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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Perez-Asensio J.N. (2021) Indian-Atlantic Subsurface- and Deep-Water Mass Exchange over the Past 600 kyrs
Perez-Asensio JN, Tachikawa K, Vidal L, de Garidel-Thoron T, Sonzogni C, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Jorry S & Chen M-T
(2021) Tracking Last Deglacial Changes in Western Mediterranean Deep-Intermediate Ventilation
Inglavaga R, Cacho I, Català A, Frigola J, Perez-Asensio JN & Pena LD

Perez-Beltran S. (2023) Clumped Isotope Reordering Kinetics in Carbonate Minerals: Experiments and First-Principles Atomistic Simulations
Grossman EL, Sun Z, Perez-Beltran S, Zaheer W, Defliese WF, Thomas JB & Banerjee S

Pérez-Bernal L.H. (2009) Heavy Metals and Sediment Fluxes in Coatzacoalcos River Estuary: A History of Land Use Changes
Ruiz-Fernández AC, Sánchez-Cabeza JA, Bojórquez-Sánchez S, Bojórquez-Leyva H, Pérez-Bernal LH, Mellado-Vázquez PG, Alonso-Hernández C, Díaz-Ascencio M, Gerardo-Abaya J, Quejido-Cabezas AJ, Sericano JL & Páez-Osuna F

Pérez-Cruz L. (2018) Uranium Isotopes as the Storytellers of Swaying Oxygen Minimum Zones
Choumiline K, Andersen MB, Pérez-Cruz L, Carriquiry JD, Beaufort L & Lyons TW
(2017) Sensitivity of Redox Proxies to Rapid Variability in Oxygen Minimum Zones
Choumiline K, Lyons TW, Pérez-Cruz L, Carriquiry JD, Raiswell R & Beaufort L
(2016) Drivers of Redox Changes in Diverse Basins of the Gulf of California: Alfonso, La Paz, and Pescadero
Choumiline K, Lyons TW, Pérez-Cruz L, Carriquiry JD, Raiswell R & Beaufort L
(2014) Reconstructing Historical Trends in Hypoxia in a Coastal Marine System: Alfonso Basin, La Paz Bay, Southwestern Gulf of California
Choumiline K, Pérez-Tribouillier H, Shumilin E, Lyons TW & Pérez-Cruz L

Pérez-Cruzado C. (2011) Application of Thermal Analysis and NMR to Study Soil Organic Matter Biodiversity and Biodegradability in Afforested Lands
Merino A, Pérez-Cruzado C, Salgado J & Barros N

Pérez-de-Mora A. (2014) Probing the Mechanism of Anaerobic Trichloroethene Biodegradation with Dual Element Carbon and Chlorine Isotope Analysis
Douglas LM, Cretnik S, Pérez-de-Mora A, Höche M, Meyer AH, Shouakar-Stash O, Edwards EA, Sherwood Lollar B & Elsner M

Pérez-Fernàndez A.P. (2015) Mg-Isotope Fractionation during the 25℃ Dissolution of Hydromagnesite and at Equilibrium
Berninger U-N, Jordan G, Mavromatis V, Perez-Fernandez A & Oelkers EH
(2015) Continuous Reequilibration of C Isotopes in Natural Calcite at 25ºC
Perez-Fernandez A, Mavromatis V & Eric H. O
(2014) Ca and Mg Isotope Fractionation during the Stoichiometric Dissolution of Dolomite and at Equilibrium
Pérez-Fernàndez AP, Berninger U-N, Mavromatis V, Pogge Von Strandmann P & Oelkers EH

Perez-Flores P. (2015) The Optimal Pathways Leading to Earthquake-Enhanced Gold Precipitation in the Epithermal Environment
Sanchez-Alfaro P, Reich M, Driesner T, Arancibia G, Perez-Flores P, Cembrano J, Rowland J & Heinrich C

Perez-Fodich A. (2023) Trace Element Partitioning in Siliceous Sinters as a Function of Silica Precipitation Rates in El Tatio Geothermal Field
Bustamante Pérez V, Perez-Fodich A, Munoz-Saez C & Derry LA
(2023) Ge/Si and δ11B for Quantifying Hydrothermal Inputs in River Solute Fluxes in Active Volcanoes in the Southern Andes
Peña A, Perez-Fodich A, Louvat DP & Tardani DD
(2023) Partitioning of Ge/Si and Si-Stable Isotopes during Weathering of Granites and Basalts: A Reactive Transport Perspective
Perez-Fodich A & Fernandez NM
(2022) The Chemical Composition and Weathering Fluxes of Rivers Draining Volcanoes in the Southern Andes
Perez-Fodich A, Louvat P, Peña A & Tardani D
(2020) The Convolution of Time and Weathering Intensity on the Fate of Runoff-To-Groundwater Partitioning in the Island of Hawai’i
Perez-Fodich A & Derry L
(2019) Modeling Ge/Si Weathering Signatures Using Thermodynamic Data for Synthetic Germanium Minerals
Perez-Fodich A & Derry LA
(2019) Climate Impacts on (In)congruent Silicate Weathering Constrained by Ge/Si Ratios
Derry L, Aguirre A, Chorover J, Hernandez N & Perez-Fodich A
(2018) Tracking Fe-Oxidation in Spheroidal Weathering of Basalts
Perez-Fodich A & Derry L
(2017) Extreme Basalt Weathering Results from High Soil CO2, Unsaturated Conditions and Organic Acids
Perez-Fodich A & Derry L

Pérez-Garrido C (2006) In situ AFM observations of mineral replacement reactions on sulphate and carbonate surfaces
Pina CM, Sánchez-Pastor N, Fernández-Díaz L, Pérez-Garrido C & Prieto M

Perez-Garrido Carlos (2019) Precipitaion of Smithsonite on Calcite and Argonite Grown in Porous Media
Fernandez-Gonzalez A, Sanchez-Pastor N & Perez-Garrido C
(2018) Co-precipitation of Zinc and Calcium Carbonates in Porous Media at Ambient Conditions
Fernandez-Gonzalez A, Sanchez-Pastor N, Perez-Garrido C & Fernandez-Diaz L

Perez-Gokhale R. (2017) Role of Potassium in Degradation of Nineteenth Century Glass Flutes
Muller IS, Buechele AC, Barberis A, Perez-Gokhale R, Pegg IL, Brostoff LB, Kivi N, Ward-Bamford CL & France F

Perez-Huerta A. (2023) Uptake of Iodine by Crystallization of Phosphate Minerals
Gabitov R, Jimenez A, Migdisov AA, Perez-Huerta A, Guo X, Xu H, Dash P, Caporuscio F & Roback R
(2022) Uptake of Uranium by Crystallization of Phosphate Minerals
Gabitov R, Jimenez A, Migdisov AA, Liu J, Guo X, Rose K, Perez-Huerta A, Paul V, Dash P, Navarathna C, Mlsna T, Caporuscio F, Xu H & Roback R
(2022) Elemental Uptake by Individual Calcite Crystals
Gabitov R, Sadekov A, Perez-Huerta A, Borrelli C & Rezaei M
(2021) Retention of Geochemical Signatures during the Transformation of Aragonite to Calcite at Elevated Temperatures
Gabitov R, Nguyen A, Jimenez A, Dygert D, Varco J, Paul V, Perez-Huerta A, Migdissov A, Dash P & Kirkland B
(2019) Uptake of Uranium by Carbonate Crystallization from Reduced and Oxidized Hydrothermal Fluids
Gabitov R, Migdisov A, Nguyen A, Van Hartesveldt N, Perez-Huerta A, Sadekov A, Sauer K, Caporuscio F, Xu H & Roback R
(2019) Calcification Temperature of Surface Oceans: A Coccolith Clumped Isotope Approach
Mejía Ramírez LM, Fernández A, Zhang H, Guitián J, Pérez-Huerta A, Bernasconi S & Stoll H
(2019) Crystallographic Effect on Atom Probe Tomography Geochemical Data
Cappelli C & Pérez-Huerta A
(2019) Sulfate in Biogenic Carbonates: A Simple yet Complicated Story
Paris G, Dellinger M, Thaler C, Bartolini A, Barkan Y, Halevy I, Sessions A, Adkins J, West J, Gardin S, Ruiz-Pino D & Perez-Huerta A
(2018) Micro- and Nano-Scale Petrological and Compositional Analysis of Chondrule and CAI Rims
Cartwright JA, Perez-Huerta A, Leitner J & Vollmer C
(2017) A Quantitative Solution for the ‘Cool Tropics’ Paradox of Past Greenhouse Climates: Testing Diagenetic Hypotheses Combining Clumped Isotope and Electron Backscatter Diffraction Data on Foraminifera
Tripati A, Vollmer T & Perez-Huerta A
(2016) Atom Probe Tomography (APT) Analysis of Bulk Chemistry in Minerals
Laiginhas F & Perez-Huerta A
(2016) Understanding Biomineralization in the Fossil Record
Perez-Huerta A
(2016) Evolution of Phanerozoic Oceans: Isotopic Evidence for Early Paleozoic Warmth and Constant Seawater δ18O
Grossman E, Henkes G, Passey B, Shenton B, Yancey T & Perez-Huerta A
(2014) The Effects of the 1982-1983 El Niño Mega-Event on Bivalve Mollusk Biomineralization
Nicosia A, Pérez-Huerta A, Sandweiss D & Andrus CF
(2014) Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) as a Tool for Evaluating Fossil Preservation for Carbonate Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
Perez-Huerta A, Grossman E, Henkes G, Passey B & Shenton B
(2012) Brachiopods Recording Seawater Temperature's Grow up and be a Good Proxy
Cusack M & Perez-Huerta A
(2012) El Nino Impact on Mollusk Shell Biomineralization
Perez-Huerta A, Etayo-Cadavid M, Andrus F & Jeffries T

Pérez-López R. (2023) Aluminum Impurities on Schwertmannite: Effects in Structure and Surface Properties
Carrero S, Gutiérrez-León J, Pérez-López R & Cama J
(2019) Alkaline Treatment of Contaminated Acidic Leachates from the Phosphogypsum Stack of Huelva (SW Spain)
Millán-Becerro R, Pérez-López R, Cánovas CR & Macías F
(2017) Fingerprinting the Impact of Chronic Metal Exposure on Humans Through Gallstones
Parviainen A, Suárez-Grau JM, Garrido CJ, Pérez-López R, Nieto JM & Marchesi C
(2017) Mobility of Trace Elements in Phosphogypsum Leachates during Seawater Mixing
Papaslioti E-M, Pérez-López R, Parviainen A, Nieto JM, Marchesi C & Garrido CJ
(2017) Trace Elements Role during AMD Precipitates Ageing: Natural and Artificial Processes
Cruz-Hernández P, Pérez-López R, Parviainen A, Lindsay MBJ, Carrero S, Fernández-Martínez A & Nieto JM
(2016) Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium Geochemistry in Acid Mine Drainage Neutralization
Torres E, Ayora C, Lozano A, Macias F, Carrero S, Pérez-López R & Nieto JM
(2015) Basaluminite as Scavenger of Contaminants in Acid Mine Drainage: Structural and Geochemical Characterization
Carrero S, Pérez-López R, Fernandez-Martinez A & Nieto J-M
(2015) Behavior of Trace Elements during Aging of Acid Drainage Precipitates
Cruz-Hernández P, Parviainen A, Pérez-López R, Lindsay MBJ & Nieto JM
(2015) Acid Mine Drainage: A Possible Source of Rare Earth Elements
Ayora C, Torres E, Lozano A, Macías F, Carrero S, Pérez-López R & Nieto JM
(2013) Assessment of Seasonal Variations in the Mineralogical and Geochemical Features of Sulfide Mine Tailings
Acero P, Pérez-López R, Ayora C, Quispe DL & Nieto JM

Perez-Mercader J. (2018) Growth Model Interpretation of Planet Size Distribution
Zeng L, Jacobsen S, Sasselov D, Vanderburg A, Lopez-Morales M, Perez-Mercader J, Petaev M & Mattsson T

Perez-Mon C. (2019) Investigating the Biodegradation of Organic Compounds Released from Irradiated Ion Exchange Resins Under Geological Repository Relevant Conditions
Boylan A, Le Caer S, Buhler-Varenne F, Ortiz D, Menin L, Perez-Mon C & Bernier-Latmani R
(2018) H2 Fuelled Microbial Metabolism in Opalinus Clay
Boylan A, Perez-Mon C, Guillard L, Burzan N, Kappler A, Byrne J & Bernier-Latmani R

Pérez-Moreno R. (2018) Geochemistry and Environmental Tracer Signature of Thermal Waters in an Andean Geothermal System
Pérez-Moreno R, Reich M, Daniele L, Tardani D, Wrage J, Sánchez-Alfaro P, Held S, Delgado A & Morata D

Pérez-Ortega S. (2015) Bioweathering in Natural Rocks and Heritage Stones
Ascaso C, Wierzchos J, Castillejo M, Oujja M, Fort R, Avarez de Buergo M, Pérez-Ortega S, Souza-Egipsy V, Cámara B & de los Ríos A

Pérez-Rodríguez I. (2019) Enrichment and Isolation of Chemosynthetic Microbes for Asbestos Bioremediation
Elkassas S, Choi JK & Pérez-Rodríguez I
(2019) Microbe-Mineral Interactions between Thermovibrio Ammonificans, a Deep-Sea Vent Microbe, and Asbestos Minerals
Choi J, Vigliaturo R, Giere R & Perez-Rodriguez I

Pérez-Rodríguez M. (2016) Solar Output Controls Periodicity in Lake Productivity and Wetness at Southernmost America
Pérez-Rodríguez M, Gilfedder B-S, Hermanns Y-M & Biester H
(2016) Lake Mercury Accumulation in the Southern Hemisphere Follows Bond Cycles
Biester H & Pérez-Rodríguez M

Perez-Sirvent C. (2015) Mobility Indices for the Evaluation of Metal Contamination in Soils Affected by Mining Activities
Martinez-Sanchez M, Perez-Sirvent C, Garcia-Lorenzo M & Hernandez-Cordoba M
(2015) Geochemical Characterisation of Topsoils, Surface Waters and Efflorescences in a Historic-Metal Mining Area in SE, Spain
Perez-Sirvent C, Hernandez-Perez C, Garcia-Lorenzo M, Martinez-Sanchez M & Hernandez-Cordoba M
(2013) Isotope Geochemistry in Waters Affected by Mining Activities in Portman Bay (Spain)
Martinez-Sanchez MJ, Garcia- Lorenzo M, Perez-Sirvent C & Hernandez-Cordoba M
(2013) Limestone-Based Technosols. A Remediation Technique for Sediments Contaminated by Heavy Metals
Martinez-Sanchez MJ, Garcia- Lorenzo M, Perez-Sirvent C, Gonzalez E, Perez V, Martinez S, Belando MD, Martinez L & Hernandez C

Pérez-Soba C. (2019) Peridotite Xenoliths from the El Morrón de Villamayor Volcano (Calatrava Volcanic Field)
García Serrano J, Villaseca González C & Pérez-Soba C
(2014) Graphite Inclusions in Tardimagmatic Fluorapatite (P-Rich S-Type Belvís Granite, Spain)
Pérez-Soba C, Villaseca C & Fernández A
(2013) Crustal Sources of Peraluminous Granites: The Montes de Toledo Batholith, Iberian Hercynian Belt
Merino E, Villaseca C, Pérez-Soba C, Orejana D, Belousova E & Andersen T
(2009) Early Proterozoic Zircons in Variscan Gabbros from Central Spain: Evidence of an Icartian Magmatic Event at Mantle Depths?
Villaseca C, Orejana D, Armstrong RA, Pérez-Soba C & Merino E
(2007) Hercynian Gabbroic Intrusions from the Spanish Central System: Constraints on Mantle Composition Under Central Spain
Orejana D, Villaseca C, López-García JÁ, Pérez-Soba C & Billström K
(2007) Deficient Electron Microprobe Totals: Discussion of Potential Causes
Nasdala L, Váczi T, Kronz A, Wirth R, Pérez-Soba Aguilar C & Willner A

Perez-Torrado Francisco J (2023) Felsic Magma Storage in Ocean Islands; Insights from Miocene Microsyenite Samples from Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
Geiger H, Deegan FM, Troll VR, Perez-Torrado FJ, Carracedo JC, Harris C & Jensen M

Perez-Torrado Francisco J. J (2022) Lava Compositions of the 2021 La Palma Eruption Reflect Magma Recharge and Mixing Processes in the Lithosphere
Day JMD, Aulinas M, Deegan F, Troll VR, Geiger H, Carracedo JC, Gisbert Pinto G & Perez-Torrado FJJ

Perez-Torrado Francisco-Jose (2012) Heterogeneous Mantle Source for the Recent Magmatism of Gran Canaria
Aulinas Junca M, Gimeno D, Fernandez-Turiel JL, Font L, Perez-Torrado FJ, Rodriguez-Gonzalez A & Nowell G
(2009) Thermobarometric Implications of Clinopyroxene Chemistry in the Plio-Quaternary Magmas of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain)
Aulinas M, Gimeno D, Fernandez-Turiel J-L, Perez-Torrado F-J, Rodriguez-Gonzalez A & Gasperini D

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