (2007) Continental Erosion Averaged over Space and Time
Staiger J, McElroy B & Perg L
(2002) Cosmogenic Nuclide Budget in a Glaciated Mountain Range (W. Alps)
Perg L, von Blanckenburg F & Kubik P

Perga M-E. (2016) Life Under the Ice: Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Seasonally-Covered Lake Onego, Russia
Lyautey E, Ariztegui D, Bouffard D, Dubois N, Frossard V, Tofield-Pasche N, Perga M-E & Thomas C
(2016) A Process-Based Model Applied to Paleolimnology to Reconstruct the Long-Term Carbon Sequestration and Oxygen Dynamic in Lake Geneva (France)
Jenny J-P, Francus P, Couture R, Clayer F, Carvalhais N, Jautzy J & Perga M-E

Pergantis S. (2015) Elemental, Organochlorine and Bacterial Communities Composition of Atmospheric Fine Particles during African Dust Events in the Eastern Mediterranean
Stephanou E, Iakovidis M, Nikolaki S, Pergantis S, Tsiamis G & Tziaras T

Perigault J.G. (2002) Surface Complexation Modeling for the Description of Solution Chemistry, Adsorption, and Colloidal Aggregation
Perigault JG & Leckie JO

Périllat R. (2016) Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Deposition Induced by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Mathieu A, Quérel A, Saunier O, Kajino M, Sekiyama T, Korsakissok I, Perillat R, Quélo D, Adachi K, Maki T, Igarachi Y & Didier D
(2016) Using Meteorological Ensembles for Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Périllat R, Korsakissok I, Mallet V & Mathieu A

Périllon C. (2017) Potential Salinity Effects on Leaf Wax Lipid δD Values from Submerged Aquatic Macrophytes in Paleo-Climatic Records
Aichner B, Hilt S, Périllon C, Sachse D & Mischke S

Perin D. (2022) REE Distribution in the Water Column of the Eastern Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone
de Souza Franco G, Duggan B, Bourbonnais A, Perin D, Jackson E & Scher H

Perinelli Cristina (2013) PTt Path of Rising Magmas. An Ascent Rate Meter Recorded in Lava Volatile Contents
Armienti P & Perinelli C

Perinelli Cristina (2015) High Porphyritic Calcalkaline Basalts from the Cenozoic Capo Marargiu Volcanic District (Sardinia, Italy)
Tecchiato V, Gaeta M, Mollo S, Perinelli C & Scarlato P
(2015) The Control of Water on the Crystallization of Magmas at Mt. Etna Volcano (Sicily, Italy)
De Cristofaro S, Perinelli C, Gaeta M, Mollo S, Palladino D, Armienti P & Scarlato P

Perinelli Cristina (2019) Clinopyroxene Growth and Dissolution Rates: High-Pressure Investigation on a Primitive Alkaline Basalt from the Campi Flegrei Volcanic District (South Italy)
Bonechi B, Perinelli C & Gaeta M
(2019) Viscosity and Atomic Structure of CO2-bearing Magmas in the Earth’s Interior
Stagno V, Stopponi V, Kono Y, Romano C, Poe BT, Lupi S, D'Arco A, Hrubiak R, Scarlato P, Bonechi B, Perinelli C, Gaeta M & Manning CE

Perinelli Cristina (2020) Trace Element Partitioning between Clinopyroxene and Alkali Basaltic Melts: Investigation at High Pressure on a Composition from the Campi Flegrei Volcanic District (Italy)
Bonechi B, Perinelli C, Gaeta M, Fabbrizio A, Petrelli M & Strnad L

Perinelli Cristina (2022) Viscosity Measurements of Magmas in the Earth’s Upper Mantle: Constraints on Rates and Ascent Timescales of a Primitive Alkaline Basalt
Bonechi B, Stagno V, Kono Y, Hrubiak R, Ziberna L, Andreozzi GB, Perinelli C & Gaeta M

Perinelli Cristina (2023) Experimental Studies of Interaction between Mantle-Derived Magmas and Wall Rocks at Deep Crustal Levels
Palummo F, Perinelli C, Bonechi B, Misiti V, Scarlato P & Gaeta M

Perini G. (2000) Evidences of Mantle Heterogeneity beneath Spain from post-Hercynian Magmatism in the Variscan Belt
Perini G, Cebria JM & Ruiz JL
(2000) The Origin of K-Feldspar Megacrysts Hosted in Alkaline Potassic Rocks from post-Orogenic Setting: Constraining the Interaction between high-K calc-Alkaline and Alkaline Magmas
Perini G, Tepley Iii F, Davidson JP & Conticelli S

Perkins C. (2008) Geologic and Hydrologic Controls on Spring, Stream, and Groundwater Chemistry in the Big Chico Creek Watershed and Butte Basin, California
Perkins C & Murphy W

Perkins Ernie (2008) Comparison of Isotopic Trends Revealing the Fate of Injected CO2 in Two Geological Storage Projects in Mature Oilfields in Canada
Mayer B, Raistrick M, Johnson G, Nightingale M, Shevalier M, Taylor S, Hutcheon I & Perkins E

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