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Pereira Contreira L. (2017) Iron-Binding Ligands in the North Atlantic Ocean and Labrador Sea along the GEOVIDE Section (GEOTRACES GA01)
Tonnard M, Gonzalez AG, Whitby H, Bowie AR, van der Merwe P, Planquette H, Boutorh J, Cheize M, Menzel J-L, Pereira Contreira L, Shelley R & Sarthou G
(2015) Dissolved Iron along the GEOVIDE Section (GEOTRACES Section GA01)
Tonnard M, Sarthou G, Planquette H, Van Der Merwe P, Boutorh J, Cheize M, Menzel J-L, Pereira Contreira L, Shelley R & Bowie AR

Pereira da Silva T. (2008) More About the Energy Intelligent Behaviour of Secondary Iron Sulphates in AMD
Pereira da Silva T & Figueiredo M-O

Pereira Ires R. (2020) Street Dust Geochemistry in Northern and Eastern Urban Areas of São Paulo City, Brazil
Bourotte C & Pereira Ires R

Pereira-Mouriès L. (2004) Preliminary Study of the Organic Matrix Secretion Pattern into Biominerals: The Scleractinian Corals and Fish Otolith Models
Pereira-Mouriès L, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Puverel S, Zoccola D, Payan P & Allemand D

Pereiro R. (2023) Exploring Cellular Isotopic Fractionation of Essential Elements for Biomedical Purposes in Vitro: Challenges and Limitations
Costas Rodriguez M, Colina L, Lobo L, Aranaz M, Thibon F, Pereiro R & Vanhaecke F

Perelló J. (2002) Defining the Lifespan of a Giant Porphyry Cu Deposit: Re-Os Dating at Los Pelambres, Chile
Stein H, Markey R, Sillitoe R & Perelló J

Perepechko Y. (2017) Numerical Modeling of Partial Melting in Igneous Columns of Volcanic Arcs
Perepechko Y, Sorokin K, Chudnenko K, Mikheeva A & Sharapov V

Peres G. (2020) Thermo-Tectonic History of the Rio Grande Rise (South Atlantic Ocean)
Hackspacher P, Silva B, Peres G, Glasmacher U & Santos A

Peres P. (2021) Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements by Multi-Collector Large-Geometry Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Peres P, Bouden N, Villeneuve J, Marrocchi Y, Deloule E, Füri E, Gurenko A, Piani L, Thomassot E & Fernandes F
(2020) CAMECA IMS 1300-HR3: A Versatile Ion Microprobe for Geosciences
Vuillaume A, Peres P, Choi S-Y, Fernandes F & Renaud L
(2020) 36Cl/35Cl by LG-Sims: Quantifying the Dynamic Range on NaCl
Cunningham H, Zimmer M, Peres P, Sievers N, Bowen J, Springer K & Carman A
(2019) CAMECA IMS 1300-HR3 Ion Microprobe: Recent Developments
Saliot P, Peres P, Choi S-Y, Renaud L & Fernandes F
(2019) Dynamic Multicollector LG-Sims Analysis of Mixed U-Pu Materials
Zimmer M, Peres P, Cunningham H, Knight K, Noyes K & Tedrow S
(2018) CAMECA IMS 1300-HR3 Ion Microprobe: Recent Developments
Peres P, Saliot P, Choi S-Y, Fernandes F & Renaud L
(2017) CAMECA IMS 1300-HR3: The New Generation Ion Microprobe
Peres P, Saliot P, Choi S-Y, Fernandes F & Renaud L
(2016) Improvements of Isotopic Ratio Reproducibility Using EMs on the CAMECA IMS 1280-HR
Peres P, Saliot P, Choi S-Y & Fernandes F
(2012) High Precision 4-Isotope Sulfur Measurements Using the CAMECA IMS 1280-HR
Saliot P, Peres P, Fernandes F & Schuhmacher M
(2011) IMS 1280-HR: A Versatile SIMS Instrument for Geosciences
Peres P, Fernandes F, Schuhmacher M & Saliot P
(2010) Towards an Improved IMS 1280 Model: The IMS 1280-HR
Peres P, Fernandes F, de Chambost E, Schuhmacher M, Saliot P & Davis AN
(2009) High Precision U-Pb Dating Analyses with the CAMECA IMS 1280
Peres P, Saliot P, De Chambost E & Schuhmacher M
(2007) Introduction to the CAMECA IMS 7f-Geo
Peres P, De Chambost E & Schuhmacher M

Peressini G. (2002) Age of Magmatism in the Ivrea Zone, NW Italy: A Zircon Study to Test the Emplacement Model
Peressini G, Poller U, Todt W, Quick JE, Sinigoi S & Sbisa' A

Peresta Magdalena (2020) Mobility of Tl and Hg in the As-Rich Waste Dumps of Adit no. 25, Former Allchar Mine, North Macedonia
Dordevic T, Kolitsch U, Drahota P, Peresta M, Majzlan J, Kiefer S, Tasev G, Serafimovski T, Boev I & Boev B

Peřestá Magdaléna (2021) Tl Sequestration in the Middle Part of the Allchar Sb–As–Tl–Au Deposit, North Macedonia
Đorđević T, Kolitsch U, Drahota P, Majzlan J, Peřestá M, Tasev G, Serafimovski T, Boev I & Boev B

Peresypkin V. (2014) Micro-Element Speciation in Sediments from the Khai River – Nha Trang Bay Estuarine System (South China Sea)
Koukina S, Lobus N & Peresypkin V
(2014) Organic Matter in Ferromanganese Nodules of the Kara Sea, Arctic Region
Shulga N, Drozdova A & Peresypkin V
(2013) Geochemistry of Sediments from the Khai River – Nha Trang Bay Estuarine System, South China Sea
Koukina S, Lobus N, Peresypkin V, Baturin G & Stotskaia A
(2013) Microbial Production and Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Hydrothermal System
Shulga N, Peresypkin V & Rusanov I
(2010) Distribution of N-Alkanes in Sediments of the Baikal Lake
Shulga N, Ponyaev M, Belyaev N & Peresypkin V

Pereto Clement (2018) Impacts of Highway Run-Off on Trace Metal Contamination in a Small Urban Watershed: A Case Study of Bordeaux Metropole (SW France)
Pereto C, Lerat A, Coynel A, Bossy C, Abdou M, Schafer J, Granger D & Capdeville M-J
(2018) Assessment and Fluxes of Rare Earth Elements in the Garonne River (SW France, 2003-2017): Increasing Gd Anomaly?
Lerat A, Coynel A, Dutruch L, Pereto C, Capdeville M-J, Blanc G & Schafer J

Pereto Clément (2022) European Fluxes of Anthropogenic Gadolinium to Ocean: A Model Based on Demography and Healthcare Databases
Pereto C, Lerat A, Baudrimont M & Coynel A
(2021) Impacts of Highway Runoff on Metal Contamination Including Rare Earth Elements in a Small Urban Watershed: Case Study of Bordeaux Metropole (SW France)
Lerat A, Coynel A, Schäfer J, Marache A, Pereto C, Bossy C, Capdeville M-J & Granger D

Perette Y. (2017) High Resolution Speleothem Fluorescence Records: What do They Mean?
Pearson A, Hartland A, Perette Y, Fox B, Hellstrom J, Drysdale R & Vandergoes M

Peretti A. (2010) Chemical Variations in Multicoloured “Paraíba”-Type Tourmalines from Brazil and Mozambique: Implications for Authentication and Provenance Determination
Peretti A, Bieri W, Reusser E, Fontaine G, Hametner K & Günther D
(2010) Chemical Composition of Apatite Inclusions in Corundum and Spinel Determined by LA-ICP-MS and its Potential for Authentication and Provenance Determinations
Bieri W, Grobéty B, Peretti A, Hametner K & Günther D

Peretyashko T. (2002) Reduction of Mercury by Surface Fe(II)and the Formation of Hg° in Hydromorphic Soils
Charlet L, Peretyashko T, Grimaldi M & Bosbach D
(2000) Hg and CO2 Production Mechanism in the Petit Saut Dam Reservoir, French Guyana: Fe2+ as Key Actor
Charlet L & Peretyashko T

Peretyazhko I. (2015) Petrogenesis of Quartz-Devoid Comendites and Pantellerites of Nemrut Volcano (Eastern Turkey)
Peretyazhko I & Savina E
(2006) Extremely Cs-rich alumosilicate melts in ongonites
Peretyazhko I, Tsareva E & Zagorsky V
(2006) Enriched in Oxygen and Aluminium low temperature fluoride-calcium melts in the ongonite massif Ary-Bulak (Eastern Transbaikalia, Russia)
Peretyazhko I, Zagorsky V & Tsareva E
(2006) The Malkhan granite-pegmatite system: intrusion of chemically heterogeneous pegmatite magma
Peretyazhko I & Zagorsky V
(2006) Hydrosilicate liquids in late magmatic processes: experimental results and natural evidence
Smirnov S, Thomas V, Peretyazhko I, Zagorsky V, Kamenetsky V & Large R
(2002) The Model of Pocket Formation in Boron-Rich Granitic Pegmatites
Peretyazhko I, Zagorsky V, Smirnov S, Mikhailov M, Prokofiev V & Madyukov I

Peretyazhko Tanya (2022) Recent Mineralogical Discoveries in Gale Crater, Mars from the CheMin XRD Instrument, Demonstrating a Watery Past
Tu V, Rampe EB, Bristow T, Thorpe MT, Blake D, Vaniman D, Morris RV, Ming DW, Yen A, Achilles C, Castle N, Morrison SM, Downs G, Downs R, Craig P, Des Marais D, Treiman A, Chipera S, Peretyazhko T, Simpson S & Wilson M
(2020) Examining Formation and Dissolution of Fe-Rich Incipient Weathering Products Using Field, Laboratory, and Reactive Transport Modeling Approaches
Hausrath E, Feldman A, Luu N, Peretyazhko T, Provow A, Ralston S, Rampe E & Sanchez A
(2019) Formation of Akaganeite on Mars
Peretyazhko T, Ming D, Rampe L, Morris D & Agresti D
(2018) Interpreting Observations of Amorphous and Poorly Crystalline Materials on Mars: A Combined Field, Laboratory, and Modeling Approach
Hausrath E, Ralston SJ, Bamisile T, Luu N, Rampe E, Peretyazhko T & Gainey S
(2018) Anion-Exchange of Akaganeite with Mars-Relevant Anions
Peretyazhko T, Pan M, Ming D & Rampe L
(2017) Effect of Solution pH and Chloride Concentration on Akaganeite Precipitation: Implications for Akaganeite Formation on Mars
Peretyazhko T, Rampe L, Clark J, Archer D, Morris D & Ming D

Peretyazhko Tetyana (2011) Biogeochemical Redox Transformations of Pertechnetate (99TcO4-)
Fredrickson J, Lee J-H, Plymale A, Dohnalkova A, Heald S, Peretyazhko T, McKinley J & Zachara J
(2011) Challenges in the Identification of Redox Reactive Fe(II) Mineral Phases in Suboxic Aquifer Sediments
Zachara J, Peretyazhko T, McKinley J, Liu C & Felmy A
(2010) Reduction of Contaminant Tc(VII) by Magnetite (Fe3O4) and Titanomagnetite (Fe3-xTixO4) Nanoparticles
Liu J, Pearce C, Qafoku O, Rosso K, Peretyazhko T, Arenholz E & Heald S
(2010) Reactions of Tc with Fe(II) and O2 in Hanford Redox-Sensitive Sediments
Peretyazhko T, Zachara J, Kukkadapu R, Liu C, Heald S, Resch T, Arey B, Wang C & Plymale A
(2009) Microbial Reduction of Intragrain Ferrihydrite in Porous Glass Beads by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Peretyazhko T, Zachara J, Kennedy D, Fredrickson J, Arey B, Wang C, Dohnalkova A & Xia Y
(2009) Nature and Reactivity of Ferrous Iron Forms Through a Subsurface Redox Transition Zone Probed by Contact with the Pertechnetate Anion
Zachara J, Peretyazhko T, Liu C, Resch T, Heald S & Kukkadapu R

Pereyra Y. (2020) Reconciling Chemical Weathering Rates Across Scales: Insights from U-Series Isotopes in Volcanic Weathering Clasts from Basse-Terre Island (Guadeloupe)
Ma L, Guo J, Pereyra Y, Engel J, Gaillardet J & Sak P
(2016) U-Series and Sr Isotope Ratios in Soils from Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe: Insights for Rapid Soil Formation in a Tropical Volcanic Setting
Pereyra Y, Ma L, Sak P, Gaillardet J, Buss H & Brantley S

Perez Alida (2015) Natural and Anthropogenic Iodine in Natural Waters from the Atacama Desert: Sources and Cycling of Iodine in a Continental Margin
Alvarez F, Reich M, Perez A & Snyder G
(2014) Natural and Anthropogenic Iodine in Atacama: Sources, Sinks and Cycling of Iodine in a Hyperarid Continental Margin
Alvarez F, Reich M, Perez A, Snyder G, Muramatsu Y & Fehn U
(2013) Source and Sinks of Iodine in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile
Alvarez F, Perez A, Snyder GT, Vargas G, Muramatsu Y & Reich M
(2011) The 129I Isotopic Composition of Supergene Iodine Minerals in Chile and Australia
Reich M, Alvarez F, Perez A, Snyder G, Palacios C, Vargas G, Muramatsu Y, Cameron E & Fehn U

Perez Americus (2023) Age and Origin of Philippine Sea Basins -Tectonic Setting Leading to Subduction Initiation-
Ishizuka O, Tani K, Taylor RN, Umino S, Sakamoto I, Yokoyama Y, Shimoda G, Harigane Y, Ohara Y, Conway C & Perez A
(2023) Mining of Nickel Laterites – Towards More Environmentally Responsible Operations
Lacinska AM, Arcila C, Bateman K, Barlow T, Chenery S, Domingo J, Goodenough K, Gowing CB, Hamilton E, Kalra M, Kemp S, Liddy T, Lusty P, Palumbo-Roe B, Pearson M, Perez A, Rushton JC, Saha D, Schroeder SL, Watts M & Wragg J
(2016) Volcanic Geology, Petrology and Geochemistry of a Juvenile Oceanic Arc in Northern Zambales Ophiolite
Perez A, Umino S & Yumul G

Perez Andréa (2013) Microbial Corrosion of Steel in Toarcian Argillite: Influence of Metabolisms and Biofilms
Urios L, Perez A, Wittebroodt C, Mercier F, Flachet M, Marsal F, Neff D, Magot M & Dillmann P

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