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Perez Anne (2013) Impact of Organic Acids and Siderophores on Dissolution of Basaltic Glasses in Ultrapure Water at 25℃ and pH 6.3
Perez A, Rossano S, Trcera N, Huguenot D, Van Hullebusch E, Verney-Caron A & Sarrasin L

Perez Anne (2015) Bioalteration of Fe(III), Fe(II) and no Fe-Bearing Basaltic Glasses in the Presence of Heterotrophic Bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Impact of Siderophores
Perez A, Rossano S, Trcera N, Huguenot D, Verney-Carron A, Van Hullebusch E & Guyot F

Perez Anne (2017) New Insight into Passivation of Borosilicate Glass by Nanoporous Surface Layers
Gin S, Collin M, Ducasse T, Fournier M, Jollivet P, Perez A & Daval D
(2017) Comparing Reactivity of Glasses with their Crystalline Equivalents: The Case Study of Albite
Perez A, Daval D, Lemarchand D, Fournier M, Vital M & Gin S

Perez Anne (2023) Alteration of Stained Glass Windows: Influence of the Mn-Oxidising Bacteria Pseudomonas putida on the Dissolution of 5 Model Glasses
Boutillez C, Perez A, Verney-Carron A & Rossano S

Perez Carlos (2019) Resolving the Rapid Rate of Deglaciation over Termination II in Speleothem Records
Stoll H, Cacho I, Gasson E, Moreno A, Perez C, Cheng H, Edwards RL & Iglesias M
(2013) Constraining the Mineral and Elemental Composition of Dust Aerosol
Pérez C, Miller R, Perlwitz JP & Rodríguez S
(2012) Atmospheric Iron from Crustal Sources: Prognostic Aerosol Composition in GISS/ModelE
Perlwitz J, Perez C, Miller R & Rodriguez S

Pérez Carlos Alberto (2022) Micro- and Nano-Pore Structure and Composition of Microaggregates from a Tropical Soil
Hesterberg DLR, Ferreira TR, Pólo CC, Rabelo RS, Tolentino H, Pérez CA, Roose T, Gonzaga LC, Carvalho JN, Bordonal RDO & Pavinato PS

Perez Claudio (2009) Study of the Adsorption Properties of Mineral Soils
Perez C, Antelo J, Fiol S, Lopez R, Gondar D, Arce F & Vidal-Torrado P

Pérez Daniel (2017) Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Soil-Gas Radon Emission in the Geothermal Caldera of Acoculco, Puebla (Mexico): A Preliminary Prospection of the Promissory Hot-Dry Rock System
Almirudis E, Santoyo E, Pérez D & Guevara M

Perez Dario (2021) Supporting Tools in the Development of the ThermoChimie Database: Traceability, Usability, and Consistency
Perez D, Colas E, López-García M, Riba Tort O, Begg JD, Duro L, Fuller A, Bower W, Brassinnes S & Made B

Pérez Darío (2022) New Developments of the ThermoChimie Database
Colàs E, Riba Tort O, Rodríguez J, López-García M, Pérez D, Begg JD, Duro L, Fuller A, Bower W, Brassinnes S & Madé B

Perez Fiz F. (2017) Distribution of Radium-226 along the GA01-GEOTRACES Section in the North Atlantic
Le Roy E, Sanial V, Charette MA, Henderson PB, Lacan F, GarcíaI-ibáñez MI, Pérez FF, Jacquet SHM, Lherminier P, Souhaut M, Jeandel C & van Beek P
(2016) The Mediterranean Sea Sink for Greenhouse Gases
Huertas IE, Flecha S, de la Paz M, Rios AF & Perez FF

Perez Florian (2012) Modeling the Hydrothermal Circulation and the Hydrogen Production at the Rainbow Site with Cast3 M
Perez F, Mugler C, Jean-Baptiste P & Charlou JL
(2012) Hydrogen and Methane Fluxes from the Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Charlou JL, Konn C, Donval JP, Guyader V, Perez F, Mugler C, Jean-Baptiste P & Fourre E
(2011) Modeling of Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems Using CAST3 M
Perez F, Charlou JL, Jean-Baptiste P & Mugler C
(2011) Discovery of New Hydrothermal Active Fields in the South-West Pacific. Organic Geochemistry of the Fluids
Konn C, Charlou J-L, Donval J-P, Birot D, Guyader V, Perez F, Jean-Baptiste P, Fourre E & Fouquet Y

Perez Jacob T (2021) Is the Uranium Isotope Proxy a Reliable Indicator of Ferruginous Conditions?
Perez JT, Gilleaudeau G, Swanner E & Romaniello SJ

Perez Jeffrey Paulo H. (2023) Distribution and Speciation of Chromium in Active and Legacy Nickel Laterite Tailings
Delina REG, Perez JPH, Stammeier JA, Syczewski M, Rabang DCV, Tan MM, Garcia JJL, Arcilla CA & Benning LG
(2023) Geochemical and Microbiological Variations along Vertical Redox Gradients in a Seasonally Flooded sub-Arctic Wetland
Chen Z, Perez JPH, Trivedi CB, Stammeier JA, Gislason SR & Benning LG
(2023) Geochemical Behavior of Beryllium-9 in the Changjiang Estuary: The Importance of Benthic Fluxes
Wang C, von Blanckenburg F, Lian E, Yang S, Perez JPH & Wittmann H
(2023) Nucleation and Crystallization of Vivianite via Nanoparticulate Amorphous Ferrous Phosphate: A Combined Spectroscopic and Microscopic Study
Paskin A, Couasnon T, Perez JPH, Lobanov S, Blukis R, Reinsch S & Benning LG
(2023) Influence of Co-existing Phosphate on the Speciation and Partitioning of Arsenate in Fe(II)-bearing Minerals
Perez JPH, Chan ALH, Mosselmans JFW & Benning LG
(2021) Competing Immobilization Pathways for Arsenate and Phosphate in Fe(II)-bearing Minerals: Adsorption Versus Structural Incorporation
Perez JPH, Chan ALH, Okhrymenko M, Blukis R, Mosselmans JFW, Mayana S, Roddatis V & Benning LG
(2019) Arsenic Speciation and Distribution in Peat Deposits of the Hetao Basin, China
Wang H, Byrne J, Perez J, Thomas A, Benning L, Mayanna S, Hoefer H, Kontny A, Eiche E, Guo H, Kappler A & Norra S
(2019) Using Siderite to Remove Lead from Contaminated Acidic (Sub)surface Waste Waters
Füllenbach L, Perez J, Freeman H, Benning L & Oelkers E
(2019) Mapping Arsenic-Induced Changes on the Green Rust Surface at the Nanoscale
Perez JPH, Freeman HM, Brown AP, Van Genuchten CM, Tobler DJ, Dideriksen K & Benning LG
(2019) How Nanominerals Form and their Role in Contaminant Cycling
Benning LG, Perez JPH, Navaz-Rubio S, Stawski TM, Hoevelmann JE, Tobler DJ, Thomas AN, Fuellenbach LC, Oelkers EH & Freeman HM
(2018) Fate and Role of Arsenic during Green Rust Formation via Reductive Dissolution of Ferrihydrite
Perez JPH, Tobler DJ, Freeman HM, Dideriksen K, Ceccato M & Benning LG
(2017) Interfacial Reactivity between Green Rust Sulfate and Metal Contaminants
Perez JPH, Navaz Rubio S, Schuessler JA, Freeman H & Benning LG

Perez Jorge (2019) Mantle Origin for Gold Associated with the Yellowstone Plume
Day J, Maria-Benavides J, Perez J & Cook G

Perez Jose (2009) Heavy Metals in Ice Cores from Mexican Mountains
Carrillo-Chavez A, Levresse G, Carreon D, Ponce G, Muñoz C, Perez O, Perez J & Ortiz L

Perez Magali (2019) Selenium and Arsenic Mobility in Prospective Shale-Gas Plays: Contamination and Remediation Potential
Armstrong J, Parnell J, Bullock L & Perez M

Perez Marcela (2007) Distribution and Speciation of Mercury in the Curuai Floodplain Lakes and Role of the Water Exchanges with the Amazon River, Brazil
Dutra Maia P, Maurice Bourgoin L, Tessier E, Cossa D, Amouroux D, Perez M & Moreira Turcq P

Perez Nemesio (2019) Contributions to the Isotopic Fingerprint of Tenerife Wine – Natural or Anthropogenic?
Coldwell B, Pankhurst M, Cordero M, Ribeiro S, Fransisco J, Padron E, Asensio M & Perez N

Perez Nicolas (2018) Isotope Schlerochronology and Tropical Seasonality during the Mid Miocene Climatic Optimum
Scholz SR, Petersen SV, Escobar J, Jaramillo C, Hendy A, Allmon WD, Moreno F, Curtis JH, Anderson BM, Hoyos N, Restrepo JC & Perez N

Pérez Norma (2011) Fe(II) and Organic Exudates Interaction in Seawater
Santana-Casiano JM, González AG, Pérez N & González-Dávila M
(2011) Oxidation of Fe(II) in Natural Waters at High Nutrient Concentration
González AG, Santana-Casiano JM, Pérez N & González-Dávila M

Perez O. (2009) Heavy Metals in Ice Cores from Mexican Mountains
Carrillo-Chavez A, Levresse G, Carreon D, Ponce G, Muñoz C, Perez O, Perez J & Ortiz L

Perez Pamela (2014) Fluid Evolution in an Andean Geothermal System: Coupling Fluid Inclusions Thermometry, LA-ICP-MS and Geochemical Modeling
Sanchez-Alfaro P, Driesner T, Heinrich C, Reich M, Perez P, Arancibia G & Cembrano J
(2013) The Influence of Fault-Fracture Network Activity on Fluid Geochemistry and Mineral Precipitation at the Tolhuaca Geothermal System, Southern Chile
Sanchez P, Perez P, Reich M, Arancibia G, Cembrano J, Campos E & Lohmar S

Perez Pedro (2013) Precipitation and Stability Behaviour of Calcium Sulfate: The Role of Salinity, Temperature and Reaction Time
Ossorio M, Van Driessche AES, Pérez P & García-Ruiz JM
(2010) Geochemical Dispersion of Weathered Copper Mineralised Dolomitic Rocks in Tropical Environment, Dos Parecis Basin, Amazon Craton, Brazil
Perez P, Vasquez A & Aguilar A

Perez Samantha (2023) Cryptic Sulfur Cycling Coupled to Iron and Carbon Cycling in Dynamic Riparian Wetland Environments
Santelli CM, Srivastava S, Ng C, Perez S, Rosenfeld CE, Kaplan DI & Kemner KM

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