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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Paksu E. (2015) Separation of Heavy Metals and Some Elements by Factor Analysis in Manavgat– Alanya Beach Sands, Antalya, Turkey
Yalcin MG, Nyamsari DG, Yalcin F & Paksu E

Paksy A. (2023) Sensitivity Analysis of Chemical Evolution of Tank Closure Cementitious Materials Model at the Savannah River Site
Kallo M, Austin J, Paksy A, Abrahamsen-Mills L & Flach G

Paktunc D. (2020) Cr(VI) in Ferrochrome Smelter Dusts from Pilot-Scale DC Arc Furnace
Berryman EJ, Paktunc D & Kingston D
(2019) Shifts in Microbial Composition and S Chemistry in a Wet-Dry-Wet Cycle on Methylmercury Production in Sulfurized Biochar-Amended Floodplain Soil
Wang AO, Fellin S, Ptacek CJ, Blowes DW, Paktunc D, Mack EE & Grosso NR
(2018) Application of Synchrotron-Based Spectroscopic Techniques and Laboratory Transport Studies to Understand Cycling of Mercury in a Riverine Environment
Wang AO, Elena KMA, Fellin S, Corriveau M, Ptacek CJ, Blowes DW, Finfrock Z, Paktunc D, Landis RC, Dyer JA, Mack EE & Grosso NR
(2012) Mineralogy and Porewater Geochemistry of Processed Kimberlite: Implications for Acid Rock Drainage and Metal Releases
Smith L, Moncur M, Paktunc D & Thibault Y
(2012) Natural Sources of Uranium in Shallow Groundwater in Northeastern Alberta
Welsh B, Moncur M, Paktunc D, Thibault Y, Birks J, Wieser M & McKiernan B
(2012) Solubility of Scorodite and 6-Line Ferrihydrite with Sorbed Arsenic in the Presence of Shewanella sp. CN32 and Shewanella sp. ANA-3 in a Chemically Defined Growth Medium Containing Various Phosphate Concentrations
Revesz E, Paktunc D & Fortin D
(2009) Characterization of Compounds and Minerals in the Fe-AsO4-SO4 System: Implications for Arsenic Control in Metallurgical Wastes
Paktunc D, Dutrizac J & Poirier G
(2008) Solubilities of Synthetic Scorodite and Ferric Arsenate: Implications for Stabilization of Arsenic in Mining and Metallurgical Wastes
Paktunc D & Dutrizac J
(2008) Microbial Reduction of Ferrous Arsenate: Arsenic Mobility in Reduced Tailing Environments
Weisener C, Baebechuk M, Fryer B & Paktunc D
(2008) Evolution of Arsenic Mineralogy Through Sulfide Oxidation at the Ketza River Mine, Yukon, Canada
Thibault Y & Paktunc D
(2007) Precipitation and Phase Transformations Involving Ferric Arsenate, Scorodite and Arsenical Ferrihydrite
Paktunc D

Pakulla J. (2024) Complex Homogenization of the Silicate Earth Constrained by 182W and 142Nd Isotopes in the Earliest Rock Record of the São Francisco Craton, Eastern Brazil
Leitzke FP, Pakulla J, Tusch J, Ravindran A, Barbosa RG, Zincone S, Hellers M, Martins AA, Spreafico RR, Yang R, Wombacher F, Barbosa J & Münker C
(2024) Multiple Hadean Mantle Extraction Events Recorded by Short-Lived Isotope Systems in Coeval Archean Rocks from a Single Craton
Ravindran A, Peters B, Mezger K, Hasenstab E, Pakulla J, J. M. M, Schönbächler M & Münker C
(2023) Carbonatites and Phonolites Linked by Mantle Derived Calcium in the Kaiserstuhl, Germany
Jentzsch C, Pakulla J, Spürgin S, Gäb FM, Lagos M, Wombacher F, Heuser A, Münker C & Ballhaus C
(2023) Evidence from 182W for an Ancient Mantle Source in the Flood Basalts of the Deccan Large Igneous Province
Pakulla J, Tusch J, Ravindran A, Hasenstab E, Jansen M, Gadpallu P, Duraiswami R & Münker C
(2023) Insights into Early Mantle Processes from Coupled 182W-142Nd Isotope Systematics of Igneous Rocks from the Singhbhum Craton
Ravindran A, Pakulla J, Tusch J, Hasenstab E, Hofmann A, Jodder J, Mazumder R & Münker C

Pal A.b. (2002) Late Archean-Early Proterozoic Formation and Reworking of a Porphyry Cu(Mo)Deposit Recorded in Molybdenite: Re-Os Dating at Malanjkhand, Central India
Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Zimmerman A, Markey RJ, Sarkar SC & Pal AB

Pal Aindrila (2024) The Origin and Deep Cycles of Life-Essential Volatile Elements on Earth and Rocky Planets
Dasgupta R, Pal A, Pathak D & Johnson A

Pal D K (2020) Proterozoic Tectonics from the Northern Domain of the Eastern Ghats Belt
Behera SR, Saha L, Pal DK & Champati AK

Pal Debasis (2020) High-Cr Chromitites from Nidar Ophiolite Complex: Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications
Nayak R, Pal D & Chinnasamy SS

Pal Dipak C. (2016) Alteration of Uraninite and its Implications to Chemical Dating: An Example from Northwestern India
Ozha M, Pal D & Mishra B
(2016) Na-Metasomatism and U Mobilization in the Palnad Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India: Implication for U-Transport in Na-Zirconosilicate Complexes
Sahoo D, Pruseth KL, Upadhyay D, Pal DC, Banerjee R & Gupta S

Pal Dipak Chandra (2024) Geochemical and Textural Attributes of Magnetite–apatite Mineralization in Dhantuppa, Singhbhum Shear Zone, Eastern India
Adak S & Pal DC
(2023) Magnetite in Banded Magnetite Quartzite from Turamdih and Mohuldih, Singhbhum Shear Zone, Eastern India: Disparity between Texture and Geochemistry
Adak S & Pal DC

Pal Prabir

Pal Preeti (2024) Nanobubble Ozonation for Waterbody Rejuvenation at Different Locations in India: A Holistic and Sustainable Approach
Pal P & Kioka A

Pal Sharmila (2010) Land-Sea Transport of Terrestrial Carbon in the Fraser River, British Columbia
Voss B, Montlucon D, Eglinton T, Pal S & Peucker-Ehrenbrink B

Pal Sucharita (2020) Enhanced Biotic Recovery Through KPB Transition: Evidence from the Mahadeo-Cherrapunji Section, Meghalaya, India
Pal S, Kalpana MS & Shrivastava JP

Pál-Molnár Elemér (2013) Coherent Pyroxene-Akimotoite Phase Transformation in NWA 5011 Shocked Chondrite
Pál-Molnár E, Nagy S, Fintor K, Gyollai I & Bendő Z

Pál-Molnár Elemér (2015) Mineral and Chemostratigraphy of Toarcian Grey Shale (Úrkút, Hungary)
Polgári M, Hein JR, Bíró L, Gyollai I, Németh T, Fekete J, Pál-Molnár E & Vigh T

Pál-Molnár Elemér (2021) Permian Plutonic-Volcanic Connections in the Tisza Mega-Unit (Carpathian–Pannonian Region): Insights into a Complex Magmatic System by Whole-Rock Geochemistry and Zircon U–Pb Geochronology
Szemerédi MA, Dunkl I, Lukács R, Seghedi I, Kovács Z, Harangi S & Pál-Molnár E
(2021) Formation Conditions of Hydrothermal Monazite of Jolotca Ore Field, Ditrău Alkaline Massif
Fintor K, Walter H & Pal-Molnar E

Pál-Molnár Elemér (2022) P-T-X Characteristics of the Formation Conditions of Hydrothermal Originated Monazite of the Jolotca Ore Field, Ditrău Alkaline Massif (Romania)
Fintor K, Walter H, Kiri L, Kristály F & Pál-Molnár E

Pál-Molnár Elemér (2023) Trace Elements and Zircon Ages to Unravel Late Palaeozoic Igneous Episodes and Variscan Geodynamic Processes in the Tisza Mega-Unit (Carpathian–Pannonian Region)
Szemerédi M, Varga A, Lukács R, Dunkl I, Seghedi I, Kovács Z, Raucsik B, Harangi S, Kosztolányi É & Pál-Molnár E

Pal'yanova G. (2013) Thermodynamic Potentials of Au-Hg Binary Solid Solution
Chudnenko K & Pal'yanova G

Pala C. (2017) The Ubiquitous SAR202 Chloroflexi and their Role in Deepsea Sediments
Carvalho V, Offre P, Rapp J, Pala C, Bach M & Boetius A

Palace V. (2011) Selenium Uptake in Otoliths from Cold-Water Fish Species Captured Downstream from Coal Mining
Friedrich L, Halden N & Palace V

Palacio-Lozano D.C. (2023) Tracking Decadal Changes in Complex Mixtures of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in a Sediment Core from the Inner River Thames Estuary, UK, via Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Downham RP, Palacio-Lozano DC, Gannon B, Jones HE, Vane CH & Barrow M

Palacios C. (2011) The 129I Isotopic Composition of Supergene Iodine Minerals in Chile and Australia
Reich M, Alvarez F, Perez A, Snyder G, Palacios C, Vargas G, Muramatsu Y, Cameron E & Fehn U
(2010) “Invisible” Ag and Au in Supergene Cu-Sulfides: EMPA, SIMS and TEM Constraints
Weldt M, Reich M, Chryssoulis S, Deditius A, Palacios C, Zuniga A & Alvear M
(2010) Sources and Sinks of Iodine in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile: Insights from the Nitrate Ore Fields and Supergene Zones of Cu Deposits
Reich M, Snyder G, Fehn U, Palacios C, Vargas G & Cameron E
(2009) Iodargyrite (AgI) in Supergene Zones of Argentiferous Cu Deposits in the Atacama Desert, Chile: Involvement of I-Rich Waters?
Alvear M, Reich M, Palacios C, Cameron E, Leybourne M & Deditius A
(2009) Cristobalite Nanofibers in Volcanic Ash from the Ongoing Explosive Eruption at Chaitén Volcano, Chilean Patagonia
Reich M, Zuniga A, Amigo A, Vargas G, Morata D, Palacios C, Parada MA & Garreaud R
(2008) Nanoscale Mineralogy of Ag in Sulfides from Cu Deposits in Northern Chile: Implications for Ore Genesis, Exploration, and Metallurgical Recovery
Reich M, Chryssoulis S & Palacios C

Palacios Manuel (2022) Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning Methods to Identify Geographical Origin Using LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Emeralds
Alonso-Perez R, Day JMD, Pearson DG, Luo Y, Palacios M, Raju Satyanarayan S & Palke A

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